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马尾松阔叶树混交林不同更新方式对林分生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对将乐县马尾松阔叶树混交林进行天然更新、人工促进天然更新和人工营造杉木林等3种更新方式的林分恢复调查,比较探讨其生长量、生物量及物种丰富度,结果表明:不同更新方式对林分生长、林下植物发育及林分物种丰富度影响较大,采用天然和人工促进天然更新形成的阔叶树林分树种多样,结构稳定,生长良好,是保护和发展阔叶林的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

NPK fertilization on a dwarf shrub pine bog initially increased the amount and nutrient content of the tree litter. Eight years after fertilization, however, the amount of micronutrients decreased compared to the amount of N and P in the litter. Fertilization on a fertile mire also increased the nutrient content of the litter fall, especially in the mature pine and birch stands. The amount of nutrients in the litter fall of the birch stands was considerably greater than that in the pine stand of the same volume.  相似文献   

Adapting a growth equation to model tree regeneration in mountain forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Management and risk analysis of protection forests depend on a reliable estimation of regeneration processes and tree growth under different site conditions. While the growth of forest stands and thus the average growth of larger trees is well studied and published in yield tables as well as embodied in numerous simulation models, there is still a lack of information about the crucial initial stages of tree growth. Thus, we evaluated juvenile tree growth for different site conditions in the Swiss Alps and developed an approach to model both the early and later stages of growth based on the Bertalanffy equation. This equation is physiologically well founded and requires only two parameter estimates: a maximum tree height and a growth parameter. Data for the parameter estimation were available from studies of tree regeneration at a range of sites in Switzerland: growth patterns of larch (Larix decidua) were available from a high-elevation afforestation experiment. For spruce (Picea abies), data were obtained from a blowdown area in the Alps. The growth equation was fitted to the observed data and we found a good correlation of the fitted curves with the observed data. The parameter estimates were validated with independent data sets. The extrapolated growth curves, calculated with the estimated growth rates, correspond well to the validation data. Thus, it is possible to use the Bertalanffy equation to model both the early and later stages of growth. With this approach, we provide a basis for modelling the growth of juvenile and mature trees of different tree species in mountain forests of the European Alps.  相似文献   

Group selection tree harvest has been proposed as an ecologically sustainable silvicultural technique in mixed conifer forests of the western Bhutan Himalayas. To evaluate this silvicultural technique, we studied the ecological consequences of a group selection tree harvest in mixed conifer forests by assessing 127 circular plots (71 in logged and 56 in unlogged stands) in two forest management units (FMUs). Tree species composition and diversity were similar between logged and unlogged stands. Seedling density and height growth vary by species and were influenced by logging and microsites, with generally taller seedlings found in the logged versus unlogged stands. Early successional shade-intolerant species colonized logged stands. Seedlings growing on bare soil scarified by harvesting had medium vigour while seedlings growing on bryophyte mats showed good vigour in both logged and unlogged stands. Moist sites with a northerly aspect supported profuse conifer seedling regeneration, compared to sites with a dry southerly aspect. Damage to conifer seedlings from herbivore browsing was minimal. Conifer seedling density and height growth was negatively affected by competition from herbaceous vegetation, most notably Salvia officinalis. Group selection tree harvest in southern dry exposures in spruce-dominated stands is silviculturally unsuitable because it alters tree succession.  相似文献   

Browsing by large herbivores on planted and naturally regenerated conifer seedlings (Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris) was recorded in 104 clear‐cuts in east‐central Sweden during 1990 and in 47 clear‐cuts in 1991. The number of seedlings browsed and the browsing patterns were analysed in relation to seedling type. Browsing frequencies were also compared between forest stands with different site productivities and subjected to different management practices. The variation in the number of seedlings browsed in 1990 was explained mainly by seedling category. Among both planted and naturally regenerated seedlings, pine was browsed more than spruce. Two‐year‐old containerized seedlings of spruce was browsed more than 4‐yr‐old bare‐rooted spruce. In 1991, browsing was more equal among species and seedling types. Number of seedlings with their leader browsed and the amount of biomass left after browsing differed significantly between seedling types. Seedlings that had been browsed in 1990 experienced significantly higher browsing frequencies in 1991 when compared with unbrowsed seedlings. The effects of stand characteristics were not found to be significant.  相似文献   


Biomass, total nitrogen (N) and total carbon (C) stocks were determined in trees, roots, field vegetation and soil in plots given two different site preparation treatments, deep soil cultivation (DSC) approximately 50?cm deep and patch scarification (PS), at three locations in Sweden 10?years after treatment. One location was planted with Pinus contorta, one with Picea abies and one with a mixture of P. abies and Pinus sylvestris. No differences were found in total ecosystem (trees, roots, field vegetation and soil) C and N stocks between the DSC and PS plots. In the DSC plots the tree biomass, tree N and C contents and total biomass were higher than in the PS plots, but the opposite was found for stocks in field vegetation. Biomass and C stocks in the total vegetation (trees, roots and field vegetation) were higher in the DSC plots. However, vegetation N stocks did not differ between the soil treatments, probably because the combined amount of leaf tissue in the trees and field vegetation did not differ between them. The proportions of biomass allocated to roots, stems and needles did not differ between the two treatments. However, the rooting was deeper in DSC plots, possibly because nutrient availability was higher, and subsoil density lower, following DSC than following PS.  相似文献   

根据对辽宁山区蒙古栎林下幼树调查资料,采用Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数等进行多样性测度分析,探讨不同间伐强度对蒙古栎林下幼树更新和植物多样性的影响。结果表明:中度间伐强度有利于蒙古栎林下幼树实生更新,从而有利于其诱导成实生林,增强林分抗病虫害能力,提高林下物种多样性,增加林分稳定性。  相似文献   

The population structure of tree species has been explored in order to elucidate regeneration potential of the subalpine forests of Indian western Himalaya. For this study, the subalpine forest area was divided into three strata, i.e., lower altitude (〈3000 m); mid-altitude (3000-3200 m); and high altitude (〉3200m). Considering the major compositional attributes, an increase in altitude came with a significant decline in tree density and the total basal area for all the sites. However, no such clear trends were observed for recruits (i.e., seedlings and saplings). Seedling density did not exhibit uniform patterns for sites and altitude strata. In general, overall seedling density was greater at the Pindari site compared to the Lata and Tungnath sites. By comparison, significant variation in seedling density along the altitude strata was recorded for the Tungnath and Pindari sites only. Likewise, sapling density patterns varied across the sites and altitude strata, and significant variation in sapling density along the altitude strata was recorded only for the Lata site. At the Pin- daft site, the continuous increase in sapling density along with increasing altitude was revealing. The Pindari forests of exhibited expanding population structure. In contrast, greater accumulation of individuals in the sapling class and sharp decline toward both higher tree classes and lower seedling classes was generally apparent for the Lata and Tungnath sites. This indicates that the replacement in tree size classes from sapling stage is not proportional and the population may decline in the long-term. Considerable variation in patterns of forest and dominant species popula- tion structure were evident across altitude strata. But in all cases irrespective of sites, we found growth at the high-altitude stratum, in the form of entire forests or dominant species. This trend deserves further investigation to explore its relevance under changing climate scenarios.  相似文献   

不同造林密度和混交树种对光皮桦幼林生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对光皮桦不同造林密度、不同混交树种的试验研究,结果表明:光皮桦不同造林密度林分的生长有较大差异,其胸径、冠幅由大到小依次为:1 100株.hm-2、800株.hm-2、1 600株.hm-2、2 500株.hm-2,树高以1 100株.hm-2的林分最大,其余比较相近。光皮桦与不同树种混交生长有较大差异,各生长指标以杉木×光皮桦混交林最好,其余依次为:福建柏×光皮桦、木荷×光皮桦、马尾松×光皮桦;光皮桦纯林生长指标与福建柏光皮桦混交林比较接近。杉木×光皮桦和福建柏×光皮桦是较好的混交组合。  相似文献   

采用实地观测方法,研究了长春市主城区(环城路内)78条主要道路行道树的树种结构特征与健康状况,结果表明:垂柳、新疆杨和糖槭是研究区内行道树的主要树种,分别占研究区树木总株数5 897株的12.79%、10.99%和10.53%;平均密度为276株·hm-2,平均胸径、平均树高、平均活枝下高和平均冠幅分别为11.7 cm、742 cm、201 cm和347 cm。环城路以内行道树43.96%的植株处于亚健康等级;健康和不健康植株分别占17.49%和10.99%;中等健康植株占27.66%。  相似文献   

Currently, the aim of modern forest management is not only timber production but also the protection of biodiversity. The initial effects of clear-cut logging on forest understory vegetation, soil and the diversity of litter beetles have been studied. We examined unstudied effects of clear-cutting disturbance on understory vascular plant species abundance, forest soils, and understory vegetation nutrients as well as beetle diversity one year after clear-cutting. Substantial changes in the prominence values and above-ground mass of forest-related vascular plant and moss species were detected. Clear-cuttings resulted in fast appearance of new light-loving plant species. The significant decrease in understory plant biomass influenced the reduction of nutrient pools in clear-cut areas after one year. The clear-cut logging negatively influenced the richness of species and the number of individuals of stenobiontic forest-related beetles in the forest litter. However, forest clear-cuttings were beneficial for eurytopic and open land species.  相似文献   

The study focused on the success of regeneration on patch cuts in spruce-dominated stands in terms of stocking and tree height. It was based on an experiment in the Kainuu region in northern Finland. The experimental design included 8 stands with 58 clearcut patches of variable size (0.09–0.37?ha), on which either natural regeneration without site preparation or site preparation and planting of Scots pine was applied. A regeneration survey was conducted 13–15 growing seasons after treatments. Patches without site preparation had been restocked quite well from natural seed sources. The average number of trees was about 11,000?ha?1, of which 1700?ha?1 crop trees. With site preparation and planting, the stocking levels were also very high, 25,000 and 2100?ha?1, respectively. One hundred percent of the planted patches and 75% of the naturally regenerated patches had an acceptable density. Restocking was equally good across the range of patch sizes. Tree growth had been somewhat slower in the smallest patches than in the largest ones in the range. Natural regeneration was capable of yielding good regeneration results in most patches, especially when site preparation was applied. Stocking levels and height development were higher yet in the planted patches.  相似文献   

Maintenance of biodiversity is becoming a goal of forest management. This study determined effects of broadcast pine release herbicide treatments on plant species richness, diversity, and structural proportions seven years after treatment. Three study blocks were established in central Georgia. Plots 0.6–0.8 ha in size were planted to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) in the Winter of 1982–83 and then treated with imazapyr (Arsenal), glyphosate (Roundup), and hexazinone (Velpar L. and Pronone 10G) in 1985. In 1992, overstory and understory (<1.5 m height) layers were examined utilizing stem and rootstock counts and basal area of overstory species and cover of understory species. ANOVA's were used to test for significance using a randomized complete block model. We found no effect of treatments on species richness. Diversity, measured separately for overstory and understory layers by Shannon-Wiener and Simpson indices, also was not influenced significantly by treatments. Arsenal significantly decreased Diospyros virginiana L. and increased Rubus argutus Link and legumes. Hexazinone treatments generally decreased Quercus nigra L., and Roundup significantly reduced Vaccinium spp. compared to the Check. We concluded that herbicide release treatments did not decrease overstory or understory plant species richness and diversity seven years post-treatment.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out at two different gradients of unburnt and burnt Anogeissus latifolia forest sites in the Garhwal region, India. At each gradient, the unburnt and burnt forest sites were further categorized into three different elevations, i.e., lower (700 m), middle (850 m) and upper (1000 m). At each elevation, the density of trees, saplings and seedlings was higher at the unburnt sites except for trees at the upper elevation which was higher at the burnt sites. The total basal area of each layer of forest was also higher at the unburnt sites. The study revealed that the lower number of saplings and seedlings at the burnt forest sites might be due to the effect of fire. Most trees in the lower dbh classes were affected by forest fire at the burnt sites which reduced the total density and total basal area of the trees compared to the unburnt sites. The diversity of trees increased with increasing elevation. However, the diversity of saplings and seedlings reduced with increasing elevation.  相似文献   

We studied the regeneration of tree species in the sub-tropical forest of Alaknanda Valley in Garhwal Himalaya, India. The overall regeneration status was fairly good in the study area. Seedling density ranged between 520 and 1,240 seedlings per ha while the density of saplings varied between 400 and 800 saplings per ha. Out of eight sites studied, five sites, viz., A1 , A2 , B1 , B2and C2contained the highest number of seedlings (280-480 per ha) and saplings (200-440 per ha) for Pinus roxburghii and remaining three sites viz., C1, D1and D2represented the highest number of seedlings (240-400 per ha) and saplings (200-240 per ha) for Anogeissus latifolius. The DBH class distribution of the tree species revealed that the highest number of individuals was concentrated in the lower diameter classes while smallest numbers were found in the higher diameter classes. Species such as Acacia catechu, Anogeissus latifolius, Dalbergia sissoo, Engelhardtia spicata, Lannea coromandelica, Mallotus philippensis and Pinus roxburghii have the largest number of saplings and seedlings in the lower DBH classes, suggesting that they have good regeneration potential. Other species such as Aegle marmelos, Bauhinia variegata, Bombax ceiba, Cassia fistula, Erythrina variegata, Haldinia cordifolia, Mangifera indica, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Phyllanthus emblica, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia alata and Toona hexandra have either no or very small number of saplings in the lower DBH classes, which indicates that the status of these species implies poor regeneration.  相似文献   

In order to precisely assess the role of agroforestry for the conservation of (agro-)biological diversity there is a need to adjust sampling methods used in plant sociology. This study is on the contribution of agroforestry land use to the in-situ conservation of indigenous trees within a typical East-African smallholder farming system in Western Kenya. A modified approach to measuring species richness and abundance is presented. The selection of tree-rich structures was done according to management patterns rather than considering syntaxonomic classifications from the vegetation science point of view. This approach, which is better suited to the strongly human-influenced vegetation of agroecosystems, employs between-management unit diversity measures to help evaluate abundance and constancy of species in particular management units. The predominant off-farm vegetation patterns are riverine forests, rocky hillsides, hedgerows, wooded grassland relicts, woodlands or colline forest relicts and tree groves whereas the noticeable tree-rich on-farm management units are homegardens, homesteads, life fences, coffee- and banana-groves and annual cropping fields. 98% out of all indigenous tree species known from Bungoma, occur in off-farm lands. 53% of the indigenous tree species occur in tree rich on-farm management units while 47% of the indigenous trees are dependent on the maintenance of off-farm lands. Hedgerows embody the most promising secondary vegetation structure that shows ample potential to accommodate a wide range of indigenous perennial species outside the natural vegetation formations. The pattern of distribution of various vegetation structures, and the mixture with diverse tree-based on-farm plots are interesting features in regard to floristic and eco-diversity on a landscape level. In this respect, three areas that show different population densities and distinct agro-historical conditions were compared. In regions of particular high population density the degree of association of various functional land use forms and woodland structures – each characterised by its own floristic make-up – is comparatively high. In contrast, in regions with less population but that were settled at a later date, one encounters fewer stands of woody plants with lower numbers of species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Riparian forests are classified as endangered ecosystems in general,particularly in sahelian countries like Burkina Faso because of human-induced alterations and civil engineering works.The modification of this important habitat is continuing,with little attention being paid to the ecological or human consequences of these changes.The objective of this study is to describe the variation of woody species diversity and dynamic in riparian forests on different type of watercourse banks along phytogeographical gradient in Burkina Faso.All woody species were systematically measured in 90 sample plots with sides of 50 m × 20 m.Density,dominance,frequency and species and family importance values were computed to characterize the species composition.Different diver-sity indices were calculated to examine the heterogeneity of riparian forests.A total of 196 species representing 139 genera and 51 families were recorded in the overall riparian forests.The species richness of individuals with dbh ≥ 5cm increased significantly from the North to the South along the phytogeographical gradient and varied significantly between the different types of riparian forests.Similarity in tree species composition between riparian forests was low,which indicates high beta diversity and reflects differences in habitat conditions and topography.The structural characteristics varied significantly along the phyto-geographical gradient and between the different types of riparian forests.The diameter class distribution of trees in all riparian forests showed a reverse "J" shaped curve except riparian forest of stream indicating vegetation dominated by juvenile individuals.Considering the ecological importance of riparian forest,there is a need to delineate and classify them along watercourses throughout the country.  相似文献   

Wildfires in recent years have resulted in degradation and damage to the Hyrcanian forest ecosystems in Northern Iran.This study was carried out to investigate fire damage to trees and changes in regeneration in early-season growth after wildfires in the Golestan Province.For this purpose,a random sampling plan was used,with 60 circular plots(each plot is 1000 m2) for each stand and 240 circular(25 m2) plots for regeneration within the burned and unburned areas,respectively.In each plot,habitat factors were recorded,including crown canopy percentage,forest stratum,herb-layer cover percentage,species,diameter at breast height,tree and regeneration quality,and quantity of seedlings and saplings.Our results showed that bark is an important factor for fire resistance in Hyrcanian forests.The Persian ironwood and European yew has the highest and lowest fire resistance;as broad leave species are more resistant than needle leaf species.Density of regeneration in unburned area was higher than burned area,and statistical analysis showed significant differences for all species between two areas.Fire effects on sapling were different among species which indicates sapling has different resistance to fire.Forest floor fuel,season,stand composition and microclimate have more effects on fire severity while environmental factors,regeneration and management practices shaping future composition stands.  相似文献   

An increased understanding of the importance of forest diversity for ecosystem services such as medicine, wood, climate control, etc., has lead to greater interest in the study of forests. This study aims to analyze the diversity, composition, and distribution pattern of tree species in Pachamalai Reserve Forest in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu State. Data were collected in the quadrant method, where 10 × 10 m2 plots at different altitudes from 230 to 930 m with 50-m regular intervals were plotted. A total of 73 tree species belonging to 35 families with the density of 1,372 individuals were enumerated from 3 ha. Overall, the most dominant tree species family was Fabaceae (21 species). The highest number in terms of density of tree species was observed for Pongamia pinnata and the most dominant on the basis of basal area was Tamarindus indica. The species inventory was calculated by Shannon-Weiner index (3.916), Simpson index (0.0206), and Margalef index (9.9667). With the increasing altitudinal gradient, the maximum species richness was observed in the middle elevation zone from 580 to 780 m. The results from the study could be helpful for monitoring and sustaining the forest resources, and important in preventing the loss of biodiversity and mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Windthrow plays a critical role in maintaining species diversity in temperate forests. Do large-scale strong wind events(i.e., tropical cyclones, including hurricanes,typhoons and severe cyclonic storms) increase tree diversity in severely damaged forest areas? Do hurricanes(tropical cyclones that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and northeastern Pacific Ocean) lead to altered relative abundance of shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant species? Did historic hurricanes alter the succession trajectory of the damaged forests? We used nearly 70-year tree demographic data to assess the effects of two major hurricanes on woody species diversity in Piedmont forests, North Carolina, USA. Species richness(S) and Shannon–Wiener's diversity index(H') were used to evaluate the changes in tree diversity. The changes in composition were assessed with Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling. The pre-hurricane successional phase can strongly influence both the damage severity and subsequent responses. Although there is often an immediate drop in diversity following a hurricane, understory tree diversity quickly increases to levels that exceed those prior to the disturbance. This leads to an increase in diversity in stands that were substantially damaged. Hurricanes significantly decrease the dominance of shade-intolerant canopy species while increasing preestablished, more shade-tolerant species. We conclude that large, and infrequent hurricanes help to maintain local tree diversity, but also accelerate the increase in dominance of understory species such as red maple and beech.  相似文献   

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