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The occurrence of fungi in the underground parts of 1‐ and 2‐year‐old conifer stumps (Pimis sylveslris and Picea abies) was studied in two clear‐felled areas of eastern Uppland in Sweden, and most fungal isolates were identified to species.

Decay fungi (Basidiomycetes) were more frequent in spruce stumps than in pine stumps, and their incidence was highest in 2‐year‐old stumps. The occurrence of blue‐stain fungi and hyaline mycelia did not differ significantly between stumps of different species or age. Within stumps, decay fungi were most frequent in large roots close to the cut surface, whereas blue‐stain fungi and hyaline mycelia were most abundant in small roots. The occurrence of yeasts, bacteria and fast‐growing moulds was also recorded.  相似文献   

In a combined population‐progeny experimental plantation of Pinus sylvestris at Nordanås, lat. 64°19’ long. 18°12’ alt. 400 m, a few growth characters and around 25 quality characters were meaured or assessed at age 34 from seed. The populations under study originated from latitudes 63–67. The experimental design is a split‐plot with three replications. Each population is represented by 10–20 open pollinated progenies planted in 15‐tree row plots at a spacing of 2.5x2.5 m. All growth and most quality characters showed significant population differences. Family differences were noted for approximately half of the quality characters. The family repeatability for growth and quality characters varied much between the populations in a non‐consistent way. Thanks to the strong genetic correlations between breast height diameter and stem volume, as well as between tree height and stem volume those two characters could be used to estimate stem volume.  相似文献   

Two‐year‐old seedlings of Betula pendula Roth of three provenances were cut to stump heights of 0 and 10 cm. The birch stumps were exposed to different light levels (25–400 μEm?2s?1) and temperatures (6–24°C) for 100 days in climate chambers. Birches were also cut down to seven stump heights (0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 cm) and exposed to light intensity 25 and 200 μEm?2s?1 at 12/6°C for 100 days in climate chambers. In the third experiment 10 cm stumps of birch were exposed to different light intensities (10–400 μEm?2s?1) for 30 days in a greenhouse at 20°C. Starch content in root systems was analyzed before and after treatment. Ten stumps per treatment were used in the experiments except the third experiment where 15 stumps were used. The number of sprouting stumps was correlated with light intensity and temperature. None of the stumps exposed to 6 or 9°C produced suckers. At stump height 0 cm fewer sprouting stumps were produced than at 10 cm. The mean height of suckers was higher the higher the temperature both on 0 and 10 cm stumps. There were differences between provenances in height growth. The number of suckers per sprouting stump was not related to temperature or light intensity. Starch content in root systems of 10 cm high stumps was 4.0% compared with 14.7% in root systems of non‐stumped birch plants after 30 days in the greenhouse. Starch content decreased from 4.0 to 3.0% with decreasing light intensity (400–10 μEm?2S?1). The number of suckers and their mean height were correlated with starch content depending on light intensity.  相似文献   

The effect of soil scarification on decomposition of green Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) needles and mineral nutrient release was investigated. The treatments studied were ploughing, disk trenching, mound on inverted humus and untreated control. The study was conducted on two clear‐felled sites with different ground moisture conditions, located in south Sweden. The needles decomposed and released their contents of N and Ca considerably faster on scarified areas than on untreated ones. For P, Mg and especially K, only minor differences between scarified and untreated areas were established. At the wet site, needle decomposition and nutrient mineralization were generally affected to the same extent by all three scarification methods studied. At the dry to fresh site, mounding and ploughing enhanced needle decomposition and nutrient mineralization more than disk trenching. The effect of different scarification methods on the long‐term production capacity of soils is discussed.  相似文献   

Ferguson  Dennis E. 《New Forests》1999,18(3):199-217
Grand Fir Mosaic forests innorthern Idaho are difficult to regenerate afternatural or human-caused disturbances. Sparseconifer regeneration appears to be associated withhigh populations of northern pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides) plus expansion by bracken fern(Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) and invasionof western coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalisNutt.). This report updates an earlier study(Ferguson and Adams 1994) that quantified theeffects of four treatments on survival and growth ofplanted conifers: unweeded with gophers, weeded withgophers, unweeded without gophers, and weededwithout gophers. Weeding removed only bracken fernand western coneflower. Subalpine fir (Abieslasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.), grand fir (Abiesgrandis (Dougl.) Lindl.), and western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) had over 80% mortalityfrom pocket gophers and other causes. Lodgepolepine (Pinus contorta var. latifoliaEngelm.) had 49.2% mortality from pocket gophersand 6.8% mortality from other causes, but snowdamage is a problem for lodgepole pine. Engelmannspruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.)had 42.2% gopher-caused mortality and 8.4%mortality from other causes. Spruce suffered littletop damage from snowpacks and was stout enough towithstand senescing bracken fern fronds. Westernwhite pine (Pinus monticola Dougl.) had only24.1% mortality from pocket gophers after 4 years,and only 11.8% of the white pine died from causesother than gophers. Of the mortality caused bypocket gophers, 76.8% occurred the first summer andnext two winters after planting. The recommendedspecies for reforestation are Engelmann spruce andwhite pine.  相似文献   

After‐effects of maternal soil treatment, controlling for photoperiod and weather conditions, were tested in a nursery experiment with Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings. Three full‐sib crosses were replicated in 4 different soil treatment plots of a grafted experimental seed orchard (63"54'N). Weight of filled seeds, percentage of empty seeds, first year hypocotyl and epicotyl length, and autumn frost hardiness (from artificial freeze testing) were evaluated. Systematic effects from maternal soil treatment were small compared to family differences for all characters studied. However, epicotyl length of the progenies showed a positive relationship with N needle content of the mother grafts. The results also indicated an important interaction between maternal soil treatment and autumn frost hardiness of the families. It is suggested that the altered mother tree treatment could lead to a change in progeny performance, corresponding to a 1.5 degree difference in latitudinal origin of natural stand seedlings. The results demonstrate the advantages of providing the mother tree with uniform conditions in early progeny testing.  相似文献   

In Bulgaria near Marikostino, in a forest ofPinus nigra Arn. 239 egg batches were sampled over four generations ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. &; Schiff.) (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae) in various seasons. Directly after collection the batches were singled in test tubes, closed with cotton stoppers and stored under laboratory conditions at 20–22°C. Oviposition always started from the base towards the tip of the needles. The emergence of egg parasitoids was observed daily, and the parasitoids were counted and identified. The eggs from which parasitoids emerged were marked for further studies. After removing the adults and opening the eggs, the impact of the species of parasitoids was evaluated by identifying the meconia and other rests (left overs). Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) was the most abundant egg parasitoid, followed byAnastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.). Only few individuals ofBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) were collected. The hyperparasitoidBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) were collected. The hyperparasitoidBaryscapus transversalis Graham, was found at low densities. Only a few eggs were parasitised byTrichogramma embryophagum Htg. Total mortality of the host eggs varied from 34.7 to 79.7% depending on the period of parasitism and on the numbers of sterile eggs. The impact of the parasitoids was calculated to be 9.3–38.9%, depending on the period when parasitism had taken place. The mean number of eggs per batch varied from 203 to 253. The rate of parasitism was reduced by early sampling of the egg batches. In some cases, a very high percentage (up to 29.2%) of undeveloped eggs was found. In all samples a small percentage of empty eggs was always observed.  相似文献   

The study describes effects of clear‐felling and soil scarification on the N concentration and pH of soil water in experimental plots previously supplied with different doses of N. The experiment is situated in central Sweden in a former Pinus sylvestris L. stand. Over a 20‐yr period, plots were fertilized three times with ammonium nitrate, resulting in total doses of 360, 720, 1080, 1440 and 1800 kg N ha‐1. Soil water was sampled at a depth of 40–50 cm using suction lysimeters, and analysed for N and pH. The study covers one growing season before clear‐felling and six and four growing seasons after clear‐felling and soil scarification, respectively. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) elevations in total N and nitrate‐N concentrations were noted in the fourth to the sixth growing seasons after clear‐felling in the plots that had received 1800 kg N ha‐1, and in the fifth and sixth seasons in the plots that had received 1440 kg N ha‐1. Ammonium‐N concentrations were not significantly affected. After clear‐felling, total N and nitrate‐N increased with time at a higher rate in the plots that had received 1440 and 1800 kg N ha‐1 doses compared with the control. In the sixth post‐cutting season, the nitrate‐N concentration was 0.26 mg l‐1 in the control and between 0.51 and 4.0 mg l‐1 in the various fertilized plots. Before clear‐felling, a linear relationship between pH and fertilizer dose was absent. After clear‐felling, negative relationships prevailed, but they differed significantly from the pre‐cutting relationship only during the fourth, fifth and sixth post‐cutting seasons. In the sixth post‐cutting season, the pH was 6.0 in the control, and 6.1, 5.7, 5.6, 5.2 and 4.3 in the plots supplied with 360, 720, 1080, 1440 and 1800 kg N ha‐1 doses, respectively. The absolute difference in pH between the sixth growing season after clear‐felling and period before clear‐felling increased linearly with increasing fertilizer dose (p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.79). Before clear‐felling, nitrate‐N was elevated only in the plots that had received 1800 kg N ha‐1. After clear‐felling, nitrate‐N seemed to increase in all fertilized plots, but the increase began first in the plots receiving the highest fertilizer dose. It was not until the fifth and sixth growing seasons after clear‐felling that nitrate‐N concentrations appeared elevated in all fertilized plots compared with the control. It seems likely that nitrification caused the increases in nitrate‐N because nitrate‐N accounted for most of the variation in pH in the fourth to the sixth growing seasons. Disc trenching was simulated around some of the lysimeters so that 50% of the soil was disturbed. This did not significantly affect the N concentration or pH of the soil water during the first 4 yrs after scarification.  相似文献   

The effects on seedling survival and growth of a new scarification method, inverting, were evaluated over 10‐yrs after planting lodgepole pine and Norway spruce on a 2‐yr‐oId clear‐cut in northern Sweden. Inverting, which provides planting spots containing humus turves covered in loose mineral soil without making mounds or ridges, was compared with ploughing, mounding, disc trenching, and no scarification. Subplots with high or low planting positions were used to assess small‐scale topographical effects. For both species, the treatment ranking according to stem volume production after 10‐yrs was inverting > ploughing ≥ mounding = disc trenching > no scarification. Inverting improved seedling height growth by approximately 35% compared with mounding or disc trenching and by more than 100% compared with no scarification. High survival rates were also found following inverting, but only the no‐scarification treatment resulted in a statistically significant reduction in survival rates (ca. 25%) for both species. Further development of the inverting technique might give environmental advantages compared with conventional mechanical site preparation.  相似文献   

Old provenance experiments with Scots pine and Norway spruce in Finland were used for assessing the long‐term effects of the projected climatic change on forest trees. The northernmost origins showed an increase in wood production when transferred southwards into a climate with an annual mean effective temperature sum close to that which is expected in northern areas as a result of the projected climatic change. A model is constructed with the estimated changes in wood production as a function of the annual mean temperature sum at the original location and the change in the annual mean temperature sum caused by the geographical transfer. The major changes in wood production are expected to occur in the northernmost areas of tree growth.  相似文献   

The role of stand and site characteristics in a 50‐year‐old, sowed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand on the decline of Scots pine caused by Gremmeniella abietina was studied. Treewise damage of Scots pine was modelled using stand and site variables and stepwise regression analysis. The significant variables included in the model were stand elevation from the main cold air centre and the pH of the humus layer, while the other less significant variables were the number of stems per hectare of Scots pine and Norway spruce, content of Cu and Ni in the humus layer, and the thickness of the humus layer and the A2 horizon. The studied variables excluded from the model were the number of broad‐leaved trees per hectare, Al and Pb contents in the humus layer, and Al, Cu, Pb and Ni contents in the A2 horizon. The results strongly suggest that the vicinity of water as well as local depressions act as vulnerable sites for Scots pine and the said vulnerability is enhanced by increased pH of the humus layer.  相似文献   

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