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New silvicultural regimes with high within-stand competition require new functions for estimation of standing stock and growth of biomass components, since the allometry of trees is changed by light competition. This paper presents functions for estimation of the aboveground biomass dry weights for stem wood, stem bark, branches and leaves of young (diameter at breast height <10 cm) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and birch (Betula pendula Roth. and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) trees growing in dense mixed stands. The functions were derived from a sample consisting of 84 Scots pine, 43 Norway spruce and 66 birch trees from six stands in northern Sweden with high stand densities (>10000 st ha-1). The logarithmically transformed power function displayed a good ability to stabilize the variance of dry weights and showed a good fit to the material (0.37< R 2 <0.99). A comparison with the most commonly used biomass functions in Sweden today showed that they overestimated the weight of stem wood and branches, while the weight of foliage was underestimated. The nature of these discrepancies suggested that the precision of biomass estimations might also be improved for young trees at wider spacing.  相似文献   


Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] seedlings were exposed to high phosphorus (HP) or low phosphorus (LP) availability for one growing season in the open field, and to combined P availability and elevated ozone (O 3 ) concentrations (0, 55, 110 and 210 ppb for Scots pine and 0, 40, 75 and 150 ppb for Norway spruce, respectively) for 28 days in controlled laboratory chambers. Compared with HP, the LP treatment reduced Scots pine current-year (C) shoot and root dry masses and Norway spruce total dry mass, whereas the highest O 3 concentrations increased the magnesium concentration of Scots pine C needles and P concentrations of the C needles of both tree species. Chlorophyll a, a+b and carotenoid concentrations of Scots pine C needles were significantly higher in the LP treatment compared with HP under the highest O 3 concentration (210 ppb). In the mesophyll tissue of C needles of both tree species, LP treatment increased the size of mitochondria and elevated O 3 -induced granulation of chloroplast stroma and disintegration of cytoplasm. Exposure to elevated O 3 concentrations increased swelling of chloroplast thylakoids and reduced the amount of vacuolar tannin in the LP Scots pine C needles. The results suggest disturbances in needle photosynthetic machinery due to acute exposure to the combination of elevated O 3 and low P availability. However, clear additive effects were found only in needle P concentrations < 1 mg g -1 in short-term O 3 exposure.  相似文献   

Forest nitrogen (N) fertilization induces changes in the soil and soil microorganisms that could hypothetically affect the long-term productivity of the soil. The tree growth response following a normal (i.e. 150 kg N ha?1) single shoot N fertilization has a duration of 7–10 yrs. The aim of this study was to investigate whether any residual effects on tree growth persist, which could be attributed to previous N fertilization. The study included six Pinus sylvestris L. and three Picea abies (L.) Karst. experimental sites, sampled for growth parameters 14–28 yrs after the last fertilization. Residual growth effects were on average small, and not statistically significant. Negative residual growth effects of varying duration could be discerned, especially at low-fertility P. sylvestris sites. However, there was an overall tendency for growth to increase in the long term after N fertilization. The main conclusion is that operational forest N fertilization with a normal N dose should not be regarded as a threat to long-term forest production.  相似文献   

Correlations between root growth capacity (RGC), at the time of planting, and field performance were studied for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings. Before planting a gradient in seedling viability was generated through exposure to low root temperatures and different winter storage regimes. The hypothesis that high RGC values would improve field performance was to some extent verified for pine seedlings while no correlations could be registered for spruce. Reasons for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Two‐ to three‐week‐old seedlings of Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta were inoculated with the supervirulent strain Agrobacterium rhizogenes R1600 2cm above the base of the hypocotyl; other treatments included inoculation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain A281 (pTVK291) or mock inoculation. Hairy or highly branched roots formed on 2–3% of seedlings of all 3 species that were infected by R1600 but on none of the other seedlings. Normal adventitious roots were also induced on 5–10% of Agrobacterium‐treated seedlings but none appeared on the other seedlings. Opine assays and growth rates of hairy and normal roots indicated that only roots with the hairy morphology were transformed.  相似文献   


The incidence of recent moose browsing of the main stem on young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees, and correlations with tree or stand characteristics, were examined using data from a large-scale survey in Sweden. On average, 10% of all Scots pine main stems showed one or more types of recent damage, with browsing of the apical leader accounting for about 75% of all damage recorded. Stripping of bark off the main stem occurred most frequently in the southern area, where site productivity is highest. Apical leader browsing was negatively correlated with height of the main stems, length of the apical leader and incidence of pre-commercial thinning, whereas bark stripping and stem breaking were positively correlated with the same variables. All types of recent stem damage correlated positively with the extent of previous stem damage and also with the extent of recent browsing of lateral shoots.  相似文献   

Altogether 82 plots (261 estimations) of Picea abies (L.) Karst, and 193 plots (360 estimations) of Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands were estimated by a vertical tube. The “crown free projection”, CFP, of stands thinned in three methods with different thinning grades was measured: unthinned, heavily and very heavily thinned, heavily thinned delayed first thinning, extra heavily thinned and thinned from the top. Basal area (m2ha?1) density (stems ha?1) and diameter sum (m ha?1) were plotted against CFP. Basal area was the best practical measure of stand in this study. Generally Scots pine stands have higher CFP and the curves are steeper than in Norway spruce stands. Depending on the grade of thinning, heavily and very heavily thinned spruce stands, delayed first thinning included, have CFP values of 10–15% and stands thinned from the top, 20–40%, compared with 30–80% and 30–60% respectively in pine stands. Extra heavily thinned stands have the highest CFP, 20–80% in spruce and 50–90% in pine stands. The CFP levels after thinning are too high in pine stands for avoidance of sucker and sprout production of aspen and birch. In dense Norway spruce stands thinned from the top or heavily and very heavily thinned, the CFP values are low enough (≤30%) to diminish the production of suckers.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to estimate genetic correlations between stem volume in seven 19-30-yr-old field progeny trials and growth traits assessed in 1-yr-old Pinus sylvestris seedlings in growth-chamber treatments with optimal and limiting water availability at two temperatures. The seedlings in the growth-chamber experiment were open-pollinated families from two Swedish seed orchards. The field trials were established with full-sib families with the same parents. The genetic correlations between stem volume in the field progeny trials and height and biomass traits in the growth chamber were mainly low or zero. There was no clear pattern of juvenile-mature correlations with respect to combinations of growth-chamber treatments, field test site temperature and water availability. Periodic drought in the juvenile stage did not improve the juvenile-mature correlations, suggesting that at the juvenile stage, the mature stage, or both, the families used in this study do not appear to be specifically adapted to drought conditions.  相似文献   


The community of Aphyllophorales fungi in stumps of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and the occurrence of root rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum were investigated at 38 clear-felled sites in Lithuania. Fruit-bodies were recorded on 36.0% of the 3924 examined stumps. The most common were Bjerkandera adusta, Phlebiopsis gigantea, Fomitopsis pinicola, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Stereum sanguinolentum, Trametes zonata and H. annosum. All species occurred in stumps both with and without established root rot, but B. adusta, F. pinicola, G. sepiarium, T. zonata and Trichaptum abietinum occurred less often in stumps containing root rot, while H. annosum was encountered more often. Greater numbers of fruit-bodies were found on stumps cut in summer than on those cut in winter. The fruiting became most abundant 3-4 yrs after the trees were felled. The abundance of nearly all Aphyllophorales correlated positively with the stump diameter, and on larger stumps, fruit-bodies of several different fungi were more common. The number of stumps containing H. annosum root rot in different sites varied from 9.8% to 68.8%, and was 27.6% on average. The incidence of root rot correlated neither with the age nor with the density of the felled stand, but it correlated negatively with the proportion of deciduous trees within a stand.  相似文献   


The choice of species in forestry is important, and a real issue as large areas of wind-damaged forest land in southern Sweden need to be regenerated. To compare the growth potential between the most common tree species in Sweden, ratios between site quality derived from site index values determined with site properties were used. A regression function to determine site index for birch from site properties was used to complement the known relationships between site properties and site index for spruce and pine. In large regions of Sweden the distribution of site quality classes was calculated to compare the special characteristics and demands of the three species. On average, the growth difference for pine compared to spruce was about 60% in southern Sweden and 95% in northern Sweden. Corresponding figures between birch and spruce were 40% and 60%. Birch was expected to produce around 60% of pine in northern Sweden and about 70% in southern Sweden. However, it must be stressed that the comparison is based on survey data encompassing mainly naturally regenerated birch, whereas spruce and pine are mainly planted.  相似文献   


Untreated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) samples were exposed above ground in a durability test for 6 years. The samples consisted of three pieces of wood, 22×95×500 mm, screwed together; two pieces lengthwise with a third piece overlapping. Weight was measured, to calculate moisture content (MC), and samples checked regularly for cracks and fungal growth. Parameters investigated were heartwood/sapwood (pine), annual ring orientation (spruce), stand site, annual ring width and density. Stand site, annual ring width and density had no influence on MC or fungal growth for either pine or spruce. Spruce samples with vertical annual rings had fewer cracks than samples with horizontal annual rings. Pine sapwood samples had a high MC and a large amount of rot fungi, while heartwood had a lower MC and no rot. Most spruce samples were similar to pine heartwood, except from a few samples that had high MC and fungal growth. Those were all sawn from the outer part of the log. Therefore, it can be stated that spruce sawn from the inner part has almost the same properties as pine heartwood, while spruce from the outer part of the log has similar properties to pine sapwood.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare beta and Weibull distributions in describing basal area diameter distributions in stands dominated by Scots pine and Norway spruce. The material of the study consisted of 535 stands located in eastern Finland. Parameters for both two‐ and three‐parameter approaches of the Weibull distribution were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. Models for these parameters were derived using regression analysis. For the beta distribution, regression models were formed for the minimum, maximum and standard deviation of diameters within individual stands. These models were used when the exponents of the beta distribution were calculated analytically. Also, some parameter models for beta and Weibull distributions from previous studies were compared with the measured diameter distributions. The distributions obtained were compared using diameter sums and an estimate of the proportion of sawtimber. The results did not reveal any major differences between the suitability of the beta and two‐parameter Weibull distributions. There are appropriate models available for both of the distributions and the more similar the original data is to the data of an application, the better are the results. The two‐parameter approach of the Weibull distribution gave better results than the three‐parameter approach. The poorest results for all the predicted distributions were obtained at the extremes of the distributions.  相似文献   


Genetic variation in wood density, microfibril angle (MFA), wood stiffness (MOE), height, diameter and volume was investigated in a 26-year-old Norway spruce [(Picea abies (L.) Karst.] clonal trial in southern Sweden. Wood quality measurements were performed on 10 mm increment cores using SilviScan. For MFA, mean values of annual rings showed the highest value (30°) at ring 2 counting from the pith, followed by a steep decrease and a gradual stabilization around ring 12 at approximately 14°. MOE showed a monotonic increase from 5 GPa to 14 GPa when moving from pith to bark. High broad-sense heritability values were found for wood density (0.48), MFA (0.41) and MOE (0.50). All growth traits displayed heritability values of similar magnitudes as reported in earlier studies. The generally high age–age correlations between different sections of the wood cores suggested that early selection for wood quality traits would be successful. Owing to unfavorable genetic correlations between volume and MOE, the correlated response indicated that selection for volume only at age 10 would result in a 0.27% decrease in weighted MOE at age 26 for every 1% increase in volume.  相似文献   


There is increasing commercial interest in treating stumps to restrict the spread of root rot [Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref.] when thinning Swedish coniferous forests during the summer. Both chemical and biological substances are used for this purpose. During the treatment, however, a large proportion of the substance applied is spilled beside the stumps. A field study was conducted on the effects of stump-treatment substances on various ground-vegetation species in a Picea abies (L.) Karst. forest in Sweden. Three different substances commonly used in forestry were studied: urea solution (0.23 kg N m-2), borate solution (10 g B m-2) and a fungal preparation of Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) Jül. spores (1 g spores m-2). The principal objectives were to assess whether any of the substances were harmful to plants and whether plant species differed in their sensitivity. Both borate and urea solution caused severe damage to most ground-vegetation species tested. Bryophytes were affected more strongly than vascular plants and urea was slightly more toxic than borate. Treatments with P. gigantea caused no obvious damage. The size and persistence of chemical changes in the soil induced by the treatments were also analysed. Transient changes were apparent in topsoil where borate or urea had been added. Very high concentrations of B were initially observed where borate had been applied, and even after 1 yr they were slightly higher than the threshold concentration at which plant injuries are expected. Urea treatment initially resulted in a pH increase of 2 units and a substantial increase in soil ammonium content. After 1 yr these effects had largely disappeared, although some increase in ammonium was still detectable.  相似文献   

Important wood, pulp and fibre properties were investigated on small wood samples from two Rumanian, one German and one Norwegian provenance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) grown in Sørkedalen, Norway. Several samples were collected from inside each single tree, both in radial and transversal direction in the stem. Data were collected from a total of 59 trees, each 28 years of age. All investigated properties showed close relationship to ring number (RN) (cambium age). For basic density and fibre wall thickness (FWT), a fast decline was first observed when moving from pith to bark and a minimum value was found around RN 5–8. The declining trend was then followed by an increase. Kraft pulp yield, fibre length and fibre width (FW) also increased with RN, but the increase was most pronounced close to the pith. The pulp yield (PY) more or less stabilised outside of RN 5–6. FW showed a decrease outside of RN 10–12, but this was probably due to the remarkable simultaneous drop in ring width for the investigated trees. FW decreased, while basic density and fibre length increased with increasing height in the tree. PY and FWT were not affected by height in tree. Diameter at breast height (DBH) was the most important variable indicating differences between trees in the investigated material. Basic density, fibre length and FWT decreased, while FW increased with increasing DBH. Height to crown had a positive effect on basic density, but had no influence on any of the remaining properties. Differences between provenances were found for basic density, fibre length and FW. The analyses showed that it is possible to describe the variation inside and between trees satisfactorily for a range of important wood and fibre properties.  相似文献   

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