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试验研究了覆膜方式(双层膜、单层膜和不覆膜)、土壤类型(中壤土、砂壤土)与有机物(添加牛粪和不添加牛粪)对太阳能加热时土壤温度的影响。覆盖透明膜可显著提高土壤日平均温度和日最高温度,10 cm2、0 cm和30 cm深度土壤日平均温度分别达40℃、38℃和36℃以上,日最高温度分别达43.3℃、39.0℃和36.5℃以上。覆盖透明膜可明显延长土壤高温(≥35℃)持续时间并提高土壤日温差,土壤温度超过35℃的累计时间达22.5h以上,10 cm、20 cm和30 cm深度土壤日温差分别在7.1℃、2.6℃和0.8℃以上。覆盖双层膜土壤日平均温度、日最高温度、高温持续时间及日温差比单层膜高,且在10 cm深度尤为突出。除20 cm深度外,土壤类型对日平均温度和日最高温度没有影响。添加牛粪能使0~20 cm土层土壤日平均温度提高2℃以上,显著高于不添加对照。故覆盖透明膜和添加牛粪可显著提升30 cm深度内的土壤温度,利用太阳能加热可望降低土壤中根结线虫种群数量。  相似文献   

黄瓜连作土壤高温处理对根结线虫和枯萎病的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]设施黄瓜连作导致根结线虫和枯萎病发生普遍且严重,利用夏季温室休闲期高温闷棚是解决上述土传病害安全而有效的途径之一。本试验模拟高温闷棚,研究不同温度处理连作土壤根结线虫和枯萎病的变化,旨在为利用太阳光进行温室高温消毒提供理论支撑。[方法]本试验以连作1~19茬‘津优30’黄瓜品种的土壤为试材,首先探明不同连作茬次黄瓜的根结线虫和枯萎病发生程度以及土壤中二者病原物种群数量的动态变化,然后对发病较重的第17茬连作土壤分别进行45℃、50℃、55℃和60℃的高温处理,最后测定比较不同温度处理后的土壤中病原物数量变化,并对高温处理后的土壤进行栽培试验,测量和比较两种病害的发生程度及植株各项生长指标。[结果]随着黄瓜连作茬次的增加,土壤中根结线虫和枯萎病菌的种群数量均增加,两种病害也逐茬加重,至第17茬两种病害的发病程度及其对应病原物的数量均达最高(或次高)水平;对第17茬黄瓜连作土壤进行45℃~60℃的高温处理,随着温度的升高,土壤中的根结线虫和枯萎病菌的数量均减少,当处理温度达55℃时可完全杀灭土壤中根结线虫,达60℃时可同时杀灭枯萎病菌;用高温处理的连作土壤栽培黄瓜秧苗,其根结线虫病和枯萎病的发生程度均随着处理温度的升高而减轻,当处理土壤的温度达到50℃和60℃以上时,根结线虫病和枯萎病分别被完全控制;另外,用60℃处理的连作土壤定植黄瓜,其后期植株生长指标和壮苗指数也显著优于对照。[结论]土传病害随连作茬次增加而加重主要是缘于土壤中病原物积累,定植前对土壤55℃以上的高温处理,可有效减少乃至完全杀灭土壤中根结线虫和枯萎病菌,从而减轻或杜绝两种病害的发生。  相似文献   

抗性砧木嫁接是一种有效防治蔬菜根结线虫病的生物方法。研究番茄抗性砧木Beaufort(Lycopersicon ly-copersicum×L.hirsutum)对其靶标生物——根结线虫和非靶标生物——土壤自由生活线虫的种群动态和群落结构影响的结果表明:抗性砧木小区根结线虫2龄幼虫密度显著低于对照小区,根结线虫2龄幼虫取样时间之间变动显著;根据营养来源可将线虫分为4大营养类群,即食细菌、食真菌、食植物、杂食/捕食性,食真菌、食植物线虫密度变动显著,抗性砧木小区食细菌线虫密度高于对照小区,食真菌线虫密度低于对照小区;应用食真菌线虫数量/食细菌线虫数量指数F/B、修改后的F/B指数、多样性指数H′、丰富度指数D、均匀度指数J、优势度指数λ分析比较抗性砧木小区和对照区土壤线虫生物多样性变化规律,F/B、修改后的F/B、丰富度指数H′和均匀度指数J取样时间之间变动显著,F/B、修改后的F/B、优势度指数λ和均匀度J指数能较好地反映抗性砧木嫁接对线虫群落结构的影响。  相似文献   

 The effects of a composted organic amendment and solarization on the organic matter (OM) of a sandy soil were determined by means of particle-size fractionation and analysis of carbon and nitrogen contents. After 2 years, total soil carbon increased under organic fertilization but did not significantly change with solarization. As a consequence of the climatic conditions in the greenhouse, the carbon concentrations (g kg–1 fraction) of the particle-size fractions were lower than those found for temperate soils and closer to those for tropical soils. The carbon amounts (g kg–1 soil) and carbon:nitrogen ratios, which were highest in fractions >200 μm, reflected the short-term influence of the industrially processed organic amendment, rich in composted coarse plant debris. In contrast, the characteristics of the OM associated with each fraction were not significantly affected by solarization. In comparison with other coarse-textured temperate or tropical soils, carbon concentrations in fine silt (2–20 μm) and clay (0–2 μm) fractions were very low. This suggests a "greenhouse effect", together with a high rate of carbon mineralization affecting fine silt and clay fractions. Received: 19 November 1999  相似文献   

研究了两种有机肥(腐熟牛粪和烘干鸡粪)作底肥及其与化学氮肥(尿素)配施对黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)日光温室栽培条件下的土壤NO3^--N运移特点。结果表明,烘干鸡粪和腐熟牛粪的矿化均可增加温室内土壤NO3^--N积累,黄瓜收获后分别比不施肥(对照)增加了118.2%和118.8%(0—30cm土层);腐熟牛粪和烘干鸡粪与化学氮肥配施后,可使土壤表层(0—30cm)NO3^--N含量分别增加225.5%和321.9%,而使温室深层土壤(60-90cm)NO3^--N含量分别增加167.6%和184.2%,故本试验条件下无论增施腐熟牛粪还是烘干鸡粪作底肥均可显著提高土壤NO3^--N积累,进一步追施化学氮肥则使土壤NO3^--N积累相应显著提高,而两种有机肥处理之间对温室土壤NO3^--N积累的影响无显著差异。  相似文献   

研究了两种有机肥(腐熟牛粪和烘干鸡粪)作底肥及其与化学氮肥(尿素)配施对黄瓜(CucumissativusL.)日光温室栽培条件下的土壤NO3--N运移特点。结果表明,烘干鸡粪和腐熟牛粪的矿化均可增加温室内土壤NO3--N积累,黄瓜收获后分别比不施肥(对照)增加了118.2%和118.8%(0~30 cm土层);腐熟牛粪和烘干鸡粪与化学氮肥配施后,可使土壤表层(0~30 cm)NO3--N含量分别增加225.5%和321.9%,而使温室深层土壤(60~90 cm)NO3--N含量分别增加167.6%和184.2%,故本试验条件下无论增施腐熟牛粪还是烘干鸡粪作底肥均可显著提高土壤NO3--N积累,进一步追施化学氮肥则使土壤NO3--N积累相应显著提高,而两种有机肥处理之间对温室土壤NO3--N积累的影响无显著差异。  相似文献   

黑膜覆盖控制黄瓜根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的效果   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从土壤线虫含量、根结级别和黄瓜生长与产量等方面分析了黑膜覆盖控制黄瓜根结线虫的效果。结果显示,黑膜覆盖消毒并经过一个黄瓜生长季以后,土壤5、10、15、20、30cm线虫数量比对照减少26.9%、13.9%、2.9%、1.9%和0.9%。控制效果随土壤深度增加而下降,同时植物寄生线虫数量减少5%。根结线虫主要分布在0~30cm土层,占总量的97.7%~98.5%。从对根系的危害来看,覆黑膜后黄瓜根结线虫的发病程度比对照明显下降,为害为Ⅰ级,而对常规药剂消毒的植株根系为害达到Ⅳ级。黑膜覆盖消毒不仅使黄瓜产量提高6%,畸形瓜率下降(黑膜覆盖下畸形率为10%,对照为60%),而且成本比药剂消毒低57%。尽管黑膜覆盖消毒对土壤线虫含量的控制效果不太理想,但从黄瓜生长和产量以及根结着生来看,其控制效果仍然优于药剂消毒。这说明黑膜覆盖主要以降低线虫活性和侵染能力、推迟侵染时间为特征。初步得出结论,经过40d黑膜覆盖消毒可有效控制黄瓜根结线虫的发生及危害。  相似文献   

废水灌溉下有机物料对重度盐渍土养分及芦苇生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在山东滨州含盐量为16.7 g.kg 1的重度退化滨海盐碱湿地,研究了造纸废水灌溉条件下添加有机物料对盐渍土养分和芦苇生长的影响,以期为重度退化滨海盐碱湿地的生物修复提供依据。试验从春季开始进行,共设4种处理:翻耕对照(CK)、翻耕+废水灌溉(FF)、翻耕+废水灌溉+秸秆(FFJ)以及翻耕+废水灌溉+污泥(FFW),测定了不同处理下土壤养分、呼吸强度、含盐量及芦苇株高和生物量的变化。结果表明,与对照相比,各处理土壤有机质显著提高,10月末时FFJ、FFW和FF处理土壤有机质含量分别是对照的1.34倍、1.29倍和1.22倍;碱解氮和有效磷含量也高于对照,依次为FFW>FFJ>FF>CK;各处理土壤呼吸强度高于对照,其中FFJ处理显著高于对照,比试验初期提高96%;各处理表层土壤含盐量均出现不同程度降低,以FFJ和FFW降低幅度最大,分别比对照降低22.6%和16.3%;FFW、FFJ和FF处理的芦苇株高显著高于对照,8月末分别是对照的3.1倍、2.7倍和2.2倍;FFJ和FFW处理的芦苇生物量、根冠比和平均叶面积都显著高于对照,而FF处理与对照没有显著差异;FF处理芦苇株高、生物量与土壤有效氮含量相关最为显著,FFJ和FFW处理与土壤有机质含量相关性最为显著。结果表明,废水灌溉为重度盐渍化土壤提供了充足的水分,有机物料能有效提高土壤养分含量,解决了重度盐碱化土壤水分胁迫和养分胁迫的问题,促进芦苇生长,但秸秆和污泥两种有机物料之间没有显著差异。  相似文献   

Soil cultivation changes and usage of agricultural wastes can have profound impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from soil. In this study, the effects of soil cultivation and organic amendment on GHG emission were investigated using aerobic incubation. Surface soil (0–20 cm) from (1) rice–legume consecutive rotation (Rice) and (2) recently (<3 years) converted from rice field to plastic-covered intensive vegetable and flower production (VegC) were collected in Kunming, P.R. China. Rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) residues and cattle manure were applied at 5% by weight. Results indicated that N2O and CO2 fluxes were significantly influenced by soil cultivation, organic amendment, incubation time and their interaction (p <0.05). Applying cattle manure increased, while rose residue decreased, cumulative N2O emissions from soil (84 days). Rose residue application significantly increased cumulative CO2 emissions with peak values of 6371 (Rice) and 7481 mg kg?1 (VegC), followed by cattle manure addition figure of 2265 (VegC) and 3581 mg kg?1 (Rice). Both were significantly higher (p <0.05) than the un-amended Control at 709 (VegC) and 904 mg kg?1 (Rice). Our study demonstrates that a low C/N ratio in cattle manure is better than a high C/N ratio in rose residue in regard to reducing the global warming potential of agricultural soil.  相似文献   

Soil structure plays an important role in edaphic conditions and the environment. In this study, we investigated the effects of organic amendment on soil structure and hydraulic properties. A corn field in a semiarid land was separately amended with sheep manure compost at five different rates (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 t/ha) and corn stover (6 t/ha) in combination with two decomposing agents. The soil structure of different amended soils was analyzed from the aggregate and pore domain perspectives. The internal pore structure of the soil was visualized through X-ray computed tomography and quantified using a pore-network model. Soil aggregate-size distribution and stability, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and water-retention curves were measured by sampling or in situ. The gas permeability and diffusivity of different amended soils were simulated based on the extracted pore networks. The aggregate stability of the amended soils was improved compared with the control, that is, the mean weight diameter increased and the percentage of aggregate destruction decreased. The stability of soil aggregates varied non-monotonically with the application rate of compost and decreased after treatment with corn stover and decomposing agents. The pore-network parameters including air-filled porosity, pore radius, throat length, and coordinate number increased for the amended soils compared with the control. The mean pore size increased with increasing compost incorporation rate. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the compost-amended soils was higher than that of the control but varied quadratically with the application rate. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil treated with corn stover and decomposing agents was clearly higher than that without the agent and the control. The greater gas diffusivity and air permeability indicate that soil aeration improved following the incorporation of organic amendments. The air permeability versus air-filled porosity relationship followed a power law, and the gas diffusivity versus air-filled porosity relationship was characterized by a generalized density-corrected model regardless of amendment. The findings of this study can help improve the understanding of soil structure and hydrological function to organic fertilizer incorporation and further monitor the quality of soil structure through the pore space perspective.  相似文献   

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