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Genetic variation in wood density, microfibril angle (MFA), wood stiffness (MOE), height, diameter and volume was investigated in a 26-year-old Norway spruce [(Picea abies (L.) Karst.] clonal trial in southern Sweden. Wood quality measurements were performed on 10 mm increment cores using SilviScan. For MFA, mean values of annual rings showed the highest value (30°) at ring 2 counting from the pith, followed by a steep decrease and a gradual stabilization around ring 12 at approximately 14°. MOE showed a monotonic increase from 5 GPa to 14 GPa when moving from pith to bark. High broad-sense heritability values were found for wood density (0.48), MFA (0.41) and MOE (0.50). All growth traits displayed heritability values of similar magnitudes as reported in earlier studies. The generally high age–age correlations between different sections of the wood cores suggested that early selection for wood quality traits would be successful. Owing to unfavorable genetic correlations between volume and MOE, the correlated response indicated that selection for volume only at age 10 would result in a 0.27% decrease in weighted MOE at age 26 for every 1% increase in volume.  相似文献   


Wood properties, including tracheid cross-sectional dimensions, show a large degree of variation. To improve the properties of products made from wood, different methods to control variation have been developed. This study aims to determine the theoretical efficiency of three control strategies: the fractionation of pulped tracheids into earlywood and latewood, the separation of juvenile and mature wood, and sorting of logs according to tree size. The efficiency of each method was studied by first constructing virtual trees from measured tracheid cross-sectional dimensions, then simulating the efficiency of above-mentioned methods. The tracheid dimension data include Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The simulations show that separation into earlywood and latewood classes has the highest theoretical efficiency and yields the lowest variances in raw material. Classification into juvenile and mature wood groups is the second most efficient method, and the sorting of logs according to the size class of the tree is the least efficient method. It was also concluded that the variation in cell-wall thickness and radial diameter mainly originates from differences between earlywood and latewood, whereas the variation in tangential diameter mainly originates from differences between mature and juvenile wood.  相似文献   

柳树杂种木材基本密度的遗传变异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用柳属和钻天柳属种间、属间杂交15个杂种39个杂交组合151个无性系材料,对木材基本密度的遗传变异情况进行了研究。结果表明,杂种间和无性系间,在木材基本密度上存在极显著(α=0.01)差异,其中属间杂种(旱柳×钻天柳)×旱柳平均木材基本密度达到0.488,显著(α=0.05)超过各杂种平均值;柳树杂种及无性系木材基本密度是受强遗传控制的,被研究群体的广义遗传力达到0.92 ̄0.98,遗传变异系数  相似文献   

We have described a high-throughput method for ring width and relative wood density analysis of unprepared increment cores based on conventional computer tomography scanners (CT scanners) used in health care. The method was developed for analysis of 5-mm increment cores collected in forest genetic and tree breeding trials. For these studies, the relative differences between individuals are more important than the exact value. The method is highly efficient in terms of quantitative data collection from large number of samples. There are, however, limitations in terms of resolution and accuracy on very small volumes of wood that must be considered when using the method to measure individual growth rings or increment cores thinner than 5 mm. However, in studies comprising large number of samples, the use of cost-efficient CT scanning on the major part of the material, combined with more laborious high-resolution scanning on sub-samples can be a good combination for efficient determination of radial variation in growth rate and wood density.  相似文献   

The basic density of pulp wood can be used to convert green volume to dry weight, and as an indicator of the fibre quality. Because the methods for measuring basic density are cumbersome, a practical, on‐line method for sorting Norway spruce pulp wood with respect to basic density was developed. The relationship between mean annual ring width and basic density was used to sort the pulp wood. Brief visual inspection could separate piles of logs with different mean annual ring widths from each other with an acceptable precision. The resulting classes had significantly different mean basic densities (380, 400 and 434 kg m?3). Means of other properties, such as juvenile wood content, heartwood content, and dry matter content, also differed among classes.  相似文献   

本文研究了龙里林场5种造林密度,15年生马尾松纸浆林木材基干密度和管胞形态。结果表明:造林密度对木材基本密度影响不大,但具明显的趋势,即一定造林密度条件下,木材基本密度随造林密度增加而增加,造林密度对管胞形态的影响,表现出因年龄而异,不同造林密度马尾松管胞形态总平均值变化不大,但管胞长度随树龄的增大而增加的趋势,受到造林密度影响,较低的造林密度各生长轮管胞形态差异不显著。管胞长度频率分布具一定的规律,中等长度(2501-3500um)管胞长度频率分布最大,占总频率的45%-74.19%,随着造林密度加大,中等长度的管胞增加,较短管胞长度(≤2500um)减少。  相似文献   

Seventy‐four half‐sib families of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia Engelm.) plus trees were measured for vigour, height growth, stem diameter, wood density and ring width in two Swedish field trials at age 9. Height growth, wood density and ring width differed between families within provenances with variance components of 3–8 %. Coefficients of variation were highest for height growth and lowest for ring width. Heritabilities were similar for height growth and wood density but lower for ring width. These genetic parameters seemed to be equal for all provenances. Indirect selection for high dry stem biomass was more effective using height growth than wood density, and a correlated response in wood density of 2.1 % of mean by selecting the 15 highest parent trees was indicated. Juvenile wood density looks uncertain as a selection criterion for mature wood density.  相似文献   

Important wood, pulp and fibre properties were investigated on small wood samples from two Rumanian, one German and one Norwegian provenance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) grown in Sørkedalen, Norway. Several samples were collected from inside each single tree, both in radial and transversal direction in the stem. Data were collected from a total of 59 trees, each 28 years of age. All investigated properties showed close relationship to ring number (RN) (cambium age). For basic density and fibre wall thickness (FWT), a fast decline was first observed when moving from pith to bark and a minimum value was found around RN 5–8. The declining trend was then followed by an increase. Kraft pulp yield, fibre length and fibre width (FW) also increased with RN, but the increase was most pronounced close to the pith. The pulp yield (PY) more or less stabilised outside of RN 5–6. FW showed a decrease outside of RN 10–12, but this was probably due to the remarkable simultaneous drop in ring width for the investigated trees. FW decreased, while basic density and fibre length increased with increasing height in the tree. PY and FWT were not affected by height in tree. Diameter at breast height (DBH) was the most important variable indicating differences between trees in the investigated material. Basic density, fibre length and FWT decreased, while FW increased with increasing DBH. Height to crown had a positive effect on basic density, but had no influence on any of the remaining properties. Differences between provenances were found for basic density, fibre length and FW. The analyses showed that it is possible to describe the variation inside and between trees satisfactorily for a range of important wood and fibre properties.  相似文献   


The initial density of a stand influences both the prethinning growth and the quality of the harvested trees. This study investigated the effects of different square spacings (2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 m) with thinning from above and thinning from below on stand development and tree characteristics in a 33-year-old Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] plantation in southern Sweden. Before thinning the total standing volume was not significantly different between treatments. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and diameter of the thickest branch were positively correlated. Before thinning, dbh of the trees and their thickest branches were significantly higher in the stands with 3.0 m spacing. After thinning, the dbh and the diameter of the thickest branch did not significantly differ between the 3.0 m spacing with thinning from above and 2.0 and 2.5 m spacing with thinning from below. Spacing did not significantly influence the presence or size of spike knots. The results suggest that a combination of wide spacing with thinning from above may yield timber of similar quality to denser spacing with thinning from below.  相似文献   

The wood analysis for different parameters was carried out in a clonal seed orchard of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. established during 1997 at Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. Twelve clones with higher index value were subjected to Euclidean Cluster Analysis based on wood and growth parameters to group into seven clusters. Cluster I and II contained four and three clones, respectively, and remaining clusters had just one clone each. Clone originated from Barielly, Uttar Pradesh of cluster VII was found to be the most divergent clone. Cluster II with three clones maintained greater inter-cluster distance with other clusters. The divergence analysis has confirmed that the clones planted in the clonal seed orchard are sufficiently divergent and seed harvested from the orchard would maintain high diversity.  相似文献   

Variation in the growth ring width, basic density, longitudinal shrinkage and tracheid length was investigated in the juvenile wood of Norway spruce samples taken from different heights in the stem. Annual height increments were cut from the ten youngest shoots from trees of three different heights. By this method the properties of an individual growth ring could be analysed without taking samples from each ring. Sixteen tree tops of an average stem height of 8, 15 and 25 m were analysed. Basic density was low in the first shoot, highest in the second or third one and decreased gradually thereafter. Longitudinal shrinkage was highest close to the pith and decreased to about 0.2% in the outer rings. Tracheids were only ca. 1 mm long close to the pith and their length increased sharply towards the tenth shoot. The properties of juvenile wood varied with the height in the stem. Longitudinal shrinkage around the pith seemed to increase with increasing height and basic density was highest at 25 m stem height. The applicability of the method for the calculation of basic density and tracheid length in individual growth rings close to the pith is discussed.  相似文献   


Heterobasidion parviporum (Fr.) Niemelä & Korhonen and Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. sensu lato are some of the major forest pathogens in the northern hemisphere causing root and butt rot to conifers. The relative susceptibility to H. parviporum was investigated in a full-sib family of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] by inoculating a set of 252 cloned progenies from a controlled cross. Four ramets of each progeny were used and the 2-year-old rooted cuttings were incubated for 6 weeks under greenhouse conditions. The condition of the cuttings was assessed visually and all the plants were in excellent vigour with no mortality recorded during the experiment. To score the relative susceptibility, lesion length in the inner bark and fungal growth in the sapwood were measured. Among the progenies, significant differences were found for fungal growth in the sapwood (p<0.0005). There was no significant difference for lesion length; however, there was a significant positive correlation between fungal growth and lesion length. The broad-sense heritability was 0.11 for fungal growth. This shows that the genetic component for susceptibility to H. parviporum can be detected even within a full-sib family of Norway spruce and that there is a potential for mapping quantitative trait loci for this trait in Norway spruce.  相似文献   

为探讨不同栽植密度对欧洲云杉林生长量的影响,在国有大老岭林场对4~10年(苗龄3年)生欧洲云杉林,在6种密度下的生长状况进行了调查研究,结果表明:虽然不同密度间欧洲云杉林生长优势还未出现显著差异,但从各生长量指标来看,密度1(1 m×1 m)下欧洲云杉生长优势最明显;10年生林木树高、地径、抽梢、冠幅年生长量分别增长了近15.7%,25.1%,35.3%和26.8%。  相似文献   

Genetic variation in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) utilization (amount of total biomass produced per unit nutrient in the needles) and growth traits in seedlings from 30 open‐pollinated families of Picea abies (L.) Karst. was estimated. Seedlings were grown under two nutrient regimens: free access to nutrients and restricted access. There was a strong treatment effect on most growth traits. With free access, families allocated relatively more biomass to the stem and less to the roots than they did with restricted access. Heritabilities for growth traits were higher with free access treatment (0.33–0.81) than with restricted access treatment (0.20–0.45). Family variance components for N and P utilization were significant (p < 0.05) with restricted access but not with free access. Genetic correlation between nutrient utilization and height traits with restricted access ranged from none to moderate ( — 0.31 to 0.56). Genetic correlations between the same trait assessed in the two treatments were strong for height and moderate for biomass.  相似文献   


Uncoated Norway spruce specimens from different spatial positions within stems from two origins with different growth conditions were exposed to liquid water over a prolonged time, and apparent diffusion coefficients and rates of void filling were calculated from sorption curves. Both apparent diffusion and rate of void filling were significantly affected by origin and by the difference between inner and outer boards. The differences between inner and outer boards were explained by heartwood proportion and density, but some effects of origin remained when these properties were accounted for. The apparent diffusion coefficient was reduced by increasing density, and increased by increasing heartwood proportion. Void filling rate was reduced by both increasing density and increasing heartwood proportion. Since the effect of heartwood proportion was more pronounced in the material from the highly productive area, it may have been confounded with properties of juvenile wood.  相似文献   

Seedling of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) were grown under three different light qualities in fluid-roof growth chambers. Blue light with a high red/far-red ratio decreased shoot length as well as total plant dry weight compared to natural light. Yellow light with a low blue/red ratio did not significantly affect the plants. The effects of light quality were generally the same at 18, 24 and 28 °C day temperature. Plant growth was reduced at temperatures above 24 °C.  相似文献   

红皮云杉生长与材质性状的地理变异和遗传表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以来自中国东北地区帽儿山(45°20'N, 127°30'E)、凉水(47°10'N, 128°53'E)和加格达奇(50°24'N, 124°07'E)的19年生红皮云杉种源试验林8个种源为材料,测定和分析了种源间高生长、径生长和材质性状(管胞长度、管胞直径、年轮宽度和木材密度)的遗传变异.结果表明:红皮云杉种源间在高生长和径生长上存在显著的差异,且这种差异随着树木年龄的增加具有不同的地理适应性.如帽儿山和凉水试验地种源的生长性状在10年生时与地理经度呈一定的正相关,当试验林达到15和19年生时种源的生长与纬度和海拔出现显著的相关性.此外,还发现红皮云杉材质性状在种源间也存在显著变异.种源生长与材质性状间存在一定的相关关系,如种源的高径生长与管胞直径和年轮宽之间存在正相关,而与管胞壁厚和木材密度之间却存在一定程度的负相关.最后对以上生长与材质性状种源间的遗传表现进行了探讨,目的是为今后红皮云杉单板与纸浆材综合选择提供更有用的信息.  相似文献   

Timber storage is a key aspect of storm damage management. After huge storms, sprinkling storage is usually the most used conservation process but anaerobic storage in sealed silos appears as good alternative to preserve wood quality over long periods. This paper investigates the impact of long-term (57 months) storage of Norway spruce logs in anaerobic atmosphere on wood properties. Tests were performed on clear wood specimens and on lumbers to determine the modulus of elasticity (E), the static bending strength (σf) and the dynamic bending strength (K). Storage effects on impregnability and colour variation were also studied. Results show no effect of storage on E, σf and K. The naturally poor impregnability of Norway spruce is not improved by the anaerobic conditions, compared to traditional wet storage. Triangle tests reveal no discernible colour variation between logs that underwent anaerobic storage and the control sample. As a conclusion, despite a mould (Gliocladium solani) frequently observed on logs surface after the storage, the process offers ideal conservation conditions. While overall cost remains the main drawback for using anaerobic storage at large scale, the process can be recommended for high value logs, especially since it has few environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Growth of Fomes annosus is studied by a test based on growth of previously starved hyphae on sawdust of heartwood of Picea abies as the only nutrition. Our observations show that the method can be used to distinguish beween different spruce individuals or clones, between different Fomes annosus strains and between different growing sites of the trees.  相似文献   

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