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The paper discusses methods to compensate for the costs incurred in the supply of forest ecological services (FES), i.e. government dominated and market-based instruments as well as progress made so far in China. Factors which constrain the supply of these services and potential policy improvements are presented.  相似文献   

How can we accommodate the diversity in tree species and sizes in mixed-species/size/age stands in the sustainable management of natural forests and woodlands in Africa for diverse timber and non-timber forest products and services, and during rehabilitation of degraded forests? The evergreen moist tropical to warm-temperate forests, from the equator to 34°S, generally function through relative shade tolerance. The tropical, strongly seasonal, drier deciduous woodlands generally function through adaptation to fire and/or grazing/browsing. Silvicultural systems, when implemented, are often not aligned with the ecological characteristics of the particular forest systems or the specific targeted species. This paper presents the concept of using the basic disturbance–recovery processes, with recovery development via stand development stages, as the basis for the development of silvicultural systems suitable for maintenance of forest complexity. Grain analysis and stem diameter distributions, analysed from resource inventories, are used to determine the specific shade- or fire-tolerance characteristics of key economical and ecological tree species. The gained knowledge of the ecosystem and species characteristics (including modes of regeneration, i.e. from seed or vegetative regrowth) and processes is used to simulate the ecological disturbance–recovery processes through the development of mixed silvicultural systems, such as a single-tree selection system, a group felling system and a coppice management system in the same forest. Very similar concepts are used to develop rehabilitation strategies to recover the processes towards regrowth stands of diverse species and structure: through stands of introduced plantations and invader tree species; and through early regrowth stages in deciduous woodlands and evergreen forests, after fire, slash-and-burn traditional agriculture, charcoal production or open-cast mining.  相似文献   

Community forestry, promoted as a “win–win” forest management strategy yielded a variety of results that includes both failure and relative success. The willingness of government to hold control over forest resources while transferring only part of property rights to local communities is one of the major constraints. Therefore, there is a need to explore alternative approaches, which enhance the position and accountability of local communities in community forest management. This study evaluated socio-economic and ecological outcomes of community forestry in a context of important property rights conceded to local communities. The study was conducted using focus groups discussions, forest income evaluation and assessment of forest resources and their dynamics. Findings showed that institutional design with important property rights conceded to local communities partially empowered local communities and reduced threats while improving the condition of forest resources. The approach also yielded positive economic outcomes that enabled bordering populations to make up to 25% of their global annual income from the forest. However, the sustainability of this scheme of forest management was mostly limited by the financial dependency on local non-governmental organization, by local institutions and discrepancy in forest benefits sharing among local forest users.  相似文献   

This paper presents and applies an experimental agroforestry accounting system (AAS) to measure the commercial income and capital of hunting activities in a large territorial area. This application goes beyond the conventional system of national agriculture and forestry accounts. The methodology developed allows the independent valuation of both environmental and manufactured capital which in turn allows the disaggregation of hunting income and other economic indicators by type of capital. The spatial distribution of these economic indicators can also be provided. Results show positive current total capital income but residual manufactured capital income current losses. An underlying economic rationale explaining this phenomenon is offered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for complex evaluation and quantification of tree-layer species diversity in forest ecosystems—model BIODIVERSS. The model was constructed for the assessment of species diversity on a small-scale (forest-stand) level, but may be applied with advantage to regional and large-scale inventories. The probability of correct classification of species diversity degree is relatively high; e.g. with a sampling intensity of only 1.5%, the correctness of the classification by the model is already 90%. Model BIODIVERSS is a simple and practical tool. It can be used directly during fieldwork, since for its application only a pocket calculator is needed.  相似文献   

The progressive internationalization of forest politics poses a considerable challenge for forestry science as a non-state actor that aims for inserting its expertise into political processes. Rather than finding a coherent entity, one discovers a diversity of forest related processes on the international level. The paper examines central forest relevant processes on the international level, their effects on the policy field, and their repercussions for forestry science by using two different theoretical models of internationalized forest politics.It will be argued that an understanding in terms of ‘governance’ that is based on a reflexive understanding of the policy field's set-up and emerging state- and non-state actors is better suited than a ‘classical’ conceptualization of interest-led intergovernmental politics. Drawing upon this diagnosis, the paper offers some propositions about the possible role(s) of forestry science within processes of ‘forest governance’.  相似文献   

Despite its good environmental track record, the Finnish forest industry nonetheless causes harmful environmental impacts. This paper studies corporate environmental reports within the Finnish forest industry to determine the environmental performance of the industry at large. Fifteen years of environmental reports from the three biggest Finnish forest industry companies are analysed. The majority of these reports focus on inputs needed for production (especially energy) and unwanted outputs (especially air and water emissions) in the industry. The environmental impacts in areas of the industry taking place outside of mills, however, are less often reported and appear to be less important to the companies. This paper makes five contributions to the literature: First, the forest industry's reporting, as a less researched field, is studied in detail. Second, the forest industry's environmental reporting is diverse, comprised of multiple indicators and units of measurement. Third, the energy indicator reporting is both established and diversified. The diversity makes the reports as a weak source of comparison of environmental performance. Fourth, the case companies seldom report the environmental performance of their supply chains. Fifth, while the prior literature has analysed multiple environmental impacts of the forest industry, the case companies report on very few of them. The paper concludes by stating that future environmental reporting should especially address supply chains and multiple environmental impacts caused by the industry.  相似文献   

In the recent 20 years, it is a trend that forest will be distributed to villagers to manage in the world. Also in China, “forestry three determinations” has been carried out since 1980, and many new forestry devolutions have been put forward to and come into being. To face the fact of overusing up natural forest to result in the deterioration of ecology environment, the strategy of natural forest protection project (NFPP) is raised after the heavy flood in 1998. Now, it is paid close attention to systematically study to carry out the strategies of NFPP in collective forest area, especially in the community of minority nationalities. Based on the case of forest resource management in Datu Miao Village, the experience of its forest management in the past is analyzed and the strategies of NFPP in collective forest area are put forward. Foundation item: This project is a part of research project “forest devolution management of IFAD/CIFOR” Biography: L{upuo} Ming-can (1961-), maie, associate professor, vice director of post-graduate school of Southwest Forestry College, Kunming 650224, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

Satellite data were used in developing methods for forest inventory and mapping in a cooperation project involving Finland, Norway and Sweden. A goal was to improve the technical competence in forestry remote sensing in those countries. Landsat TM‐ and simulated SPOT‐imageries were classified using, e.g., filtered input data and contextual classifiers. The relative area distribution of usual forest classes was estimated at an acceptable accuracy. A two‐phase sampling scheme was introduced for compartmentwise (in‐place) inventories. The first phase involves analysis of satellite data, the second phase measurement of field plots. Correlations between satellite‐ and field‐measured values of various forest characteristics were relatively high, close to those obtained using aerial photo interpretation.  相似文献   

IntroductionForestisakindofmulti-function'resourcethatcanbesustaininglyutiIized,butsomeprobIems,suchasinsufficiencyoftimberyieId,soiIerosion,cIimateim-baIanceinpartdistrictetc.,oftenarousedbecauseofincorrectuseandmanagementofnaturalresources.InordertodevelopthefOrestry,IotsoffOrestrypoIi-cieshavebeenissuedandcarriedout.V8rioustypesofforestresourcesmanagementhavebeenaroused,especialIycollectiveforestareasinsouthChina.However,whydiff6rentefficiencies,good,badandworse,eventoresultinthedecrea…  相似文献   

Ownership is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes legal, social, and emotional aspects. In addition to legal aspects, the social and emotional aspects, “feelings of ownership,” potentially have behavioral effects. Nevertheless, these aspects are often overlooked in the research influencing the forest owners' behavior and thus their forest management decisions. This article examines how private forest owners with inherited forest holdings construct feelings of ownership toward their forests and how these constructions are reflected in their forest management decisions. Forest ownership is addressed through the theory of psychological ownership. On the basis of 15 thematic in-depth interviews, we suggest that a sense of identity and control, as dimensions of psychological ownership, can influence whether forest management decisions are guided by tradition, economic incentives, or responsibility toward property. Based on the results, a forest owner typology (restricted, indifferent, informed, and detached forest owners) was constructed, further enabling us to understand the differences among private forest owners and the roots of their forest management decisions. More generally, the study highlights the important role of emotions in forest management decisions.  相似文献   

The importance of ecological benefit analyses about green space systems has been widely discussed on the basis of a per-ceived bias towards the landscaping effect of green spaces to be built in urban areas as opposed to the perception of comprehensive ecological benefits of designed plant communities. Given the basic principle of ecological benefit analyses and evaluation methods widely applied today, the methodology to calculate ecological benefits and to model the expansion of urban green spaces by CITY-green 5.0 and its conditions for application were explored. We propose that aerial images can be substituted by AutoCAD graphics of a green space containing detailed information of plant dispositions by digitizing the key features during the working process in order to evaluate the ecological benefits quickly and to offer proper guidance to the establishment of small scale green spaces in urban areas. The theoretical foundation, potential application range and prospects for extension of the method are introduced by using the analysis of ecological benefits of the green spaces on the campus of Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, as an example.  相似文献   

In forest management, scenarios are often used to envision what the future might look like to account for uncertainties associated with, for example, climate change, changing socio-economic conditions, and technological developments. There are, however, many different methodological approaches to scenario building. In order to be able to make better use of the diversity of approaches at hand, a systematic overview of the scenario methodologies, which is currently missing in the forest sector, is needed. This paper analysed and reviewed 129 forest-management-related scenario studies that have been carried out in Europe during the past decade. The studies were classified by means of cluster analysis in four groups: (1) management scenarios, (2) environmental scenarios, (3) optimization scenarios, and (4) participatory scenarios. Despite differences between the four groups, almost all scenario studies can be characterized as rather quantitative, non-participatory, and single factor in nature. The analysis also found a temporal trend reflecting a broadening of the scenario methodology for forest management over time towards scenarios that incorporate longer time horizons, reflecting issues on a larger scale, including land-use considerations. Considering the complexity and urgency of the issues in forest management that need to be addressed and the opportunities offered by the scenario methodologies not yet fully used, we expect to see a further broadening of the scenario methodology with mixed-method, participatory, and complex scenarios.  相似文献   

From the biological point of view the value of autotrophy plant association is determined by the carbon fixation and the carbon cycle. Among the plant associations of Hungary, forest has the largest biological carbon fixation and carbon cycle.In general, the annual water cycle is the key factor in the organic material production of the Hungarian forests. The most intensive water consumption and organic material production take place from May till July, which period is named main water consumption and respectively main growing period. In Hungary the categories of the forest climate are characterized by main tree species and based on the characteristic meteorological data (Jaro and Tatraaljai, 1985). In Hungary the forest area covered by stand is 1,650,000 hm2. Beech forest climate covers 8% of the forest area, hornbeam-oak forest climate covers 22%, sessile oak-Turkey oak forest climate covers 48% and forest steppe climate covers 22%. Partly in the frame of ICP-Forests, the Department of Ecology in the Forest Research Institute carries out long term, complex ecophysiological investigations on several sample plots (so-called basic plots) throughout the whole country. The organic material production (growth), the nutrient and water cycle, the measurements of air pollutants and meteorological parameters, as well as chemical analyses are all part of the investigations. As a comparison the figure of two basic plots (Sopron-Piispokladany) shows the water cycles of a good growing beech stand in beech climate and a weak pedunculate oak stand in forest steppe climate in the hydrological year of 2001-2002. In the Hungarian forest 60%-70% of the precipitation is used for interception, evaporation, and in the vegetation season, for the transpiration both in beech and forest steppe climate. From other point of view, only 30%-40% of the open air precipitation infiltrates into the soil and can be utilized by the forest.  相似文献   

To study whether, why, and how forestry decision-makers in Southeastern Norway adapt to climate change, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews in focus groups consisting of non-industrial private forest owners, forest managers, and forest advisors. Our results show that a majority of the participants believed in climate change as a phenomenon, and had experienced events or observed changes that they attributed to climate change. However, we found little evidence of concern regarding climate change impacts on forest ecosystems and forestry among the participants. Instead, the majority regarded climate change more as an opportunity for the Norwegian forest-based sector than a threat. A minority had implemented proactive practices motivated by climate change but in all but one case, the adjustments were adaptation of forest infrastructure. In general, the participants agreed that the uncertainty associated with the effects of climate change and the (economical) uncertainty associated with adaptation of forest ecosystems were too large to change forest management practices at present. However, many participants, in particular the managers, are already adapting in response to experienced problems, such as increased frequency and duration of periods with low carrying capacity of the ground implying reduced or no accessibility within and to stands.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the potential of forest owners associations (FOAs) to influence forest policymaking using power theory. Firstly, the paper examines the concept of power and the political power of interest groups. Interest groups seek to be able to use their power through influencing policy outcomes and framing the underlying dimensions that define policy issues. In the next step the paper defines factors of dispositional political power: formal, informal, internal, and external. Formal factors are primarily based constitutionally or legislatively and are ensured through the right to associate and form associations to advocate common interests. Informal factors represent the abilities of interest groups to operate in the political process. Internal factors represent the ability of interest groups to work within the group and external factors represent the behaviour towards other associations, government, non-governmental organisations, etc. Semi-structured questionnaires to former and present FOAs officials were used containing questions about the basic role of FOAs as they can be found in the scientific literature. The crucial internal factor limiting the dispositional power of FOAs is the lack of financial resources for providing services or necessary apparatus, which might strongly hinder the fulfilment and achievement of set goals in policymaking. The disinterest of the state bureaucracy towards non-state forests also limits FOAs' dispositional power. The most important external factor from the officials' perspective is the disinterest of the state bureaucracy towards non-state forests at the sectoral and cross-sectoral level. There is a common agreement between FOA officials that current strategies and tactics in the form of dialogue are inefficient. FOAs are considered as a partner in policy formulation, but their actual political power is low, due to the disunity among FOA leaders and ineffective strategies and tactics.  相似文献   


• Context  

Forest stand dynamics models simulate the growth of trees in stands; based on field measurements and system knowledge, they provide a relatively precise representation of forest growth and are well adapted for forest management purposes. Architectural models describe the structure of plants according to ontogenetic development processes; as a support of biomass production and partitioning at organ scale, they simulate individual tree development.  相似文献   

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