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In mature bitches, endometrial epithelial surface cells modify function and corresponding morphology during the oestrous cycle. During late metoestrous, endometrial epithelial surface cells frequently accumulate fat and thereby adopt a foamy morphology. This cyclic appearance of foamy endometrial epithelial cells (fEECs) seems to be physiological in the dog, whereas in other species, it indicates pathological changes. Function of these fEECs has not been identified until now. Therefore, the aim of the study was to characterize the fEECs by means of transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Different manifestations of fEECs were observed and analysed with regard to proliferative activity and presence of different epithelial adhesion molecules including PLEKHA7, β‐catenin and E‐cadherin. PLEKHA7 was restricted to the apical regions of the fEECs, whereas E‐cadherin and β‐catenin were demonstrated basolateral. The immunohistochemical detection of steroid hormone receptors demonstrated the responsiveness of the fEECs to steroid hormones. Intense progesterone receptor expression was observed in the fEECs indicating a high responsiveness to this hormone. Considering a potential function of the fEECs, we hypothesized that leptin, a hormone produced by other lipid‐accumulating cells and described to be involved in reproduction, in particular during implantation, might also originate from the fEECs which was confirmed by immunohistochemical methods. Moreover, leptin receptor was found in fEECs indicating the fEECs as both, source and target for leptin. Therefore, we conclude that fEECs in the canine uterus have a potential role in early pregnancy events and that the different observed manifestations might simply reflect the variations of signs of pseudopregnancy among bitches.  相似文献   

Conventional methods used in laboratory animals for collection of resident macrophages (MAC) proved suitable for isolation of hepatic, splenic, dermic, peritoneal and alveolar MAC of healthy dogs. Phagocytic assays of IgG opsonised SRBC were performed with resident MAC obtained from these organs. Results showed the existence of statistically significant differences among phagocytic capacity of the investigated MAC. According to this, three groups of MAC could be defined: a first group comprising dermic, splenic and alveolar MAC; a second group comprising hepatic MAC and a third group comprising peritoneal MAC.  相似文献   

犬转移因子对犬淋巴细胞体外增殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
无菌采取犬抗凝血,分离并制备不同浓度外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)悬液。应用正交试验,测定植物血凝素,犊牛血清对不同浓度PBMC增殖的影响。用 MTT法测定不同浓度犬转移因子(TF)对 PBMC 增殖的影响。结果表明,当 PBMC 为 5×109 个/L,植物血凝素为 12. 5 mg/L, 犊牛血清为100 mL/L,PBMC 增殖效果最佳。TF 浓度在0.39 g/L~100 g/L时,对 PBMC转化增殖均有促进作用,在浓度为 1.56 g/L时促淋转效果最佳。且TF单独作用于 PBMC的效应明显优于PHA P的协同作用。TF对 PB MC有良好的刺激增殖效果。  相似文献   



Many dogs suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are presented to veterinary clinics. These patients are diagnosed based on a history of chronic gastrointestinal signs and biopsy‐confirmed histopathologic intestinal inflammation. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) are part of the first line of defense in the gastrointestinal immune system. Alterations in IEL subsets may play a role in the pathogenesis of IBD.


The aim of this study was to characterize the phenotypes of IEL in dogs with IBD compared with healthy control dogs.


Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes subpopulations of control dogs (n = 5) obtained from endoscopic biopsies (EB) were compared to those obtained from full thickness biopsies (FTB) on the same day. In addition, the phenotypes of IEL from FTB of control dogs (n = 10) were compared with EB of IBD dogs (n = 10). Each participant was scored clinically using the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index (CIBDAI), and all samples were graded histopathologically. Three‐color flow cytometry of isolated IEL was performed using monoclonal antibodies against T‐ and B‐lymphocyte subpopulations.


No significant differences in the composition of IEL subpopulations were found in control dogs based on method of biopsy. The IBD dogs had significantly higher CIBDAI and histopathologic scores compared with control dogs and their IEL contained a significantly higher frequency TCRγδ T‐cells.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Endoscopic biopsies provide suitable samples for 3‐color flow cytometry when studying canine intestinal IEL and IBD patients show significant changes of major T‐cell subsets compared to healthy control dogs.  相似文献   

绵羊子宫内膜的凝集素结合特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用5种酶标植物凝集素(conA,SBA,WGA,UEA,RCA)作探针,研究了间情期和妊娠期绵羊子宫内膜上皮和间质糖复合物的变化。与间情期相比,妊娠期子宫内膜上皮ConA和WGA染色明显增强,特别是UEA染色由阴性转变为强阳性,SBA染色没有明显变化。在间质石BA和UEA染色由阴性转变为中阳性,而ConA和WGA染色无明显变化。无论间情期或妊娠期,子宫内膜上皮和间质的RCA染色均为阴性。子宫内膜上皮和间质糖复合物质和量的变化,可能与子宫各部功能和妊娠有关。  相似文献   

兰州市犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病及犬副流感的感染调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为查清兰州市宠物犬犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病、犬副流感的感染情况,本研究对2004年~2009年前来宠物医院就诊的有临床症状的犬进行检测,共采集犬瘟热疑似病犬眼鼻分泌物、唾液2238份;犬细小病毒病疑似病犬粪便2423份;犬副流感疑似病犬眼、鼻分泌物334份。用快速检测试纸卡进行检测,结果显示兰州市宠物犬犬瘟热平均阳性率达27.52%,自2004~2009年间呈逐渐下降趋势。犬细小病毒病平均阳性率为25.88%,自2004~2008年间呈逐渐下降趋势,2009年略有反弹。首次证实犬副流感在兰州市宠物犬中流行,其中犬副流感病毒平均阳性率为37.72%,犬腺病毒Ⅱ型平均阳性率为19.46%,从流行周期看,2004年以犬副流感病毒感染为主,2005年以犬腺病毒Ⅱ型感染为主,而后连续两年以混合感染为主,到2008年又以犬副流感病毒感染为主,2009年再次以混合感染为主。  相似文献   

Canine leishmaniosis in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Four cases of neoplasms in the heads of old dogs were studied. All the dogs showed both carcinomatous and sarcomatous malignant components in an admixed growing pattern. Histologic analysis of the tumors showed that the carcinomatous cells resembled squamous cell carcinoma in all dogs except one, where an adenoid arrangement of the neoplastic cells was also observed. The sarcomatous component showed osteoid matrix produced by pleomorphic poorly differentiated cells, which is regarded as a typical feature of osteosarcomas. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the components were positive only for cytokeratin (carcinomatous component) or vimentin (sarcomatous component). This observation led us to classify the neoplasms as true carcinosarcomas, thus providing evidence of a new preferential location for this unusual tumor in dog.  相似文献   

犬口腔内喉室声带切除术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,不少人将饲养犬只作为一种时尚生活,特别是在市区犬只的饲养数量日益增多。但是很多犬主又时常抱怨自己的爱犬老是爱叫,影响主人和他人休息及工作,经常受到投诉。对该问题的最好解决方法是对犬只实施声带切除手术。较传统的方法是经腹侧喉室声带切除术,该手术需要显露喉室和声带再施以摘除。  相似文献   

Atlanto Axial Subluxation in the Canine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract— A slowly progressive subluxation of the atlanto-axial articulation has been seen in ten dogs of various small breeds. Lateral radiographs show the obvious vertebral displacement and clearly confirm the diagnosis. Surgical repair has been accomplished by wiring the atlas to the axis in the last three dogs.
Résumé— Une subluxation progressive, lente de l'articulation atlantoaxiale a été trouvée dans 10 chiens de races variées, tous de type "petit-chien". Des radiographies latérales montrent un déplace-ment vertébral évident et confirment clairement le diagnostique. L'intervention chirurgicale a été accomplice par fixation par fils métalliques de l'atlas à l'axis, chez les 3 derniers chiens.
Zusanunenfassnng—Eine langsam fortschreitende Subluxation des Atlas-Epistropheus- Gelenkes wurde bei 10 kleinrassigen Hunden beobachtet. Seitliche Röntgenaufnahmen zeigen die offen-sichtliche vertebrale Verlagerung und bestätigen einwandfrei die Diagnosis. Chirurgische Behand-lung bei den letzten drei Hunden war erfolgreich, indem der Atlas mit Draht in der richtigen Stellung an den Epistropheus befestigt wurde.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) is one of the most relevant pathogens associated with enteritis in dogs and is frequently reported in association with the...  相似文献   

Prolactin in Canine and Feline Reproduction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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