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The chilling requirement of rest completion and the high temperature requirement of growth initiation were determined in three origins of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) seedlings and five origins of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. In both the pine and birch the chilling requirement was highest in maritime Scottish origins and lowest in the most continental Finnish and Russian origins. The requirement for southern mountainous Spanish and Bulgarian pine origins was in between. In terms of the high temperature requirement, there were no clear differences between origins. These results suggest that owing to their high chilling requirement, which prevents the beginning of growth and the loss of frost hardiness during the frost‐exposed season, origins from a maritime climate could be the most tolerant under climatic warming.  相似文献   


The choice of species in forestry is important, and a real issue as large areas of wind-damaged forest land in southern Sweden need to be regenerated. To compare the growth potential between the most common tree species in Sweden, ratios between site quality derived from site index values determined with site properties were used. A regression function to determine site index for birch from site properties was used to complement the known relationships between site properties and site index for spruce and pine. In large regions of Sweden the distribution of site quality classes was calculated to compare the special characteristics and demands of the three species. On average, the growth difference for pine compared to spruce was about 60% in southern Sweden and 95% in northern Sweden. Corresponding figures between birch and spruce were 40% and 60%. Birch was expected to produce around 60% of pine in northern Sweden and about 70% in southern Sweden. However, it must be stressed that the comparison is based on survey data encompassing mainly naturally regenerated birch, whereas spruce and pine are mainly planted.  相似文献   


Field tests, each including 39–83 Swedish plus-tree clones of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) planted on 10 different sites in the southern part of Sweden, were evaluated at up to 10 years of age. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows. Growth traits were mostly under strong genetic influence, and showed substantial genetic variation and high potential genetic gain. Survival did not seem to be a trait of genetic importance. The genetic correlation between growth and growth cessation was weak, suggesting that it should be possible to find clones combining high growth and early autumn growth. Non-significant transfer effects for clones of different origin and weak G×E interaction were found, indicating that southern Sweden can be treated as a single utilization zone and that few sites are needed for genetic tests. Strong genetic age×age correlations were detected, suggesting that short test periods could be used.  相似文献   

Topping, i.e. cutting or breaking the treetops of secondary stems, may be an attractive alternative to traditional precommercial thinning. The survival and height development of downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) after topping were examined over three growing seasons in two dense, naturally regenerated stands, 3.1–3.5 m high, in northern Sweden. The topping was performed in experiments with a two-factor randomized complete block design, as follows. Three treatments were applied to individual secondary stems (top-breaking at half the sample tree mean height, top-cutting at half the sample tree mean height, and traditional cutting just above ground) at each of three times: winter, spring and summer (in frozen, dormant and growing conditions, respectively). A control (no treatment) was also included. The survival rate was lowest for traditionally cut stems and for stems cut in growing conditions. Height development after three growing seasons was significantly affected by time of treatment, the height growth being lowest after treatment in growing conditions, but not by treatment. Height growth of control stems was not significantly different from height growth in any combination of treatment and time of treatment, after three growing seasons. However, control stems had the greatest leading shoot length in the third growing season.  相似文献   

Proanthocyanidins (PAs), which are common phenolic compounds in plants, are considered to be mainly defensive compounds against different kinds of stress, e.g. herbivory. In addition to increasing after stress, they may condense and/or oxidize to form coloured compounds when cells die, which may affect both the resistance of xylem to rot and its colour. This is important in the mechanical wood industry. The effects of some biological factors (growing site, sampling date, wood location in the trunk) on the concentration of soluble PAs (sPAs) were studied in fresh and dried birch wood. Those factors that affected sPA concentration most were sampling date and radial location. Drying method also had a great effect on the sPA concentration, which in turn correlated with the colour of the wood.  相似文献   

低温解除牡丹芽休眠进程中内源激素的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以4~5年生牡丹'胡红'为试材,研究1~7周不同低温处理时间对其开花展叶的影响.根据花芽萌动和开花情况结合激素的变化动态,将低温解除花芽休眠进程划分为:低温累积期、休眠解除启动期、休眠基本解除期、休眠彻底解除期4个时期.分别测定低温处理期内和进入温室后内源GA,,ABA,CTK,IAA及其比值的变化.结果表明:低温期内GA,,ABA,CTK质量分数的增减和GA,/ABA比值的变化可明显地反映低温解除花芽休眠的进程.其中,GA,/ABA比值的变化与休眠的进程直接对应.进入温室后牡丹花芽内各激素的变化进一步证明GA3和CTK是解除休眠的促进物,ABA是解除休眠的抑制物.低温解除牡丹休眠是通过调节休眠解除的促进物和抑制物之间的平衡来实现的,是多因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   


Food selection by large herbivores occurs at a hierarchy of scales, for example landscape, patch or plant. Several hypotheses regarding food plant selection on patch or plant level have been developed. In this cafeteria-type design field experiment, conducted during one winter immediately after planting, we tested the effect of species mixture on browsing by large herbivores (mainly roe deer) on Scots pine seedlings in mixture with seedlings of ash (highly preferred) or silver birch (less preferred). Browsing on Scots pine was not affected by species mixture, neither in terms of the number of browsed pines nor browsing intensity. Instead, browsed biomass was positively and significantly correlated to the total biomass available for browsing. Also, there were differences due to species, with ash being most browsed (44.6%), followed by Scots pine (18.9%) and silver birch (11.6%). Browsed biomass per browsed seedling, however, was largest for Scots pine. In addition, browsed seedlings were initially taller compared to unbrowsed seedlings for all species. The main management implication in this study is that the species mixture did not influence large herbivore browsing on Scots pine seedlings. Hence, removing or discouraging more (or less) attractive browse species in early stages of pine regeneration activities seems unnecessary from the point of large herbivore browsing.  相似文献   

The growth, technical quality and nutritional status of pure and mixed silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) plantations were studied 21 and 22 years after planting on afforested organic soil arable land and on upland forest soil. In mixtures, 50% of both birch species was planted. Silver birch trees grew better, but had higher mortality than downy birch trees on both sites. Mortality of both species was highest, and the difference in their growth smallest, on organic soil. In pure stands on organic soil, downy birch dominant height, diameter and mean volume were 96%, 92% and 82% of those of silver birch and on mineral soil 87%, 84% and 60%, correspondingly. On mineral soil, silver birch had a higher mean annual increment (MAI) (5.8 m3 ha?1a?1) than downy birch (3.9 m3 ha?1a?1), but on organic soil the MAI of both species was similar (3.3–3.4 m3 ha?1 a?1). Planting birches in mixture did not affect the growth of the trees on organic soil. On mineral soil, the mean diameter and mean volume of silver birch trees were higher in mixed than in pure plantations. The technical stem quality of both tree species was low. On mineral soils, pure silver birch is more productive than mixture, but on peat soil the higher growth of silver birch could contribute to increased productivity and downy birch would ensure sufficient survival for future timber production.  相似文献   

Approximately, 20% of arable land worldwide, as well as nearly half of irrigated land, is subjected to salt stress. Osmotic stress and ion toxicity due to saline soils cause low crop yields. In this study, we introduced 18 families of salt-tolerant birch (Betula pendula Roth., Betula kirghisorum Sav.-Ryczg., and Betula pubescens Ehrh) into five high-salinity locations in northeastern China and evaluated their survival abilities. We also analyzed variation and stability of genotype–environment interactions of the different families under an additive main effect and multiplicative interaction model. Survival rate analysis indicated that the introduced families were well adapted to the high-salinity environments, whereas native families died. Variation analysis revealed significant differences between location × family interaction mean values for height and basic stem diameter (BSD), suggesting that most genotypes responded differently to different sites. The heritability of tree height and BSD at different sites varied from 0.416 to 0.940, with the coefficient of phenotypic variation ranging from 9.88% to 35.53%. Stability analysis indicated that some families had high tree heights but were sensitive to environmental conditions, whereas others were resistant but had average tree heights. These results suggest that families should be bred in various habitats to assess growth under favorable and unfavorable environments.  相似文献   

The individual tree growth in stands of mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth & Betula pubescens Ehrh.) is estimated using basal area and height growth functions for each species separately. The individual tree growth models are distant dependent and the number, size and proximity of neighbours are expressed as size‐ratio competition indices. The competition indices were calculated using a basal area factor gauge to define competitors. The tree growth functions are based on data from nine mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch. The recursive multivariate regression approach is used. The growth functions have standard deviation about the function/standard deviation about the mean (sf/sm) values between 31 and 61% and the evaluations made with root mean square error (rmse) give estimates which vary between 8 and 45 % of the observed mean value. These values are comparable with the precision reported in other studies. In the present investigation the distant dependent indices are important independent variables. It seems suitable to describe the change in growth conditions from retarded to released growth by means of size ratio competition indices. For birch, a positive effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. For Norway spruce a negative effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. The lower competitors have a positive effect on the growth of the spruce trees. The interpretation should be that it is better to have a small competitor than a larger one, not that small competitors as such have a positive effect on growth of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings were grown for one season under three different fertilization regimens in the forest nursery. During the first 50 days the seedlings were grown in a glasshouse, and thereafter outdoors until the beginning of September. Finally, the plants were exposed to 16 h nights in the glasshouse throughout September. When the seedlings were supplied with fertilizers at a rate adjusted to expected plant demand (RO), less than half as much of each nutrient was applied as in a conventional regimen (RC), in which equal amounts were supplied per unit time during the growth season, yet the plants still looked healthy. Utilization of N increased by almost 50% in spruce when supply was adjusted to plant demand. In the third treatment (RL), nutrients were supplied as in the RO treatment, but at a growth-limiting rate. These plants were loaded with nutrients at the end of the season and had higher root:plant ratios, i.e. root weight in relation to total plant weight, compared with the other treatments. The nutrient status of the plants was not growth limiting at the end of the growing season in any of the treatments. The plants given the different treatments differed in size at planting out, but they had similar heights after 3 yrs in the field. This indicates that the root:plant ratio may be important for growth performance, provided that nutrient status is not at a growth-limiting level. This study suggests that the use of fertilizers can be considerably reduced in Swedish forest nurseries.  相似文献   

The decomposition of the leaf litter, fine roots (d?<?2?mm) and coarser roots (2?≤?d?<?5?mm) of grey alder and silver birch, as well as of α-cellulose sheets using the litterbag method was studied in two experimental stands on Podzoluvisol soils in Southern Estonia. For both tree species, the coarser roots decomposed faster than the fine roots, (p?<?.05), tree species did not affect the decomposition rate of the roots (p?>?.5). The nitrogen (N) input to soil from aboveground litter was multiple times higher than the N flux from roots. The remaining relative ash-free mass of the leaves of grey alder and silver birch after three and a half years was similar. After 11 years the remaining relative ash-free mass of the fine and coarser roots of grey alder still accounted for around 10% of the initial value. For silver birch the remaining value was around 20% after 9 years. The litterbag method to underestimates in fertile soils the decomposition of organic matter and thus did not reflect the actual dynamics of decomposition.  相似文献   

为了探讨西南桦在云南的气候适宜种植区域,利用云南130个气象台站1961-2010年气候资料,采用GIS技术插值分析得出1 km &#215;l km气候要素网格图,依据8个气候指标划分出西南桦种植的最适宜、次适宜和不适宜区,给出了区划专题图。结果表明,西南桦适宜区主要位于泸水县、永平县、景东县、新平县、建水县、砚山县、丘北县、罗平县共同构筑成的分布北线以南地区;滇南、滇西南和滇东南海拔1100-1600 m的山区,是西南桦重点造林区域。  相似文献   

Observed diameter distributions of forest stands are adapted to the Johnson S b probability function. The stands investigated are untreated mixed stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) aged between 20 and 32 years. The adaptation of the Johnson Sb probability function is made both on mixed spruce and birch, and on each species separately. Altogether 156 observations were tested with observed distributions against calculated distributions in the Kolmo‐gorov‐Smirnov test. The fractiles are predicted with multiple regression and two multivari‐ate techniques, simultaneous‐equation models (multivariate regression) and partial least squares with latent variables. The independent variables are characteristics of site and stand. Both multivariate methods predict diameter distribution well when tested.  相似文献   

以引进的俄罗斯欧洲垂枝桦种子为材料,研究了冷藏、沙藏和雪藏3种种子处理对欧洲垂枝桦场圃发芽率及苗木生长的影响。结果表明:不同种子处理的场圃发芽率、苗高、地径、地上生物量、地下生物量和全株生物量存在显著差异,种子雪藏处理的场圃发芽率、苗高、地径、地上生物量、地下生物量和全株生物量等指标均优于其他处理,其场圃发芽率、生长量和生物量最高。  相似文献   

Paulownia is fast-growth tree species adapting tointercrop with crops in Huang-huai-hai plain of China.But the problem of large crown and lower trunk ofPaulownia not only directly affects the quality and yieldof paulownia timber, but also indirectly affects cropsproduction and ecological environment. In order toresolve this problem, since the sixty decades of lastcentury, many scientists have explored the techniqueof cultivating high trunk by the method of artificialextension trunk (Paulownia…  相似文献   

以北方盆栽蓝莓美登和北蓝为研究对象,通过人为温度控制,促使盆栽蓝莓提前开花。研究表明,盆栽美登(Blomidon)在需冷量达到1200h,盆栽北蓝(Northern blue)在需冷量达到1000h情况下,可以通过温度调控,打破盆栽蓝莓休眠期,达到提前开花的目的。  相似文献   

Ten 5‐year‐old Betula pendula clones were studied for their rust resistance in the field. The trees were treated by inoculating 10 leaves on a shoot with Melampsoridium betulinum urediniospore suspension or spraying the control leaves with water. The birch clones differed significantly in their resistance to M. betulinum leaf rust fungus and the clones also varied in their responses to the local rust strain and the inoculated rust strains. However, natural rust infections and inoculation treatment were positively correlated. The older leaves had fewer infections than the younger ones on the tip of the shoot in the control trees, but in the inoculation treatment no significant correlation was found between the leaf ages and rust infection. The factors behind the different leaf susceptibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

梁立东 《林业科技》2020,45(1):19-22
以引进俄罗斯不同种源欧洲垂枝桦为材料,对其播种苗生长进行了系统比较研究。结果表明:不同种源欧洲垂枝桦播种苗生长具有极显著的差异,其地径和苗高的生长量大小依次为新西伯利亚种源>巴尔瑙尔种源>阿尔泰种源>对照种源;模糊综合评价法分析表明,不同种源欧洲垂枝桦播种苗生长量排序依次为新西伯利亚种源>巴尔瑙尔种源>阿尔泰种源>对照种源,新西伯利亚种源是不同种源欧洲垂枝桦播种苗中综合生长量最大的一个种源。  相似文献   

刺楸种子休眠原因及解除休眠的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
经研究笔者认为,导致刺楸气干种子深休眠的主要原因,是胚发育不完全,未能完成形态成熟。采用适宜的温度进行沙藏,以先15C、后5C的阶段变温处理种子,可促进胚的形态成熟,打破休眠,促使种子发芽。若以稀盐酸浸种,则效果更好。  相似文献   

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