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This study evaluates how the placement and the different possible outcomes of a spruce retention tree affected species richness and assemblages of spruce-associated saproxylic beetles. In a field experiment in the boreal zone of central Norway, high stumps were created and compared with residual wood pieces (i.e. top boles with branches), in clear-cuts versus in forest edges. Flight interception traps were mounted close to the substrate. The results were analysed using rarefaction techniques, ordination (DCA) and anova. It was found that the placement of retention trees of spruce does matter: beetle assemblages were significantly different in stumps in the four treatments. For all species pooled, the species richness was higher in stumps in clear-cuts than in stumps or boles in the forest edge. Four red-listed species were more abundant near stumps than boles, and two red-listed species were more abundant in clear-cuts than forest edge. To cater for the variety of habitat preferences among forest beetles in managed forest, managers should leave both standing spruce trees (many of which will end up as windthrown, downed boles) and some high stumps (to secure some upright dead wood), in both exposed clear-cut and semi-shaded forest edge.  相似文献   

The effects of forest site type and logging intensity on polyporous fungi were studied in subxeric, mesic and herb-rich forests and spruce mires in northern Finland. The species richness of polypores did not follow the fertility gradient of the site types, but was connected with the amount and diversity of coarse woody debris (CWD). The total number of species, and the numbers of indicator and threatened species were equal in subxeric pine forests and in more fertile spruce-dominated stands. The species composition of pine-dominated forests differed conspicuously from that of spruce-dominated site types. The total number of species was not affected by logging intensity, but no virgin forest species or threatened species were found on the sites where the number of cut stumps exceeded 150 stumps ha?1. Increasing logging intensity decreased the number of polypore observations, indicating reduced substrate availability. The results stress the importance of protecting not only fertile spruce-dominated stands, but also poorer, pine-dominated forests, and sites with high and diverse CWD content.  相似文献   

Pine forests on the northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula have a long history of use, exploitation, and management. Current management practices consist of selective logging with relatively short periods of time between logging events. The main objective of this study is to detect changes in ant assemblages in the short time periods between selective logging activities. Ants were sampled at 44 sites considering three grouping categories of time periods after the last timber extraction: short (<4 years), medium (4-8 years) and long (>8 years). After selective logging the number of ant species increases as the forest recovers. A look at the differences between the assemblages when the analysis shifts from the species-specific level to functional groups showed differences between the short and long categories. This indicates that in certain circumstances the functional groups may be more informative of the functional restructuring of the ant assemblages in a disturbed habitat. Ant species from three functional groups display significant indicative values (Opportunist, Hot Climate Specialists and Subordinate Camponotini) in the medium- and long-time-after-logging categories: Messor capitatus (HCS) for medium-time category sites; and Aphaenogaster iberica (Op), Camponotus cruentatus (SC) and, Cataglyphis velox (HCS) for long-time category sites. No indicator species were found for the early stages of recovery. This information may also be of interest to managers because it reduces the number of data elements of the recovery status of these forests, and can be translated into monitoring protocols. The continued exploitation of these forests leads to an ant fauna that reflects this change. The results show that ant assemblages need at least 8 years to recover since only after that much time there is an emergence of Subordinate Camponotinae, a behaviorally dominant and low stress-tolerant functional group. This selective logging maintains the relative diversity and structure of ant assemblages.  相似文献   

The emulation of natural disturbances such as fire is a prominent harvest management strategy for ecosystems in Canada's boreal forest region, but the effect of harvesting on subsequent lightning fire occurrence has not been studied systematically in the mixedwood boreal forest. We quantified the relationship between annual patterns of lightning fire initiation, forest composition, lightning, and fire weather conditions over eight years (1994–2001) in a 60,000 km2 region of actively harvested mixedwood boreal forest in western Canada. Our analyses illustrated that forest harvesting and burning had opposite effects on subsequent fire initiation, so harvest was not a surrogate for fire. Fire initiation increased in landscapes with more area harvested and decreased with area recently burned. Our data suggested that increased fire initiation was most pronounced in harvested stands up to a decade old, and there was some evidence that the effect might last as long as 30 years. We then used a dynamic fire-succession simulation model to quantify the long-term effects of these fuel-based relationships using two metrics. As expected, the first metric demonstrated that the number of years between disturbances was significantly less in stands that were harvested and then burned, than those that were burned and then burned again. However, the more revealing component of the simulations was an illustration that despite the strong, positive relationship between harvested areas and fire initiation, the area affected over the long-term by a reduced disturbance interval was relatively small. Accordingly, our study shows that spatiotemporal regulation of lightning fire initiation through harvesting activity results in a systematic accelerated frequency of disturbance that is novel to the mixedwood boreal system, but the area affected by these events amount to local peculiarities rather than broad-scaled regularities.  相似文献   


Adequate understanding of the factors that determine the establishment and survival of dead-wood-dependent species in natural forests is a prerequisite to the successful maintenance of these species in managed forests. This study investigated the factors affecting the occurrence of five wood-inhabiting polypores in old-growth timberline spruce forests in northern Finland, including the substrate availability and the spatial arrangement of large-diameter logs. The volume of coarse woody debris (CWD) varied significantly between the sites (range 15–30 m3 ha?1), large-diameter logs comprising on average 35% of the total CWD volume. However, the within-site variation in CWD volume was 10–15 times larger than the between-site variation. The spatial distribution of large-diameter logs was aggregated or initially aggregated on four sites and random on one site, creating local patches of high CWD volume. An individual target species occurred on average on 8% of all large-diameter logs, and on 11% of optimal logs (as determined by the decay stage). The characteristics of the logs and stand variables explained partly the occurrence of the target species; furthermore, the mortality pattern of trees (stem breakage versus uprooting) and the presence of primary decomposers also significantly affected the occurrence of the target species. The results indicate that besides substrate availability and quality, local habitat factors and species interactions also play a role in the occurrence of wood-inhabiting fungi in boreal timberline forests.  相似文献   

积累木材采运数据对森林可持续经营是非常必要的,但这些数据在一些发展中国家却非常缺乏。本文收集和分析了尼加拉瓜Ondo州森林保护区和非保护区内木材生产速率的数据。数据来源于州林业主管部门的官方数据、年度报告和相关文件,包括2003年至2005年间以月采伐量为单位的不同经济术材的物种、材积量和立木数。对收集的数据进T检验和一维方差分析。结果表明:3年间,非保护区内采伐木材的物种数、科数和立木量均高于森林保护区内采伐的。但是,保护区内被砍伐的树木材积总量要显著高于非保护区的(p<0.05)。非保护区内,有25个植物科的60种阔叶树种被砍伐:森林保护区内有23个科的57种阔叶树种被砍伐。3年间,Ondo州森林系统内被砍伐树林共111,377株,材积量约295 089.67m3。年平均伐木数和材积量分别是37,125株和98 363.22 m3。月平均伐木数和材积量分别是3 094和8 196m3。T检验结果表明,森林保护区和非保护区内被砍伐的树木株数和材积量显著不同(p<0.05)。一维方差分析结果表明,03年和04年伐木活动显著增加,但05年有所下降。说明森林系统中经济木材树种正在减少,伐木活动对森林生态系统产生了...  相似文献   

Nontimber forest product harvesting in the Pacific Northwest is neither a new activity nor a disappearing relic of the pre-industrial era. Though the emphasis may have shifted from subsistence to commercial and recreational pursuits, harvesting and harvesters of wild species are still widespread throughout the region. Hundreds of businesses and thousands of harvesters earn part or all of their income from the harvests. Every year thousands of pounds and hundreds of nontimber forest products valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars are harvested from regional public and private forests. This harvesting of a large diversity of species represents a considerable subset of the overall terrestrial biodiversity in Pacific Northwest forests. Despite widespread extraction, little investment in research, planning, or basic inventorying and monitoring has been done on nontimber forest products. Without better information, land managers will be increasingly unable to make informed decisions on how to manage nontimber forest product biodiversity sustainably as demand for products increases.  相似文献   

We compared the dead wood (DW) conditions of Cheshmeh-sar forest and Sardab forest with different management history,including reserve forest and harvested forest. The First forest took 100% inventory from all the available DW. Also dead trees were compared interms of species, shape, location and quality of fracture in both forests.Volumes of dead wood in Cheshmeh-sar and Sardab forests were 207.47and 142.74 m3, respectively. Due to this significant difference, impact onthe management level was determined. In Cheshmeh-sar forest, 42% ofdead trees were standing and 58% were fallen type while in Sardab forest 38.6% were standing and 61.4% fallen. But the difference was not statistically significant between them (p = 0.0587). In terms of quality, dead trees of hard, soft and hollow had the highest frequency, respectively.However, 71.5% of DW was seen as hard dead in Cheshmeh-sar forestwhile hard dead trees in Sardab forests were 54.2%. Soft quality degree ofdead trees which formed in Cheshmeh-sar and Sardab forest were calculated as 26.6% and 43.4% respectively. Also 30% of the dead trees of Sardab forest were eradicated while in Cheshmeh-sar this amount was reduced to 12%. Due to this significant difference ((Р=0/018), it is concluded that the type of management and human interference are affecting the quality of dead trees and makes us to think the human interferences could effect on the ecosystem of touched forests.  相似文献   

Many wood-inhabiting fungi are today threatened as modern forestry practices drastically reduce the amount of dead wood available in various forest ecosystems. We investigated whether the occurrence of red-listed wood-inhabiting fungi differed between natural and managed forest landscapes adjacent to the timberline in the middle part of Sweden. We assessed whether environmental variables such as the degree of human impact, length of forest roads, dead wood volume and quality affected species richness and abundance. The effects of forestry on wood-inhabiting fungi have been assessed in several studies in lowland Swedish forests. Few studies have, however, been conducted in forest landscapes adjacent to the timberline in Sweden. This is potentially important since forests close to the Swedish mountains have been pointed out as one of few intact forest landscapes in Fennoscandia and they are subjected to increasing logging pressure. Similar to other studies, species numbers and abundances were positively correlated with larger volumes of logs in various decay stages. However, never shown previously, the length of forest roads was negatively correlated with species abundance and occurrence of red-listed species. We suggest that a low amount of forest roads can be used as a conservation indicator to localize still-intact forest landscapes.  相似文献   

This study estimates the aboveground biomass accumulation after forest clearing and slash burning and describes the structure and successional development of the secondary forest in the seasonally dry southern Amazon. The original burn study was conducted in four land clearings in 1997, 1998, and 1999. The size of the clearings varied from 1 to 9 ha. The native forest was felled, allowed to dry for approximately three months and then burned by the end of the dry season. A census was conducted in the central 1-ha forest on each site prior to the area's felling and burn. The aboveground biomass (AGB) and structure were similar to other primary tropical forests. However, the high density of Cecropia spp. before the forest felling and burn treatment indicates past low intensity disturbances. Seven and eight years after the fire, the fallow forests were still in an early successional stage dominated by Cecropia spp. The four areas had a high biomass accumulation during the studied period, varying from 7.5 to 15.0 Mg ha−1 year−1. The lower biomass accumulation in one plot was an effect of a higher fire severity, produced by the one-year difference in time between slash and burn of the forest, slowing the natural regeneration of Cecropia spp. The time needed for this forest to recover to the pre-fire AGB levels ranged from 20 to 30 years, assuming the current AGB accumulation rates are maintained. Considering these results, the maintenance of regenerating secondary forests in the Amazon would be a significant contribution to soil and watershed protection, minimizing biodiversity losses and perhaps mitigating climatic changes effects in the region.  相似文献   

Empirical information regarding the role of homestead forests in household economy is essential in understanding the importance of these resources. Identification of the factors that affect homestead forest production and understanding forest owners' attitudes toward key forest management issues have great significance in making appropriate policy responses to manage these resources on a sustainable basis. In Bangladesh, homestead forests are claimed to play an important economic role in rural livelihoods, but no reliable quantitative information exists. This study was undertaken to investigate the role of homestead forests in the household economy, examine if forest production and income vary across landholding size classes, to explore the relationships of homestead forest production with species richness, education level, and household size, and to assess the attitude of homestead forest owners toward key forest management issues. Results show that homestead forests contribute 15.9% of the household income and generate 51.4 man-days of employment per household per year. Production of homestead forests significantly varies across landholding size classes. It was observed that forest production depends significantly on species richness of homestead forests and the education level of forest owners. However, no such relationship was found between forest production and household size. The study revealed that farming families depend more on forest income than nonfarming families. Attitudes of forest owners toward key forest management issues differ significantly across landholding size classes. For example, although the majority of the forest owners prefer fruit species to timber species, the percentage of respondents decreased as the landholding size class increased, while the opposite trend was observed for timber species. The findings of this study suggest that diversification of forests and extension of education amongst forest owners would improve forest production. Furthermore, forest policy should address the concerns of the forest owners in different landholding classes and focus on their specific requirements to enhance sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the sustainability of community forest management, representing four forest types of two physiographic region Hills and Terai of Nepal. We assess the sustainability based on species composition, stand density, growing stock volume, and growth-to-removal ratio using inventory data of 109 permanent forest plots from four consecutive intervals of three to five years. In addition, forest users, forest committee members, and forest officials were consulted. We observed increment on the representation of economically valuable tree species in all forest types of both regions. The pole-size tree dominates in all forest types with declining number of trees and regeneration. In case of Hills forests, they were over-harvested until 2013 but were under-harvested in the recent period. In contrary, forests were under-harvested in the Terai. We found that ecological objectives of sustainable management are fully achieved while economic benefits remained unharnessed where harvesting is far below the growth. We conclude that maintaining a large number of trees may contribute to ecological but not on economical sustainability. We argue to rationalize annual harvest in all categories of the forest to enhance resource conditions together with regular benefits to the local communities.  相似文献   

We examined mortality patterns of two conifer species in relation to tree abundance and species composition in a declining spruce-fir forest in Akan National park, Hokkaido, northern Japan. The data taken from eleven 58 m × 58 m square study plots showed that percentage basal area (BA) of dead trees of canopy trees during the last decade was 49% forPicea jezoensis (Sieb. et Zucc.) Carr and 30% forAbies sachalinensis (Fr. Schm.) Masters. InP. jezoensis, percentage basal area (BA) of dead trees was positively related to both BA of its own species and proportion of it to BA of all species, whereas it was not significantly related to both of these variables inA. sachalinensis. Multiple logistic regression with dbh as a confounding factor also indicated that, inP. jezoensis, the proportion of dead stems was positively affected by the stem density of conspecific trees, whereas it was negatively affected by the stem density of the other species in each study plot. However, inA. sachalinensis, the proportion of dead stems was significantly related to neither of these factors. The different mortality pattern between two conifer species suggests that the spruce bark beetle,Ips typographus (L.), which is a serious pest of spruce, may have caused theP. jezoensis decline. Instead of wind-throw or thinning that usually initiate this bark beetle attack, some unknown factors seemed to predispose the trees to insect attack. These unknown factors may also explain the high mortality ofA. sachalinensis in this forest. This research was supported by FFPRI Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery.  相似文献   

We examined the local community incentive programs to improve traditional forest management in three forested villages in Baneh city, Kurdistan province in the northern Zagros forests of western Iran. Zagros forests cover 6.07 million ha and support rich plant and animal diversity. Changes in local community social and economic sys-tems and the inefficiency of traditional forest management led to a criti-cal situation in the stability of forest regeneration in recent decades. Due to a shortage of productive and arable lands and resulting unemployment and poverty, people overexploited the Zagros forests. Outside interven-tion in traditional forest management creates conflicts between local peoples and forest management organizations. To achieve sustainable forest management, including forest resources conservation and im-provement of natural resource based livelihoods of communities, it is desirable to implement Forestry Incentive Programs (FIP) based on the important functions of forests. Detailed information on the so-cio-economics of communities, the effect of forests on local livelihoods, and lists of products extracted from the forest were obtained from a sur-vey of local communities though questionnaire, interview and observa-tion. We studied 276 households in three villages and completed 76 ques-tionnaires by householders in the quantitative analysis. Sampling was performed by simple random sampling (SRS). The needs of rural com-munities, such as livestock husbandry, mainly arise from the characteris-tics and environmental features of villages. We identified the driving forces, pressures, status, impacts and responses (DPSIR) to design incen-tive programs, by DPSIR analysis and interaction analysis. Evaluation of local community benefits from forests showed that in order to improve forest management, 319 dollars per year would be needed by each family as an incentive in 2010 to prevent lopping and firewood collecting, the main causes of forest degradation.  相似文献   

Selective logging is an important socio-economic activity in the Congo Basin but one with associated environmental costs, some of which are avoidable through the use of reduced-impact logging (RIL) practices. With increased global concerns about biodiversity losses and emissions of carbon from forest in the region, more information is needed about the effects of logging on forest structure, composition, and carbon balance. We assessed the consequences of low-intensity RIL on above-ground biomass and tree species richness in a 50 ha area in northwestern Gabon. We assessed logging impacts principally in 10 randomly located 1-ha plots in which all trees ?10 cm dbh were measured, identified to species, marked, and tagged prior to harvesting. After logging, damage to these trees was recorded as being due to felling or skidding (i.e., log yarding) and skid trails were mapped in the entire 50-ha study area. Allometric equations based on tree diameter and wood density were used to transform tree diameter into biomass.Logging was light with only 0.82 trees (8.11 m3) per hectare extracted. For each tree felled, an average of 11 trees ?10 cm dbh suffered crown, bole, or root damage. Skid trails covered 2.8% of the soil surface and skidding logs to the roadside caused damage to an average of 15.6 trees ?10 cm dbh per hectare. No effect of logging was observed on tree species richness and pre-logging above-ground forest biomass (420.4 Mg ha−1) declined by only 8.1% (34.2 Mg ha−1). We conclude from these data that with harvest planning, worker training in RIL techniques, and low logging intensities, substantial carbon stocks and tree species richness were retained in this selectively logged forest in Gabon.  相似文献   

A simple stand model is developed to assess the influence of management activities in old growth Douglas-fir forests on atmospheric CO, levels. Two natural disturbance regimes (450- and 240-year stand replacement fire cycles) are compared with four management regimes (45, 6 5 , 90-year plantation rotations, and conversion to non-forest use). Conversion of old growth Douglas-fir stands to plantations may actually decrease atmospheric C 4 for the fist few decades, but then increase it. The short term and long term changes are negligible compared to the atmospheric C02 produced by burning fossil fuels. Using wood as a substitute product for other materials (brick, aluminum, and plastic) dramatically reduces CO, released to the atmosphere; however, where wood is used as a luxury product, large quantities of C02 are released to the atmosphere under harvest regimes.  相似文献   

Red wood ants (Formica rufa group, RWAs) are common insects in boreal forests in Fennoscandia, and they build large, long-lived mounds as their nests. RWA mounds are enriched with carbon and nutrients, but little information is available about how they affect root distribution and the nutrient uptake of trees. In this study, we investigated the biomass, biomass density, nutrient concentrations, and amounts of fine (<2 mm) and coarse (>2 mm) roots in RWA mounds, and compared them with those of surrounding forest soil in mixed coniferous stands of different age classes in Finland. Neither fine nor coarse root biomasses differed significantly between the aboveground parts of the mounds and the organic layer of the soil. Root biomass density was lower in mounds than in the organic layer. However, fine root biomass and biomass density were higher in the belowground parts of mounds than in the surrounding mineral soil. Macroelement (N, Ca, K, P, S, Mg) and Zn and Cu concentrations in roots in the mounds were significantly higher than those in the organic layer. Root biomass and biomass density did not differ between stands of different age classes. The results of this study indicate that RWA mounds increase heterogeneity in root distribution in forest ecosystems, and also increase the availability of nutrients for plants that extend their roots inside RWA mounds.  相似文献   

模拟计算法在确定“十一五”期间合理年采伐量中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
简要介绍了模拟计算法的产生过程,概述了以模拟计算法为基础的合理年采伐量测算系统在“十五”、“十一五”采伐限额编制期间的应用情况,说明了合理年采伐量测算系统应用中涉及的几个主要技术问题,并提出了合理年采伐量测算系统进一步完善和提高的构想。  相似文献   

Mosses cover most of the forest floor of subalpine forests at the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the origin of many important rivers in China. They play a crucial role in preventing soil erosion and conserving large amounts of water thereby regulating the water budget of local ecosystems. This area has a harsh climate due to low temperatures and low air pressure at high elevations. But the temperature varies considerably during the growing season, which does not favor the regeneration of spruce seedlings on clear-cuts after logging. Leaves of mosses have a single layer of cells and are thus sensitive to environmental changes. This attribute may be useful for monitoring environmental conditions and guide artificial regeneration. The growth of mosses has never been studied in this area and the variables indicating their growth in the subalpine forest ecosystems still needs investigation. Growth rates of mosses have been rarely studied worldwide because the methods are time consuming and often inaccurate. A more simple and accurate method for measuring moss growth would help and encourage relevant research. We have found a method that will promote the efficiency in field measurements. Because of the special growth properties of mosses, the apical cell of branches initiates growth and the preceding leaves will stay where they were as the tips grow. Once mosses are marked with red oil at the tip of branches surrounded by young leaves, that portion of the branch above the marked leaves represents growth after labeling. Two plots, one in an old-growth spruce forest and another in a nearby clear-cut, were selected to label mosses in a subalpine area of western Sichuan Province during the growing season in 2001. The labeling was done on May 7 and measurements were made on August 7. Microclimate measurements on both sites were simultaneously carried out. Of the six mosses, five species were present in both the forest and on the clear-cut. One species, Entodon conncinus, was found only on the clear-cut. The growth rates of mosses varied among species and habitats. Hylocomium splendens grew the fastest while Dicranum assamicum had the slowest growth rate. Habitat conditions have a distinct effect on the growth of Hylocomium splendens, Dicranum assamicum and Thuidium lepidoziaceum and their growth rates were higher in forests than on clear-cuts. The growth rates of these mosses increased as their habitat approached the forest. Actinothuidium hookeri and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus have moderate growth rates and is almost entirely independent of the type of habitat. The mosses can therefore be classified into habitat-sensitive and habitat-insensitive types. Analysis of microclimate characteristics shows that from May to July, the solar radiation level is lower and the environment is drier in the forest than those on the clear-cut. But a vapor pressure deficit (VPD) regime shows that the VPD in the morning is almost always lower in the forest than that on the clear-cut. With lower radiation and VPD, forests are more favorable to moss growth. For habitat-insensitive species, favorable micro-topographic factors might have offset the effect of habitat type. VPD is strongly correlated with the growth of mosses. Eco-physiological characteristics, such as poikilohydry, play an important role in the survival and growth of mosses under harsh climatic conditions. Temperature and humidity are two factors critical for seedling establishment in artificial regeneration processes in the subalpine areas of western Sichuan. Since the growth of mosses is a function of the two factors, moss growth rates can be used to indicate the more favorable habitats. Therefore, the status of moss growth can be used to indicate habitats potentially favorable to the growth of tree seedlings. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 464–469 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Deforestation and forest degradation are associated and progressive processes resulting in the conversion of forest area into a mosaic of mature forest fragments, pasture, and degraded habitat. Monitoring of forest landscape spatial structures has been recommended to detect degenerative trends in forest conditions. GIS and remote sensing play an important role in the generation of such data to identify degraded and deforested areas as well as potential areas for conservation. In this study we analyzed forest degradation and deforestation trends in Chitwan district in Nepal, which contains key habitat elements for wildlife in the region. An artificial neural network was used to predict forest canopy density in five classes using Landsat images of the year 2001. Forest canopy density was predicted with 82% overall accuracy. Except riverine forest, forest area of all other forest types was reduced. Terai Shorea robusta forest, which has high commercial value, showed a loss of 23% between 1976 and 1989 and an overall loss of 15% forest covers between the year 1976 and 2001. Deforestation and forest degradation disproportionately reduced the sizes of the different forest types, a finding that has important management implications. The maps presented in this article could be useful to prioritize limited resources for conservation.  相似文献   

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