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减少运行车辆燃料消耗是我国实现节能减排的一项重要内容,根据我国运行车辆燃料消耗的现状,分析影响燃料消耗的各种主观和客观因素,提出一些减少燃料消耗的措施,对于指导道路运输业持续、稳定发展具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

欧洲是全球木质颗粒燃料产业发达地区.文中介绍欧洲木质颗粒燃料市场总体情况、生产特征、消费特征和价格体系, 分析其为规范和引导发展木质颗粒燃料产业而在原料收集、燃料燃烧、能源服务等3个环节采取的政策措施, 从统筹环境保护与经济发展角度提出对我国发展木质颗粒燃料产业的启示.  相似文献   

The study determined the productivity, fuel consumption and product quality obtained with a new tractor OWered drum chipper, designed to reduce the gap between industrial chippers and small-scale chippers. The machine as tested with poplar logs and beech slabs, considered as representative of the raw material commonly used for ergy wood production. After accounting for accessory work and delays, productivity of green chips ranged between and 6 tons per scheduled machine hour, which was very good for a tractor-powered unit. Specific fuel consumption f oven-dry chips varied between 2.5 and 3.0 L per ton, or 0.6 L per m_3. These figures compared favourably with those btained from previous studies of both smaller and bigger chippers. Chip quality was very good. Samples contained no versize particles, qualifying for use in small-scale plants. The average size of beech chips was significantly larger than r poplar chips, possibly due to the higher strength of beech wood.  相似文献   

北京市森林可燃物分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用北京市土地利用图和Landsat TM影像,采用监督分类方法对可燃物进行分类,获得可燃物分类图,并对各类可燃物的特征进行详细描述.结果表明:可燃物可分6类,即O- 1草地(中低盖度)、O- 2草地(高盖度)、S- 1灌丛、S- 2幼林、C- 1针叶林、M- 1针阔混交林和B- 1阔叶林.由于TM卫星影像分辨率的限制,很难分别出林分垂直结构的差异.这一分类结果,可以满足森林火险等级预报的需要,但对于火行为预报,还需要根据林分燃烧性、林分垂直结构及可燃物分布状态进一步分类.对当前的可燃物分类方法与制图途径以及未来的发展趋势进行讨论.  相似文献   

针对道路运输企业营运车辆运行过程中燃油消耗状态难以监控的实际情况,本文设计了以单片机STC89C52为核心的车载油耗实时监测系统.提出监控系统的总体设计方案,搭建由电源处理模块、单片机主控模块、油耗数据采集模块、GPS定位模块、GPRS无线通信模块和数据存储模块构成的硬件系统,开发系统控制软件和上位机油耗管理软件.该车载油耗实时监测系统操作方便,成本较低,兼容性强,具有广阔的应用前景.能够对营运车辆行车过程中的实时耗油量进行统计分析,结合生产计划进行燃料供给管理工作,能够有效改善道路运输企业的燃油浪费现象,实现节能增效的目的.  相似文献   

Pre-fire woody fuel (diameter > 0.6 cm) structure and its consumption by fire were measured at experimental/prescribed fires and high intensity wildfires in eucalypt forests in southern Australia in order to better understand and model the dynamics of woody fuel consumption. Two approaches were used in model development: (1) a fire or plot level analysis, based on a dataset which includes the proportion of the pre-fire woody fuel load consumed at each fire; and (2) a stage level analysis, based on a dataset where woody fuel consumption was measured at a woody fuel particle level (i.e. pre-fire and post-fire diameter). For the plot level analysis a generalised linear model (GLM) approach identified the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) as the best predictor of the proportion of woody fuel consumed, with an R2 of 0.58 and mean absolute error of 10%. The stage level analysis recognised the various combustion stages through which a burning woody particle would pass, but failed to develop an accurate model that predicted the ignition, partial and full consumption of woody fuels based on fuel, fire behaviour and environmental variables. Analysis showed that consumption of woody fuel particles is highly variable and that variation in fire behaviour potentially has a greater impact on woody fuel consumption, than does variation in fuel characteristics (e.g. state of decay, fuel suspension and interactions with other fuel particles). The FFDI GLM provides forest and fire managers with a tool to manage woody fuel consumption objectives and may assist fire managers with forecasting post-frontal fire behaviour. The FFDI GLM may also assist forest and fire managers to better meet land management goals and to comply with air quality and emission targets.  相似文献   

磨削加工是木质材料加工中非常重要的环节,直接影响产品加工精度和表面质量。目前关于木材磨削加工的理论研究不足,磨削工艺参数和动力配置不合理,导致磨削加工能耗较高。采用5因素5水平正交试验,考察了磨削深度(T_s)、砂带磨料粒度(G)、砂带速度(V)和进给速度(U) 4个磨削参数,以及磨削方向与木材纹理的夹角(λ)对砂带磨削杨木和红松时的空转功率(P_i)、有功功率(P_a)、磨削功率(P_s)、磨削力做功功率(Psf)及功率利用率(μ)的影响。采用BP(back propagation)神经网络系统建立木质材料砂带磨削Psf和μ的仿真模型,最后用功率利用率的直观分析法对磨削工艺参数进行优化。结果表明:磨削参数对Psf的影响顺序为U>T_s>V>G,且都为高度显著影响因素;对μ的影响顺序为T_s>G>V>U,T_s为高度显著影响因素,G和V为显著影响因素。最佳功率利用率(高磨削效率)的磨削方案为:磨削深度0.1 mm,砂带速度10.74 m/s,进给速度5.16 m/min,磨料粒度60目,杨木横纹磨削,红松斜纹磨削。平均功率利用率45%,最大功率利用率78%,最小功率利用率21%。  相似文献   

就能源结构和各部门的能源消费进行研究,推算了辽宁省2000~2005年各种能源消费量及其引起的CO2排放量。辽宁省的主要的能源消费类型是煤炭和石油,在2005年,煤炭和石油的消费量都最多,分别为2 470.16×104t.a-1标准煤和2 932.18×104t.a-1标准煤,也是主要的CO2排放源。以煤炭为原料生产的焦炭的CO2排放量由于技术的提高而减少。从消费部门看,工业部门的能源消费量最多,从2000年的431.55×104t.a-1标准煤增加到2005年的1 096.1×104t.a-1标准煤。交通部门的消费比例从2000年的9%增加到2005年的20%,未来还有增加的趋势。不同部门排放的CO2量也不同,工业部门每年排放的CO2最多,都在2 500×104t.a-1以上,2005年达到了3 020.48×104t.a-1,农林渔牧业部门由于机械化的操作使得CO2排放量增加。  相似文献   

湖南省化石燃料和工业过程碳排放的估算   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据《中国能源统计年鉴》与《湖南省统计年鉴》提供的数据资料,利用ORNL提出的CO2排放量的计算方法,对湖南省2000~2005年期间化石燃料消耗和工业生产过程中碳排放量进行了估算.结果表明:2000~2005年湖南省碳排放量为23351.97×104t,折合CO2量为85623.97×104t,其中化石燃料是最大的排放源,占89.74%,工业生产过程排放占10.26%;在各类碳排放源中,煤炭的碳排放量最高,占碳排放总量的68.10%,占化石燃料碳排放总量的75.89%;碳排放量呈逐年递增趋势,并且增长率高于同期GDP增长率;人均碳排放量呈逐年递增的趋势,但低于同时期的全国平均水平;万元GDP碳排放量在2002~2004年呈现逐年下降趋势,2005年又急剧上升.分析了湖南省碳排放快速增长的原因,并提出了碳减排的措施建议,为湖南省碳减排政策的制定提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

在相同的立地条件下,按不同造林密度设定样地,造林后对5种不同密度沙枣林分进行密度效应观测,测定株高、地径、生物量、热值、能量现存量等。结果表明:造林第3年株高和地径增长速度明显慢于第2年;造林3 a后沙枣能源林林分生物量与能量现存量均随密度的减小而减小;密度不对热值产生影响;从造林3 a后来看,密植(10 000株/hm26,667株/hm24,444株/hm2)的生物量及能量现存量明显高于疏植(3 333株/hm22,500株/hm2)。  相似文献   

通过连续2年的外业调查和实验室分析,研究了持续干旱背景下西山国家森林公园的华山松、云南油杉、地盘松、麻栎和旱冬瓜等5个主要林型的可燃物特征,结果表明:与2012年的载量相比较,华山松林的载量增加了2.68kg · m^ -2,增加59.16%,地盘松林的载量增加了4.06kg · m^ -2,增加1.28倍,增长很明显;云南油杉的载量增加了0.01kg · m^ -2,麻栎林的载量增加了0.05kg · m^ -2,增加不明显;而旱冬瓜林的载量减少了0.12kg· m -2,减少了5.77%。  相似文献   

Five models for the consumption of coarse woody debris or woody fuels with a diameter larger than 0.6 cm were assessed for application in Australian southern eucalypt forest fires including: CONSUME models for (1) activity fuels, (2) natural western woody and (3) natural southern woody fuels, (4) the BURNUP model and (5) the recommendation by the Australian National Carbon Accounting System which assumes 50% woody fuel consumption. These models were assessed using field data collected as part of the woody fuel consumption project (WFCP) in south-west Western Australia and northern-central Victoria. Three additional datasets were also sourced to increase variability in forest type, fuel complex and fire characteristics. These datasets comprised data from south-west Western Australia collected as part of Project Aquarius, the Warra Long Term Ecological Research site in Tasmania and Tumbarumba in south-eastern New South Wales. Combined the dataset represents a range of fire behaviour characteristic of prescribed burning conditions with a maximum fireline intensity of almost 4000 kW m−1.  相似文献   


Progressive (semi-continuous) kilns for softwood drying are very common in Finland and Sweden and are used in some other countries too. A simulation program has been developed that covers all three types of this kiln. The program calculates the climate in the length direction of the kiln and moisture content, moisture profile, wood temperature, slicing test gap and stress development. Energy consumption and drying costs may also be determined. The temperature level is the most important parameter regarding kiln efficiency. Two-zone progressive kilns are found to be more efficient than single-zone kilns. Progressive kilns have lower energy consumption and drying costs than batch kilns. Experimental full-scale tests show that the timber quality from a progressive kiln is comparable to, or in some cases even better than, timber dried in batch kilns.  相似文献   

介绍了LNG作为船用替代燃料的优点,以及LNG -柴油双燃料发动机的工作原理。论述了国外和我国内河LNG船用替代燃料的发展现状,并探讨了控制碳烟和氮氧化物的排放技术。  相似文献   

We investigated forest road networks and forestry operations before and after mechanization on aggregated forestry operation sites. We developed equations to estimate densities of road networks with av...  相似文献   

指出了微生物燃料电池应用于废水处理中在降解污染物的同时产生电能,是符合可持续发展的新型应用研究。概述了微生物燃料电池应用于市政或生活污水、农业废水、工业废水等不同类型废水的应用现状,提出了该应用现存的问题与未来研究建议。  相似文献   

对北京十三陵林场人工油松林和侧柏林进行踏查,并根据地型、林分因子的差异性设置21块样地,调查样地的林分、地型因子及可燃物负荷量,进行可燃物负荷量及其影响因子的相关性分析。研究结果表明:对针叶林整体而言,灌木可燃物负荷量与枝下高呈正相关,与林分密度呈负相关,草本可燃物负荷量与平均胸径、平均树高呈正相关,1h,10h时滞枯枝负荷量与郁闭度呈正相关;对油松林而言,灌木可燃物负荷量与平均胸径呈负相关,1h,10h时滞枯枝负荷量与海拔、平均树高呈正相关;对侧柏林而言,灌木可燃物负荷量与平均树高呈正相关,草本可燃物负荷量与平均胸径、平均树高呈正相关,10h时滞枯枝负荷量与郁闭度呈正相关。  相似文献   

文章以云南省安宁市为例,研究和评价不同林分(纯林、混交林)、不同龄组的云南松林地表可燃物载量与林分因子之间的关系,并进行回归分析,建立数学模型.通过76个样地的林分因子测定分析,建立了云南松林地可燃物载量的四个预测模型.其中林分龄组、郁闭度因子建立的模型FL=1.4874e0.0095N,FL=3.2845M1.084...  相似文献   

通过对目前湖南省纤维板实际生产情况的统计与研究,本地方标准切实、合理地规定了湖南省纤维板单位产品综合能耗限额准入值和计算方法。本标准的制定,对加快推进“两型”社会标准化体系建设、促进纤维板生产企业节能降耗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据生物质燃气的燃烧特性,针对目前国内仅有用于农村炊事的生物质燃气专用灶具的状况,指出开发一种用于工业生产的大功率生物质燃气燃烧装置势在必行.  相似文献   

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