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To study and model the variation of wood properties, sample trees were selected from 42 Norway spruce and 20 Scots pine stands covering a wide variation in climatic and site conditions, stand maturation and tree sizes. Plot and tree measurements were followed by sampling wood from different heights in each sample tree and laboratory measurements of wood properties. Mixed linear and non-linear prediction models were developed using diameters, number of annual rings and climatic indices as explanatory variables. The variation in spruce properties explained by these variables was: basic density 50%, latewood content 52%, juvenile wood diameter 85%, heartwood diameter 94% and bark thickness 76%. The corresponding values for pine were 59, 54, 79, 92 and 85%. Random among-tree variance was an important contributor to the remaining variation for density and latewood. In general, only a minor part of the random variation was related to variance between stands. Predictions derived from the models for density and juvenile wood in both species, and heartwood in pine showed good agreement when validated with data sets from two other studies. The resulting models may be used for predicting wood properties in forest planning and in bucking computers in harvesters, provided that the essential information is available.  相似文献   


Tree resistance to the pathogenic blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica was studied in a monoclonal stand of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in relation to tree social status and diameter at breast height (DBH). The DBH distribution of the 33-yr-old stand ranged from 5 to 35 cm. There were clear differences in tree height between the suppressed (DBH 7.4-10.3 cm), codominant (DBH 11.8-17.4 cm) and dominant (DBH 18.6-23.9 cm) tree classes. The resistance was tested by mass inoculating trees with a low (400 inoculations m -2 , 60 cm inoculation belt) or high (400 inoculations m -2 , 120 cm inoculation belt) dosage. The small, suppressed trees were more susceptible to inoculation than the codominant and dominant trees, based on the amount of blue-stained and occluded sapwood, lesion length and dead cambium/phloem. A threshold in tree social status or tree size may be important in the overall resistance to fungal infection.  相似文献   

Two field experiments, located in Central and Northern Sweden, were used to study the influence of standing volume on volume increment and ingrowth in uneven-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands subjected to different thinnings. Each experiment had a 3 × 2 factorial block design with two replications. Treatments were thinning grade, removing about 45, 65, and 85% of pre-thinning basal area, and thinning type, removing the larger or the smaller trees, respectively. Each site also had two untreated control plots. Plot size was 0.25 ha. Volume increment was 0.5–6.8 m3 ha−1 year−1 for the plots, and significantly positively (p < 0.01) correlated with standing volume. Within treatment pairs, plots thinned from Above had consistently higher volume increment than plots thinned from Below. Ingrowth ranged from 3 to 33 stems ha−1 year−1, with an average of 14 and 21 stems ha−1 year−1 at the northern and southern site, respectively. At the southern site ingrowth was significantly negatively (p < 0.01) correlated with standing volume, but not at the northern site. Mean annual mortality after thinning was 2 and 7 stems ha−1 year−1at the northern and southern site, respectively.  相似文献   

火炬松不同种源纸浆材材性的变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983年火炬松31个种源引种栽培在浙江富阳中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所实验林场,研究表明该批种源间10年生树木生长量和纸浆材材性因子如晚材率、管胞形态特征值(管胞长度、宽度、腔径、壁厚、长宽比、腔径比、壁腔比)、管胞S2层微纤丝角和木材基本密度存在着显著差异,木材主要化学成分中纤维素和木素含量种源间存在着显著差异,而戊聚糖和苯醇浸提物含量种源间差异不显著.这些材性特征除了木材化学性状因子外,均受中等以上程度遗传控制.木材纤维素、木素、戊聚糖和苯醇浸提物含量的广义遗传力分别为0.088、0.003、0.340和0.307,其余性状广义遗传力均大于0.50.引种地栽培环境对木材性状有显著影响.种源原产地纬度与树木生长量、管胞宽度、管胞直径和管胞微纤丝角呈负相关,与晚材率、木材密度呈正相关.31个种源树木胸高直径与管胞长宽比、管胞壁腔比、木材密度呈显著负相关,与管胞宽度、管胞直径、管胞腔径比呈正相关.  相似文献   

The infection of Picea abies and Larix x eurolepis by Heterobasidion annosum was studied in felled trees in Sweden. Thinnings were carried out in two stands of L. x eurolepis, 15 and 20 years old, and in a 25-year-old stand of P. abies, established on a site heavily infected by H. annosum. The 15- and 20-year-old L. x eurolepis stands exhibited the greatest incidence of butt rot with infections amounting to 38 and 57%, respectively, of removed trees. The incidence of butt rot in the P. abies stand was only 5%. Heterobasidion annosum was the main butt rot causing fungus. All isolates of H. annosum were of the P-intersterility group. Transfer of H. annosum from old-growth P. abies stumps to trees felled in the thinning of the next generation was demonstrated by somatic incompatibility tests. However, the majority of infections could not be connected with decay already established in the previous generation. In L. c eurolepis, rot columns were frequent, including also several genotypes in the same stem, and typically positioned in the inner sapwood. The few infections of P. abies were situated in the heartwood.  相似文献   

利用3~5年生挪威云杉半木质化枝条开展了挪威云杉扦插激素种类、激素浓度、浸泡时间、插穗长度、扦插深度、插穗预处理和挪威云杉各家系扦插繁殖对比等方面的研究,结果表明:激素种类、激素浓度、浸泡时间不同水平之间具有显著差异,选用ABT1、50×10-6、浸泡50min试验效果最好;不同扦插深度试验中各扦插深度水平之间差异不显著,但以扦插深度5cm生根率最高,平均达68.89%,最高可达96.67%;各插穗长度水平之间差异不显著,但以插穗长度10cm生根率最高,平均达88.33%,最高可达90%;挪威云杉不同家系扦插的生根率存在显著差异。  相似文献   

欧洲云杉引种试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定鄂西地区欧洲云杉的适生区域,进行欧洲云杉德国种源引种栽培试验,试验结果表现良好,25 a生林分树高13.2 m,平均胸径19.8 cm,材积0.206 2 m3,材积比人工林杉木、巴山松、油松提高38.7%~46.9%。海拔区域试验表明6 a生欧洲云杉林分树高生长量在海拔1 060~1 916 m差异不显著,适宜鄂西山区海拔1 500~1 900 m,年降水量1 000mm以上的区域营造工业原料林或种子园。  相似文献   


There are no instructions on the management of stands of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in which butt rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum coll. (Fr.) Bref. was not discovered until the time of first thinning. A stochastic simulation model describing the spread of butt rot in a stand of Norway spruce was used with a new submodel describing the butt rot of young trees. Non-linear stochastic optimization was used to determine the most profitable management schedule of a young Norway spruce stand with butt rot. If the initial level of butt rot was 5% or 10%, or the stand was thinned in summer with stump treatment, one thinning with a rotation of 55 yrs was optimal. Two winter thinnings with a rotation of 61 yrs was optimal in an initially healthy stand. Optimizations indicated that silvicultural measures that decrease the transfer of H. annosum to next generation at clear-cuttings could be economically fulfilled.  相似文献   

Wood Properties of Poplar from Stand Affected by Acid Rain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wood properties from 28 trees (Populus euramericana) selected from healthy and acid rain damaged forest were measured to evaluate the possible impacts on wood quality and utilization. On the heavily damaged location, the pH value of precipitation ranged from 3.7-5.0, and sulfate loading ranged from 20-40 kg·ha-2.y-1. Quantitative and qualitative studies on ring width, physical properties and mechanical properties indicated that changes of wood properties between diseased and healthy poplar occurred. Acid rain suppressed growth increment of trees in damaged forest. Comparing with healthy poplar, ring width of diseased poplar reduced significantly. The water content across the steni area differed enormously between diseased and healthy poplar. The deficiency in water of sapwood from diseased poplar was associated with a decrease of sapwood portion. Basic density of wood from diseased poplar reduced significantly. No significant difference in cellulose, pentosan and lignin were found between diseased and  相似文献   

该文从引种地区自然条件、引种实施方法两方面对芬兰树种挪威云杉和柔毛桦在鹤北林业局引进技术进行了全面论述。  相似文献   

火炬松(Pinus taeda)原产地美国,自然分布于28°-29°N,75°-97°W中南部范围内.其分布区内,地理生态环境较为复杂,使之形成许多地理种源(潘志刚,1992).该树生长迅速、适应性强、材质好,是美国南方松中最为重要的建筑用材、造纸材和胶合板材的栽培树种(徐有明,1998).  相似文献   

Severe chlorosis developed in a 45 year old stand of Norway spruce over a period of three weeks in July and August 1986. The chlorosis was followed by needle necrosis and, eventually, shedding. The trees showing the most severe effects had all been damaged during timber extraction operations in 1985. The symptoms superficially resembled those on many trees in central Europe, Where air pollution is generally considered to be involved in chlorosis and defoliation. Air pollution is unlikely to be a primary factor in the chlorosis and defoliation observed in this stand.  相似文献   

Number of years since death was estimated by dendrochronological cross-dating of 107 standing dead trees (snags) of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in a submountainous old-growth forest in south–central Norway. Snag characteristics (size, bark cover, branch order present and variables derived from tree-ring analyses) were used in stepwise linear regression procedures to identify variables that explained time since death. Number of branch orders present (where branches growing directly on the stem were branch order 1, branches growing on order 1 branches were order 2, and so on) explained two-thirds of the variation in time since death. Adding other significant variables, such as diameter, relative height of snags, percentage bark cover and average tree-ring width in the final years before death, increased model precision only moderately. The models were validated by the PRESS statistic, which showed that new observations were predicted fairly well with 65–69% of the variation explained.  相似文献   


The wet-base moisture content (MC) in outer sapwood of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) pulpwood in different wood management programmes from the forest to the mill was studied from the point of view of three objectives: (1) the importance of rapid raw material delivery, (2) the effect of bark condition as a result of harvesting during the late dormant season and the growing season, and (3) the possibilities for retaining the pulpwood MC using climate-adapted wet storage. The reduction in MC after felling was significant in the pulpwood stored without wet storage. When not wet-stored, pulpwood with a high degree of bark damage dried out more rapidly than wood with a low degree of bark loss. In pulpwood, wet-stored in accordance with climate-adaptation, the MC remained or increased during storage. The shorter the drying time before wet storage, i.e., faster delivery to the mill, the more significant the increase in MC. The increase in MC during wet storage was more significant in pulpwood with a low degree of bark damage. Climate-adapted wet storage reduced the variation of the MC. When conducted with fresh pulpwood, i.e., drying time shorter than 4 weeks (low bark loss) or 2 weeks (high bark loss), a more homogeneous MC distribution was gained.  相似文献   


The effect of different thawing procedures on seedling quality in Norway spruce (Picea abies) was evaluated. Freezer-stored seedlings were thawed rapidly for 20 h by immersion in water with an initial water temperature of 8°C or thawed more slowly by gradually increasing the temperature in storage over a period of 8 weeks. Seedlings from these treatments were also compared with seedlings thawed rapidly overnight at 15°C. Frost tolerance, carbohydrate content and the time of bud break were used as indicators of the vitality of the seedlings. Seedlings thawed rapidly in water or air showed significantly better frost tolerance after storage than slowly thawed seedlings. The contents of sucrose and raffinose in seedlings thawed rapidly were also significantly higher than in seedlings thawed more slowly. Bud break occurred later in seedlings thawed rapidly than in slowly thawed seedlings. Rapid thawing in water may be a good method to ensure the delivery of high-quality thawed seedlings throughout the planting season.  相似文献   

In forest stands, Picea abies is commonly subjected to logging and bark stripping injuries. Most mechanical wounds do not exceed 300 cm2, but their pathological consequences are unclear. The aim of the study was to estimate the rate of wound occlusion and the probability of decay in P. abies stems in relation to initial wound size and wounding season. The study included forty-five stems with 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-cm-wide by 15-cm-long wounds (15–75 cm2), and eighty-three stems with 15-cm-wide by 20-cm-long wounds (300 cm2), made either in January or in August. After 19–21 years, each wound was assessed for occlusion rate and the presence of decay. All 1- to 2-cm-wide wounds were occluded, compared to 58–70% of the 3- to 4-cm-wide wounds, 25% of the 5-cm-wide wounds, and 0% of the 15-cm-wide wounds. On average, it took 3.6, 5.5, 10.4, 12.7 and 14.7 years to occlude wounds ranging in size from 1- to 5-cm-wide, respectively. After 21 years, the observed size of wounds comprising an initial area of 300 cm2 ranged between 14 and 481 cm2. Wounding season and stem DBH had no impact on wound healing. Wound decay incidence correlated positively with the initial width of injury (r = 0.925; P < 0.05). All 1- to 2-cm-wide wounds lacked any decay, while the proportions of decay among 3-, 4-, 5- and 15-cm-wide wounds were 58.3, 50.0, 83.3 and 100%, respectively. Length of decay comprised 35–225 cm. Consequently, wounds on P. abies stems greater than 5 cm width are unlikely to be occluded and more prone to decay development.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the levels and patterns of allozyme variation among 29 populations of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] from Poland. Thirteen investigated isoenzyme systems were encoded by 27 gene loci and, on average, 71% of the loci per population were polymorphic. The average and effective numbers of alleles per locus were 2.17 and 1.26, respectively, while the expected heterozygosity was 0.156. A relatively low allozyme differentiation among populations from north-eastern and southern Poland was observed ( F ST = 0.028, mean genetic distance D = 0.005). The results suggest that historical events and extensive gene flow played an important role in the distribution of the observed allozyme differentiation of Norway spruce in Poland.  相似文献   

选择欧洲云杉3个种源、黑云杉3个种源、白云杉3个种源、青海云杉1个种源进行了不同种、种源的苗期生长性状变异试验。结果表明:云杉不同种、种源间苗期性状差异显著。4个种的1年生苗以苗高进行排序:欧洲云杉〉黑云杉〉白云杉〉青海云杉。欧洲云杉、黑云杉、白云杉各个种的不同种源间有很大的变异及选择潜力。因此在进行云杉引种时,应选择不同的种、种源,才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

通过对引进的挪威云杉种源和窄冠垂枝型挪威云杉家系进行不同地点苗期试验,选取生长期、当年高和存活率等3个指标进行苗期生长适应性评价,研究结果表明,部分窄冠垂枝型挪威云杉家系具有良好的生长适应性,大部分存活率相对比较低,挪威云杉种源苗期生长普遍不能适应。  相似文献   

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