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对五龙鹅、四川白鹅、朗德鹅、莱茵鹅、本地鹅等品种在湖北气候条件下进行饲养观测,0~80日龄体重分别达到3068、3152、3923、3588、2863g,当年10~11月开产至次年5月产蛋结束,产蛋持续时间183~214d,平均产蛋数35.6枚/只,产蛋率18.2%。  相似文献   

为探究豁眼鹅在辽宁地区群体饲养环境下的产蛋规律,本试验测定了3 000只豁眼鹅种鹅全期产蛋性能,分别采用伍德模型(Wood model)、分室模型(McMillan model)和杨宁模型拟合其产蛋率曲线,根据R值和赤池信息准则(AIC)选择最优模型。结果显示,曲线拟合模型F检验均差异显著,可用于豁眼鹅种鹅产蛋率拟合;产蛋率拟合杨宁模型R最高(R =0.874),分室模型次之(R =0.855),伍德模型拟合度最低(R=0.424),且 AIC指数依次为杨宁模型<分室模型<伍德模型。本试验中豁眼鹅群体开产较实际晚,40%以上产蛋率高峰持续时间较短。综上,杨宁模型适用于豁眼鹅种鹅产蛋率拟合,可评估和预测其产蛋规律,生产过程中要根据模型和产蛋曲线特征科学合理地进行饲养管理,以达到生产效益最优化。  相似文献   

本文对霍尔多巴吉鹅和四川白鹅在重庆地区饲养的生产性能进行了对比观测,结果显示:霍尔多巴吉鹅12周龄体重分别达到5086g,料重比为2.57;当年10月开产至次年4月产蛋结束,产蛋持续时间为187d,平均产蛋45.2枚/只,产蛋率为12.6%。说明霍尔多巴吉鹅在重庆地区的适应性良好。  相似文献   

对霍尔多巴吉鹅和本地四川白鹅在重庆地区气候条件下进行对比饲养观测,霍尔多巴吉鹅12周龄体重分别达到5086g,料重比为2.57,当年10月开产至次年4月产蛋结束,产蛋持续时间187d,平均产蛋数45.2枚/只,产蛋率12.6%,霍尔多巴吉鹅在重庆地区的适应性良好.  相似文献   

正种鹅产蛋前饲养管理不当会导致产蛋时间不一致,产蛋总时间增长,产蛋数量减少,蛋质降低、种蛋受精率下降。种鹅产蛋前做好养殖管理才能保证产蛋率高、种蛋质量好。1种鹅选留选留的公、母种鹅外貌特征要一致,种用性能要好,其繁育出来的后代生长发育性能应符合生产需要。公种鹅要求体型较大,生长速度快,羽绒形成较早,额瘤凸出明显。母种鹅要求体型适中,当年选留的母种鹅,要确保年产蛋45枚以上。不管是公种鹅还是母种鹅都要严格淘汰体型较小、体质较弱、产蛋率低、繁殖力差、生产性能衰退的。  相似文献   

为了解海兰粉蛋鸡在国内主流养殖模式下的生产性能,尤其是长周期饲养时产蛋后期的产蛋持续性和蛋品质,研究以500只海兰粉商品代蛋鸡为试验群体,测定60、66、72、78、84、90、96、100周龄生产性能及蛋品质。结果显示:海兰粉90%产蛋率一直持续到76周龄,在此期间产蛋率均高于标准上限;100周龄累计死淘率为8.36%,平均入舍母鸡累计产蛋数达到475个,蛋重随着周龄的增加平缓增长,100周龄时蛋重66.91 g,蛋壳强度38.93 N,哈氏单位75.09,具有较好的蛋品质;蛋壳强度与蛋形指数有极显著负相关(P<0.01)、蛋白高度和哈氏单位有极显著正相关(P<0.01),相关系数分别为-0.94和0.90。研究表明:海兰粉蛋鸡适应我国主流的笼养模式,特别是产蛋后期保持了较高的产蛋率和较好的蛋品质,是适合未来长周期饲养的优良蛋鸡品种。  相似文献   

养殖模式对籽鹅产蛋期生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为比较籽鹅在不同养殖模式下产蛋期生产性能的差异,将600只籽鹅随机分成4组,分别采用传统小水池洗浴养殖(对照组)、半舍饲树荫旱养(试验A组)、半舍饲遮荫棚旱养(试验B组)、全舍饲网上饲养(试验C组),记录产蛋数、破蛋数、畸形蛋数,孵化期内依据入孵蛋数、受精蛋数及出雏数计算受精率、受精蛋的孵化率等。结果:传统小水池洗浴养殖虽然可以延长产蛋周期、增加产蛋量,但是种蛋易破损,种鹅易发病,进而影响种鹅的死淘率及种蛋受精率、孵化率、畸形率;半舍饲树荫旱养易于管理,适应规模化养殖,种鹅发病率、死淘率低,产蛋量较高,种蛋破损率、畸形率低,受精率、孵化率高。提示:采用半舍饲树荫旱养及配套技术是产蛋期籽鹅饲养的最佳方式。  相似文献   

1几个生产指标的关系 在肉种鸡饲养管理中,入舍母鸡提供种蛋的数量及种蛋受精率高是肉种鸡饲养管理的最终目的。但达到这个最终目的的关键是入舍产蛋率,日均产蛋率的差距,产蛋期最终死淘率之间的关系。日均产蛋率是指每天产蛋总数除以当天人舍数。人舍产蛋率是指每天产蛋总数除以产蛋期最初人舍数。死淘率是指当天死淘数除以当天人舍数。累计死淘率是指累计死淘数除以期入舍初期鸡数。入舍母鸡产种蛋数是指期累计产种蛋数除以入舍母鸡数。  相似文献   

为了提高养鹅的技术水平,探讨有益的饲养方式,近几年来,我所在丽佳鹅饲养方式方法上进行了一些探索,产生了较为积极的效果,具体情况如下:1规范设计,鹅舍结构符合生产要求在种鹅舍的设计上,我们要求做到“明亮、宽敞、舒适、清净”八字原则,鹅舍檐高1.8~2m,采光面积与舍内地面面积比为1:15。饲养密度:大型种鹅2.5只/m2,中小型种鹅3.5只/m2,每群大小为400~500只。种鹅舍内清洁、干燥,内有充足的产蛋箱(窝)。鹅棚、运动场的比例为1:2。这样的鹅舍建设,经过多批生产实践检验是实用的,种鹅年死淘率不到5%,入舍母鹅年只均产蛋44.2枚,符合产蛋规律…  相似文献   

为挖掘和利用太湖鹅遗传资源,利用太湖保种场核心群对太湖鹅的繁殖性能进行测定,在相同饲养管理条件下比较太湖鹅与四川白鹅、皖西白鹅、豁眼鹅、扬州鹅的肉质特性差异。结果表明:太湖鹅3%开产日龄188d,66周入舍母鹅产蛋76.3个,52周龄蛋重142.7g,种蛋受精率91.2%,受精蛋孵化率90.1%;太湖鹅胸肌肉水分含量与四川白鹅差异显著(P<0.05),与其它品种差异不显著,太湖鹅胸肌剪切力、肉色、系水力、pH值、粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量与其它品种间差异均不显著;太湖鹅肌纤维密度显著大于四川白鹅、豁眼鹅和扬州鹅(P<0.05),但显著小于皖西白鹅(P<0.05);太湖鹅肌纤维直径显著小于其它品种(P<0.05)。研究表明,太湖鹅经过进一步选育可以作为优质肉鹅配套系的理想母本。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同水平蛋重与蛋形指数对籽鹅种蛋孵化效果的影响,进而总结出种蛋筛选的最佳方案,为籽鹅个体、家系种蛋的选留及籽鹅的繁衍、孵化、生产提供科学参考。选取二年籽鹅种蛋2 469枚,蛋重为94.8~154.4 g,平均蛋重(123.3±9.5)g;蛋形指数为1.24~1.63,平均蛋形指数1.45±0.05。采用2因素4水平试验设计,将所有种蛋按蛋重与蛋形指数分成16个孵化组(蛋重与蛋形指数分别分为4个水平),测量每枚种蛋蛋重与蛋形指数,并在蛋壳上做好编号,在相同孵化条件、同一孵化设备中进行两次孵化试验。结果表明,①蛋重<118.0 g组种蛋受精率最高,>131.9 g组次之;>131.9 g组种蛋受精蛋孵化率最高,125.0~131.9 g组次之,且受精蛋孵化率随着蛋重增大升高;125.0~131.9 g组种蛋孵化健雏率最高,>131.9 g组次之;>131.9 g组种蛋孵出鹅雏出生重最大。②蛋形指数在1.47~1.51组种蛋受精率及种蛋孵化健雏率最高,>1.51组次之;1.47~1.51组种蛋受精蛋孵化率最高,1.42~1.46组次之。分析以上结果可得出:籽鹅种蛋蛋重对种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率、健雏率、鹅雏出生重有显著影响(P<0.05),以籽鹅蛋重在125.0~154.4 g为宜;蛋形指数对种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率、健雏率亦有显著影响(P<0.05),对种蛋孵出鹅雏出生重无影响(P>0.05),以蛋形指数在1.47~1.51为宜。籽鹅种蛋蛋重与蛋形指数对受精率、受精蛋孵化率、健雏率、鹅雏出生重的影响均存在交互作用。其中,蛋形指数对种蛋孵化健雏率的影响较蛋重强,其作为单一因素对鹅雏出生重无影响。以上结果表明,以蛋重或蛋形指数任一因素作为种蛋筛选的依据都不科学,应综合考虑以达到种蛋优选的目的。  相似文献   

This paper was aimed to study the impact of hatching egg weights and egg shape indexs on hatching of Zi goose,and then sum up the best scheme for hatching eggs screening,so as to provide scientific reference for the selection and retention of Zi goose individuals and family hatching eggs,as well as the breeding and incubation production.2469 hatching eggs of Zi geese of the second year were chosen with the weight range of 94.8 to 154.4 g and an average weight of (123.3±9.5) g;the egg shape index range was 1.24~1.63 and the average index was 1.45±0.05.Using 2 factors 4 levels test design,the weight and the shape index of eggs were divided into four levels and all the eggs were separated into 16 hatching groups.The weight and the shape index were measured and labeled on eggshells.Two hatching experiments were conducted in the same instrument and the hatching conditions were same.The results showed that:① Egg fertility rate was the highest in egg weight <118.0 g group,followed by >131.9 g group;Hatchability of fertilized eggs was the highest in >131.9 g group,followed by 125.0~131.9 g group,and the hatchability of fertilized eggs increased along with the increase of egg weight;The highest healthy chick rate of breeding egg hatching lay in 125.0~131.9 g group,followed by >131.9 g group;The highest breeding egg hatching gosling birth weight lay in >131.9 group.② When egg shape index was between 1.47 to 1.51,the egg fertility rate and healthy chick rate were the highest,followed by >1.51 group;In the group 1.47 to 1.51,hatchability of fertilized eggs was the highest,followed by 1.42 to 1.46 group.In conclusion,hatching egg weight of Zi goose had significant impact on egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs,healthy chick rate and gosling birth weight (P<0.05),and the egg weight of Zi goose between 125.0~154.4 g was advisable;on the other hand,egg shape index also had significant impact on egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs and healthy chick rate (P<0.05),but had no impact on gosling birth weight (P>0.05),and the egg shape index between 1.47 to 1.51 was appropriate.Egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs,healthy chick rate and gosling birth weight were affected by interaction of egg weight and shape index.Compared with the weight of eggs,the egg shape index had greater influence on healthy geese rate.The egg shape index had no direct impact on birth weight of young geese,but it could be influenced by the interaction between the egg shape index and the weight.Thus it was not very scientific to take either the weight or the index as the only basis for choosing qualified hatching eggs.  相似文献   

籽粒苋青贮饲喂对产蛋鹅生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李国良  嫣红红  王琳琳  符磊 《草业科学》2008,25(10):115-117
为了为我国北方寒冷地区冬季产蛋鹅青绿饲料来源开辟一条新的途径,在籽粒苋Amaranthu paniculatus引种、栽培等试验基础上,进行了籽粒苋青贮试验及青贮籽粒苋饲喂产蛋鹅试验。试验表明,在我国北方寒冷季节对籽粒苋进行青贮调制简单可行,青贮的籽粒苋营养价值有所提高,适口性有所改善;显著提高了产蛋鹅的产蛋率、种蛋率和料蛋比,降低了畸形蛋率和破蛋率,对仔鹅、种蛋受精率、孵化率和健雏率无影响。结果表明,种植籽粒苋进行青贮,用来冬春季饲喂产蛋鹅,可有效解决寒冷地区冬季产蛋鹅青绿饲料不足的问题,降低饲料成本,提高养鹅经济效益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide the reference to Jiangxi Green-eggshell breeding through the analysis of laying performance, hatchability and egg quality in the first generation of Jiangxi Green-eggshell layers at 300-days old. 306 Jiangxi Green-eggshell layers and 80 eggs were selected to determine the laying performance, hatchability and egg quality among families, and the correlation between the hatchability and egg quality were analyzed also. The results were as fellows:The average body weight of these hens was 1 596.99 g, the average egg weight was 50.57 g, the average egg-laying number was 14.53, the average fertility rate was 93.69%, the average dead fertile egg rate was 5.55%, the average healthy chick rate was 84.3%, the average dead embryo egg rate was 13.9%, the average egg shape index was 1.28, the average Haugh unit was 71.77, and the average eggshell strength was 4.44 kg/cm2. The healthy chick rate and the egg weight had significant correlation,as well as the eggshell color and the egg shape index (P < 0.05). The healthy chick rate had extremely significantly correlation with the dead fertile egg rate(P < 0.01), as well as the eggshell strength and the eggshell thickness (P < 0.01). Generally, the first generation of Jiangxi Green-eggshell layers had good egg quality, higher laying performance and hatchability, but they still need to be further selected.  相似文献   

本研究通过对江西绿壳蛋鸡F1代产蛋性能、孵化效果和蛋品质进行分析,为江西绿壳蛋鸡选育提供参考。试验选取300日龄江西绿壳蛋鸡306只及其鸡蛋80枚,分别测定、分析蛋鸡产蛋性能及种蛋孵化效果和蛋品质,并对这些指标进行相关性分析。经测定,试验蛋鸡平均体重为1 596.99 g,平均蛋重为50.57 g,平均产蛋数为14.53枚;群体平均受精率为93.69%,平均死精率为5.55%,平均健雏率为84.3%,平死胚率为13.9%。群体平均蛋形指数为1.28,平均哈氏单位为71.77,平均蛋壳强度为4.44 kg/cm2。相关分析显示,健雏率与蛋重、蛋壳颜色与蛋形指数间呈显著相关(P < 0.05);健雏率与死胚率、蛋壳强度与蛋壳厚度间呈极显著相关(P < 0.01)。以上结果表明,江西绿壳蛋鸡F1代蛋品质优良,产蛋性能、孵化效果较好,但仍需进一步选育。  相似文献   

为了解莱茵鹅引入我国后的适应性,本试验对引种来的不同世代法国莱茵鹅的产蛋性能进行了对比分析。结果表明:引种后莱茵鹅的开产日龄高于原产地平均开产日龄;祖代、父母代莱茵鹅的产蛋性能低于法国克里莫公司提供的产蛋标准;祖代、父母代莱茵鹅的蛋重、蛋形指数与法国克里莫公司提供的标准一致。此研究为我国种鹅引进和鹅的良种繁育体系构建提供了基础素材。  相似文献   

产蛋性能低和育种进展缓慢是制约狮头鹅产业发展的主要问题,研发母鹅个体产蛋量智能记录系统可实施精准选育,提高母鹅产蛋量.基于RFID(Radio frequency identification,RFID)技术,利用915 MHz非接触式无线超高频芯片和EPC Class 1 Gen 2(ISO 18000-6C)超高频...  相似文献   

The influence of the level of magnesium (Mg) in the ration on reproduction by the hen was studied in 2 experiments. In experiment 1, it was found that feeding a semi‐purified ration, containing 56 p.p.m. of Mg, resulted in decreased egg production and reduced serum Mg concentration within 10 to 14 days. Although fertility of eggs was not affected noticeably by Mg deficiency, hatchability of fertile eggs was decreased markedly. The influence of inadequate dietary Mg was partially alleviated by adding 250 p.p.m. Mg to the ration. In experiment 2, a decline in hatchability preceded decreases in egg production and food consumption. A decrease in Mg concentration in egg contents accompanied the decline in hatchability. Hens fed rations containing 50 or 150 p.p.m. added Mg produced eggs of relatively low hatchability by day 14 of the trial. Subsequent to being fed a ration containing 550 p.p.m. added Mg, these hens increased in rate of egg production while hatchability of fertile eggs also increased. The results indicate that the dietary Mg requirement of the laying hen, sufficient to maintain a high rate of production of eggs which hatch satisfactorily, is 400 or more p.p.m.  相似文献   

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