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浅谈长青自然保护区与社区群众和谐发展的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对长青保护区周边社区工作回顾,探讨了保护区与社区群众和谐发展存在的几个矛盾,提出了新形势下保护区与社区和谐发展的措施。  相似文献   

参与式方法在环境意识教育中的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境意识教育活动是保护区周边社区管理计划重要的基础工作之一。通过在保护区周边社区开展环境意识教育活动,以期达到提高社区群众/各利益群体保护生态环境、森林资源和生物多样性的意识和参与意识。云南省林业学校在保护区周边社区开展环境意识教育活动中应用了参与式工作方法。  相似文献   

自然保护如何与周边社区互利互惠进而达到和谐发展,是保护区面临的一个全新的课题。太白山自然保护区从1995年开始,利用全球环境基金(GEF)和世界银行资助的中国自然保护区管理等项目,通过采取社区共管技术信息服务等方式,逐步探讨和解决自然保护与周边社区群众经济发展这一矛盾,取得了较好的效果,积累了一定的经验。柳步摸索出太白山保护区周边社区人与自然和谐发展的全新保护区管理模式。  相似文献   

通过采用参与式乡村评估方法(PRA)对四川白羊自然保护区周边社区的11个行政村和1个自然村进行了调查,发现非木材林产品采集是周边社区群众利用保护区资源的主要形式,且依赖程度较高。村民的采集活动给保护区的生物多样性保护造成了极大的压力,制定合理的资源管理计划,实现资源的可持续利用是可能的,还可改善保护区与当地社区的关系,吸引他们参与保护区的资源管理。针对这些问题提出了相应的管理对策。  相似文献   

为了有效地加强自然保护区管理 ,促进周边社区的发展 ,在全球环境基金资助下 ,陕西省开展了环境教育活动。对项目保护区制订了社区教育规划 ,向保护区及周边社区人群宣传环境保护知识 ,增强环境保护技能 ,转变不重视环境教育的旧观念 ,促进和发展社区与保护区的和谐关系 ,以实现自然保护区管理和周边社区经济的可持续发展 [1 ]。1 社区环境教育的目的社区环境教育的目的是培养社区群众科学评价和合理利用自然资源的观念 ,帮助保护区和周边地区人群获得环境保护和资源可持续利用的知识和技能 ,促进发展保护区管理机构与周边地区的和谐关系 ,…  相似文献   

自然保护区周边社区居民对保护区依赖与态度的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广西林业系统自然保护区周边社区居民对保护区依赖情况与态度调查,结果显示,社区居民对保护区的依赖程度并不是很高,目前保护区周边社区居民对保护区的支持率较高。但不同的保护区的周边社区居民对保护区的支持率存在明显差异。社区居民对保护区资源的依赖与态度呈现出明显的负相关性,即随着社区居民对保护区资源直接依赖程度的降低,其对保护区态度越积极。  相似文献   

漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区社区关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从周边村民对保护区资源依赖方式、村社经济对保护区资源的依赖程度,以及村民对保护区的看法等角度来分析保护区与周边社区的关系。提出了公众参与保护区管理,促使红树林保护区可持续发展的措施。  相似文献   

就保护区与社区间的协调发展问题对广西弄岗、十万大山2个国家级自然保护区周边社区居民进行问卷调查.运用SPSS15.0对调查问卷中的11个指标进行因子分析,确定出4个公共因子,即:周边社区居民对保护区生态效益的认识,保护区相关制度与周边社区相互影响,保护区对周边社区发展的经济影响,社区共管.并从这4个方面对2个保护区与社区间的协调发展情况进行分析,找出发展过程中存在的矛盾,藉此提出提高社区居民对保护区的认识水平,解决社区居民在能源需求、经济发展等方面的实际问题,增强社区共管力度等国家级自然保护区与周边社区协调发展对策和建议.  相似文献   

首先探析了保护区与周边社区的相互作用及其组成的特殊复合生态社会经济系统。其次, 阐述了现行保护政策下, 保护区周边社区的传统及现实权益未被考虑, 社区与保护区被人为割裂, 保护政策与地方发展政策不一致, 导致保护区与社区之间冲突不断, 使得保护目标难以达成。最后, 提出保护区管理者应关注社区合理权益的实现, 吸引社区群众参与自然保护工作, 同时寻求地方发展政策与保护政策的融合, 以促使保护区得到更好的建设和发展。  相似文献   

通过对广西龙虎山和银殿山两个自然保护区周边社区居民随机抽样,针对11项限制社区发展因素进行了问卷调查,并采用SPSS相关性和两独立样本t检验分析,结果显示:社区居民自身条件欠缺、社区自然禀赋欠佳和社区与外界关系不顺制约了自然保护区周边社区发展;社区可利用资源、政府行为和保护区留给社区的生存空间等与居民对保护区的态度之间具有明显的相关性.提出通过有效劳务输出、发展地方农业经和减少社区居民对限制社区发展因素的负面感知可有效改善保护区周边民生问题.  相似文献   

The management of forests for multiple purposes coupled with a varying socioeconomic profile of forest users can result in attitudinal differences towards forest management. This study examines the attitudes of rural people in South Africa towards the management of tribal forests. Attitude towards forest management was analysed with respect to five forest management objectives: 1, forest management for rural livelihood resilience to climate change; 2, forest management for reduction and management of forest fire risk; 3, forest management for sustainable forest-based livelihood; 4, forest management for household socioeconomic wellbeing; and 5, forest management for community-based climate change adaptation initiative. A household questionnaire survey was used to elicit information from 155 rural households using the proportionate random sampling procedure. Chi-square test was used to analyse data from the household survey. Factorial analysis was used to analyse variance in attitude towards forest management. The results showed that rural people generally have positive attitudes toward the management of tribal forests. Factor analysis isolated 2 major factors that explained 61% variance in attitude. Based on the findings we conclude that centralising forest management around the four management objectives (1, 3, 4 & 5) are likely to promote inclusive forest-based development in the study communities.  相似文献   

在旅游业高速发展的背景下,古镇旅游被认为是一种新兴的旅游产业,全面认识游客在古镇的游憩体验和体验满意度是推进古镇旅游高质量发展的重要途径。以宁德市霍童古镇为研究对象,采用问卷调查、核密度估算法(KDE)、IPA分析法等方法,分析游客对霍童古镇游憩体验及满意度感知。研究表明,游客在古镇下街形成高重要性、高满意度、高密度分布的集聚性体验区域。同时,游客总体期望与实际体验满意度存在一定差异,游憩体验分布不均匀,一方面是古镇基础设施和服务不完善,另一方面是古镇蕴含的历史文化价值未能全面有效地传播、资源未能充分利用。针对古镇现有问题,综合考察霍童古镇的发展现状,为推进古镇旅游发展提供具体策略。  相似文献   

为了解影响自然保护区社区居民保护态度的主要原因,对屏边大围山国家级自然保护区及其周边的6个村寨进行调查,采用非参数检验和逐步线性回归分析方法分析人口特征和社会经济的各种因子对居民保护态度的主要影响.结果表明,不同村寨对保护区态度的影响存在显著差异(N=6,X2=7.98,P=0.04);性别(N=171,X2=7.92,P=0.04)和家庭拥有旱地面积(N=171,X2=8,P=0.04)也是影响保护态度的主要原因;其他因素对保护态度影响不显著.调查社区居民对保护政策的满意度及目前的政策需求认为,落实搬迁,解决土地权属问题,寻找新的经济作物及其种植地点,发展社区经济,完善农村基础设施建设是当前获得社区居民对保护区建设与管理支持的最主要办法.另外,提高管理人员素质和护林员待遇,解决公平问题对自然保护区的管理亦至关重要.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates agroforestry practices in a part of the Guinea savanna belt of south-western Nigeria. The attitude of local farmers to tree planting in crop fields was evaluated. Tree adoption on the farm was assessed by identifying the tree species on the field and their frequencies. The results show that there is little indication that the trees are deliberately utilized to enhance farm operations in the area. It is concluded that greater attention needs to be given to the promotion of agroforestry techniques in the savanna belt. This is especially important as the increasing demand for food would put pressure on the soil resources.  相似文献   

以河南董寨国家级自然保护区为主要研究对象,通过访谈和问卷调查等方式,分析了该保护区社区状况及社区居民生产生活现状,探讨了社区活动行为的方式和时间上对白冠长尾雉的可能影响。结果表明:董寨国家级自然保护区内社区居民较多,增长明显,社区居民的生产生活水平低于河南省平均水平;并且,当地社区人为活动在活动方式、活动季节和活动时间上与白冠长尾雉存在一定影响或冲突。从政府对社区经济发展的支持、社区居民活动的规范管理和时间安排、薪柴砍伐和替代能源以及社区宣传教育等方面提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

长白山自然保护区旅游生态补偿支付意愿分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于条件评价法(CVM),通过问卷调查等方式,对长白山自然保护区游人及当地居民的生态补偿支付意愿进行了调查研究。结果表明:游人愿意以资金形式支付生态补偿的人数比例要高于居民,支付的资金总额也比当地居民的高6.32倍,反映出游人是旅游活动中更大的受益者,尤其是年龄大、收入高、出游次数多的游人,愿意支付更多的金额。当地居民虽然也是旅游受益者,但他们更愿意以劳动的方式来支付生态补偿,尤其是居住时间长和年轻的居民,更喜欢用劳动的方式来支付生态补偿。  相似文献   

Global warming has become a worldwide environmental issue in recent years. With implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide is the common goal of everyone. Afforestation and carbon reduction have become important forestry policies of the Taiwanese government. Attitudes and behavioral intentions of the domestic public towards afforestation and carbon reduction will play important roles in the effectiveness of forestry policies. In this study, the theory of planned behavior was applied to better understand the relationships among domestic public attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and behavioral intentions. Data were obtained by a mail survey. The domestic public's behavioral intention model was verified by a structural equation model. This study found that older people not only had a positive attitude towards the concept of afforestation for carbon reduction but were also willing to participate in related activities. Significant reference groups also had greater influence on these people, but for the question of whether a person had better means to participate in afforestation activities for carbon reduction, the level of monthly income emerged as the factor of main consideration. It shows that even though an overall positive attitude towards afforestation activities for carbon reduction increases people's willingness to participate, actual participation is still determined by the level of the participant's ability to control difficulties during the related activities. The policy implication of this study is that when setting into action the carbon reduction policies or programs, the Taiwanese government should take into account the claim from significant reference groups, and enhance the visibility of those groups' positive points of view towards the policies. In addition, the government should enhance the promotion of the high-income and the older people's participation in carbon reduction programs, because our results show their high intention to participate.  相似文献   

九宫山自然保护区社区居民对保护区态度调查及协调对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2005年7~11月对九宫山自然保护区社区居民进行了对保护区态度调查,结果表明:大多数农户对保护区持支持态度,且农户态度越来越积极;随着距核心区的距离增大,农户态度由积极变为消极;改善基础设施使农户态度更积极;受教育程度高的农户更积极;到过保护区务工的农户更积极;遭受过野猪危害的农户消极;经济收入增加与农户态度之间的关系较复杂.提出了实施社区共管并加强宣传和教育,逐步实施移民政策,增加农户就业机会,实施能源替代工程,科学实施封山、禁猎政策等协调对策.  相似文献   

A survey of forestry practices and attitudes was undertaken in four communities in Leyte, the Philippines, to improve understanding of the social and economic factors affecting small-scale forestry development. The survey had three main data collection activities — initial focus group discussions (FGDs), household interviews, and reporting and validation FGDs. A team of enumerators was selected for household interviews which consisted of both males and females, to avoid potential problems of unwillingness of people to talk with those of the opposite gender. The interviewers were also required to be able to speak local dialects (Cebuano and Waray Waray), the survey questionnaires being administered in these dialects. Various methods were used to gain the support and assistance of local government units and barangay captains. Some difficulty was experienced by the survey team in the first community due to barangay elections at the time of the survey, and the requirement by the University of Queensland Ethics Committee that respondents sign a consent form. This requirement was found to be not culturally appropriate for the Leyte smallholder communities. Offering goods at the end of the interview was found to be of limited value for encouraging participation in the survey. Provision of food and drinks were found to encourage FGD participants to express their views, but too much alcohol had a negative effect. The importance of providing comprehensive feedback to respondents and involving them and other stakeholders in development of policy recommendations was apparent. These survey experiences provide valuable insights which are not generally available in textbooks on sample surveys, and provide lessons for planning and conducting smallholder community survey into natural resource management issues.  相似文献   

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