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Roots of 1‐year‐old containerized seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were experimentally frozen in December. The seedlings were then grown for 3 weeks in a growth chamber and evaluated with regard to root growth capacity (RGC) and shoot elongation. The subsequent RGC of Scots pine declined as root zone temperatures were lowered from ‐6°C to ‐11°C and from ‐11°C to ‐16°C. Almost no root growth was observed after exposure to ‐20°C. Shoot growth was also negatively affected by low root temperatures but less than root growth. Low root temperatures did not affect Norway spruce as much as Scots pine, although root and shoot growth of Norway spruce were reduced after exposure to the lowest test temperatures (‐16°C and ‐20°C). The length of exposure, ranging between 1 and 8 hours had no effect on subsequent growth.  相似文献   

Old provenance experiments with Scots pine and Norway spruce in Finland were used for assessing the long‐term effects of the projected climatic change on forest trees. The northernmost origins showed an increase in wood production when transferred southwards into a climate with an annual mean effective temperature sum close to that which is expected in northern areas as a result of the projected climatic change. A model is constructed with the estimated changes in wood production as a function of the annual mean temperature sum at the original location and the change in the annual mean temperature sum caused by the geographical transfer. The major changes in wood production are expected to occur in the northernmost areas of tree growth.  相似文献   

Managed forest stands are typically younger and structurally less diverse than natural forests. Introduction of non-native tree species might increase the structural changes to managed forest stands, but detailed analyses of tree- and stand-structures of native and non-native managed forests are often lacking. Improved knowledge of non-native forest structure could help clarify their multiple values (e.g. habitat for native biodiversity, bioenergy opportunities). We studied the structural differences between the introduced, non-native Pinus contorta and the native Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies over young forest stand ages (13–34 years old) in managed forests in northern Sweden. We found that P. contorta stands had greater mean basal areas, tree heights, diameters at breast height, and surface area of living branches than the two native species in young stands. The surface area of dead attached branches was also greater in P. contorta than P. abies. Although this indicates greater habitat availability for branch-living organisms, it also contributes to the overall more shaded conditions in stands of P. contorta. Only one older 87 years old P. contorta stand was available, and future studies will tell how structural differences between P. contorta and native tree species develop over the full forestry cycle.  相似文献   

Self‐thinning models were developed to describe the relationship between the stem number and mean diameter of even‐aged and monospecific tree stands undergoing self‐thinning. The models were developed separately for Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Betula pendula Roth. stands. Data from 41 unthinned permanent sample plots were used. According to Reineke's equation and the —3/2 power rule of self‐thinning, a log‐log plot of average tree size and stem density will give a straight, self‐thinning line of constant slope. According to this study, the slope of the line consistent with Reineke's equation varies for different tree species. Within tree species, the intercept of the self‐thinning line varies according to site index.  相似文献   

In full‐sib families of Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) the dynamics of juvenile growth and the inheritance of the most important growth characters were analysed in six growth periods in climate chambers followed by two additional growing seasons in a nursery. The full‐sib families were of French and North Swedish origin including both within and between provenance crosses. All growth rhythm characters changed over time. For instance, number of days to budbreak increased, whereas days to budset decreased, as growth periods advanced. Concurrent with the changes in growth rhythm, free growth decreased with increasing age. Half of the total variation for different growth rhythm characters within a growth period could in most cases be explained by provenance effects. Early selection is, therefore, meaningful to reduce damage by frost and mortality. Furthermore, the actual distances between family means decreased substantially with increasing age, and the actual length of the shoot elongation period decreased from 31 days during the second growth period to 16 days during the sixth. We suggest therefore that selection together with some treatment in the nursery that alters the growth rhythm of the seedlings are the best ways to increase frost resistance. Tree height was influenced by a set of complex gene actions that changed over time. Provenance effects were important during the first two growth periods. Subsequently, non‐accumulative within provenance family variance took over. If this pattern holds true in general, juvenile selection for height growth in Norway spruce cannot be made as early as that for growth rhythm.  相似文献   

An uncommonly harsh winter occurred in Finland in 1986/1987, when the minimum monthly temperatures were lower than ‐30°C in December, January and February. This study reports the development of visible symptoms, changes in electrolyte leakage and ultrastructure in Picea abies needles from a rural and an industrial area during this period. The first frost‐induced visible symptoms, entirely or partially greyish needles, appeared in late February following a mild spell. Gradually the discoloured needles turned reddish‐brown and most of the injured needles were shed before the onset of the new season growth. Electrolyte leakage, measured as relative conductivity (RC %), showed substantially higher wintertime values (RC ca 75%) in greyish needles compared with healthy looking green needles (RC ca 30%). Light microscopy showed contracted protoplasts and collapsed cell walls in the greyish part of the needle. The main ultrastructural symptoms in all the samples were the withdrawal of plasma membrane from the cell wall, darkening of the cytoplasm, disappearance of the tonoplast (and central vacuole), contraction of the protoplast and finally collapse of the cell walls and total disintegration of the protoplast. There were no qualitative differences in the frost‐induced visible or structural symptoms between the rural and industrial area.  相似文献   

A simulation model was used to predict the spatial distribution of direct and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation below a heterogenous canopy of a Pinus sylvestris stand in eastern Finland. Seedling growth was related to both measured and predicted radiation. The model predicted rather well the overall pattern of radiation distribution beneath the canopy. All the growth parameters of Pinus sylvestris seedlings (height, current height increment and mean height increment) correlated positively with the amount of both measured and predicted radiation. The correlation between seedling growth and irradiance was better for predicted diffuse radiation than for total radiation. This was probably because diffuse radiation, being symmetrically distributed around trees, correlates more strongly than direct radiation with other factors affecting seedling growth.  相似文献   

The study describes effects of clear‐felling and soil scarification on the N concentration and pH of soil water in experimental plots previously supplied with different doses of N. The experiment is situated in central Sweden in a former Pinus sylvestris L. stand. Over a 20‐yr period, plots were fertilized three times with ammonium nitrate, resulting in total doses of 360, 720, 1080, 1440 and 1800 kg N ha‐1. Soil water was sampled at a depth of 40–50 cm using suction lysimeters, and analysed for N and pH. The study covers one growing season before clear‐felling and six and four growing seasons after clear‐felling and soil scarification, respectively. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) elevations in total N and nitrate‐N concentrations were noted in the fourth to the sixth growing seasons after clear‐felling in the plots that had received 1800 kg N ha‐1, and in the fifth and sixth seasons in the plots that had received 1440 kg N ha‐1. Ammonium‐N concentrations were not significantly affected. After clear‐felling, total N and nitrate‐N increased with time at a higher rate in the plots that had received 1440 and 1800 kg N ha‐1 doses compared with the control. In the sixth post‐cutting season, the nitrate‐N concentration was 0.26 mg l‐1 in the control and between 0.51 and 4.0 mg l‐1 in the various fertilized plots. Before clear‐felling, a linear relationship between pH and fertilizer dose was absent. After clear‐felling, negative relationships prevailed, but they differed significantly from the pre‐cutting relationship only during the fourth, fifth and sixth post‐cutting seasons. In the sixth post‐cutting season, the pH was 6.0 in the control, and 6.1, 5.7, 5.6, 5.2 and 4.3 in the plots supplied with 360, 720, 1080, 1440 and 1800 kg N ha‐1 doses, respectively. The absolute difference in pH between the sixth growing season after clear‐felling and period before clear‐felling increased linearly with increasing fertilizer dose (p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.79). Before clear‐felling, nitrate‐N was elevated only in the plots that had received 1800 kg N ha‐1. After clear‐felling, nitrate‐N seemed to increase in all fertilized plots, but the increase began first in the plots receiving the highest fertilizer dose. It was not until the fifth and sixth growing seasons after clear‐felling that nitrate‐N concentrations appeared elevated in all fertilized plots compared with the control. It seems likely that nitrification caused the increases in nitrate‐N because nitrate‐N accounted for most of the variation in pH in the fourth to the sixth growing seasons. Disc trenching was simulated around some of the lysimeters so that 50% of the soil was disturbed. This did not significantly affect the N concentration or pH of the soil water during the first 4 yrs after scarification.  相似文献   

Clonal material propagated as cuttings and control seedling lots of Norway spruce (P. abies [L.] Karst.) were compared in two series of clonal tests. Variance components, heritability and expected genetic gain were calculated for height based on measurements carried out in the tests at the age of seven and nine years. The mean heights of the clones were significantly higher than those of the controls in one of the test series, but there was no significant difference between these two groups in the other series. The variance due to clone sources was significant in both test series and accounted for 10 to 19% of the total variation. Broad sense heritabilities were 0.21 ± 0.05 and 0.23 ± 0.02 on the individual level and 0.75 ± 0.06 and 0.78 ± 0.02 on the basis of the clone mean for the respective series. Theoretical genetic gains were calculated based on the assumption that the tallest 10% of the clones would be selected and propagated for reforestation purposes. The expected gain in height was 13.1 and 19.1% in these test series. Utilization of this gain is, however, difficult due to the ageing of the clones.  相似文献   

In single‐tree selection, trees removed by harvest or lost through mortality are replaced by ingrowth from the seedling/sapling bank. Because the level of ingrowth is governed not only by the recruitment rate of new seedlings, but also by mortality and growth rates within the seedling/sapling stratum, knowledge of how these processes are related to the tree stratum is important for successful application of single‐tree selection. Therefore, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) regeneration (0.1 m ≤ height ≤ 2.0 m) was measured on seventy 100 m2 circular subplots at each of two sites in central and northern Sweden. Both sites had previously been selectively logged, but the time elapsed since the last harvest was at least 30 yrs. Basal area of trees of at least 2 m height within three different radii from the subplot centres was measured. Measurements on regeneration included height and leader length. Influence of local stand basal area on density and growth of regeneration was analysed by ordinary least‐squares linear regression for each of four height intervals. Regeneration was significantly aggregated at both sites, but number of Norway spruce seedlings and saplings per circular subplot was not correlated to local stand basal area. Out of 36 regressions, only eight showed a significantly (p < 0.05) negative correlation between seedling and sapling height growth and local stand basal area. In five of these cases, removal of one point (subplot) made p > 0.05. The results suggest that density and growth of Norway spruce regeneration in selectively logged uneven‐aged Norway spruce stands is affected more by ground conditions than by local stand basal area.  相似文献   

The effects on seedling survival and growth of a new scarification method, inverting, were evaluated over 10‐yrs after planting lodgepole pine and Norway spruce on a 2‐yr‐oId clear‐cut in northern Sweden. Inverting, which provides planting spots containing humus turves covered in loose mineral soil without making mounds or ridges, was compared with ploughing, mounding, disc trenching, and no scarification. Subplots with high or low planting positions were used to assess small‐scale topographical effects. For both species, the treatment ranking according to stem volume production after 10‐yrs was inverting > ploughing ≥ mounding = disc trenching > no scarification. Inverting improved seedling height growth by approximately 35% compared with mounding or disc trenching and by more than 100% compared with no scarification. High survival rates were also found following inverting, but only the no‐scarification treatment resulted in a statistically significant reduction in survival rates (ca. 25%) for both species. Further development of the inverting technique might give environmental advantages compared with conventional mechanical site preparation.  相似文献   

Artificial freezing tests were performed with two sets of 12 full‐sib families of Picea abies. Each set was selected from a complete diallel cross performed within a natural population. Significant differences in autumn frost hardiness were observed between the two populations, which originate from the same altitude and longitude approximately 60 km apart. Substantial variation in frost hardiness was observed within both populations. Significant pheno‐typic correlations at the individual level were found between freezing injury and the two traits terminal bud‐set and height growth year one. However, no significant relationships were present between freezing injury and bud‐set at the family level, indicating that bud‐set cannot be used to predict autumn frost hardiness for families.  相似文献   

Eleven permanent plots, established in central and northern Sweden during the years 1913–59, were repeatedly treated with single‐tree selection for between 30 and 67 years. The plots were all dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), soil moisture was mesic, and the ground vegetation was dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus L. All trees higher than 1.3 m were numbered and cross‐calipered at the time of plot establishment, and at following treatments. In the study trees with DBH < 8.5 cm were excluded from the calculations. Stand densities generally decreased as a result of harvests and mortality together exceeding increment and ingrowth. The number of trees was generally declining over DBH at the time of plot establishment. Six plots maintained such distributions during the whole observation period. Changes in stand structure were mainly caused by the harvests being concentrated to trees with DBH less than 30 cm, and low levels of ingrowth. The low ingrowth was probably an effect of over cutting of saplings and small trees.  相似文献   

After‐effects of maternal soil treatment, controlling for photoperiod and weather conditions, were tested in a nursery experiment with Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings. Three full‐sib crosses were replicated in 4 different soil treatment plots of a grafted experimental seed orchard (63"54'N). Weight of filled seeds, percentage of empty seeds, first year hypocotyl and epicotyl length, and autumn frost hardiness (from artificial freeze testing) were evaluated. Systematic effects from maternal soil treatment were small compared to family differences for all characters studied. However, epicotyl length of the progenies showed a positive relationship with N needle content of the mother grafts. The results also indicated an important interaction between maternal soil treatment and autumn frost hardiness of the families. It is suggested that the altered mother tree treatment could lead to a change in progeny performance, corresponding to a 1.5 degree difference in latitudinal origin of natural stand seedlings. The results demonstrate the advantages of providing the mother tree with uniform conditions in early progeny testing.  相似文献   

The defence of Norway spruce against a combined attack of the bark beetle Ips typographus and its associated blue‐stain fungi is based upon a) constitutive resin stored in ducts of the bark and sapwood, and b) induced resinosis in reaction zones surrounding the point of infection. Empirically, beetle epidemics are associated with external stresses, drought being a particularly prominent factor. An attempt was made to mechanistically explain the apparent link between drought and infestations, through studying after‐effects of drought on the induced defence in stressed trees. In the field, 3–5.5 m tall trees were exposed to artificial drought over three growth seasons to investigate whether this treatment would predispose them to fungal infection in a fourth season when drought was absent. Pre‐dawn xylem water potentials down to ‐1.85 MPa and a considerable foliage depletion were recorded. In the fourth season, the trees were inoculated with Ophiostoma polonicum, a pathogenic associate of Ips typographus. No difference in susceptibility could be seen between drought stressed trees and unstressed controls. Carbohydrate concentrations of foliage and branch bark were slightly enhanced and mineral nutrient concentrations strongly reduced in stressed trees.  相似文献   

The role of the resin‐top disease caused by Peridermium pini in volume and value losses to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was surveyed in two heavily infected stands in northern Finland. Of the Scots pines, 26% were infected by the disease. Peridermium pini caused 2% volume losses to saw timber trees and 3% volume losses to pulpwood trees in the stem‐lesion class and 10% and 14% in the dead‐top class, respectively. The disease caused saw timber volume losses to saw timber trees of 34% and 22% in the stem‐lesion and dead‐top class, respectively. However, saw timber volume losses increased the pulpwood volume in both disease classes. The disease reduced the marketing value of saw timber trees and pulpwood trees by 18% and 3% in the stem‐lesion class and by 15% and 14% in the dead‐top class.  相似文献   

Silvicultural cleaning is commonly carried out in young stands to control competition between conifers and deciduous tree species. However, it has been questioned whether this practice affects moose (Alces alces L.) browsing on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with respect to damage at the stand level. In this study, moose winter browsing was examined in relation to food availability in 19 Scots pine stands divided into silviculturally cleaned and non‐cleaned blocks. Cleaning had a negative effect on moose foraging in terms of reduced density, biomass availability, and height of the deciduous tree species. The total biomass consumed by moose was significantly lower on the cleaned blocks than on the non‐cleaned ones. There were no differences between the treatments in the amounts of pine consumed and in moose damage to pines. The density or biomass available of different deciduous tree species did not explain the variation in moose browsing on pine. In conclusion, timing of silvicultural cleaning with reference to moose browsing should be taken into account. If pines are not overtopped by deciduous trees, as in the present study, silvicultural cleaning is not necessary to prevent moose damage.  相似文献   

In a combined population‐progeny experimental plantation of Pinus sylvestris at Nordanås, lat. 64°19’ long. 18°12’ alt. 400 m, a few growth characters and around 25 quality characters were meaured or assessed at age 34 from seed. The populations under study originated from latitudes 63–67. The experimental design is a split‐plot with three replications. Each population is represented by 10–20 open pollinated progenies planted in 15‐tree row plots at a spacing of 2.5x2.5 m. All growth and most quality characters showed significant population differences. Family differences were noted for approximately half of the quality characters. The family repeatability for growth and quality characters varied much between the populations in a non‐consistent way. Thanks to the strong genetic correlations between breast height diameter and stem volume, as well as between tree height and stem volume those two characters could be used to estimate stem volume.  相似文献   

Defoliation of conifers occasionally precedes bark beetle attacks, suggesting that a severe loss of foliage and ensuing reductions in carbohydrate availability may enhance host tree susceptibility. To shed light on this question, different degrees of defoliation on young Picea abies were simulated by removing whole whorls of branches from below, the trees retaining 100, 50, or 25% of their original crown biomass. After one week or one year, the trees were inoculated with Ophiostoma polonkum, a tree‐killing fungus transmitted by Ips typographus.

Fungal proliferation and tree mortality increased with increasing levels of pruning. Pruning reduced stem diameter growth, but not carbohydrate reserves in foliage and bark. Foliar N, P, and Ca increased with increasing pruning. The results lend support to the hypothesis that a reduction in the photosynthesis capacity increases host tree susceptibility to a beetle‐fungus attack, and that induced defence against infection depends on efficient translocation of assimilates to the sites of infection.  相似文献   

The content of water‐soluble substances and starch in the living tree stem at the time of felling influences wood durability during further utilization. The aim of the study was to describe the annual and seasonal fluctuations in the contents of stored carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds. The contents of soluble sugars, starch, and nitrogen were measured in the outer sapwood (0–15 mm from cambium) of 65‐yr‐old Scots pine {Pinus sylvestris L.) trees during an annual cycle. To study the influence of growth conditions, samples were taken from different stands in Sweden, in one stand from a control and a fertilized block. The effect of the age of the trees on the content of stored substances was also considered by comparing young (10–15 yrs old) and older trees (40–65 yrs old). Determination of the carbohydrates was carried out using enzymatic analysis. The outer pine sapwood contained a higher content of low‐molecular weight sugars during autumn and winter than during spring and summer. Starch content rose at the beginning of the growth period and decreased in autumn. The content of soluble sugars increased towards the cambium on all sampling occasions. Fructose and glucose were dominant sugars in all the stands studied. Seasonal changes of sucrose were different from those of glucose and fructose, in that the sucrose content was already decreasing in February. The variations in the nitrogen content of the sapwood were far smaller than those of the soluble sugars. No significant differences were found between the stands with regard to glucose, fructose and the sum of all three sugars. The fertilized block showed low content of sucrose and nitrogen. It is concluded that seasonal fluctuations are more important with regard to the sugar content than the effect of growth conditions. Data indicate a lower content of soluble sugars and nitrogen in the outermost sapwood of young trees as compared with older trees.  相似文献   

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