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In this study, I developed a nonlinear mixed-effects model based on the Richards curve that describes the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. I fitted the model to data from 29 long-term experimental monitoring plots in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan. Simulations using the model on high-productivity sites and at moderate thinning intensities indicated that net yields after ca. 80 years were lower in unthinned stands than in thinned stands; in other cases, such as at younger ages and at sites with low and average productivities, net yields were similar for each thinning intensity (including no thinning). These results could be attributed to the fact that the net current annual increment in stand volume (CAInet) in the thinned stands exceeded that of the unthinned stands after a certain age (the “inversion” age) and to the negative correlation between site productivity and the inversion age. In addition, I found that a single rescaled growth curve was capable of describing the growth in stand volume at sites with different thinning histories and site productivities. This rescaled curve simply and clearly explained the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. The existence of a single curve suggests that the positive effect of thinning on stand volume growth does not depend on site productivity, but it will require patient measurements over longer periods to reveal a positive effect at sites with low productivity.  相似文献   

本文对引种的8个柳树无性系苗期生长规律、物候、成活率、保存率、抗性等进行观测,比较8个无性系生长特点,并根据生长特点制定合理的水肥管理措施,从而提高苗木产量和质量,降低育苗成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

IntroductionAsagrowthmodelforanindividualtreeorforeststhnd,theChapman-RichardsFunction,anextensiontotheVonBertalanffy'sgrowththeory(Bertalanffy1957)embodiesallotherestablishedgrowthfunction.ThisfunctionhasbeenwideIyusedinforestrybecauseofitsflexibility,ac…  相似文献   

To investigate the potential effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on Japanese forests, a chronic N-addition experiment that included three treatments (HNO3, NH4NO3, and control) was carried out in a 20-year-old Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) stand in eastern Japan over 7 years. The amount of N applied was 168 kg N ha−1 year−1 on the HNO3 plots and 336 kg N ha−1 year−1 on the NH4NO3 plots. Tree growth, current needle N concentration, and soil solution chemistry were measured. Nitrogen application decreased the pH and increased NO3 , Ca2+, Mg2+, and Al concentrations in the soil solution. The needle N concentration increased in both of the N plots during the first 3 years. Nevertheless, the annual increments in height and in the diameter at breast height of the Japanese cedars were not affected by N application, and no visible signs of stress were detected in the crowns. Our results suggest that young Japanese cedar trees are not deleteriously affected by an excess N load.  相似文献   

从汪清林业局大荒沟林场、大柞树林场等11个林场的森林资源二类调查数据中选取优势树种为蒙古栎、阔叶混交林及针阔混交林的小班。以海拔、土层厚度、坡位、坡向、腐殖质层厚度、坡度6个立地因子以及年平均气温、月平均气温差等19个气候因子为输入变量,以树种年平均蓄积生长量为输出变量,应用随机森林回归算法分别建立蒙古栎、阔叶混交林及针阔混交林的立地质量评价模型,对不同立地条件下的造林地进行生产潜力预测。同时,分析了各环境因子对树种生长的影响权重。结果表明:1)所建立的3种回归模型的RMSE的值分别为:0.22、0.54、0.52,R^2值分别为:0.79、0.79、0.72,模型的拟合效果较为理想。2)研究区域内,对蒙古栎生长影响较大的因子依次为月平均气温差、温度季节性变化、坡度、年降水量、年平均气温差;对针阔混交林生长影响较大的因子依次为:坡度、腐殖质层厚度、月平均气温差、最湿季度降水量、最暖季度降水量;对阔叶混交林生长影响较大的因子依次为:坡度、坡位、坡向、温度季节性变化、最干旱季平均气温。3)通过对比同一立地3种类型的生产力,针阔混交林、阔叶混交林的年平均蓄积生长量均高于蒙古栎纯林,针阔混交林略高于阔叶混交林。4)因此,应客观考虑环境因子对于林木的影响程度,使其生长环境条件尽可能地处于最佳组合状态。  相似文献   

以广西天峨县林朵林场12年生西南桦人工林为研究对象,研究其生长过程和生物生产力特征。结果表明:西南桦在桂西北具有较强的生长适应性,12年生平均胸径(去皮)、平均树高和平均蓄积量分别达到15.6 cm,16.8 m,170.10 m3/hm2;西南桦树高和胸径生长均以前5 a最快,随后随林龄的增长而下降;材积生长在8年生时达到峰值,之后开始下降但仍然保持较高的年生长量。12年生西南桦人工林林分生物量为130.86 t/hm2,其中乔木层、灌木层、草本层和凋落物层生物量依次为122.38,2.35,1.87和4.26 t/hm2,分别占93.52%,1.80%,1.43%和3.26%。林分乔木层年净生产力为10.20 t/(hm2·a),不同器官净生产力大小次序为树干、树叶、树枝、树根、树皮。  相似文献   

In order to find a nitrogen fertilization regime that is economically feasible in commercial short‐rotation forest stands of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.), a field trial was established on a clay soil near Västerås, central Sweden, in early 1990. A response surface design was used in which three levels of treatment were chosen for each single year: year 1—0, 30, 60, kg N ha?1; year 2—0, 60, 120, kg N ha?1; year 3—0, 90, 180, kg N ha?1; year 4—0, 60, 120, kg N ha?1. Thirty‐two combinations of these levels, out of 81 possible, were chosen and divided into four blocks. Thus, eight unique treatments were randomized to the plots within each block, providing no replicates at the end of the experimental period. This gave us a more flexible and informative experiment than many of those used earlier with rather few treatments, although they were replicated. After 4 years the willow stand was harvested and the accumulated stem production of each treatment was assessed. The effect of nitrogen fertilization on accumulated stem growth over the experimental period was found to be significant only for nitrogen applied in years 2 and 3, with a somewhat (statistically significant) larger effect in year 2. Growth response to nitrogen fertilization was best approximated with a function including terms with applied amount of nitrogen in years 2 and 3 and, furthermore, a term of interaction with negative coefficient between these years. The interaction between these years was interpreted as the system's ability to recycle nitrogen from one year to another.  相似文献   

对3年生杨柳无性系木材的纤维素含量和纤维形态的测定分析表明,各无性系之间无显著差异,而同一无性系木材纤维长度则随密度提高而变长,其中I—72杨的5个造林密度,I—69杨的1m×1.5m、1m×3m、2m×2m,J—172柳和J—194柳的1m×1.5m、1m×2m、1m×3m以及J—333柳的1m×1.5m、1m×2m等16个处理的木材均达到中级优质造纸纤维原料要求。  相似文献   

J172等5个柳树良种育苗试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对5个柳树良种在不同类型区的扦插育苗试验,分析苗木生长量、生长季土壤含水量、土壤温度,结果表明:①各参试因素对生长量影响的程度依次为品种(系)>类型区>覆膜>扦插方法,因此在柳树壮苗培育中,应首先考虑优良品种的选择。②在不同类型区内,影响树木生长的主导生态因子亦不同。在高寒湿润区,热量是影响生长量的主导生态因子,故其覆用地膜的效果十分显著,其生长量较对照提高28.6%;在川塬区,土壤水肥是影响生长量的主导生态因子,故其覆用地膜的效果不太显著,应着重加强土壤水肥管理。  相似文献   

基于logistic模型的灰毛大青播种苗生长规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用非线性回归拟合方式对生长曲线进行logistic模型拟合,定量地模拟灰毛大青苗期生长规律。结果表明:logistic方程对灰毛大青1年生苗苗高和地径生长曲线的拟合相关性极显著,并采用数学模型来确定灰毛大青苗木生长的速生期,将生长期划分为4个时期。为育苗经验缺乏的树种育苗及幼苗管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

[目的]建立基于叶、枝特性的柳树观赏性评判模型,快速评判柳树无性系的观赏性。[方法]以在北京地区适应性良好的20个柳树无性系1年生苗为试验材料,确立与叶、枝特性相关的13个评价指标,利用层次分析法建立快速评判柳属树种观赏性的结构模型。据柳树的观赏特性并结合专家意见,拟定评分准则。构造判断矩阵并进行一致性检验,确定各指标对总目标的权重。柳树无性系性状的分值乘以对应权重得出综合分值,根据综合分值对其进行聚类,根据聚类结果划分等级。[结果]评价模型的准则层中,叶片所占权重为0.75,枝干所占权重为0.25。因子层中各指标对总目标的权重排序为:成叶颜色F2(0.255 9)叶片形状F3(0.152 7)幼叶颜色F1(0.127 3)侧枝颜色F11(0.080 2)小枝颜色F10(0.074 0)叶片密度F4(0.066 7)叶长F6(0.052 6)叶面积F5(0.047 1)主干颜色F12(0.039 2)发枝角度F9(0.031 5)叶宽F7(0.029 9)发枝数量F13(0.025 3)托叶F8(0.017 9)。成熟叶色、叶片形状、幼叶颜色、侧枝颜色和小枝颜色是影响柳树观赏性的主要因子。根据综合得分和聚类结果,将20个柳树无性系划分为4个等级:第Ⅰ等级包括红叶腺柳、SH31、绵毛柳、旱柳、垂109、苏柳J799、金丝垂柳,观赏价值最高;第Ⅱ等级包括银柳、毛枝柳、竹柳、黑柳19,观赏价值较高;第Ⅲ等级包括圆头柳、DQ1、漳河柳、垂爆柳、G7、朝鲜柳、杞柳,观赏价值中等;第Ⅳ等级包括沙柳、蒿柳,观赏价值较低。[结论]利用层次分析法建立的柳树观赏性评价模型可以有效地从叶、枝特性方面快速评判出观赏价值高的柳树无性系,为柳树的进一步选育和园林应用提供参考。  相似文献   

lNTRODUCTIONTherhythInofKorcanpinegrowingandtrpearchitectUreissubjectedtoitsownl1crcd-ityandforeststructUre.Tl1cil11portantefTcctsofgapdynamicsarethereasonsthatmaketl1cKoreanpinetrceformhighqualityoftimbcr.Whilecurrentn1anagemcntofKoreanpincforestmainlyfocusesonpurestand,thccco-logicalrelationshipsbetWcenKoreanpineandothcrsPecicsinaconununityareneglected,thcprimitivebiologicalconditionislost.TheKo-reanpinetrecsinplantationcasilydivergeonthctOpofmainsten1,thesescverelyaITectthcgrOedqu…  相似文献   

In this study, the biomass yield and morphological traits of plants were reported from an experiment involving six genotypes of willow in northern Poland. Willow was planted using a pole cutting system, which we designated Eco-Salix, on sites that were unsuitable for food crops. The results presented here are from the first rotation of a four-year cutting cycle. In the field trial, the average willow biomass yield of oven-dry matter was 7.87 Mg ha−1 year−1. Willow plants that were planted as pole cuttings after four growing seasons reached a height of 6.64 m and a stem diameter of 50.5 mm. Clone UWM 043 produced higher yields and more favourable morphological traits when compared to registered Polish cultivars. The willow biomass yield obtained on peaty muck soil was significantly higher than from willow that was grown on heavy textured silt soil. The biomass harvested from plots planted at a density of 5,200 plants ha−1 was 14% lower than plots that had a density of 7,400 plants ha−1.  相似文献   

以隆林县森林资源二类调查的油茶(Camellia oleifera)林小班为研究对象,利用主成分分析法划分隆林县油茶林的主要立地类型,然后采用 5 个理论生长方程构建不同立地类型的油茶树高生长模型。结果表明:(1)影响隆林县油茶林分布的主要立地因子为土壤类型、坡度、地貌和坡向,隆林县油茶林的立地类型可划分为 54 种;(2)红壤缓坡低山阴坡、红壤缓坡丘陵阴坡、黄壤缓坡低山阴坡、黄壤缓坡丘陵阴坡、石灰土缓坡低山阳坡以及石灰土平坡低山阳坡立地类型的油茶最优树高生长模型均为Logistic 模型,黄壤缓坡低山阳坡的最优模型为 Korf 模型,石灰土缓坡低山阴坡的最优模型为 Gompertz模型。  相似文献   

意杨苏柳营养特点与需肥规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验结果表明:①2年生J-194柳、I-69杨不同生长季节养分吸收量大小顺序为N>P>Ca>K>Mg,各生长季节养分吸收比例基本一致,J-194柳平均为N:P:K:Ca:Mg=100:9.31:0.360.42:0.06,I-69杨平均为100:11.18:0.39:0.08;②6月份为养分吸收高峰期.当月吸收养分数量占整个生长季节50%以上,每生长1t带皮柳树材约需N4.425Kg、P0.396Kg、K0.013Kg、Ca0.016、Mg0.003Kg,杨树材分别为4.937kg、0.593Kg、0.015Kg、0.017Kg和0.004Kg;③营养吸收在各器官分配上以叶子居多,除磷外,依叶>皮>材>嫩枝为序。  相似文献   

To understand how coexisting temperate tree species react to nitrogen (N) addition, seedlings of two coexisting species, Phellodendron amurense Rupr. and Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. were transplanted to a controlled environment. Seedlings were then planted in two competition scenarios, control and mixed, and then subjected to four N addition treatments. The seedling growth parameters and competition effect were monitored and analyzed. The height and stem-base diameter showed a positive response to the N addition in all competition scenarios except for mixed P. amurense, which responded negatively. Chlorophyll content of the seedlings showed a positive relationship to N addition while the chlorophyll a/b showed a complex trend. The addition of N showed a positive relationship to the competition effect of diameter growth in both species and height growth in P. amurense. These results indicate that F. mandshurica may be more sensitive to N addition and could benefit more from N addition than P. amurense. With an increasing N input from the atmosphere, forests may be more suitable for F. mandshurica reducing the abundance of P. amurense.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对柳树无性系SH31离子含量及光合作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以柳树无性系SH31为试材,研究了NaCl溶液半抑制浓度胁迫下根、茎、叶中Na+、K+、Ca2+ 的分布规律及叶片光合特性的变化。结果表明:在NaCl溶液半抑制浓度(0.6%)下,SH31耐盐性较强;在0.6% NaCl溶液胁迫下,根部在前16 d积累大量Na+并拦截部分Na+向地上部运输;盐胁迫降低了根、茎部对 K+ 的吸收,而叶部却保持较高的K+ 含量来维持离子平衡;Ca2+含量在根、茎、叶中与对照的相当。在NaCl溶液半抑制浓度盐胁迫下,SH31 的净光合速率前7 d降低之后保持稳定,而气孔导度、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2先降后升,表明前7 d的蒸腾速率下降的主要原因在于气孔限制。SH31根部对Na+ 选择性吸收并维持K+、Ca2+的高含量及维持较高光合作用是其重要的耐盐机制。  相似文献   

该文采用超总体理论编制辽宁省东部地区主要树种组林分平均胸径生长率通用模型,以2005年森林资源二类调查资料为原始数据,涵盖辽宁东部7个市31个县(市、区)8个树种(组)在不同地理位置和不同立地条件的生长水平。建立4种模拟方程,通过拟合与优化及结果精度的检验选出了各树种组的平均胸径生长率模型。  相似文献   

Whole-stand models normally require data on initial stand basal area and dominant height. Dominant height measurements are time-consuming and often imprecise, compromising subsequent predictions. Poplar plantations provide a special case where basal area correlates with site index; a whole-stand model could thus be based on stand basal area. We report a static model constructed by the generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) for poplar plantations for three different hybrid poplars (Populus × euramericana (Dode) Guinier “I-214”, “MC”, and “Luisa Avanzo”) in northeast Spain. The transition function was based on current stand basal area and was fitted with data from 158 permanent plots ranging from 1- to 17-year-old plantations. Merchantable stand volume was estimated by a volume equation where height was predicted by a height–basal area relationship based on 458 temporary plots. The model differences between clones were compared using the nonlinear extra sum of squares method. Significant differences were detected, while Luisa Avanzo presented the highest merchantable volume at the end of the rotation. Errors in basal area predictions were below 20% within 6 years in the case of Luisa Avanzo and MC clones, and within 3 years in the case of I-214. Our research showed that satisfactory predictions can be obtained using GADA with a single transition function based on an easily measurable variable such as stand basal area.  相似文献   

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