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寒地早熟香稻龙粳香1号的选育与栽培技术 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
香稻是一种珍贵的具有天然香味的功能稻和特种稻。龙粳香1号是黑龙江省农业科学院水稻研究所采用花培技术选育的首个长粒、清香型早熟香稻品种,具有品质优良、熟期早、稳产高产、抗稻瘟病、耐寒、活秆成熟的特点。龙粳香1号适合黑龙江省水稻主栽区三江平原种植。 相似文献
黑龙江省农科院水稻研究所 1 989年引进粘稻 ,1 991年从其天然杂交变异株中选长粒型谷粒 ,1 993~ 1 994年产量和异地鉴定培育成功龙粳长粒香。 1 995~ 1 996年黑龙江省第二积温带晚熟组区域试验并在阿城、五常等地区试种。 1 995年送日本国际粳米鉴评会 ,被评为优质米。 1 99 相似文献
龙粳29(龙品02011-2)是1998年以空育131为母本,龙糯2号为父本有性杂交选育而成的早熟高产优质抗病耐冷水稻新品种.龙粳29丰产性好,在黑龙江省的区域、生产试验中,产量均较对照品种高,平均增产9.5%,主要农艺性状好、米质优,抗病性强,耐冷性强,作为优异种质资源,已被多家单位利用.龙粳29累计种植面积达38.82万hm2,共增收稻谷3.15亿kg,新增经济效益8.82亿元人民币.在黑龙江省具有良好的推广应用前景. 相似文献
水稻花培新品种龙粳10号的选育及高产栽培模式 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
龙粳10号(原代号龙花91-340)是继龙粳9号(龙粳长粒香)之后,该所成功选育的又一个长粒型优质水稻新品种,也是继龙粳8号(龙选948)之后,又一个运用综合育种技术育成的水稻花培新品种.其表现为米质优良、抗病突出、丰产稳产、耐寒抗倒、熟期适中、适应性强等特点. 相似文献
黑粳12是黑龙江省农业科学院黑河分院于2011年以空育131为母本、松粳5号为父本杂交,经海南加代系谱法连续6代选育而成,2021年通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定。黑粳12具有极早熟性、产量高、米质优、抗倒伏性好等优点,适宜黑龙江省第五积温带≥10℃活动积温2000℃区域种植。对黑粳12的选育过程、特征特性、产量表现和配套栽培技术进行介绍,以期为极早熟优质水稻新品种黑粳12的大面积推广应用提供指导。 相似文献
优质蛋白早熟玉米单交种陕单17的选育研究 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
优质蛋白早熟玉米单交种陕单17是西北农林科技大学农学院专用玉米研究室,1996年用高赖氨酸自交系Y77QPM为母本,用高赖氨酸自选自交系Y76QPM为父本杂交育成。经过2000—2001年国家玉米区试黄淮海A组试验,2002年国家玉米区试黄淮海夏玉米组生产示范试验,表现出赖氨酸含量0.46%,蛋白质含量11.53%,较普通玉米对照农大108早熟6天,综合抗性好,产量与普通玉米对照接近,可籽粒饲用和粮饲兼用等特点。推荐国家审定,适宜在陕西乃至黄淮海区夏播或春播地区推广种植。陕单17QPM早熟、抗倒、抗病,采用普通玉米骨干杂优模式“黄改系×兰卡斯特群”,采取回交、自交交替转育,其亲本导入亚热带种质,组材新,方法优,它的籽粒品质是本届区试中唯一达到国家普通玉米一等,食用玉米一等,饲用玉米一等,优质蛋白玉米二等的品种,黄淮海夏播区新一代优质蛋白玉米接班品种,该品种已申报国家植物新品种保护。 相似文献
黔茄1号是从贵阳团茄自然杂交后代中经过8年选育出的生长势比贵阳团茄强,单株产量高,抗病成熟期早的优良品种。1992~1993年两年的品比试验平均比贵阳团茄增产5.7%,1994年的生产试验单产为72285km/km2,比对照贵阳团茄增产4.77%,成熟期均早熟7夫。1997年经贵州省农作物品种审定委员会认定通过,定名为黔茄1号,可在全省各地区推广。 相似文献
Tariq Mahmood Muhammad H. Rahman Gary R. Stringam Francis Yeh Allen G. Good 《Euphytica》2007,154(1-2):101-111
A doubled haploid population of Brassica juncea, developed from a cross between two parental lines differing for days to maturity, was used to study the efficiency of indirect
selection for a primary trait through selection of secondary trait(s) over direct selection for the primary trait when quantitative
trait loci information is available for both primary and secondary traits, and applied. Days to maturity was considered as
primary trait, while days to first flowering, days to end of flowering, flowering period and plant height were considered
as secondary traits. An RFLP linkage map was employed for QTL analysis of maturity and maturity-determinant traits, and a
stable QTL B6 simultaneously affecting these two types of traits was identified. This linked QTL explained 11.7% phenotypic
variation for days to maturity, 20.7% variation for days to first flowering, 24.3% variation for days to end of flowering
and 14.4% variation for plant height. Phenotypic evaluation of maturity and/or maturity-determinant traits, viz. days to first
flowering, days to end of flowering and plant height revealed that limited genetic advance for early maturity can be achieved
through phenotypic selection of the primary and/or the secondary trait(s). However, the estimates of genetic advance for early
maturity based on combined phenotypic evaluation and linked QTL data was found to be, at least, three times higher compared
to genetic advance based on phenotypic evaluation only, demonstrating the potential of marker-assisted selection in breeding
for early maturity in B. juncea. 相似文献
有中国特色的水稻设计育种体系是我国设计育种研究工作中最具有研究基础,也是最可实现自主知识产权的一个领域。重点介绍了国家水稻商业化分子育种技术创新联盟建设这一体系的相关工作和规划。尽管还面临着诸多问题和挑战,但只要政产学研深入融合,就能保障该体系的全面建成和推广,服务民族种业的跨越式发展。 相似文献
Breeding for increased weed suppression would be a sustainable contribution to improved soybean weed management, because weed infestation is a major constraint to soybean production world-wide and in organic farming in particular. However, genetic variation in the soybean–weed interaction would be necessary to enable plant breeders to select soybean genotypes based on a superior weed suppression behavior. As there is a lack of information on variation between soybean cultivars in their competitive ability against weeds, the effects of weed pressure on ten early maturity soybean genotypes were studied in a controlled field experiment over three years in Austria. Winter oilseed rape was sown into the soybean stand to simulate pressure from a seed-propagated type of weed. Weed pressure significantly affected soybean yield as well as other agronomic, phenologic and seed quality characters. In two seasons, strong competition from weeds caused a soybean yield reduction of 370 and 560 kg/ha, respectively. In a third season a significant yield increase over weed-free controls was observed at relatively low levels of weed pressure which is explained by non-competition effects of a weak weed ground cover on soybean growth. Yield loss due to weed pressure was lower in early than in late maturity genotypes which appears to be the effect of a better weed tolerance rather than weed suppression. Genotype by weed treatment interaction was not significant, and genetic variation in ground cover development or leaf area was low or not significant in the early maturity soybean cultivars investigated. As such characters are considered important for weed suppression, their variation needs to be increased to enable selection for improved weed suppressive ability. 相似文献
水稻种质资源是育种的物质基础。水稻育种要在米质、产量、抗性上有新的突破,除了有新的育种技术外,还要有丰富的遗传资源。国际水稻遗传评价试验网(INGER)的参试材料集中了世界上主要产稻国家和国际研究机构提供的优良种质,来源广泛,遗传基础丰富。广西农科院从1980年起,参加由国际水稻研究所协调的国际水稻遗传评价试验网的国际合作研究工作,到2002年累计从各试验圃获得试验材料15890份,大大丰富了广西水稻新品种选育的物质基础,经试验评价,筛选出一批高产、优质和恢复源种质材料提供育种利用,并育成一批高产、优质、抗病的优良水稻品种… 相似文献