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《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):399-415
Decomposition of Scots pine needle litter originating from five stands treated with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer was measured over a 4‐year period in a mature Scots pine forest. The litter types, which differed in initial concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur, but not in gross organic composition, were studied with respect to mass loss, ingrowth of total fungal mycelium, and net release of nutrients. During the first year of decomposition, rates of mass loss and ingrowth of fungal mycelium were highest in the nutrient‐rich litter. Phosphorus concentration was found to be the main factor affecting mass‐loss rate, and the rate of fungal ingrowth was positively correlated with initial nitrogen concentration. After this initial period, decomposition rates decreased, and after 4 years, accumulated mass loss and amounts of fungal mycelium were similar in all five litter types. These findings may be due, in part, to a lower rate of lignin decomposition in nitrogen‐enriched litter. Of the elements, potassium and magnesium were most rapidly lost from the litter, and their release was most pronounced during the first year. Calcium release was proportional to the loss in organic matter. Initially, the release of nitrogen and phosphorus was positively related to their concentrations in litter, however, during later stages of decomposition the differences among litter types levelled out. There was a tendency for concentrations of all elements, except nitrogen, in the different litters to approach similar levels as decomposition proceeded. Thus, after 4 years the nutrient composition of the various litter types was very similar, except for higher nitrogen concentrations in the originally most nutrient‐rich litters. The importance of the results in terms of substrate quality in fertilized as well as in non‐fertilized forests is discussed. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):256-263
The role of stand and site characteristics in a 50‐year‐old, sowed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand on the decline of Scots pine caused by Gremmeniella abietina was studied. Treewise damage of Scots pine was modelled using stand and site variables and stepwise regression analysis. The significant variables included in the model were stand elevation from the main cold air centre and the pH of the humus layer, while the other less significant variables were the number of stems per hectare of Scots pine and Norway spruce, content of Cu and Ni in the humus layer, and the thickness of the humus layer and the A2 horizon. The studied variables excluded from the model were the number of broad‐leaved trees per hectare, Al and Pb contents in the humus layer, and Al, Cu, Pb and Ni contents in the A2 horizon. The results strongly suggest that the vicinity of water as well as local depressions act as vulnerable sites for Scots pine and the said vulnerability is enhanced by increased pH of the humus layer. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):111-119
Two years of heavy defoliation of Pinus sylvestris by Neodiprion sertifer caused a volume loss of 33 % during a 9‐year period after the defoliation of 90–120 years old pine forests. This loss corresponds to 3 normal annual increments. The increment losses in height, diameter and basal area are calculated both for the old stands and a young one (40 years of age). The economic consequences of the growth loss are also calculated and discussed. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):190-203
The objective of this study was to analyse the conditions for forest production on open, low‐production peatlands in Sweden with respect to climate, and water and nutrient regimes. The study focused on survival and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings, planted 18 yrs ago in five experimental areas evenly distributed between south and north Sweden. Different ditch spacing and NPK fertilizer treatments were combined systematically in all experiments. Survival was positively correlated with temperature sum, fertilization and drainage intensity. Tree growth was not influenced by variations in temperature sum after merely draining, but in combination with fertilization, growth was strongly correlated with climate. In the southern experiments, fertilization increased stand growth eight to nine times, whereas stands on the northern sites did not respond to fertilization. The most important fertilizer element was P. The application of N had no effect on growth. More intensive drainage increased stand growth by 60%. In the southern areas, height development in the most intensive drainage and fertilizer treatments indicates a mean annual increment of 6–7 m3 ha?1, and no sign of decline in growth was seen. Turf‐planting had positive effects on both survival and growth, especially in less intensively drained plots. A large proportion of damaged trees was observed in the experiment. The frequency of damaged trees was positively correlated with treatment intensity but negatively correlated with temperature sum. The results show clearly that merely draining is not sufficient for successful afforestation of low‐production peatland sites. Fertilization by P and K is a necessary prerequisite, but the effect of fertilization varies with climatic conditions, probably owing to the amount of plant‐available N. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):225-241
Incoming shortwave global radiation (Q g) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; Q pa as a fraction of full daylight, relative irradiance (%Q), were measured at the same time in young stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Measurements were made on three levels above ground: 20 cm above ground and 50 and 15 % of stand height. Stands of three heights (75, 150 and 300 cm) were studied during two months. The stands were created by arranging young trees cut from natural stands, in nine quadratic spacings: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4 and 2.0 m. The leaf area index (L) was estimated. Differences in %Q‐values for Q pa and Qg in the same species and at the same stand height and level of light measurements above ground were significant only in 150 and 300 cm stands. In 75 cm high stands of Scots pine, the %Q was <60% at spacings <0.2 m and in 75 cm high stands of Norway spruce, the %Q was <60% at spacings <0.3 m. Only at 0.1x0.1–0.3x0.3 m, %Q was <20% in Norway spruce stands. In 150 cm stands %Q<20% was measured at spacings <0.7 m in Norway spruce and <0.5 in Scots pine. In 300 cm stands of Norway spruce it was measured up to 1.2 and in Scots pine <1.1 m. Light extinction coefficients, K and Kg for spruce and pine stands were 0.17–0.40 and 0.16–0.31 respectively. Some practical implications of the study are presented. Lack of light (%Q<10%) as a single factor of seriously suppressed growth and development of broad‐leaved plants and suckers by competition in young stands of spruce and pine only occur in dense stands 0.3x0.3 m‐1.1xl.l m (8000–100000 stems/hectare). Competition by light on a regenerated area generally occurs in the level of 50% of tree height (150–300 cm) and higher due to the rapid growth of broad‐leaved trees (sprouts) compared with planted conifers but the light intensity at these levels %Q>10%. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(2):216-224
The content of water‐soluble substances and starch in the living tree stem at the time of felling influences wood durability during further utilization. The aim of the study was to describe the annual and seasonal fluctuations in the contents of stored carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds. The contents of soluble sugars, starch, and nitrogen were measured in the outer sapwood (0–15 mm from cambium) of 65‐yr‐old Scots pine {Pinus sylvestris L.) trees during an annual cycle. To study the influence of growth conditions, samples were taken from different stands in Sweden, in one stand from a control and a fertilized block. The effect of the age of the trees on the content of stored substances was also considered by comparing young (10–15 yrs old) and older trees (40–65 yrs old). Determination of the carbohydrates was carried out using enzymatic analysis. The outer pine sapwood contained a higher content of low‐molecular weight sugars during autumn and winter than during spring and summer. Starch content rose at the beginning of the growth period and decreased in autumn. The content of soluble sugars increased towards the cambium on all sampling occasions. Fructose and glucose were dominant sugars in all the stands studied. Seasonal changes of sucrose were different from those of glucose and fructose, in that the sucrose content was already decreasing in February. The variations in the nitrogen content of the sapwood were far smaller than those of the soluble sugars. No significant differences were found between the stands with regard to glucose, fructose and the sum of all three sugars. The fertilized block showed low content of sucrose and nitrogen. It is concluded that seasonal fluctuations are more important with regard to the sugar content than the effect of growth conditions. Data indicate a lower content of soluble sugars and nitrogen in the outermost sapwood of young trees as compared with older trees. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):301-314
In a combined population‐progeny experimental plantation of Pinus sylvestris at Nordanås, lat. 64°19’ long. 18°12’ alt. 400 m, a few growth characters and around 25 quality characters were meaured or assessed at age 34 from seed. The populations under study originated from latitudes 63–67. The experimental design is a split‐plot with three replications. Each population is represented by 10–20 open pollinated progenies planted in 15‐tree row plots at a spacing of 2.5x2.5 m. All growth and most quality characters showed significant population differences. Family differences were noted for approximately half of the quality characters. The family repeatability for growth and quality characters varied much between the populations in a non‐consistent way. Thanks to the strong genetic correlations between breast height diameter and stem volume, as well as between tree height and stem volume those two characters could be used to estimate stem volume. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):149-161
Two‐ and eight‐year‐old Pinus sylvestris, originating as controlled crossings from southern and northern Finland, were studied in order to determine their susceptibility to damage by Microtus‐species. For characteristics that indicate climatic adaptedness (bud set, needle stage) there was a clinal change from north to south according to origin. These differences were not correlated with susceptibility to vole damage. Nor was the total phenol content of the saplings correlated with resistance to such damage. Between families, however, there were statistically significant differences in susceptibility to damage. Some families showed both rapid rate of growth and high resistance. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):426-434
For the forests in the county of Västerbotten in northern Sweden, this study attempts to quantify the non‐timber value arisen from on‐site consumptive use (berry‐ and mushroom‐picking), on‐site non‐consumptive use (hiking, camping, etc.), and off‐site visual experience. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was applied in a mail survey for obtaining empirical data. A follow‐up survey was also conducted in order to get knowledge about the representativeness of the respondents to the CVM survey. The results indicated that the non‐timber value accounted for a considerable portion of the total forest value. On‐site consumptive use was more valuable to rural people than to urban, while on‐site non‐consumptive use was more valuable to urban people. Taken together, these on‐site use values—which to a large extent depend on the Right of Common Access—accounted for two‐thirds of the non‐timber value. The value of the off‐site visual experience thus accounted for one‐third of the non‐timber value. 相似文献
Sixteen pongamia families were evaluated in a field experiment for eight consecutive years in dryland conditions to identify stable,high-yielding families.The trial was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications.Each family,consisting of nine trees per replication,was planted at a spacing of3 m x 3 m.Yield stability was analyzed using(1) Eberhart and Russel's regression coefficient(β_i) and deviation from regression(S_d~2),(2) Wrike's ecovalence(W_i);(3)Shukla stability variance(σ_i~2);and(4) Piepho and Lotito's stability index(L_i).Families were also analyzed for adaptability and stability using AMMI and GGE biplots graphical methods.The study revealed significant variances due to family and family x year interaction for pod and seed yield.Families performed differently and ranked differently across years.The performance of families was influenced by both genetic factor and environmental conditions in different years.Among families tested,TNMP20,Acc14,TNMP14 and Acc30 were high yielders for pods,and Acc14,Acc30,TNMP6,RAK19 and TNMP14 were high for seed yield.According to the Eberhart and Russell model,Acc30,TNMP14 and TNMP3 were stable across years.In the graphical view of family x year interaction based on AMMI methods,TNMP3,TNMP4 and TNMP14 had greater stability with moderate seed yield,and Acc14 and Acc30 had moderate stability with high seed yield.On the other hand,GGE biplots revealed Acc14,Acc30 and TNMP14 as high yielders with moderate stability.AMMI and GGE biplots were able to capture nonlinear parts of the family x year interaction that were not be captured by the Eberhart and Russel model while also identifying stable families.Based on different methodologies,Acc14,Acc30 and TNMP14 were identified as high yielding and stable families for promoting pongamia cultivation as a biofuel crop for semi-arid regions. 相似文献
Katrin Zimmer 《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2018,33(1):6-13
This paper aimed to investigate the genetic structure (GS) of Scots pine in the northern area of its distribution range by means of seven neutral nuclear microsatellite markers. In particular, the postglacial recolonization of these areas and possible different adaptation patterns in distinct refugia were studied. The GS and diversity were assessed with seven pairs of neutral nuclear microsatellite primers. A high genetic diversity was found in the Scots pine material tested, along with a shallow GS. This pattern is typical for recolonized areas and species with large population sizes, which are connected by pollen-mediated gene flow. A STRUCTURE analysis found two genetic groups to be the most likely, one south-eastern and one north-western group that meet in Fennoscandia. This indicates that Scots pine recolonization of Fennoscandia might have taken place from two different directions (south-west and north-east). Scots pine that recolonized the area originated in at least two different refugia during the last glacial maximum. The glacial survival in distinct refugia can have led to different adaptation patterns and growth optima in the different groups as reflected in the formation of latewood content, where lineage was a significant influencing factor. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):12-21
Stand differentiation, heritabilities and genetic correlations in 16 growth, bud and branch traits in Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia were studied for two growth periods in the greenhouse. Data for analyses were based on 116. open‐pollinated families from 33 stands in one breeding region in central Alberta, Canada. Family effect was significant at the 1% level of probability for all traits. The narrow‐sense heritabilities (h2) from 0.43 + 0.09 to 0.71 + 0.12 for traits of absolute height and diameter were the highest reported for growth traits in this conifer. In contrast, h2 varied between 0.15±0.06 and 0.33 ± 0.08 for bud, branch and growth increment traits. Except for relative branch length, all traits showed convariation with the other traits. Levels of heritability and genetic correlation suggest that selection procedures that exploit additive genetic variance and covariance might be practised, provided there would be high juvenile‐mature correlation for this sample of P. contorta subsp. latifolia. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):384-394
The long‐term effects of lime application on fine roots of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst, and Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), have been studied in five experimental forest stands subjected to different lime applications 5 to 18 years before the present study was undertaken. The effects of liming does not seem to significantly influence fine‐root development in forest stands in the long term. The only response to liming in measured root variables was a tendency to increased specific root length (SRL = fine‐root length/fine‐root dry weight, m/g). A correlation between increased SRL, decreased root biomass and increased stem volume growth was indicated. Changes in water extractable amounts of mineral elements—P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Al and Fe‐in bulk soil and rhizosphere soil from the mineral soil layers were studied in a control area and an area treated with 3830 kg CaCO3 ha‐1. Few significant differences were found between treatments, and then mainly in the case of Ca. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):501-511
Reciprocal families of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.), from a Swedish seed orchard were artificially freeze tested to ‐10°C at the end of the first growth period. The degree of freezing damage was used as an indication of the cold acclimatization achieved at the time of freeze testing. Both one‐year cold acclimatization and one‐year height were mainly additively inherited. Specific combining ability, reciprocal and maternal effects were small. On the family level, freezing damage was non‐significantly correlated with field survival and field height after ten years. One‐year height was positively correlated with 10‐year field height and negatively correlated with field survival on the family level. Within families, plants from early germinated seeds cold acclimated earlier and were higher at the end of the first growth period than plants from lately germinated seeds. The results indicate that conclusions made from first‐year cold acclimatization studies can be influenced by variation in the rate of seed germination and seedling/germinant development. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):237-247
Leader shoot damage was imposed on young Scots pines (3 m high) in four ways: by caging the uppermost whorl including the leader shoot with 10 pine shoot beetles; by caging the two uppermost whorls with 20 beetles; by topping the tree below the 1984 whorl; by topping the trees as above and removing all current shoots in whorl 1983. Six years later, top‐damaged trees were still significantly shorter than undamaged controls, although the annual height growth rate had recovered to the pre‐damage level within 3 years. Recovery occurred in two ways: lateral branches from the nearest intact whorl took dominance over the damaged leader or secondary branches developed from interfascicular buds on the damaged leader shoot. Approximately one and two years of height growth were lost in the former and latter case, respectively. Only 5 of the 34 top‐damaged trees escaped technical defects (crooks and/or vertical branches). Stem diameter and crown development were slightly affected. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):300-306
Bark stripping by moose (Alces alces L.) on young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was studied at the Grimsö Wildlife Research Area in south‐central Sweden. The investigation was launched to attempt to elucidate the underlying mechanism(s) for this behaviour. To document the seasonal pattern of bark stripping by moose, four young Scots pine plantations were observed between August 1988 and November 1989. In addition, pine bark samples were collected systematically throughout the study period, and the composition of various nutrients, minerals, and fibre fractions and their digestibility were determined. The occurrence of bark stripping was significantly higher in April and May, coinciding with an increase in fibre, K, starch and total carbohydrate concentrations, and decreasing crude protein, P and Mg content. Results are discussed with respect to the potential relationship between bark stripping and nutrient deficiencies in moose and the potential mechanisms inducing bark stripping. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):326-336
Self‐thinning models were developed to describe the relationship between the stem number and mean diameter of even‐aged and monospecific tree stands undergoing self‐thinning. The models were developed separately for Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Betula pendula Roth. stands. Data from 41 unthinned permanent sample plots were used. According to Reineke's equation and the —3/2 power rule of self‐thinning, a log‐log plot of average tree size and stem density will give a straight, self‐thinning line of constant slope. According to this study, the slope of the line consistent with Reineke's equation varies for different tree species. Within tree species, the intercept of the self‐thinning line varies according to site index. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):73-78
Effects of soil temperature on gas exchange of Scots pine seedlings were studied to evaluate the significance of reduced gas exchange in seedlings planted in cold soils. The patterns of net photosynthesis during the 3‐week period at the two constant soil temperatures (8°C and 12°C) were quite similar but at 12°C the photosynthetic rate was higher. After U days differences were no more significant. Photosynthesis at the increasing soil temperature, from 5.5°C to 13°C, decreased for the first 18 days and then recovered up to the level of other treatments. The same patterns were found for transpiration, stomatal conductance, and photosynthetic efficiency. Xylem pressure potentials and relative resistance to water flow after 3 weeks did not differ among soil temperatures. Initiation and development of current‐year needles affected all the results of gas exchange parameters. 相似文献
A provenance trial of Michelia chapensis Dandy in the south of China was carried out in three sites to assess yield and stability analyses. The trials were conducted as randomized, complete block designs with four replications at each site. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction(AMMI) and genotype main effect and genotype 9 environment interaction(GGE) were employed in the evaluation of provenances; AMMI analyses showed that significant genotype 9 environment interaction effects(P \ 0.05) existed between provenances, capturing 15.11 % of the total sum of squares. The AMMI stability value revealed that provenance 2 was stable, but had low yield. GGE-biplot models showed that provenances 7, 8, 10, and 11 were more stable and highyielding. The GGE results also confirmed that among the three sites, site Jiu Qu Shui was the most ideal environment for representation and discrimination. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):313-325
A simulation model was used to predict the spatial distribution of direct and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation below a heterogenous canopy of a Pinus sylvestris stand in eastern Finland. Seedling growth was related to both measured and predicted radiation. The model predicted rather well the overall pattern of radiation distribution beneath the canopy. All the growth parameters of Pinus sylvestris seedlings (height, current height increment and mean height increment) correlated positively with the amount of both measured and predicted radiation. The correlation between seedling growth and irradiance was better for predicted diffuse radiation than for total radiation. This was probably because diffuse radiation, being symmetrically distributed around trees, correlates more strongly than direct radiation with other factors affecting seedling growth. 相似文献