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The metastable kyaniteandalusite equilibrium in the Al(2)SiO(5) system has been reversed at 700 degrees , 750 degrees , and 800 degrees C at elevated water pressures, with a variety of natural and synthetic kyanites and andalusites as starting materials. Sillimanite, the stable form of Al(2)SiO(5) under these conditions, did not appear. The value of the transition pressure at 750 degrees C is 6.6 +/- 0.4 kilobars, several kilobars below pressures given by several convergent previous determinations. The Al(2)SiO(5) pressure-temperature triple point now indicated lies far from the points found by others. The revised aluminum silicate phase diagram indicates that many rocks crystallized at lower pressures than formerly thought possible.  相似文献   

Newton RC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,151(3715):1222-1225
Reversal of the kyanite-sillimanite inversion has been accomplished hydrothermally at 750 degrees C. The inversion pressure at 750 degrees C is 8.1 +/- 0.4 kilobars. The calculated pressuretemperature slope at this point is 17.7+/- 1.0 bars per degree celsius. Geologically, this result seems more plausible than previous estimates of the location of the boundary. When combined with other work on the relative stability of andalusite, the data indicate that andalulsite cannot be stable at a pressure greater than 4.2 kilobars.  相似文献   

Hem JD  Lind CJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1974,184(4142):1171-1173
The addition of quercetin, an organic flavone (C(15)H(10)O(7)), to aqueous solutions containing silica and aluminum and adjusted to final pH's from 6.5 to 8.5 produced a 1 : 1 alumninosilicate precipitate which, after 6 to 16 months of aging in solution at 25 degrees C, contained as much as 5 percent well-formed kaolinite plates. Similar solutions containing no organic material produced relatively amorphous precipitates with the same composition and stability (standard free energy of formation = -897+/-1 kilocalories per mole) but with substantially smaller amounts of crystaline material even after 2 years of aging.  相似文献   

Thermal diffusivity and specific heat have been measured by the flash method on a small specimen of meteoritic iron from the Canyon Diablo fall. Measurements have been made over the temperature range -150 degrees to 300 degrees C from which thermal conductivity values have been calculated.  相似文献   

Ordered protodolomite, CaMg(CO(3))(2), has been synthesized at 100 degrees C by reaction of metastable precipitated carbonates with aqueous magnesium-bearing solutions. Initial reaction products have expanded crystallographic cells, attributed to the presence of structural water. Longer reaction time produces a protodolomite approaching ideal composition and exhibiting order reflections in x-ray powder.  相似文献   

Aumento F 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1969,165(3898):1112-1113
Diorites, associated with basalts, basalt breccias, and serpentinized peridotites, occur in situ on the faulted scarps of two seamounts from the western High Fractured Plateau of the Mid-Atlantic Ridgeat 45 degrees N.  相似文献   

Values of the mean activity coefficient of sodium chloride at 15 degrees , 250, 380 and 50 degrees C were determined for aqueous NaCl solutions of 0.01 to 1.0 molal from electromotive force measurements on the cell: (sodium-sensitive glass electrode, aqueous sodium chloride, silver chloride-silver).  相似文献   

Krypton difluoride is tetragonal, space group P4(2)/ mnm, with two linear molecules per unit cell aligned in planes perpendicular to the tetrad axes. The alignment alternates by 90 degrees between successive planes. The kryptonfluorine bond distance is 1.89 +/- 0.02 angstroms.  相似文献   

Ice crystals in the form of right hexagonal prisms have faces that form 90 degrees prisms. Light rays were traced through these prism faces by computer calculation, and the light patterns that would be produced in the sky for a particular distribution of crystal orientations were simulated. Crystals with random orientations produce a 46 degrees halo. Hexagonal plate crystals with nearly horizontal end faces produce circumzenithal and circumhorizontal arcs. Hexagonal column crystals with horizontal axes produce supralateral and infralateral arcs. Plate crystals spinning about a horizontal axis that is a face diagonal of the crystal produce a series of arcs touching the 46 degrees halo. Each of these effects was simulated for several elevations of the sun.  相似文献   

The temperature at which "clean" supercooled water freezes has been determined as a function of pressure up to 3 kilobars, using a differential thermal analysis technique on subdivided water samples. The supercooling limit of such samples, -38 degrees C at normal pressure, is lowered by initial increase of pressure, reaching a minimum value of -92 degrees C at 2.00 kilobars.  相似文献   

Potassium-argon dates obtained from extrusives collected on a traverse across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45 degrees N are consistent with the hypothesis of ocean-floor spreading. The dates suggest a spreading rate in the range of 2.6 to 3.2 centimeters per year near the axis of the ridge; the rate agrees with that computed from fission-track dating of basalt glasses. Additional data for a basalt collected 62 kilometers west of the axis gives a spreading rate of 0.8 centimeter per year, which is similar to the rate inferred from magnetic anomaly patterns in the area. Reasons for the difference in calculated spreading rates are discussed.  相似文献   

Saxena SK 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1976,193(4259):1241-1242
Third law entropies for silicates of Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Na, and K containing the same anion group, for example, SiO(4) or SiO(3) or AlSi(3)O(8), are found to be linearly related to their molar volumes. The relationship between the molar volume and the entropy of silicates of Fe and Mn, atoms with unfilled d electron subshells, is different from that of other silicates. The linear correlations yield a useful method of estimating the entropies of ortho-, meta-, and framework silicates (feldspars and feld-spathoids). The estimated entropies of pyrope and almandine at 298 degrees K are 47.47 and 68.13 gibbs per mole, respectively.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection data from the East Pacific Rise between 17 degrees 05' and 17 degrees 35'S image a magma lens that varies regularly in depth and width as ridge morphology changes, confirming the notion that axial morphology can be used to infer ridge magmatic state. However, at 17 degrees 26'S, where the ridge is locally shallow and broad, the magma lens is markedly shallower and wider than predicted from regional trends. In this area, submersible dives reveal recent volcanic eruptions. These observations indicate that it is where the width and depth of the magma chamber differ from regional trends, indicating an enhanced magmatic budget, that is diagnostic of current magmatism.  相似文献   

Dehydroxylated interlayers have been removed from chlorite-vermiculite-montmorillonite intergrades by boiling the preheated sample in 0.5N NaOH for 2.5 minutes. Elements extracted can be conveniently analyzed spectrophotometrically. A convenient method of estimating the amount of elements present in interlayer positions and preparing the sample for analysis for expanding and nonexpanding mineral components is thus provided.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a cubic phase of composition XeF(6) has been determined at -80 degrees C. There are no simple molecules in the complex structure which involves 1008 atoms distributed over 1600 positions per unit cell. Ions of XeF(5)+ and F- are associated in tetrameric and hexameric rings of point group symmetries 4 and 32, respectively. The structure contains right-and left-handed conformations of both tetramers and hexamers. The handedness of the tetramers is dis-ordered but the orientation is ordered. The handedness of the hexamers is ordered but the orientation is disordered.  相似文献   

Solutions of potassium chloride (pH-buffered and 1-molal) equilibrated at 350 degrees C with pyrrhotite, pyrite, and magnetite contained approximately 1 millimole of reduced sulfur and less than 0.1 millimole of oxidized sulfur per kilogram. Similar solutions equilibrated with pyrite, magnetite, and hematite contained approximately 1 millimole of reduced sulfur, but 3 to 6 millimoles of oxidized sulfur per kilogram. Both types of solutions contained less than 0.1 millimole of iron per kilogram at pH >/= 6 and approximately 100 millimoles per kilogram at pH 2.  相似文献   

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