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Plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in southwestern Australia are defoliated by Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, and a complex of chrysomelid and scarab beetles, yet there is no information on the impact of beetle defoliation to tree growth in southwestern Australia. To address this shortcoming, we used insect exclusion trials, to compare growth of insecticide treated (and thus relatively undamaged) trees with untreated (and thus defoliated) trees to determine whether defoliation by G. scutellatus and other beetles reduced the growth and harvest volume of E. globulus trees. Our results showed some evidence of beetle defoliation reducing growth of E. globulus. Mean defoliation levels of the growing tip of untreated trees ranged from 18% to 33% across the duration of the study and were significantly greater than mean defoliation levels of 5–16% on insecticide treated trees. Seasonal peaks in defoliation of 30–80% to the growing tip of untreated trees were recorded between late spring and early autumn. The greatest impact of defoliation on tree growth was evident during the 2.5 year period of insect exclusion, when higher relative growth rates were recorded for insecticide treated trees, which were significantly different from relative growth rates of untreated trees at two of the four plantations. However, our results showed only a limited impact of beetle defoliation on the total volume at harvest. Initially small trees tended to suffer more severe defoliation than initially large trees. Effects of insect exclusion treatment on harvest volume were modified by the initial tree size and the relationship between the initial tree size and levels of defoliation.  相似文献   


Assessing defoliation and measuring litterfall are two different ways of estimating the shedding of needles and leaves from the forest canopy. Both variables can be said to reflect the crown condition, but the two methods have rarely been compared. In this study the visual observations of defoliation of individual trees were compared with sampled litterfall data for the two main tree species in Denmark, Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies. Defoliation assessments and litterfall measurements were performed in seven level II plots. Six of the stands were 40 yrs old and the remaining stand was 81 yrs old. Both a positive and a negative correlation, which were not significant, were observed between defoliation and total leaf litterfall on the beech sites. Similarly, no significant correlation was observed between defoliation and the yearly needle litterfall on the younger Norway spruce plots. However, the defoliation and the yearly needle litterfall at the old stand at Klosterhede were positively correlated on a 10% significance level. A positive correlation was also apparent at the younger stands between the defoliation and the needle litterfall from the period April-July of the same year in which defoliation was assessed. The absence of a clear connection between the two assessments is discussed. The two assessments are apparently of widely different origin, which makes comparison difficult.  相似文献   

We present prediction models for estimating tree mortality resulting from gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, defoliation in mixed oak, Quercus sp., forests. These models differ from previous work by including defoliation as a factor in the analysis. Defoliation intensity, initial tree crown condition (crown vigour), crown position, and species grouping classes were highly significant in categorical analysis of variance for mortality. Heavy defoliation intensity was shown to have a strong, consistent influence in increasing the probability of tree mortality. Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis, a binomial decision tree procedure, was used to develop prediction models of mortality risk for use by forest managers. The best decision tree had 65 groups that correctly classified 75% of the live trees and 76% of the dead trees. Models were run separately by defoliation class and provided correct classifications between 63 and 78% of the trees. Forest land managers can use these models to assign probabilities of death for moderate and heavy defoliation intensity levels and compare predicted mortality to mortality of undefoliated trees to determine how gypsy moth defoliation will affect their stands. The probabilities can be used to develop marking guides Lased on projected defoliation levels for implementing silvicultural treatments to minimize gypsy moth effects in forest stands prior to infestation.  相似文献   

The needles of pine trees are indicative of the overall health of the tree, and their length is affected by many factors. This study describes the effect of high levels of pathogen infection on lengths of both needles and shoots. Dothistroma septosporum is an important foliar pathogen of pines causing necrosis and premature defoliation with successive years of high infection leading to growth reduction and in extreme cases tree death. Corsican pine trees with all foliage infected by D. septosporum had needles of primary, secondary and tertiary shoots reduced by 31.8%, 44.0% and 64.2%, respectively, compared to non‐infected trees. Needle lengths were reduced both in the upper and lower portions of the canopy, with a greater reduction lower in the canopy. Trees with high levels of infection had shorter shoots in the upper canopy with fewer, shorter needles on these shoots compared to trees with low levels of infection. The results demonstrate the substantial negative effect on needle and shoot lengths of trees with high levels of D. septosporum infection, comparable to factors such as water and nutrient availability known to have a strong influence on these parameters. The reductions in length reduce the photosynthetic capacity of the tree and compound the immediate reductions caused by necrosis and premature defoliation. These effects on needle and shoot lengths contribute to the reductions in volume growth of affected trees and, moreover, are longer lasting than the immediate effects of necrosis and premature defoliation.  相似文献   

Insect damage to production forests has the potential to reduce financial returns by retarding tree growth and causing mortality, however, long-term realised quantification of these losses is rare. In order to help elucidate economic damage thresholds for making spray decisions we capitalised on a natural outbreak of autumn gum moth, Mnesampela privata, in a 2-year-old Eucalyptus nitens plantation. Following the partial chemical control of this insect outbreak we measured the tree growth variables diameter at breast height over bark and height of five differing tree defoliation classes for 75 months following tree damage. At the end of this period a threshold model was fitted to describe the relationship between tree defoliation and realised tree wood volumes. The model revealed that realised stand wood volume was not significantly affected up until defoliation exceeded 60% and then declined sharply after this defoliation level was reached. Further support for this defoliation threshold was evident from multiple comparisons among defoliation classes that showed 50% defoliated trees did not have significantly different wood volume compared to more lightly defoliated trees, but did have significantly greater wood volume compared to trees that were 72% or more defoliated. To determine if the realised differences in wood volume resulted in differences in yield over a plantation rotation the E. nitens growth model NITGRO was used to on-grow trees to age 15 years for a ‘best case’ (type 1 growth response, constant growth rates from last inventory until harvest) and ‘worst case’ (type 2 growth response, divergent growth rates from last inventory until harvest) scenario. The threshold model was then fitted to the outcomes of both scenarios and the economic consequences of defoliation were clearly dependent on the growth function assumed.  相似文献   


Tree mortality and growth losses following insect defoliation are poorly documented in Scandinavia. In 1990-1991, Diprion pini (L.) caused extensive defoliation to Scots pine in Lauhanvuori national park and surrounding areas in south-western Finland. Most trees lost all their foliage in 1990. In 1991, the outbreak area was sprayed with diflubenzuron (Dimilin®), except in the national park, where trees were severely defoliated again. No further defoliation occurred in 1992. In spring 1993, sprayed trees had ca 30% foliage, whereas unsprayed trees on average carried less than 10% of full foliage. The latter trees were susceptible to attack by Tomicus piniperda (L.), whereas the former largely escaped beetle attack. Beetle attacks peaked in 1993, and depletion of suitable host trees probably terminated the beetle outbreak in the area. Two years of severe defoliation resulted in substantial tree mortality and growth losses. In spring 1997, these unsprayed stands had suffered a ca. 50% loss in basal area which was mainly because of mortality, and about half of the dead trees had been attacked by T. piniperda. Surviving trees had ca 50% of full foliage, and radial growth had still not recovered. Basal area growth was reduced by 40-70%, depending on the amount of foliage left after the second year of defoliation. In contrast, tree mortality and beetle attack in the sprayed stands were negligible, and these trees had recovered full foliage and radial growth by spring 1997. Thus, one year of total defoliation resulted in an estimated loss in basal area growth of approximately 30% during ca. 5 yrs. In conclusion, the spraying operation was economically justified, as it prevented substantial tree mortality and reduced growth losses.  相似文献   

The intensive monitoring plots (Level II) of ICP Forests serve to examine the effects of air pollution and other stress factors on forest condition, including tree vitality. However, tree vitality cannot be measured directly. Indicators, such as tree growth or crown transparency, may instead be used. Tree growth processes can be ranked by order of importance in foliage growth, root growth, bud growth, storage tissue growth, stem growth, growth of defence compounds and reproductive growth. Under stress photosynthesis is reduced and carbon allocation is altered. Stem growth may be reduced early on as it is not directly vital to the tree. Actual growth must be compared against a reference growth, such as the growth of trees without the presumed stress, the growth of presumed healthy trees, the growth in a presumed stress-free period or the expected growth derived from models. Several examples from intensive monitoring plots in Switzerland illustrate how tree-growth reactions to environmental stresses may serve as vitality indicator. Crown transparency and growth can complement each other. For example, defoliation by insects becomes first visible in crown transparency while stem growth reaction occurs with delay. On the other hand, extreme summer drought as observed in large parts of Europe in 2003 affects stem growth almost immediately, while foliage reduction becomes only visible months later. Residuals of tree growth models may also serve as indicators of changed environmental conditions. Certain stresses, such as drought or insect defoliation cause immediate reactions and are not detectable in five-year growth intervals. Therefore, annual or inter-annual stem growth should be assessed in long-term monitoring plots. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   


? Context

Forests are important carbon sinks, but increasing temperatures may favour increases in insect populations, resulting in greater damage to trees. This, in turn, would lead to lower levels of carbon sequestration, intensifying global warming.

? Aim

It is therefore important to predict the impact of insect defoliation on tree growth accurately. The main insect defoliators of conifers in Southern Europe and North Africa are pine and cedar processionary moths (Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoeidae).

? Method

We conducted a meta-analysis based on 45 study cases, to estimate the effect of processionary moth defoliation on tree growth.

? Result

Overall, processionary moth defoliation had a significant impact on tree growth, regardless of the tree and moth species considered. Mean relative tree growth loss increased with the rate of defoliation levelling out at ca. 50?%; it was significantly larger for young than for old trees.

? Conclusion

These results suggest that estimates of processionary moth defoliation could easily be incorporated into tree growth models, to predict the effect of processionary moth outbreaks on carbon sequestration in Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Kolb TE  Clancy KM 《Tree physiology》2001,21(16):1159-1169
We compared growth rates among mature interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco) trees showing resistance or susceptibility to defoliation caused by western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman), and among clones and half-sib seedling progeny of these trees in a greenhouse. We also investigated bud burst phenology and photosynthetic responses of clones to budworm defoliation in greenhouse experiments. Resistant mature trees had a higher radial growth rate than susceptible trees, especially during periods of budworm defoliation. Clones from resistant trees grew larger crowns than clones from susceptible trees, whereas stem base diameter at the ground line and height did not differ. Half-sib seedling progeny from resistant trees had larger stem diameter, height, and total biomass than progeny from susceptible trees. Mean 5-year radial growth increment of mature trees was more strongly correlated with growth of seedlings than with growth of clones. Clones from resistant trees had later bud burst than clones from susceptible trees, and budworm defoliation of clones depended on the degree of synchrony between bud burst phenology and budworm larval feeding. Clones of resistant and susceptible mature trees showed similar responses of net photosynthetic rate to 2 years of budworm defoliation. We conclude that phenotypic differences in crown condition of Douglas-fir trees following western spruce budworm defoliation are influenced by tree genotype and that high growth rate and late bud burst phenology promote tree resistance to budworm defoliation.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships among 5-year radial (diameter and basal area) growth of red oak (genus Quercus, subgenus Erythrobalanus) crop trees and predictor variables representing individual tree vigor, distance-dependant competition measures, and distance-independent competition measures. The red oaks we examined are representative of the commercially and ecologically important oak species of the bottomland hardwood forests of the southeastern US. The crown class score, a quantitative measure of crown class and tree vigor, performed best in accounting for the variability in tree diameter growth. Plot-level variables failed to account for a significant proportion of the variability in tree radial growth. The basal area of the first-order neighbors that were taller than the crop trees and located within 2.4 times the mean overstory crown radius had the highest negative correlation with crop tree 5-year radial growth. Red oaks were a major part of these competitors and likely exerted the greatest competitive pressure. However, crop tree radial growth was positively associated with the basal area of the red oaks which were indirect (second order) neighbors and which were taller than the crop trees. It is possible that indirect neighbors do not compete with the crop trees, but they likely compete with the direct competitors of the crop trees, thus having an indirect positive influence on crop tree growth. Such reasoning is consistent with previously observed spatial dependence up to four times the mean overstory crown radius. The findings may have implications for thinning hardwoods stands and crop tree management in that foresters need to take into account (1) oak intra-genus competition, (2) the negative competitive effect of direct neighbors, and (3) the potentially positive effect of the indirect neighbors, the competitors’ competitors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the predictive power of crown defoliation, assessed in 5% classes, in predicting year-to-year tree mortality. A visual analysis of Swiss Forest Health Inventory (SFHI) data suggested an exponential increase in the mortality rate with increasing defoliation. We verified this trend using a logistic regression model with defoliation, social position and their interaction as explanatory variables. We fitted our model to SFHI data for the years 1990–1997 (annual mortality rate=0.32%), and validated the model with data from long-term forest ecosystem monitoring sites for the years 1995–1998 (annual mortality rate=0.48%). Several indicators of prediction accuracy showed that regression models with total defoliation achieved 40–50% higher accuracies than models with unexplained defoliation, i.e. the portion of defoliation that field crews are unable to attribute to known causes. The logistic regression model with total defoliation correctly predicted 33% of the dead trees in the calibration data set, and 57% in the validation data set. This prediction accuracy was calculated with a deterministic method, using a predicted threshold probability above which trees were assumed to die. Our study suggests that including defoliation has the potential of considerably improving the prediction accuracy of models that predict tree mortality based on competition indicators and tree size alone.  相似文献   

Since its detection in 1998, the exotic aphid pest, Essigella californica Essig (Hemiptera: Aphididae) has caused extensive defoliation in commercial Pinus radiata plantations throughout Australia. A total of one hundred and twenty plots encompassing thirty tree ages, and three thinning treatments were established in September 2006 in southern New South Wales, Australia to assess crown health and tree growth. Assessments were carried out annually during 2006-2009 to quantify the relationship between natural aphid-induced defoliation and growth loss at the individual tree level. Over the course of the four years, particularly in 2006, trees were subjected to moisture stress, as indicated by average annual rainfalls that were below the long-term average. In general, the diameter growth of individual trees appeared unaffected by crown damage severity across most tree ages, indicating that the productivity in Green Hills was limited by the interactive effects of climatic and biotic stressors (both cause premature loss of foliage). Furthermore, the results from this four-year experiment demonstrated that both moisture stress and aphid-induced defoliation constrained the growth response to thinning. However, thinning may have assisted damaged trees to maintain growth rates similar to trees with little or no damage. Understanding the impact of disturbances such as insect pest outbreaks on growth yield models is critical for optimal modelling of long-term plantation growth and management. Our results highlight the difficulty in quantifying the effect of aphid-induced defoliation when combined with chronic moisture stress.  相似文献   

The individual tree growth in stands of mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth & Betula pubescens Ehrh.) is estimated using basal area and height growth functions for each species separately. The individual tree growth models are distant dependent and the number, size and proximity of neighbours are expressed as size‐ratio competition indices. The competition indices were calculated using a basal area factor gauge to define competitors. The tree growth functions are based on data from nine mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch. The recursive multivariate regression approach is used. The growth functions have standard deviation about the function/standard deviation about the mean (sf/sm) values between 31 and 61% and the evaluations made with root mean square error (rmse) give estimates which vary between 8 and 45 % of the observed mean value. These values are comparable with the precision reported in other studies. In the present investigation the distant dependent indices are important independent variables. It seems suitable to describe the change in growth conditions from retarded to released growth by means of size ratio competition indices. For birch, a positive effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. For Norway spruce a negative effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. The lower competitors have a positive effect on the growth of the spruce trees. The interpretation should be that it is better to have a small competitor than a larger one, not that small competitors as such have a positive effect on growth of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Siebold's beech (Fagus crenata) was manually defoliated for two successive years. The beech caterpillar (Quadricalcarifera punctatella) was used in a bioassay to determine insect performance. Survival and body size were low on foliage from defoliated trees. Reduced foliar nitrogen and increased tannin content were probably the main causes of the low insect performance. Leaves were less tough on defoliated trees than in controls. Two sucessive years of manual defoliation caused stronger induced resistance than one year defoliation. The quality, as well as the quality of the foliage, decreased the year following manual defoliation; total weight of leaves on a tree was less than one half of that before treatment. Severe defoliation may cause a decrease of leaves the following year and starvation may limit populations. Delayed induced resistance of beech trees is proposed as a possible cause of the cyclical population dynamics ofQ. punctatella. The delayed induced response also affected folivorous insects other thanQ. punctatella.  相似文献   

In recent years unusual high mortality of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has been observed in the Swiss Rhone Valley. The exact causes, however, are not known. At a 2‐ha monitoring plot, tree mortality and crown condition have been monitored since 1996. Between 1996 and 2004, 59% of the Scots pines died, most of them following the drought periods 1996–1998 and 2003–2004, while only 15% of the deciduous trees died. Crown transparency, needle discolouration, dead branch percentage, mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) rating, Tomicus sp. shoot feeding, male flowering effect, tree stem diameter, crown shading and social tree class assessed in 1998 were used in a logistic regression model to predict tree mortality. Crown transparency, mistletoe rating and percentage of dead branches were found significant in the model and the probability of tree mortality increased with increasing rankings of these parameters. Needle discolouration could be used to substitute ‘dead branch percentage’ as predictor. While crown transparency increased with mistletoe rating, for trees in the same transparency class, trees with medium and heavy mistletoe infection were two to four times more likely to die than trees with no or only low mistletoe infection. For the surviving trees we found that trees with mistletoes showed a significantly higher increase in transparency in the year following a drought than trees without, while in a drought year the opposite was true. At the beginning of the observations no significant differences in transparency had been found between the trees with and without mistletoe. However, by the end of the observation period trees with mistletoe had significantly higher crown transparency. We conclude that mistletoe infection can be considered as both a predisposing factor for tree death, by increasing needle loss following drought and a contributing factor by increasing water stress during drought.  相似文献   

The evaluation uses the longest available time series for beech and oak defoliation in Germany. The data from Hesse, starting from 1984, show a typical pattern: for the first 12 years, a continuous increase in defoliation was observed ranging from an average value of 14% in 1984 to a peak value of 30%. This was followed by a subsequent decrease in the loss of foliage accompanied by a high variability, until the last monitoring in 2003, where an average value of 25% defoliation was observed. For both tree species, the years of trend reversal were identical. The same pattern was observed in the German federal states: Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Bavaria. The year of trend reversal was identical in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. In North Rhine-Westphalia, it occurred 1 year earlier and in Bavaria 3 years earlier. Whereas defoliation trends were clearly demonstrated, tree mortality did not appear on a large scale. The sample trees were grouped into four discrete clusters according to their annual defoliation values from 1984 to 2003. In 1996, the clusters represent 15, 25, 35, and 50% defoliation values. Regarding beech in Hesse, there was no overlap in the defoliation curves observed among the different clusters. These four clusters having different degrees of defoliation over the whole time span of 20 years were used for a further detailed statistical analysis. For discrete variables like crown spacing and—in the case of beech—fruit bearing, mosaic plots were applied in order to visualize relations of low dimensional contingency tables, with defoliation trends being used as the response variable. The data show for beech a very clear relation between defoliation and age, relative crown spacing, stand composition, and fruit bearing. Regarding oak, besides age and relative crown spacing, the years with significant appearance of biotic stress factors—leaf eating insects—show a clear relation to trends of defoliation. The statistical model used in this study—logistic regression—allows applying a multinomial response variable and a number of continuous or categorical explanatory variables. With this approach, an iterative optimized selection of effect variables was used to test the relevance of different variables on the defoliation pattern of the same four clusters mentioned above. For this, the variables were grouped in an iterative process with five steps, starting with a few basic variables of tree and site information, and ending with a total of more than 20 variables in the fifth step. The process selects first the variables which are of significance on the defoliation, and calculates the possible errors in the grouping of the different trees to the four clusters. In this analysis of beech, the basic tree and stand variables: age, relative crown spacing, stand composition and fruit bearing proved to be the most relevant group of parameters, with the other variables explaining the variation of defoliation only to a minor extent. More complex model levels do not change any basic selected variables; however, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), C/N-ratio, Al- and Ca-proportion of CEC are additionally selected and give a hint of the relevance of soil conditions. Regarding beech, the errors of the statistical model are lower compared to oak.  相似文献   

This study focuses on two rarely studied aspects of oak decline: relations with site characteristics and effects on tree growth. The study was carried out in a 5.5 ha stand in Hungary which is strongly affected by oak decline. The nearly pure sessile oak (Quercus petraea) stand of mostly coppice origin was 90 years old at the beginning of the study. Within-stand site heterogeneity was described by the herbaceous vegetation. Four ecological site types were distinguished by the species composition of herbs, and characterized by the ecological indicator values of the species. Tree growth between 1987 and 1993 was measured, and tree vigour was estimated from visual characteristics five times between 1987 and 1993. Potential volume increment of declining trees was estimated with the growth rates of healthy trees of the same size. Volume increment loss caused by oak decline was also assessed. Significant positive relationships were found between tree vigour and tree size and between tree vigour and tree growth. The growth of seriously declining trees dropped to almost one-half of that of healthy ones. Growth reduction of living trees at the stand level amounted to 5.4%, whereas growth reduction of all trees, including those that died during the observation period, amounted to 19.9% of the potential growth. Tree size and growth were greater on better sites. A strong relationship was also found between tree vigour and site type, but sessile oak was more susceptible to decline at better sites.  相似文献   

T. Piri 《Forest Pathology》1998,28(6):391-397
The effects of vitality fertilization on the growth of Heterobasidion annosum in roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies) were studied in a 53-year-old, naturally regenerated spruce stand in southern Finland. The fertilizer treatments were: (1), unfertilized control; (2), a compound fertilizer containing P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Zn and B; (3), as 2 with additional nitrogen; (4), as 3 with additional lime; and (5), a mixture composed on the basis of needle analysis, containing N, P, K and Cu. Three growing seasons after fertilization, four roots of eight trees in each treatment were inoculated with four different strains of H. annosum. Spread of the fungus from the inoculation point was determined after 12 months. Mean spread rates upwards in roots were 18.2, 25.6, 21.3, 26.0 and 29.8 cm/year in treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. These results suggest a tendency towards faster growth by H. annosum in fertilized trees. However, there was considerable variation in fungal growth at both the tree and root level and differences between treatments were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Patterns in radial growth have often been used to predict forest decline since they are regarded as indicators of the tree responses to long-term stressors. However, the sensitivity of tree growth to climate, as a proxy of the trees’ adaptive capacity to short-term climatic stress, has received less attention. Here, we used retrospective tree-ring analyses to determine whether growth patterns and sensitivity to climate are related to Abies alba (silver fir) decline in the Spanish Pyrenees. We used regional climatic data to calculate normalised temperatures and drought indexes. Basal-area increment (BAI) was measured for declining (defoliation >50%) and non-declining (defoliation <50%) silver firs in four stands with contrasting decline levels. A dynamic factor analysis (DFA) was applied to test the hypothesis that declining and non-declining trees have experienced different long-term growth trends. Growth sensitivity to climate was computed as the average change in BAI per unit of change in a given climate variable. Declining trees showed a negative growth trend during the last 20?years. Trees with lower relative BAI and negative BAI trends showed stronger growth sensitivity to climate and higher defoliation than trees with the opposite characteristics. Our findings underscore the idea that long-term climatic warming seems to be a major driving factor of growth decline in Pyrenean silver fir forests. Ongoing growth reduction and enhanced growth sensitivity to climate may promote vegetation shifts in these declining forests located near the xeric edge of the species distribution area.  相似文献   

Mistletoe infection results in substantial growth losses in mistletoe‐infected forests. This study reports and evaluates the results of retrospective analyses of radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in relation to the level of infection of pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum). A total of 43 Scots pine trees were destructively sampled from different sites. Of these trees, 14 were uninfected and 29 were infected. Infection classes were determined using six‐class dwarf mistletoe rating system (DMRS). All needle and mistletoe biomass were removed completely and weighed for each sampled tree. Subsamples from needles and all mistletoe biomass were taken to the laboratory for oven‐dried weight determinations. Five‐cm‐thick wood discs were cut from the stem at the breast height (1.3 m) to determine annual basal area increment for the last 25 years. In addition to DMRS, new infection classes were created using mistletoe‐to‐needle biomass (MB/NB) ratio. The results showed that the radial growth losses could be as much as 41% to 64% at different infection levels. The rate of growth loss in relation to DMRS and MB/NB ratio was similar, but with a larger variability in DMRS values. The results showed that both DMRS rating and MB/NB ratio seem to be important for quantifying growth loss on Scots pine trees infected with mistletoe. The results of this study can also be invaluable in modelling the effects of mistletoe on the growth of Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

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