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The Public Trust Doctrine (PTD) vests states with a fiduciary responsibility to manage wildlife for the benefit of current and future generations. States have varied approaches to applying the PTD for wildlife management ranging from a traditional focus on hunters, anglers, and trappers to a progressive approach of broad inclusion of all potential stakeholders in their decision-making processes. We argue that states need to gather and incorporate more and better human dimensions (HD) information to fulfill their PTD responsibilities. We describe some of the barriers to increased use of HD and the changes in agency culture, staffing, data gathering, and decision-making processes necessary to integrate HD effectively and comport with the PTD. We conclude that in addition to increasing fulfillment of PTD responsibilities, increased use of HD information will help maintain agency relevance, increase political support, and secure broader agency funding.  相似文献   

Large-scale loss and degradation of North American native prairie coupled with sharp declines in grassland bird populations call for a clear understanding of the effects of livestock production on bird habitat selection. Grassland birds typically select breeding habitat based on a suite of structural and community vegetation features shaped by grazing. Rangeland health indices are a tool for assessing grassland structure and community composition that may offer biologists and range managers common language to achieve grassland bird recovery goals. We used point-count surveys, vegetation measures, and indices of rangeland health to examine bird-habitat relationships on native grassland in southwestern Saskatchewan for 10 grassland bird species. We used an information theoretic approach to compare the support of three hypotheses explaining variation in bird abundance as a function of local vegetation characteristics: bird abundance is best explained by 1) vegetation structure, 2) vegetation structure heterogeneity, or 3) plant community. Vegetation structure variables were present in top-ranking models (i.e., models within four Akaike information criterion units of top model) for eight species and solely comprised top-ranking models for Baird’s sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii), chestnut-collared longspur (Calcarius ornatus), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), McCown’s longspur (Rhynchophanes mccownii), and savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). Structural heterogeneity variables were present in top-ranked models for grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), and western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta). Plant composition variables solely comprised top-ranking models for clay-colored sparrow (Spizella pallida) and were present in top-ranked models for grasshopper sparrow and vesper sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus). Our results indicate that vegetation structure variables, namely litter mass, vegetation volume, and bare ground cover, best explain variation in bird abundance. Although the rangeland health index received little support as a predictor of bird abundance, vegetation structure components of the index could be used to communicate grazing management guidelines that maintain grassland bird habitat.  相似文献   

Wildlife agencies balance the effectiveness of management with public acceptability. Past research has demonstrated stakeholders’ normative beliefs regarding management are influenced by the severity of the human-wildlife interaction, and the harshness of human response. Such beliefs may be more complex when public and private interests intertwine. In Montana, concerns about Brucellosis spreading from wild elk to domestic livestock prompted agencies to consider new management actions on private lands. We investigated how normative beliefs within stakeholder groups related to reciprocity between landowners and the public, and elk population status, using a linear mixed-effects analysis of mail survey responses. Proposed actions were considerably more acceptable in scenarios where landowners reciprocated with public hunting access, and where elk populations were abundant. Acceptability of lethal actions varied substantially across scenarios, indicating a need for a nuanced understanding of how stakeholders perceive different wildlife control measures, especially in private land contexts.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the protective and therapeutic effects of crude garlic (Allium sativum) against experimental infection with Eimeria stiedae in rabbits. Forty rabbits were divided into four groups of ten rabbits each: a healthy control group (HC); a challenged-garlic-protected group (CGP) which received a daily dose of 0.5 g/kg body weight (bwt) crude garlic for five successive days before challenge with E. stiedae; a challenged-garlic-treated group (CGT) which was treated with a daily dose of 0.5 g/kg bwt crude garlic for five successive days post-challenge; and an infected control group (IC). The challenge dose was 5?×?104 sporulated E. stiedae oocysts per rabbit. Mortality rate, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and faecal oocyst count were evaluated throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment, all rabbits were killed and histopathological examination was performed. No mortalities were recorded in the HC and CGP groups, whilst mortality was found to be 20% and 40% in the CGT and IC groups, respectively. CGP rabbits had better body weight gain and lower numbers of oocysts than those in the CGT and IC groups. Hepatic lesions were less severe in the CGP group than in the CGT and IC groups. These results showed that oral administration of crude garlic ameliorated the adverse impacts of hepatic coccidiosis on rabbits when used as a prophylactic, but garlic was less effective as a therapeutic.  相似文献   

The behaviour of polyandrous and monogamous pale chanting goshawks Melierax canorus was investigated to determine if co-breeders, by defending the territory and nest contents, helped to increase the fitness of polyandrous trios. Polyandrous trios consisted of a female and male breeder, as well as a subordinate co-breeding male. Pale chanting goshawk males performed most of the interspecific territorial maintenance duties, as well as participating in aggressive intraspecific interactions against other mates on territory borders. Intraspecific territorial interactions were almost exclusively recorded in high-quality habitat, Karroid Broken Veld, and probably functioned in the defence of foraging habitat and potential mates, In this habitat, males of polyandrous families largely occupied exclusive sections of a territory. It is suggested that the cost of defending territories in Karroid Broken Veld was offset by the co-breeder’s contribution to high-risk, intraspecific territorial defence. During the nestling period females of polyandrous trios stayed at nesting sites for longer periods than did monogamous females and all males, enabling these females to guard the nest and act as sentinels. Predation of nestlings was recorded at the nests of monogamous pairs, but not at those of polyandrous trios. Co-breeders did not guard the nesting site but contributed directly to nest defence by either coming to the female‘s aid when solicited, or attacking potential predators when present at the nesting site. Co-breeders may also have helped indirectly, through activities such as provisioning prey to females that relieved them of their hunting duties. We suggest that the female’s nest guarding and the resulting lower nest predation may hold reproductive and fitness benefits for polyandrous breeders.  相似文献   



The emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing concern to public and animal health. The contribution attributable to wildlife remains unclear. In this study two unrelated wildlife species herring gulls (Larus argentatus) and a hybrid deer (Cervus elaphus x Cervus nippon) were investigated for the presence of Escherichia coli expressing an AMR phenotype.


Bacterial isolates resistant to β-lactam compounds were identified in both animal species and the production of functional β-lactamase was confirmed using nitrocefin. The prevalence of resistant isolates was higher in herring gulls (87%) compared to deer (31%). Resistance to this class of antibiotic was found only in non-pathogenic E. coli in herring gulls and in both pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli strains in deer.


The presence of AMR in wildlife has implications for public health, food safety and potable water source protection among others.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old, male neutered, domestic semi-long-haired cat was presented with a 1.5-year history of progressive, initially nonpruritic alopecia and malodorous greasy exudate affecting the distal extremities, trunk and neck but sparing the head and tail. The extensive alopecia and 'seborrhoea' were associated with severe thickening of the skin and fold formation on the dorsal head and distal extremities as well as the lateral thorax and abdomen. The hair was easily epilated, numerous milia were seen on the ventral abdomen and the caudal and lateral thighs, and mild paronychia was present. Histopathological examination of skin biopsies revealed marked cystic dilation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands with follicular hypoplasia, infundibular hyperkeratosis and variable associated inflammation. Systemic glucocorticoid therapy in combination with topical washes with chlorhexidine and miconazole resulted in a marked improvement and some hair regrowth, but the cat was subsequently lost to follow-up. The dermatosis resembles a number of conditions in other species, but it is not clear whether it is a counterpart to the hairless mutant mouse or is a unique dermatosis.  相似文献   

The most common pathological anovulatory condition that occurs spontaneously during the breeding season in the mare is the haemorrhagic anovulatory follicle (HAF). A relatively high proportion of mares, soon after ovulation, develop a corpus haemorrhagicum (CH) with a central lacuna. This type of corpora lutea may resemble an HAF, which may complicate the accurate diagnosis of ovulation. The main objective of this study was to compare the ultrasound data of mares examined frequently with HAFs and CHs to elucidate whether it is possible to distinguish them from each other. A total of 135 ovulating mares were classified according to the morphology of the corpus luteum (CL) in mares with: a solid CL, a CH with small or with large central cavities. Ultrasound characteristics of the development of 11 HAF and 13 CHs with a large central cavity were compared. The pre‐ovulatory follicular diameter of ovulatory mares was significantly correlated with the diameter of CH with large central cavities. The percentage of mares with post‐ovulatory areas eligible to be mistaken with a CH was <25%. Although a predictive diagnosis of an HAF/CH can be made on the basis of several ultrasonographic endpoints, the only parameter that allows a definitive diagnosis is the thickness of the luteal border. This is <3 mm in HAFs in contrast to >5 mm in CHs. However, this only applies when the unidentified structure has non‐organized contents.  相似文献   

Glutamine and glutamate are not considered essential amino acids but they play important roles in maintaining growth and health in both neonates and adults. Although glutamine and glutamate are highly abundant in most feedstuffs there is increasing evidence that they may be limiting during pregnancy, lactation and neonatal growth, particularly when relatively low protein diets are fed. Supplementation of diets with glutamine, glutamate or both at 0.5 to 1.0% to both suckling and recently weaned piglets improves intestinal and immune function and results in better growth. In addition such supplementation to the sow prevents some of the loss of lean body mass during lactation, and increases milk glutamine content. However, a number of important questions related to physiological condition,species under study and the form and amount of the supplements need to be addressed before the full benefits of glutamine and glutamate supplementation in domestic animal production can be realized.  相似文献   

The increasing use of frozen semen, the high cost of a dose of semen from some stallions, and the inability of some stallions to cope with their demand has triggered an incentive to reduce the number of spermatozoa from the traditional 500 PMS to significantly lower numbers per insemination. Two techniques have been described to deposit low sperm numbers in the uterus. Although experimental results have been reported for the rectally guided deep horn insemination (RGDHI) and endoscopic deep horn insemination (EDHI) techniques, little information is available in clinical settings with respect to the results of either method. This article reports on a comparison of the rectally guided insemination and hysteroscopic techniques in a clinical setting over three breeding seasons. Semen frozen in 0.5-mL straws and concentrations of 40 to 200 million per straw was available from 88 stallions whose fertility with frozen semen ranged between 0% and 100%. Of the 2544 inseminations performed 1279 were done by RGDHI, which resulted in a 43% seasonal pregnancy rate compared with 45% for the 1265 inseminations using the EDHI technique. There was an overall, but nonsignificant, advantage for the EDHI technique over the RGDHI and semen usage was slightly lower when using the EDHI procedure. There was no difference in fertility among breeding seasons for either technique. However, fertility of some stallions was increased by increasing the sperm numbers in the inseminates. From these data and results from others, it is evident that lower sperm numbers deposited by rectally guiding a flexible pipette to the tip of the horn or by using an endoscope to deliver the semen will result in acceptable pregnancy rates with frozen semen in commercial settings.  相似文献   

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