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Twenty sets, each consisting of a tall, a medium, and a small plant, were selected from a 2 by 2‐year‐old nursery crop. Selection differential was measured. Cutting propagation was undertaken and the subsequent clones were tested in a field experiment. Differences between groups at age 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 10 were calculated, and ortet/ramet regressions and age‐to‐age correlations were conducted. Selection of the tall plants gave a response of approximately 17% at age 10. Accumulated genetic gain at this age by a specified stepwise selection procedure is estimated to 36%. Step one is the early selection in the nursery, step two is a later selection amongst the early selected clones and performed after 7 years’ field testing. Ageing of clones, selection for other traits and application of the clones over a variety of sites will reduce these gains.  相似文献   

欧洲云杉扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了快速有效地规模化扦插繁殖欧洲云杉,满足造林、绿化用苗的需要。采用全光照自动间歇喷雾装置,用河沙做基质。在林科院甘肃小陇山沙坝的实验基地做了ABT1、NAA、IBA、GGR不同激素,ABT1不同浓度和浸泡时间,5-10 cm、10-15 cm和〉15 cm三种不同插穗长度,5 a和23 a不同采穗母株年龄的嫩枝扦插试验及200 mg.kg^-1ABT1处理1 h的不同插穗类型(嫩枝带硬枝和嫩枝)的试验,用清水处理插穗做对照(CK)。试验数据采用spss12.0进行方差分析,结果表明:不同激素处理的插穗生根率差异显著。生根率大小顺序为:ABT〉GGR〉IBA〉NAA。而IBA处理的插穗生根数,根系总长和根系效果指数均大于其它处理,根系发达。ABT1不同浓度和浸泡时间处理的插穗生根率差异达极显著水平。以100.mg kg^-1和200 mg.kg^-1浸泡30 min和2 h生根率最好。50 mg.kg^-1浸泡1 h处理的插穗生根数、根系总长、根系效果指数大。嫩枝带硬枝和嫩枝生根率差异不显著,但生根数、根系总长和根系效果指数嫩枝带硬枝〉嫩枝。〉15 cm的插穗生根率和其它指标都高。采自23a生母株的插穗没有生根。  相似文献   

Development in height, diameter and basal area was studied for beeted and for originally planted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings. The study was carried out as a survey in three unthinned stands in southern Sweden. Beeted seedlings were separated from those originally planted by differences observed in the number of annual rings at stump height. In all stands height and diameter were smaller and growth rates in height and basal area were lower for beeted than for originally planted seedlings. The lower growth rates for beeted seedlings may be explained as effects of inter‐tree competition. The oldest stand was thinned at the time of inventory. 40% of the thinned trees were beeted representing 18% of the thinned volume.  相似文献   

Models for predicting height and diameter of individual trees in young Picea abies (L.) Karst. stands were developed. Data collected in a large survey of young forest stands in Sweden (the HUGIN young stand survey) were used in the construction of the models. Models were developed both with and without competition indices included. When constructing the competition indices trees within three metres from the subject tree were regarded as competitors. Functions with competition indices included (distance dependent) will be useful in analyses of the development of stands with different stand structure, whereas functions without competition indices (distance independent) will be useful in systems for long‐term forecasts of yield.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide uptake response to light intensity of detached shoots of open‐ and forest‐grown Norway spruces was investigated in controlled standard conditions. The initial slope of the CO2 uptake light response curve, calculated on leaf area basis and the internal conductance, calculated on leaf weight basis were almost constant for shoots from different positions in the forest canopy. In open‐grown trees the maximum photosynthesis and internal conductance (on leaf weight basis) decreased in relation to the tree age, so that in the 8‐year‐old tree it was about two times of that in the 66‐year‐old tree. These results suggest that 1) the enhanced efficiency of “shade” shoots is caused by morphologic adaptation, i.e. the more sparsely packed photosynthetic apparatus in needles and shoots, and 2) adaptational possibilities of Norway spruce photosynthetic apparatus, its ecological plasticity diminish during tree ontogenesis.  相似文献   

A field experiment was established in two Picea abies (L.) Karst. plantations in southern Sweden to study yield and effects of competition on growth in beeted stands. Beeting was carried out in gaps where originally planted seedlings had been removed. Tree species used for beeting were P. abies, Pinus sylvestris L., Pinus contorta Dougl. and Larix decidua Mill × L. leptolepis Gord. The plantations were beeted when mean heights were 95 cm (Ullasjo) and 40 cm (Knäred). Effects of competition on diameter growth of P. abies were found when originally planted stands were 2.5 and 3.5 m in height. On both sites, diameter growth in stump height was significantly lower for seedlings beeted in small gaps (approx. 20 m2) than for seedlings beeted in the middle of large gaps (approx. 155 m2). This difference was larger at Ullasjo than at Knared. About 50 % of the P. sylvestris 70 % of the P. contorta and 80% of the L. decidua x L. leptolepis were dead or severely damaged six years after beeting. The main causes of damage were fraying and browsing by moose and roe‐deer.  相似文献   

Results are presented from three different field trials comparing controlled crossed materials of Norway spruce from the southern seed orchard at Lyngdal (58° N) with open‐pollinated progenies from the same mother trees standing in the northern natural forest (63–66° N). The seed orchard progenies flushed consistently later in the spring, terminated leader shoot growth later in the summer, had higher frequencies of lammas shoots, were delayed in lignification during autumn, and were 15% taller at age seven years from seed. The difference between the orchard‐ and the natural stand material appeared to be permanent from age four to age seven. It is suspected that the non‐native environment in the seed orchard could affect the genotypic performance of the seed orchard progenies.  相似文献   


The moisture sorption and swelling of spruce specimens impregnated with linseed oil and unimpregnated controls were studied in two sorption experiments: from 0 to 55% relative humidity (RH) and from 55% RH to water saturation. Sorption isotherms were also determined using a sorption balance. The impregnated specimens had lower rates of both moisture sorption and swelling than the unimpregnated controls; however, there was no significant difference in final moisture contents. In addition, the linseed oil impregnation did not improve the dimensional stability of the wood; in most cases the specimens impregnated with linseed oil swelled more than the unimpregnated controls. For the impregnated specimens, reductions in swelling rates were in most cases seen without corresponding reductions in final swelling. The moisture sorption rate was reduced for the impregnated specimens but there were generally no reductions in equilibrium moisture content.  相似文献   


The object of this study was to obtain Norway spruce seedlings with buds set, ready for summer planting from 1 July. An early long-night treatment prevented flushing of the newly formed terminal buds and ceased height growth, but slightly reduced hardiness in buds and needles. Nevertheless, a sufficient hardiness level in the autumn was acquired at a Norwegian nursery at 59°46′ N, with plants of the local provenance given a long-night treatment (14 h) for 13 days from 25 June. Similar treatment at a nursery at 64°30′ N did not give the same result; all treatments led to a second flush with resumed growth of the local provenance. A trial with seed lots from several provenances was therefore performed at this nursery, and a significant correlation was found between the critical night length of the seed lot and their ability to produce non-flushing buds; the longer the critical night length of the seed lot, the fewer non-flushing buds. Responses at the northern nursery are probably due to the lack of a dark period after termination of the treatment, and too short a treatment period to attain bud dormancy. An early and successful long-night treatment will also produce shorter seedlings with a larger root collar diameter.  相似文献   

The effect on litter decomposition rates was studied after annual additions for four years to the forest floor of sulfuric acid (64 kg S.ha?1), sulfur powder (64 kg S.ha?1), and in the first year limestone (dolomite) powder (412 kg Ca+230 kg Mg.ha?1). The litter was Norway spruce needles which were incubated in the field in litter‐bags. Drastic reductions in decomposition rates were observed and the addition of diluted acid caused a rate reduction to 66% of that in control and the additions of sulfur powder a reduction to 80%. The effect of the sulfur powder on litter mass‐loss rate appeared to be delayed and could not be noted until one year after the first addition. No effect could be seen of the limestone powder.  相似文献   


The main aim of this study was to assess critically the effects of binucleate Rhizoctonia (BnR) inoculation on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedling and hypocotyl root architecture and early plant growth in tree seedling nursery soil, Sphagnum peat and forest humus. The BnR isolates (251, 266, 268, 269) stimulated early seedling growth in the nitrogen-limited nursery soil 86 days postinoculation (p.i.). These seedlings exhibited significantly higher root length and reduced root width, although percentage root infection levels were <6%. At a harvest 240 days p.i., no significant plant and root growth differences were identified, although short root numbers were significantly increased. BnR infection detected in roots was characterized by the presence of intercellular fungal hyphae and subtending intracellular monilioid fungal cells located in outer cortical cells of long roots. Similar endophytic infection morphology was detected in adventitious roots generated in prerooted hypocotyl cuttings [Kaparakis, G. & Sen, R. (2006). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 21] exposed to all BnR isolates in nursery peat and forest humus, although isolate-specific cutting growth was detected. In conclusion, these BnR isolates, known to be genetically related to orchid mycorrhizal Ceratorhiza spp., are non-pathogenic and have the capacity to stimulate significantly early Scots pine root development in nursery soils and forest humus.  相似文献   

The effects of spacing on the stem and branch properties of Norway spruce growing on a good soil in southwestern Sweden were evaluated. Butt logs from sample trees were test sawn, and the boards were machine‐stress graded and graded according to Swedish export rules. Branch diameter and bole diameter both responded positively to an increase in spacing. Quality, as reflected by stress and export grades, increased in response to a decrease in spacing.  相似文献   


After the severe storm Gudrun in southern Sweden in 2005, a quantitative study was done in order to investigate the presence of lengthwise crack on planks taken from storm-felled trees in southern Sweden, compared to planks from standing trees not subjected to this storm (central Sweden). The main yield from each log was examined. In total, 1087 pine (Pinus sylvestris) planks and 3626 spruce (Picea abies) planks from the storm-struck area were investigated and compared to 1953 spruce and 2000 pine planks from trees outside the storm-struck area. The examination of cracks was done visually on dried planks. For pine, 51.7% of the planks from storm-felled trees had a total length longer than 0.5 m, compared to 7.3% for the reference material. As for spruce, 11.0% of the planks from storm-felled trees had a total crack length of more than 0.5 m, compared to the reference material where 2.2% had cracks longer than 0.5 m. The results show that the storm-felled trees had more longitudinal cracks than the reference material and that pine was more likely to develop storm-related cracks than spruce.  相似文献   

The paper presents a method where the mor layer was sliced into 1 cm thick layers before measuring of pHH2O and pHCaCl2. A significant decrease of pH with increasing depth was found. Except for the two deepest layers, 2–3 and 3–4 cm, pH of all layers were significantly different (p<0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between pH in adjacent cm‐layers within the cores. pHH2O in the middle layer, 1–2 cm, showed a significant correlation with all other cm‐layers. This may indicate that a vertical influencing factor or factors determine the pH pattern, even in spots with deviating pH values compared to the sample plot mean. Alteration of the organic material during decomposition, leaching of organic acids and cation uptake are discussed as probable factors leading to the observed pH gradient. The preferability of calculating a mean pH value from untransformed logarithmic pH values was also confirmed.  相似文献   

Effects of growth medium physical conditions were studied. Peat and two series of peat mixed with hydrophobic mineral wool or perlite in three mixing ratios were prepared. Growth media porosities were characterized by the standardized time method and seedling development by measurements of stem length and fresh and dry weight.Seedlings grown in media containing mineral wool showed less mortality, were larger and had more living root apices than seedlings in media lacking mineral wool. Growth media influenced most the stem length and dry weights and was best at higher porosity. The difference between mineral wool and perlite amendments was greater for dry weight than stem length, although the effect of mixing ratio was observed for mineral wool only.The media induced qualitative differences in shoots (foliage spiralling) and roots (branching, number of living root apices, lenticel intumescence).  相似文献   

The individual tree growth in stands of mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth & Betula pubescens Ehrh.) is estimated using basal area and height growth functions for each species separately. The individual tree growth models are distant dependent and the number, size and proximity of neighbours are expressed as size‐ratio competition indices. The competition indices were calculated using a basal area factor gauge to define competitors. The tree growth functions are based on data from nine mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch. The recursive multivariate regression approach is used. The growth functions have standard deviation about the function/standard deviation about the mean (sf/sm) values between 31 and 61% and the evaluations made with root mean square error (rmse) give estimates which vary between 8 and 45 % of the observed mean value. These values are comparable with the precision reported in other studies. In the present investigation the distant dependent indices are important independent variables. It seems suitable to describe the change in growth conditions from retarded to released growth by means of size ratio competition indices. For birch, a positive effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. For Norway spruce a negative effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. The lower competitors have a positive effect on the growth of the spruce trees. The interpretation should be that it is better to have a small competitor than a larger one, not that small competitors as such have a positive effect on growth of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Observed diameter distributions of forest stands are adapted to the Johnson S b probability function. The stands investigated are untreated mixed stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) aged between 20 and 32 years. The adaptation of the Johnson Sb probability function is made both on mixed spruce and birch, and on each species separately. Altogether 156 observations were tested with observed distributions against calculated distributions in the Kolmo‐gorov‐Smirnov test. The fractiles are predicted with multiple regression and two multivari‐ate techniques, simultaneous‐equation models (multivariate regression) and partial least squares with latent variables. The independent variables are characteristics of site and stand. Both multivariate methods predict diameter distribution well when tested.  相似文献   

Perlite-peat substrate (2:1 v:v) fumigated with Basamide was inoculated with vegetative inocula (a mixture of perlite and peat moistened with the MMN liquid medium) of ectomycorrhizal fungi Suillus bovinus (isolate TUZ 105) and Inocybe lacera (isolate X/14) immediately before seeding with Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) in a nursery bed. Suillus inoculum was applied at rates of 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 litres per m2, Inocybe inoculum at rates of 0.5 and 1.5 litres per m2. At the end of the first growing season, all inoculation treatments showed a significantly greater mycorrhizal infection of bareroot seedlings compared to that found in both fumigated and unfumigated controls. The ectomycorrhizal 1-year-old seedlings were transplanted into containers. At the end of the second year, ectomycorrhizal infection of the 2-year-old container-grown seedlings was considerably less than that of the 1-year-old barerooted seedlings, probably as a consequence of too high fertility and/or insufficient porosity/aeration of pure peat moss medium. There was no difference in seedling growth between inoculated and uninoculated seedlings throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

Naturally shed cones of Norway spruce (Picea abies) were placed on the forest floor, partly on moss-covered ground, and partly on vegetation-free needle mats. Numbered sticks allowed individual recovery after 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 years. During the first nine years, cones decomposed fastest in the moss site. After 13 years, dry weight loss was about 60% in both habitats, but cones still retained their shape. In the moss site, cones were then situated in the middle of the organic layer, with their underside about 3?cm above the bleached layer. Cones in the needle mat profile had sunk less. One cone with rather intact shape was found below a nylon strip laid out 28 years earlier. Compared to needle litter from Norway spruce and Scots pine, spruce cones had low concentrations of Ca, Mn, and Fe. The concentration of these elements, as well as N, Al, and S, was greatly increased during decomposition. Ca, Mn, Fe, and Al were immobilized for a long time, as their total amount per cone increased with time. Cones decomposed slower than needles, so their role in humus composition and carbon storage may be greater than indicated by their fraction of fresh litter.  相似文献   

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