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Three stands in Sweden were followed for 7 yrs to study the survival and growth of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] regeneration after shelterwood removal with single- and double-grip harvester systems. The height of all seedlings within circular plots was recorded before and after final cutting. The tallest seedling and one randomly selected seedling on each circular plot were permanently marked and their annual height growth was measured each year during the period 1993-1999. No significant differences between single- and double-grip harvester systems were found with respect to their effects on regeneration density, survival or annual height growth. The annual height growth of the individual seedlings after shelterwood removal was significantly correlated with seedling height before shelterwood removal. Significant differences were found in annual height growth between seedlings with high and low vitality. Logging damage did not affect the annual height growth. Several practical conclusions were drawn. First, the choice of harvester system does not affect seedling height growth or survival after shelterwood removal. Secondly, the removal of a 200 m3 shelterwood with 200 stems ha-1 does not seem to constitute a serious problem for seedling survival and growth. Finally, estimated vitality and seedling height both seem to be fairly good predictors of postrelease survival and growth.  相似文献   


An experiment was established in 1978 in two Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] plantations in southern Sweden to study yield after mortality in patches with and without supplementarily planted (SP) seedlings. Gaps of different sizes were created by removing the originally planted seedlings. The gaps were either left unplanted or a supplementary planting was performed with one of four species [Norway spruce, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) or hybrid larch (Larix deciduas Mill×L. Leptolepis Gord.)] 2 (at Knäred) or 6 years (at Ullasjö) after the original plantation. In 2002, most of the SP Scots pine, lodgepole pine and hybrid larch seedlings were dead or severely damaged by roe deer and moose. Survival was high among SP Norway spruces, but they had slower growth than the originally planted spruces. Growth was lower at Ullasjö than at Knäred. In Ullasjö, growth was lower in small gaps than in large gaps. Trees in original regeneration in areas surrounding unplanted gaps were larger than trees surrounding gaps with SP seedlings, which in turn were larger than originally planted trees in plots without gaps. In conclusion, because the original plantation surrounding unplanted gaps used a large part of the open space and growth of SP seedlings was slow, supplementary planting resulted in an insignificant growth increase. However, supplementary planting may increase the timber quality of trees surrounding the gaps, although this effect remains to be quantified.  相似文献   

The effects of initial spacing and tree class on the basic density of Norway spruce were evaluated in a stand on a fertile site in southwestern Sweden. The basic density at 0 and 4 m above ground level was significantly higher for trees planted with an initial spacing of 1.5 m than for trees planted with wider initial spacings. A decrease in initial square spacing from 2.5 m to 1.5 m had little effect, of small practical importance, on the basic density. The density at 0 and 4 m above ground was significantly higher for the suppressed trees than for the intermediate and dominant ones, and for the intermediate trees compared with the dominant trees. Differences in basic density appeared to be due mainly to differences in growth‐ring width. Basic density decreased outwards from the pith to the bark at 1.3 and 4 m above ground.  相似文献   


This study analysed the effects of young stand characteristics on optimal thinning regime and length of rotation periods for even-aged Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] stands. Stand development was based on a distance-independent, individual-tree growth model. The young stand data were collected from 12 well-stocked Norway spruce stands in southern Finland. Results showed that optimal thinning regimes and rotation period depend on site quality and initial stand characteristics. At the first thinning, optimal thinning type depended on initial density. Thinning from both ends of the diameter distribution turned out to be optimal for initially dense stands. At the second and subsequent thinnings, thinning from above was clearly superior. At a low interest rate, thinning from below was optimal for the first thinning regardless of stocking level. For the study data, optimal rotation periods varied from 61 to 92 years at 3% interest rate. The high variation in length of rotation period was due to the sensitivity of optimal length of rotation period to site qualities, initial stand structure and density.  相似文献   

Seven‐year old cuttings of pendula spruce were taller and had larger diameters than seedlings or cuttings of Norway spruce of normal crown type. Pendulous cuttings still had plagiotropic growth at age 7 years and the rate of change to orthotropic growth form was weaker than in cuttings with normal crown type. In pendulous cuttings the effect of the origin of ortet and clone on the crown symmetry was significant at age 5 years but not at age 7 years. The effect of clone on the growth form was evident at ages 5 and 7 years, but the effect of the origin of ortet was significant only in 7‐year‐old cuttings. There were no differences in plagiotrophy between clones from 4‐ and 7‐year‐old ortets. For pendulous cuttings the average height and diameter growth decreased in 5‐ and 6‐ year‐old cuttings with less pendulous crown form and with more plagiotropic growth form but this decrease had almost disappeared in 7‐year‐old cuttings.  相似文献   

Newly‐germinated Norway spruce seedlings were grown for 15 weeks in pots of iron podzol soil that received additions three times a week of nutrient solution containing six levels of Al (0, 0.37, 0.74, 1.5, 3.0 or 6.0 mM) and two levels of Ca (0.09 or 0.46 mM). The Ca concentrations in shoots and roots decreased with increasing Al levels. Growth was suppressed at 0.74 mM Al in the nutrient solution, which gave 0.5 mM Al in saturated soil extracts at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to show the effects of five tree-selection strategies when thinning on quality and growth properties of Norway spruce stands, and their potential for improving quality in the stands. The five strategies were thinning to retain high-quality (HQ) and low-quality (LQ) trees, thinning from above (A) and below (B) and thinning to obtain an even distribution of residual trees (S). The study was conducted in two planted stands close to rotation age, located in southern Sweden, which had been thinned twice since the establishment of the thinning experiment. In the two quality-based treatments trees were selected for harvest on the basis of the following growth and quality traits: tree class, vitality, dbh, height, straightness, branch diameter and quality defects. The quality traits were found to be largely independent of tree size, thus the selection strategies based solely on dbh (A and B) did not improve quality within the stands. Thinning targeting HQ traits promoted the retention and growth of HQ trees, and improved overall quality of the stands compared to the other treatments. HQ thinning increased the share of straight trees by 15%, on average. Significant proportions of stem crooks and quality defects detected before the first thinning were invisible 21 years after it. All thinned stands had higher proportions of naturally pruned trees than unthinned stands. The selection method had no influence on periodic annual increment after thinning.  相似文献   

Correlations between root growth capacity (RGC), at the time of planting, and field performance were studied for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings. Before planting a gradient in seedling viability was generated through exposure to low root temperatures and different winter storage regimes. The hypothesis that high RGC values would improve field performance was to some extent verified for pine seedlings while no correlations could be registered for spruce. Reasons for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare beta and Weibull distributions in describing basal area diameter distributions in stands dominated by Scots pine and Norway spruce. The material of the study consisted of 535 stands located in eastern Finland. Parameters for both two‐ and three‐parameter approaches of the Weibull distribution were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. Models for these parameters were derived using regression analysis. For the beta distribution, regression models were formed for the minimum, maximum and standard deviation of diameters within individual stands. These models were used when the exponents of the beta distribution were calculated analytically. Also, some parameter models for beta and Weibull distributions from previous studies were compared with the measured diameter distributions. The distributions obtained were compared using diameter sums and an estimate of the proportion of sawtimber. The results did not reveal any major differences between the suitability of the beta and two‐parameter Weibull distributions. There are appropriate models available for both of the distributions and the more similar the original data is to the data of an application, the better are the results. The two‐parameter approach of the Weibull distribution gave better results than the three‐parameter approach. The poorest results for all the predicted distributions were obtained at the extremes of the distributions.  相似文献   

Mortality, injury and height growth of planted Picea abies (L.) Karst, were examined over a 6 yr period in eight stands at middle altitudes (430–620 m a.s.l.) in south-east Norway. There were four residual stand density treatments (shelterwoods of high, medium and low density, 25 × 25 m patch-cut) combined with three scarification treatments (unscarified, patch scarification, inverting) in a split-plot design. Mortality was very low during the experimental period, and did not differ significantly between the residual stand density treatments (mean = 11.1%). Both survival and plant height after 6 yrs were improved by inverting, while patch scarification was intermediate but not significantly different from the unscarified alternative. The patch-cutting resulted in the tallest plants, while only minor differences in height growth were found between the shelterwood treatments. The frequency of injured plants after 6 yrs was not significantly affected by the treatments (mean = 10.6%). The improved plant establishment at inverting is in agreement with previous studies on clear-cuts.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos were obtained from young, isolated cotyledons of Picea abies. A bud-inductive treatment for one week before transfer to a callus induction medium, resulted in a tenfold increase in the percentage of cotyledons in which embryonic tissues could be induced. The degree of expression of somatic embryogeny depends on whether cotyledons are first subjected to a callus-inducing medium or first exposed to a cytokinin treatment followed by a callus-inducing medium. It is hypothesized that two populations of cells exist, both with the inherent potential of becoming embryogenic after treatment with plant growth regulators.  相似文献   

Seedling of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) were grown under three different light qualities in fluid-roof growth chambers. Blue light with a high red/far-red ratio decreased shoot length as well as total plant dry weight compared to natural light. Yellow light with a low blue/red ratio did not significantly affect the plants. The effects of light quality were generally the same at 18, 24 and 28 °C day temperature. Plant growth was reduced at temperatures above 24 °C.  相似文献   

Allozymes of Swedish seed orchard clones of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) were studied. There were differences between gene frequencies of origins from different regions. The gene pool of the fertilizating pollen of two different orchards was different. Pollen contamination and outcrossing rates were estimated in two seed orchards. The fraction of paternal gametes which did not originate from any seed orchard clone was 10% and 17%, respectively. Based on simulation it was estimated that only a quarter of the gametes with origin outside the orchard would be detected. Estimation of multilocus outcrossing rates were 0.95 and 0.98.  相似文献   


The effects of mulch and scarification on the establishment and growth of six clones of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were examined in a study in southern Sweden. Mulch and scarification reduced the amount of competing vegetation and tended to improve soil moisture and soil temperature. Budbreak occurred earlier for cuttings planted in the scarification treatment in comparison with the control and mulching treatment. Scarification increased survival and the combination of scarification and mulch resulted in the best growth. Gas exchange and the number of new roots were higher in planting spots covered with mulch. Clonal differences regarding gas exchange and growth were significant. Clones with a poor height growth also had a low gas exchange and a small number of new roots. In contrast, the clone with the best height growth had high gas exchange and a large number of new roots. Clonal effects on growth were greater than site preparation effects.  相似文献   

Forest nitrogen (N) fertilization induces changes in the soil and soil microorganisms that could hypothetically affect the long-term productivity of the soil. The tree growth response following a normal (i.e. 150 kg N ha?1) single shoot N fertilization has a duration of 7–10 yrs. The aim of this study was to investigate whether any residual effects on tree growth persist, which could be attributed to previous N fertilization. The study included six Pinus sylvestris L. and three Picea abies (L.) Karst. experimental sites, sampled for growth parameters 14–28 yrs after the last fertilization. Residual growth effects were on average small, and not statistically significant. Negative residual growth effects of varying duration could be discerned, especially at low-fertility P. sylvestris sites. However, there was an overall tendency for growth to increase in the long term after N fertilization. The main conclusion is that operational forest N fertilization with a normal N dose should not be regarded as a threat to long-term forest production.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of cherry‐spruce rust, Thekopsora areolata, was investigated by inoculations with aeciospores from seven Norway spruce, Picea abies, seed orchards that had suffered from successive severe rust epidemics in the 2000s in Finland. Detached leaves of Prunus spp. were inoculated in the laboratory using aeciospores from cones of various ages. In the greenhouse, live Prunus padus plants were inoculated, and possible autoecism of the rust was tested by inoculations of Picea abies seedlings. Thirty‐five spore sources from the seed orchards formed uredinia on Prunus spp. in the laboratory 2 weeks after incubation, but no telia developed. In the greenhouse, uredinia developed on live P. padus, but no rust symptoms, cankers or sporulation were detected on Picea abies. Thus, no evidence of autoecism was observed among the T. areolata populations and therefore all populations, suggesting all those tested from the Finnish seed orchards were heteroecious.  相似文献   

Variation in the growth ring width, basic density, longitudinal shrinkage and tracheid length was investigated in the juvenile wood of Norway spruce samples taken from different heights in the stem. Annual height increments were cut from the ten youngest shoots from trees of three different heights. By this method the properties of an individual growth ring could be analysed without taking samples from each ring. Sixteen tree tops of an average stem height of 8, 15 and 25 m were analysed. Basic density was low in the first shoot, highest in the second or third one and decreased gradually thereafter. Longitudinal shrinkage was highest close to the pith and decreased to about 0.2% in the outer rings. Tracheids were only ca. 1 mm long close to the pith and their length increased sharply towards the tenth shoot. The properties of juvenile wood varied with the height in the stem. Longitudinal shrinkage around the pith seemed to increase with increasing height and basic density was highest at 25 m stem height. The applicability of the method for the calculation of basic density and tracheid length in individual growth rings close to the pith is discussed.  相似文献   

Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. s. l. colonization following thinning was studied in 1246 stumps of Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees from 14 previously unthinned stands in Sweden. Treatments included mechanized and manual application of (1) 35% urea solution, (2) Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) Jül. spores, and (3) 5% solution of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT), and untreated stumps, cut in the summer and winter. Compared with untreated stumps cut in the summer, all stump treatments and winter cuttings significantly reduced the colonized stump area 6–7 weeks after thinning by 88–99%. Mechanized stump treatment provided as good protection as manual treatment against H. annosum infections. The probability of spore infection (p ij ) was reduced by 53–83% in mechanized treatment and 79–98% in manual treatment compared with untreated summer thinning. In terms of p ij , urea had significantly higher control efficacy than P. gigantea and manual treatment performed better than mechanized treatment.  相似文献   


Variation in radial increment at different stem heights was compared with stem volume increment and height increment using thinning experiments of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in southern Finland. The magnitude of growth variation was similar on trees from different crown classes and stand densities. However, there was higher autocorrelation in the codominant and intermediate trees and trees on dense plots. The relationship between short-term volume increment and radial increment variation at breast height was not affected by thinnings. While short-term growth variation was similar at different stem heights, some evidence was found for differences in medium-term variation between radial increment at breast height and volume increment. Height increment reacted to unfavourable climatic events later than radial and volume increment. Radial and volume increments were negatively correlated to temperature and positively correlated to precipitation of the current summer. Height increment was positively related to current early summer temperature, but negatively to temperature of the previous summer.  相似文献   

Effects of storage conditions on dormancy and vigor of Picea abies seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leinonen  Kari 《New Forests》1998,16(3):231-249
The dormancy and vigor of Picea abies seeds were studied after five months of storage at 25 and 75% relative humidity (RH) and 5 and 12 °C. Dormancy was evaluated by studying germination response to light and moist chilling at 12 and 21 °C. Dormancy causing germination reduction in the dark was induced in seeds during storage at 25% RH (5–6% moisture content, MC) in darkness. The dormancy was greater when seeds were germinated at 12 than at 21 °C and after storage at 12 than at 5 °C. The effective dormancy relief by light indicates that germination was under phytochrome control. Moist chilling could partly replace light. According to accelerated aging and leachate conductivity tests, dry seeds could be stored at 12 °C for five months without affecting their vigor. After storage at 75% RH (11% MC) and 5 °C, the seeds germinated slowly and incompletely. The decreased germination response to light indicates that other processes than those mediated directly by phytochrome restricted germination of these seeds. The positive germination response to moist chilling suggested that secondary dormancy was induced in the seeds. However, vigor tests gave some evidence of simultaneous decrease of vigor. Storage at 75% RH and 12 °C decreased germination nearly to 0%. Germination of seeds stored at 75% RH could be stimulated by a short accelerated aging period.  相似文献   

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