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工程堆积体坡面细沟形态发育及其与产流产沙量的关系   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
为揭示工程堆积体坡面细沟形态动态变化规律以及细沟形态指标与侵蚀产流产沙量之间的关系,选取5、9、13和17 L/min 4个放水流量,模拟0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0 mm/min雨强条件,对24°、28°和32°共3个坡度工程堆积体进行冲刷试验,选取沟深、沟宽、宽深比和断面积等指标刻画侵蚀过程中细沟形态变化。结果表明:1)随冲刷历时增加,在前9 min内沟宽和沟深快速发育,沟宽发育宽度占总宽度的57%~90%,沟深发育深度占总深度的38%~73%;2)宽深比随冲刷延长呈先减小后趋于稳定的变化过程,宽深比在0~27 min内快速减小,细沟沿流程纵深方向发育的能力减弱,在27 min之后保持稳定,最终恒定在0.81~1.48,表明细沟断面形态最终大致呈矩形形状;3)沟宽和沟深均随流量的增大而增大,与坡度相比流量对细沟发育的影响更显著;4)沟宽和沟深与放水时间之间存在对数函数关系,断面积与放水时间之间存在线性函数关系,沟宽与径流量之间存在指数函数关系,沟深与径流量、断面积与累计产沙量和累计径流量之间存在幂函数关系。坡面细沟形态的发育过程存在时间差异性,断面积可用来描述侵蚀量的变化过程,宽深比可作为表征工程堆积体坡面细沟发育方向和能力的重要指标。该研究可以为工程堆积体坡面细沟形态指标的动态变化量化提供参考。  相似文献   

采用人工野外放水冲刷试验,以(土娄)土地质为下垫面的工程堆积体坡面为研究对象,研究了不同坡长、坡度的(土娄)土堆积体坡面细沟形态特征及其沿程分布。结果表明:沟宽随时间延续呈现先递增后倾于稳定的趋势,沟宽与坡长存在二次函数关系,沟深随时间延续不断递增,表现为线性函数关系,沟深与细沟断面面积均对坡长变化存在响应,但并不存在显著函数关系,细沟宽深比随径流的持续呈现先骤减后倾于稳定的趋势,细沟断面面积随时间延续呈现逐渐递增的走势,可以用线性函数来描述断面面积与时间二者的关系,沟宽的沿程分布规律不一,呈现迥异,整体上来看,沟深的分布特性表现为先骤减后保持稳定的规律,就堆积体渣面汇集径流冲刷坡面的情况而言,对堆积体上半坡面布设合理的防治措施是重中之重。  相似文献   

工程堆积体坡面产流产沙特性的现场试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过不同流量(35,45,55L/min)、不同坡度(24°,28°,32°)的野外放水冲刷试验,对工程堆积体坡面产流产沙的时空变化特性进行了研究。结果表明,径流强度与放水强度、产沙率密切相关,三者之间呈多元线性相关;坡面径流强度随冲刷时间呈波动式增大趋势;平均含沙量和产沙比均随坡度增大呈先增后减的趋势,峰值出现在坡度为28°时;径流强度和产沙率在冲刷时间为10min时出现第一个峰值;坡面产沙过程呈现产沙率剧增、波动和稳定发展3个阶段;累计产沙量与累计径流量呈线性关系。试验结果可为工程堆积体坡面水土流失预报模型的构建提供验证数据。  相似文献   

地形决定着地面物质与能量的形成和再分配,是影响水土流失的重要因子之一。在坡面土壤侵蚀产沙研究过程中,以往围绕坡度、坡长等宏观地形因子研究的较多,而忽略了对坡面细沟侵蚀形态等微观地形因子的定量研究。系统介绍了前人在坡面细沟形态与侵蚀产沙量化响应研究中所取得的有代表性的成果,阐述了坡面侵蚀形态对坡面侵蚀产沙的影响,指出了目前细沟侵蚀研究中存在的问题和今后研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

高边坡工程堆积体产流产沙特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
工程堆积体在强降雨条件下极易发生严重的水土流失,成为某些建设项目主要的水土流失来源。为了系统揭示高边坡工程堆积体的土壤侵蚀特点,在建设的3个坡度(24°,28°和32°)、宽5m、坡长20m的小区上进行放水冲刷试验。结果表明,产流量、产沙量与放水流量、坡度之间存在线性正相关关系,即随着放水流量、坡度的增大,产流量、产沙量在不断增大。临界产流放水流量和临界产沙放水流量均说明工程堆积体下渗强烈。由于下渗强烈,流量较小时(30L/min),坡度对产流量的影响不明显。试验条件下产流量和产沙量存在密切的幂函数关系,具体表达式是Ms=0.560 W~(0.886)。  相似文献   

细沟发育及形态特征研究对理解坡面侵蚀过程和机理具有重要意义。然而,已有细沟侵蚀研究多基于室内模拟试验,无法反映野外真实细沟侵蚀规律。该研究以黄土丘陵沟壑区辛店沟流域为例,于野外自然坡面设置5个径流小区,结合放水冲刷试验(流量为25、40、55、70、85L/min)与地基三维激光扫描技术,研究细沟几何形态(长、断面宽、断面深),衍生特征(细沟宽深比、细沟密度、细沟割裂度和细沟平均深度等)和分形维数、地貌信息熵、分叉比的变化过程,以及不同指标与侵蚀量、沉积量、产沙量间的关系。结果表明:1)随着冲刷时间增加,各流量梯度细沟断面宽度、断面深度、细沟平均深度和细沟割裂度大多呈递增趋势。而细沟宽深比与流量大小相关,低流量(25 L/min)下细沟发育主要呈“宽浅式”,较低流量(40 L/min)和高流量(85 L/min)下发育主要呈“窄深式”,中流量(55 L/min)和较高流量(70 L/min)细沟发育在“宽浅式”与“窄深式”间交替变化。2)随着冲刷时间增加,低流量下分形维数整体趋于平稳,其余流量波动较大;中流量下分叉比呈上升趋势,其余流量下均呈下降趋势;各流量梯度下地貌信息熵无明显变化规...  相似文献   

植物篱措施下工程堆积体坡面减流减沙效益研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨植物篱措施下工程堆积体坡面不同坡段的减流减沙效益,选取了35,45,55L/min放水流量,模拟0.3,0.4,0.5mm/min的雨强条件,对24°坡度的堆积体边坡进行模拟径流冲刷试验。结果表明:植物篱可以很好地阻延坡面径流,且产流时间随着放水流量的增加呈线性递减趋势;对照坡面的平均产流量沿着水流方向呈先增后减的趋势,而植物篱坡面呈相反趋势;根据产流产沙量在不同坡段上的对比情况可知,植物篱措施的合理配置应着重加强中间坡段的防治;55L/min流量下的累计减沙量显著大于另外两个流量的累计减沙量,累计减沙量与时间呈三次函数关系;时段产沙量随着时段产流量的增大而增大,二者呈幂函数关系;累计产沙量与累计径流量呈二次函数关系,累计产沙量存在最大值,且二者的函数关系存在定义域。该研究可为工程堆积体坡面防治措施的优化配置提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

[目的]以水蚀剧烈的砒砂岩区裸露坡面为研究对象,分析次降雨下坡面细沟形态演变及侵蚀产沙特征,以期为坡面沟蚀发育演变及坡面水土流失治理提供理论依据。[方法]基于野外径流小区原位监测试验,采用三维激光扫描仪监测径流小区两个雨季13次自然降雨下细沟发育过程及产流产沙规律。[结果](1)小区内细沟发育过程分为4个阶段:跌坎发育—断续细沟—连续细沟—沟网形成;(2)细沟长度、宽度、深度及细沟体积、细沟密度、细沟复杂度均随着降雨的继续呈上升趋势,而细沟宽深比呈下降趋势;(3)研究区内中雨对细沟发育贡献最大,其发生频率为53.69%,对细沟形态的影响占比71.25%。[结论]细沟形态变化对产沙的影响较大,细沟出现后产沙量明显上升,产沙量与细沟发育过程对应关系较好,而对产流过程的影响有限,尤其细沟体积与产沙量及含沙量的相关性最强。  相似文献   

土壤质地对坡面侵蚀产沙与细沟形态具有重要影响。为明确不同质地土壤坡面的细沟形态与侵蚀产沙特征的关系,该研究以土沙混合配制不同颗粒组成的重塑土坡面为研究对象,采用室内放水冲刷动床试验,选取了平均沟深、平均沟宽及断面宽深比等作为细沟基本形态参数,分析了坡面细沟形态与水力学特性、侵蚀产沙的定量关系,并建立坡面侵蚀经验预测方程。结果表明:1)沟深随坡度增大而增大,沟宽随坡度增大而减小,两者随流量的变化不明显,细沟断面宽深比随坡度和流量的增加逐渐减小;2)同一试验条件下,坡面含沙量的增加使细沟断面形态整体由"窄深式"趋向"宽浅式";3)单位水流功率、水流功率与坡面细沟形态参数的关系最为密切(r0.784,p0.01),平均沟宽与水力学参数关系不显著;4)平均沟深与细沟形态综合量化参数对坡面产沙有较好的预测效果(R20.747,NES0.755,p0.01);5)引入坡面土壤黏粒含量参数后,基于细沟形态参数与坡面土壤黏粒含量的坡面侵蚀经验预测方程可信程度与预测精度显著提高(R20.879,NES0.887,p0.01)。该研究为坡面侵蚀预测与侵蚀机理研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

布设植物篱条件下工程堆积体坡面产流产沙过程研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为了探究植物篱措施对工程堆积体坡面产流产沙过程和减流减沙效益的影响,采用35,45,55L/min 3个流量,对24°,28°,32°3个坡度的堆积体边坡(20m×5m标准小区)进行模拟放水冲刷试验。结果表明:植物篱坡面的初始产流时间和产流强度较对照坡面(裸坡)均有不同程度减小,产流强度在时间尺度上表现为间歇性波动上升;植物篱坡面产沙率先增大后减小,产沙率整体低于对照坡面,且二者差值随时间逐渐缩小;小流量条件下产沙较稳定,大流量条件下产沙率变化较大;产沙量与产流量之间有良好的线性关系;植物篱措施的平均减沙效益随坡度增大而减弱,平均减流效益随坡度增加而增大,减沙效益仅与坡度有显著相关性。减流效益与减沙效益的关系较复杂,但降低工程堆积体坡面坡度仍是防治水土流失的关键,对于植物篱措施减流减沙的局限性,应通过提升植物篱的布设参数来改善。  相似文献   

Rill erosion easily occurs on tilled surfaces because the soil shear resistance is less than the runoff shear stress. However, rill erosion formation and evolution on tilled surfaces under upslope inflow conditions remain unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the rill formation process and rill erosion amount on tilled surfaces via flow scouring under different inflow rates (4, 6, and 8 L min−1) at a 15° slope. Close-range photogrammetric technology was applied to measure the rill morphology during the experiments. The results suggested that the rill formation process due to inflow could be divided into two distinct stages, namely, before and after runoff reached the downslope end, i.e., stages I and II, respectively. At stage I, runoff washed soil particles along the downslope direction. In this process, due to limited transport capacity of runoff, washed soil particles were deposited at the runoff head and formed a soil mound, which blocked the flow path, after which the runoff direction changed within the 6.7°− 50.6° range with an average moving distance of 0.62 m. As a result, a curved rill and a series of soil mounds were left on the surface. The inflow rate affected rill morphology by influencing the runoff direction change angle and runoff moving distance between the mounds on the surface. Herein, the rill formation process is referred to as downslope-trending erosion by inflow (DTEI). At stage II, runoff reached the downslope end, and a rill channel was formed throughout the slope. Thereafter, DTEI was largely reduced, and headward erosion was strengthened. As a result, the rill morphology quickly changed, such as the rill depth and rill width, which gradually increased with ongoing headward erosion. During DTEI, the rill paths were curved due to sediment deposition, and the sediment deposition conditions varied under the different inflow rates. Therefore, the rill curvature (RC) differed (1.039 ± 0.014). The RC decreased with headward erosion progression at stage II. The total sediment yield (TSY) increased with increasing inflow rate. Under inflow rates ranging from 4 to 6 L min−1 and 6–8 L min−1, the TSY increased 2.1–2.4 times. Consequently, DTEI on tilled surfaces significantly affects the initial rill morphology and evolution at the later stage. Hence, on slopes, its role should be considered in rill erosion assessment.  相似文献   

黄土坡面细沟形态变化及对侵蚀产沙过程的影响   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
为揭示细沟形态对侵蚀产沙过程的影响,选取66、94、127 mm/h三个雨强条件,对20°陡坡坡面进行了坡面水蚀精细模拟降雨试验,选取沟长、沟宽、沟深等指标刻画细沟形态随降雨历时的变化规律。结果表明:1)降雨强度对细沟长度的影响显著,细沟宽度变化受降雨历时的影响较大,细沟深度的变化对降雨强度表现出较强的分异规律。2)细沟形态参数之间不是相互独立的,存在明显的相关关系,说明细沟形态的演变是一个多维度过程。3)细沟的形成和发展与坡面水沙过程关系密切,细沟形态参数与含沙量、侵蚀速率之间均存在较显著的对数函数关系。该研究可以为细沟侵蚀动态模型的建立提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Understanding the interactions between soil and the organisms that are conducive to decreasing sediment runoff is a great concern on high-elevation ski trails. Intense rainfalls on steep slopes combined with soil formed on gypsum result in recurrent erosion. This study was conducted in the northern French Alps to determine the abilities of species: (1) to make mounds and (2) to trap sediment and thereby to control erosion at the slope scale. We also investigated relevant above-ground plant characteristics related to those abilities. Sediment runoff or deposition was investigated at small and large spatial scales. We assessed whether hoof prints in soil reflect sediment runoff at the slope scale by trapping sediment. Populations of plants growing on two slope angles (25° and 35°) and three vegetation cover densities (15%, 35%, 60%) were surveyed. An experiment was also conducted to measure the sediment deposit upslope of target species and over three months during the autumn. Small mounds were found upslope of the plant and sediment deposit measurements showed that they resulted from a sedimentation process. Nevertheless the species differed in their capacity to make mounds. Sesleria caerulea and Festuca alpina had the highest amount of sediment deposition over the experimental period. Among the plant characteristics, plant length was positively correlated with mound area, while the roundness index of the canopy was negatively correlated with mound height. Mound formation was also positively related to the number of tillers or shoots. Sediment accumulation in cow hoof prints was linked to runoff that occurred at the slope scale. Low deposition in hoof prints means low sediment runoff or a large deposition on mounds, due to the increase in vegetation cover. All the findings stressed that understanding the processes in action at larger scales requires studying processes at smaller scales.  相似文献   

Snowmelt-induced rill erosion could bring serious harm for soil quality and agricultural productive conditions of slope farmland in the black soil zone of Northeast China. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of the freeze-thaw (FT) temperature, number of FT cycles, water content, flow rate, and thaw depth on rill morphology and erosion amount in two common soil (black soil and albic soil). The thaw depth obtained the maximum range, which was the primary factor for the width-to-depth ratio of rills in the black soil; whereas, the flow rate obtained the maximum range as the primary factor for rill erosion in black soil and albic soil. The number of FT cycles had a minor effect on rill erosion in the two soils. Under the same conditions, the rill morphology showed a large difference between the two soils, and higher rill erosion occurred in albic soil than black soil. Rill erosion was relatively high in black soil and albic soil when the FT temperature fluctuated around 0°C during freezing-thawing. The water content exhibited a greater effect on rill erosion in black soil than in albic soil. The unthawed frozen layer could promote rill erosion during snowmelt period to some extent. The results could provide some reference for future study snowmelt-induced rill erosion mechanism and preventive measures.  相似文献   

Estimating watershed erosion using geographic information systems coupled with the universal soil loss equation (USLE) or agricultural non-point source pollution model (AGNPS) has become a recent trend. However, errors in over-estimation often occur due to the misapplication of parameters in the equation and/or model. Because of poor slope length calculation definitions for entire watersheds, the slope length factor is the parameter most commonly misused in watershed soil loss estimation. This paper develops a WinGrid system that can be used to calculate the slope length factor from each cell for reasonable watershed soil loss and sediment yield estimation.  相似文献   

丁文峰  李勉 《土壤学报》2011,48(5):1103-1107
植被在有效防治水土流失、改善生态环境中具有不可替代的重要作用。研究表明,土壤表面没有植被的降雨侵蚀量是未扰动森林土壤的16倍[1]。Zheng在子午岭林区的研究也发现,当地表植被生长良好时,降雨、地形、坡度等因素对土壤侵蚀量的影响很小。而土壤表层一旦失去植被保护或根系的固结时,降雨和地形等因素对侵蚀的作用则十分  相似文献   

Investigations of runoff and sediment yield changes and their relationships with potential driving factors provide good insights for understanding the mechanisms of hydrological processes. This study attempted to present a comprehensive investigation on the spatiotemporal variations of sediment yield in the Loess Plateau using continuous observed data at 46 hydrological stations during 1961–2016, and its responses to changes of precipitation, land use/cover and vegetation cover were analyzed by using the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that sediment yield reduced pronouncedly during 1961–2016 in the Loess Plateau, and 77.9% of this variation was explained by the combined effects of precipitation, land-use change, vegetation dynamics and runoff reduction. Indirect effects of precipitation, land-use change, and vegetation cover on sediment yield were 0.242, ?0.528 and ?0.630 (P < 0.05), respectively, and direct effect of runoff on sediment yield was 0.833 (P < 0.05). According to the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, the strongest positive correlation existed between annual sediment yield and runoff (r = 0.88, P < 0.05), followed by vegetation cover (r = ?0.47, P < 0.05) and land-use change (i.e. forest land and grassland) suggesting their significant trapping effects on soil erosion. However, lower correlations were examined between sediment yield and precipitation indices (?0.14<r < 0.34), and a relatively higher relationship was examined between sediment yield and heavy rainfall (P25) (r = 0.34). Overall, changes in runoff and land-use/vegetation cover well explained variations in sediment yield in the Loess Plateau. The findings are expected to provide scientific and technical support for future soil and water conservation planning in the Loess Plateau, and are valuable for sustainable water resources and sediment load management in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   

The riverine sediment is an essential carrier for nutrients and pollutants delivery and is considered as an important indicator of land degradation and environmental changes. With growing interest in environmental changes over the Tibetan Plateau, this study investigated mean annual runoff and sediment yield from eight headwater catchments in relation to annual precipitation, air temperature, and glacier area ratio, etc. Results show that runoff (Q) is positively correlated with both precipitation (P) and temperature (T), i.e., Q = 0.357P+20.3T-6.4, indicating combined water supply from rainfall and meltwater, increase of which may exceed the evapotranspiration water loss caused by temperature raise. Sediment yield (S) shows an inverted parabolic relationship with precipitation and at the same time positive correlation with glacier area ratio (Ag), i.e., S = 0.000609 P2-0.470P+48.5 Ag+202.53, indicating that sediment yield is a minimum at about 500–600 mm of precipitation, increasing sharply on both sides of this minimum in one case owing to decreased vegetation protection and in the other to enhanced erosive power and that erosion rate in the glacierized area is generally higher than non-glacierized area. The variation in sediment yield with precipitation can be explained by the operation of two factors, i.e., rainfall erosive action that increases continuously with increase in precipitation, and vegetation protective action that is unity for zero precipitation and decreases with increases in precipitation. The above results may be useful in visualizing not only variations in rates of erosion among climatic zones on the Tibetan Plateau but also the probable changes of erosion during a climatic change.  相似文献   

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