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The objective of this study was to analyse the conditions for forest production on open, low‐production peatlands in Sweden with respect to climate, and water and nutrient regimes. The study focused on survival and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings, planted 18 yrs ago in five experimental areas evenly distributed between south and north Sweden. Different ditch spacing and NPK fertilizer treatments were combined systematically in all experiments. Survival was positively correlated with temperature sum, fertilization and drainage intensity. Tree growth was not influenced by variations in temperature sum after merely draining, but in combination with fertilization, growth was strongly correlated with climate. In the southern experiments, fertilization increased stand growth eight to nine times, whereas stands on the northern sites did not respond to fertilization. The most important fertilizer element was P. The application of N had no effect on growth. More intensive drainage increased stand growth by 60%. In the southern areas, height development in the most intensive drainage and fertilizer treatments indicates a mean annual increment of 6–7 m3 ha?1, and no sign of decline in growth was seen. Turf‐planting had positive effects on both survival and growth, especially in less intensively drained plots. A large proportion of damaged trees was observed in the experiment. The frequency of damaged trees was positively correlated with treatment intensity but negatively correlated with temperature sum. The results show clearly that merely draining is not sufficient for successful afforestation of low‐production peatland sites. Fertilization by P and K is a necessary prerequisite, but the effect of fertilization varies with climatic conditions, probably owing to the amount of plant‐available N.  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to study shoot elongation of Scots pine seedlings grown under six relative mineral nutrient addition rates (Ra). The shoot length is composed of two growth components: number of stem units (NSU) and mean stem unit length (MSUL). Under suboptimal conditions (Ra = 1% and 2%) most variation in shoot length (LEN) was due to variation in MSUL, and the correlation between the two components was negative. Under optimal conditions (Ra = 3% and 4%), NSU and MSUL contributed equally to the total length variation and the correlation between them was positive. Under supraoptimal conditions (Ra = 5% and 6%), the number of stem units had the greatest effect on shoot length variation and the correlation between growth components was negative. A simple allocation model was used to help interpret the changes in sign of correlation coefficient along the nutrient gradient. The model correctly predicted the sign of the correlation but not its magnitude.  相似文献   

Reciprocal families of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), from a Swedish seed orchard were artificially freeze tested to ‐10°C at the end of the first growth period. The degree of freezing damage was used as an indication of the cold acclimatization achieved at the time of freeze testing. Both one‐year cold acclimatization and one‐year height were mainly additively inherited. Specific combining ability, reciprocal and maternal effects were small. On the family level, freezing damage was non‐significantly correlated with field survival and field height after ten years. One‐year height was positively correlated with 10‐year field height and negatively correlated with field survival on the family level. Within families, plants from early germinated seeds cold acclimated earlier and were higher at the end of the first growth period than plants from lately germinated seeds. The results indicate that conclusions made from first‐year cold acclimatization studies can be influenced by variation in the rate of seed germination and seedling/germinant development.  相似文献   

After‐effects of maternal soil treatment, controlling for photoperiod and weather conditions, were tested in a nursery experiment with Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings. Three full‐sib crosses were replicated in 4 different soil treatment plots of a grafted experimental seed orchard (63"54'N). Weight of filled seeds, percentage of empty seeds, first year hypocotyl and epicotyl length, and autumn frost hardiness (from artificial freeze testing) were evaluated. Systematic effects from maternal soil treatment were small compared to family differences for all characters studied. However, epicotyl length of the progenies showed a positive relationship with N needle content of the mother grafts. The results also indicated an important interaction between maternal soil treatment and autumn frost hardiness of the families. It is suggested that the altered mother tree treatment could lead to a change in progeny performance, corresponding to a 1.5 degree difference in latitudinal origin of natural stand seedlings. The results demonstrate the advantages of providing the mother tree with uniform conditions in early progeny testing.  相似文献   

Leader shoot damage was imposed on young Scots pines (3 m high) in four ways: by caging the uppermost whorl including the leader shoot with 10 pine shoot beetles; by caging the two uppermost whorls with 20 beetles; by topping the tree below the 1984 whorl; by topping the trees as above and removing all current shoots in whorl 1983. Six years later, top‐damaged trees were still significantly shorter than undamaged controls, although the annual height growth rate had recovered to the pre‐damage level within 3 years. Recovery occurred in two ways: lateral branches from the nearest intact whorl took dominance over the damaged leader or secondary branches developed from interfascicular buds on the damaged leader shoot. Approximately one and two years of height growth were lost in the former and latter case, respectively. Only 5 of the 34 top‐damaged trees escaped technical defects (crooks and/or vertical branches). Stem diameter and crown development were slightly affected.  相似文献   

Old provenance experiments with Scots pine and Norway spruce in Finland were used for assessing the long‐term effects of the projected climatic change on forest trees. The northernmost origins showed an increase in wood production when transferred southwards into a climate with an annual mean effective temperature sum close to that which is expected in northern areas as a result of the projected climatic change. A model is constructed with the estimated changes in wood production as a function of the annual mean temperature sum at the original location and the change in the annual mean temperature sum caused by the geographical transfer. The major changes in wood production are expected to occur in the northernmost areas of tree growth.  相似文献   

In a combined population‐progeny experimental plantation of Pinus sylvestris at Nordanås, lat. 64°19’ long. 18°12’ alt. 400 m, a few growth characters and around 25 quality characters were meaured or assessed at age 34 from seed. The populations under study originated from latitudes 63–67. The experimental design is a split‐plot with three replications. Each population is represented by 10–20 open pollinated progenies planted in 15‐tree row plots at a spacing of 2.5x2.5 m. All growth and most quality characters showed significant population differences. Family differences were noted for approximately half of the quality characters. The family repeatability for growth and quality characters varied much between the populations in a non‐consistent way. Thanks to the strong genetic correlations between breast height diameter and stem volume, as well as between tree height and stem volume those two characters could be used to estimate stem volume.  相似文献   

Self‐thinning models were developed to describe the relationship between the stem number and mean diameter of even‐aged and monospecific tree stands undergoing self‐thinning. The models were developed separately for Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Betula pendula Roth. stands. Data from 41 unthinned permanent sample plots were used. According to Reineke's equation and the —3/2 power rule of self‐thinning, a log‐log plot of average tree size and stem density will give a straight, self‐thinning line of constant slope. According to this study, the slope of the line consistent with Reineke's equation varies for different tree species. Within tree species, the intercept of the self‐thinning line varies according to site index.  相似文献   

Effects of soil temperature on gas exchange of Scots pine seedlings were studied to evaluate the significance of reduced gas exchange in seedlings planted in cold soils. The patterns of net photosynthesis during the 3‐week period at the two constant soil temperatures (8°C and 12°C) were quite similar but at 12°C the photosynthetic rate was higher. After U days differences were no more significant. Photosynthesis at the increasing soil temperature, from 5.5°C to 13°C, decreased for the first 18 days and then recovered up to the level of other treatments. The same patterns were found for transpiration, stomatal conductance, and photosynthetic efficiency. Xylem pressure potentials and relative resistance to water flow after 3 weeks did not differ among soil temperatures. Initiation and development of current‐year needles affected all the results of gas exchange parameters.  相似文献   

Incoming shortwave global radiation (Q g) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; Q pa as a fraction of full daylight, relative irradiance (%Q), were measured at the same time in young stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Measurements were made on three levels above ground: 20 cm above ground and 50 and 15 % of stand height. Stands of three heights (75, 150 and 300 cm) were studied during two months. The stands were created by arranging young trees cut from natural stands, in nine quadratic spacings: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4 and 2.0 m. The leaf area index (L) was estimated. Differences in %Q‐values for Q pa and Qg in the same species and at the same stand height and level of light measurements above ground were significant only in 150 and 300 cm stands. In 75 cm high stands of Scots pine, the %Q was <60% at spacings <0.2 m and in 75 cm high stands of Norway spruce, the %Q was <60% at spacings <0.3 m. Only at 0.1x0.1–0.3x0.3 m, %Q was <20% in Norway spruce stands. In 150 cm stands %Q<20% was measured at spacings <0.7 m in Norway spruce and <0.5 in Scots pine. In 300 cm stands of Norway spruce it was measured up to 1.2 and in Scots pine <1.1 m. Light extinction coefficients, K and Kg for spruce and pine stands were 0.17–0.40 and 0.16–0.31 respectively. Some practical implications of the study are presented. Lack of light (%Q<10%) as a single factor of seriously suppressed growth and development of broad‐leaved plants and suckers by competition in young stands of spruce and pine only occur in dense stands 0.3x0.3 m‐1.1xl.l m (8000–100000 stems/hectare). Competition by light on a regenerated area generally occurs in the level of 50% of tree height (150–300 cm) and higher due to the rapid growth of broad‐leaved trees (sprouts) compared with planted conifers but the light intensity at these levels %Q>10%.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration in Mongolian pine, Pinus sylvesttis var. mongolica, forest at Honghuaerji of China (the original of the natural Mongolian pine, forest on sandy land) was studied in 2004. The total mean values of regeneration indexes were higher in mature stands (more than 80% individual stems were older than 50 years), the maximum of regeneration index reached 29 seedlings, m^ 2, with lowest values in the younger stand, e.g., in 32-year old and 43-year old stands. The stand age was an important factor determining the natural regeneration, which was the best in the older stands in this investigation (e.g. about 80-year old). The regeneration index seemed not to be closely in relation to canopy openness although Mongolian pine is a photophilic tree species. In each type of gaps, natural regeneration was very well. Regeneration indexes were satisfactory at the south and east edges in the circle gaps; and at the east edge of the narrow-square gaps. Results indicated that Mongolian pine, seedlings could endure shading understory, but it would not enter the canopy layer without gap or large disturbance, e.g., fire, wind/snow damage or clear cutting etc. These results may provide potentially references to the management and afforestation of Mongolian pine, plantations on sandy land in arid and semi-arid areas. Researches such as the comprehensive comparisons on regeneration, structure and ecological conditions and so on between natural Mongolian pine, forests and plantations should be conducted in the future.  相似文献   

Roots of 4–6‐year old European aspen and pubescent birch were collected monthly during 1983–87 and 1983–88, and analysed to determine their starch, fructose and glucose concentration. Carbohydrate concentrations in aspen roots fluctuated with low levels in May‐June. Seasonal variation was not as consistent in birch roots as in aspen roots. The drop during May‐June occur as consistently in birch. Total carbohydrate concentrations in roots of birch collected from six latitudes (56–67°N) in Sweden showed similar patterns of variation. There were no significant difference between starch concentrations among roots of different diameters (2–11 mm), nor did concentrations differ between sites at different distances (5–25 cm) from the main stem. It was difficult to visually differentiate between low and medium starch levels. Some practical implications of the results are discussed  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) needle litters were compared in terms of nutrient composition and its change during decomposition. Initial nutrient composition differed between the species, with lodgepole pine needle litter having significantly higher concentrations of P, Mg and Mn. However, no difference was found for concentrations of N, Ca or K. Increases in concentrations of N, P and K during decomposition were significant in both litter types. For Ca the pattern of concentration changes followed a quadratic function as decomposition proceeded. Concentrations of Mg and Mn decreased in lodgepole pine needle litter. In Scots pine litter there was also an initial decrease, but it was followed by an increase in most incubations. For both Mg and Mn, changes in concentrations during decomposition differed significantly between species. In the late decomposition stages, concentrations of Mg and Mn became similar in both litter types. Nutrient concentrations generated by the models were compared with those of the humus (F and H) layer in the stands. The model was quite accurate in predicting concentrations of N and P for both species and the concentration of Mg for lodgepole pine. By contrast, it was not accurate in predicting concentrations of Ca and Mn. Nutrient release was estimated for the two species using both measured litterfall data and long‐term estimates, and regression models were used to predict concentration changes. Rates of release of P, Mg and Mn in the lodgepole pine stands were found to be about twice as high compared with those in Scots pine. Calcium was also released to a greater extent although the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

The long‐term effects of lime application on fine roots of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst, and Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), have been studied in five experimental forest stands subjected to different lime applications 5 to 18 years before the present study was undertaken. The effects of liming does not seem to significantly influence fine‐root development in forest stands in the long term. The only response to liming in measured root variables was a tendency to increased specific root length (SRL = fine‐root length/fine‐root dry weight, m/g). A correlation between increased SRL, decreased root biomass and increased stem volume growth was indicated. Changes in water extractable amounts of mineral elements—P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Al and Fe‐in bulk soil and rhizosphere soil from the mineral soil layers were studied in a control area and an area treated with 3830 kg CaCO3 ha‐1. Few significant differences were found between treatments, and then mainly in the case of Ca.  相似文献   

A simulation model was used to predict the spatial distribution of direct and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation below a heterogenous canopy of a Pinus sylvestris stand in eastern Finland. Seedling growth was related to both measured and predicted radiation. The model predicted rather well the overall pattern of radiation distribution beneath the canopy. All the growth parameters of Pinus sylvestris seedlings (height, current height increment and mean height increment) correlated positively with the amount of both measured and predicted radiation. The correlation between seedling growth and irradiance was better for predicted diffuse radiation than for total radiation. This was probably because diffuse radiation, being symmetrically distributed around trees, correlates more strongly than direct radiation with other factors affecting seedling growth.  相似文献   

In order to examine the causes of degradation of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations on sandy land, the foliar concentrations of N, P, K and C were analyzed and compared between the field grown P. sylvestris var. mongolica trees from two provenances (natural forests and plantations). The results indicated that natural tree needles had lower N, P and C concentrations, and higher K concentrations than those of plantation tree needles. For plantation tree needles, ratios of N: P, P. K and N: K increased with tree age before 45 years old; but they were not clear for the natural tree needles. Compared with the conclusions reported on Pinus spp., we found that the foliar N and P concentrations were in the optimal range for both natural and plantation tree needles. This result suggested that N or P might not be the absolute limit factors in plant nutrient for P sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy land. However, foliar K concentrations in both natural and plantation tree needles were much lower than those reported on Pinus spp. (〉4.80 g kg-1).The N: P ratio of natural needles was in the adequate ranges, but N: P ratio of plantation needles was out of the adequate ranges. These results indicated that there was a better balanced nutrition status in the natural forest than in the plantations. If only considering the foliar nutrient concentrations of P sylvestris var. mongolica from different provenances, it might be concluded that the degradation phenomenon of P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantations was not induced by nutrition deficiency of absolute nutrients of N and P, but might be induced by other mineral nutrients or by the effectiveness of N and P nutrients. The unbalanced nutrition status and relatively quick decomposition of needles in the plantations might also contribute to the degradation.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the cost, flexibility, and appropriate scale of mechanized microsite preparation (MP), in combination with mechanical direct seeding of Pinus sylvestris L. with orchard seed. This technique was tested at four boreal forest sites in Northern Sweden. Orchard and stand seeds were sown with and without MP. The use of orchard seed increased seedling establishment by 41% and the use of MP increased seedling establishment by 47%, respectively, after two years. The best substrates for sowing when using MP were OAh-, E- and BC-horizon, in ranked order. The use of orchard seed compared to stand seed increased mean seedling height by 25% after four years. These trials suggest that to obtain a density of 5,000 stems ha-1 four years after seeding, 61,000 viable stand seeds or 41,000 orchard seeds ha-1 should be sown if MP is not used. If MP is used, seeding rate could be reduced by about 32%. By using MP, and by further improving scarification technique so that all scarified area is thin OAh-horizon, we predict that only 32,000 stand seeds or 22,000 orchard seeds ha-1, i.e., half the dosage, should be needed. Under these optimal conditions, it would be necessary to sow about six and four germinable stand and orchard seeds, respectively, to ensure one seedling after four years. Furthermore, regeneration cost would be less than a third that of planting.  相似文献   

Three different LED lamps with continuous spectra were compared against commonly used fluorescent lights. The lamps were characterized by light output, energy consumption and spectral quality for plant growth. The biological effects of light quality were compared by pre-cultivating seedlings of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. under each spectrum for 35 days in a growth chamber with controlled temperature, humidity and photoperiod. The seedlings were then transplanted and cultivated for one vegetation period at the nursery, then planted outdoors on a forest field trial and followed for three years. The seedlings showed similar growth performance for all spectra tested. LED lamps have several advantages to fluorescent light such as energy consumption, longer life span and adjustable light intensity. Regarding light intensity the effects on growth performance were studied for both species using the most promising LED spectra. The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was maintained at 50, 100, 200 and 400 μmol?m?2?s?1. Unlike energy consumption, seedling development did not display a linear relationship to light intensity. Instead, the results show an optimum light level between 100 and 200?μmol?m?2?s?1 for the shade tolerant Picea abies seedlings and a level of around 200?μmol?m?2?s?1 for the more shade intolerant Pinus sylvestris seedlings.  相似文献   

Managed forest stands are typically younger and structurally less diverse than natural forests. Introduction of non-native tree species might increase the structural changes to managed forest stands, but detailed analyses of tree- and stand-structures of native and non-native managed forests are often lacking. Improved knowledge of non-native forest structure could help clarify their multiple values (e.g. habitat for native biodiversity, bioenergy opportunities). We studied the structural differences between the introduced, non-native Pinus contorta and the native Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies over young forest stand ages (13–34 years old) in managed forests in northern Sweden. We found that P. contorta stands had greater mean basal areas, tree heights, diameters at breast height, and surface area of living branches than the two native species in young stands. The surface area of dead attached branches was also greater in P. contorta than P. abies. Although this indicates greater habitat availability for branch-living organisms, it also contributes to the overall more shaded conditions in stands of P. contorta. Only one older 87 years old P. contorta stand was available, and future studies will tell how structural differences between P. contorta and native tree species develop over the full forestry cycle.  相似文献   

The role of the resin‐top disease caused by Peridermium pini in volume and value losses to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was surveyed in two heavily infected stands in northern Finland. Of the Scots pines, 26% were infected by the disease. Peridermium pini caused 2% volume losses to saw timber trees and 3% volume losses to pulpwood trees in the stem‐lesion class and 10% and 14% in the dead‐top class, respectively. The disease caused saw timber volume losses to saw timber trees of 34% and 22% in the stem‐lesion and dead‐top class, respectively. However, saw timber volume losses increased the pulpwood volume in both disease classes. The disease reduced the marketing value of saw timber trees and pulpwood trees by 18% and 3% in the stem‐lesion class and by 15% and 14% in the dead‐top class.  相似文献   

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