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人造肉类技术特点和需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,人类对肉类的需求不断增加,但同时肉用动物的生产带来的环境压力也日益显现。开发绿色环保可持续的肉类替代品,减少全球碳排放的同时,满足日益增加的肉类需求,已成为社会关注的热点之一。人造肉虽然属于食品的范畴,但其为畜牧业带来的是挑战还是机遇尚缺乏深层次地分析。本文综述了人造肉类的分类与发展历史和现有人造肉的核心制造技术与市场前景,分析了利用畜禽种质资源多样性对于提升细胞培养型人造肉的重要性。  相似文献   

Demand is not measured by per capita consumption. Demand is a schedule of the quantities consumers will take at alternative prices. The level of demand and demand changes over time are tied to consumer incomes, prices of substitutes, and consumer tastes and preferences. Critical to increasing meat demand is a greater understanding of consumer preferences for new meat products. Developing branded products such as "natural" or "guaranteed-tender" beef may not be the answer for all cattle producers, but research suggests that there are segments of the population willing to pay premiums for such products. Differentiating meat products through technology and branding provides a means of better meeting consumers' desires and increasing overall demand for meat and livestock.  相似文献   

粮草兼顾型畜牧业饲草料发展现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国人口数量的持续增长,居民生活水平不断提高,粮食需求随之剧增,肉、蛋、奶等畜禽产品的消费也不断增长,人们对畜产品的需求决定着农业发展的方向。本文介绍了我国粮草兼顾型畜牧业发展的主要背景,简述了传统畜牧业和粮草兼顾型畜牧业对饲草料需求的异同,并分析了新形势下我国畜牧业发展的方向:1)针对我国居民膳食结构改变对农业结构发展模式的影响,提出现阶段发展草地农业,进行广泛的系统耦合是促进农业可持续发展的技术保障,是我国农业结构调整的必然之路;2)结合我国现阶段畜牧业发展现状,指出将牧草或其他饲料作物的生产利用纳入到农业生产体系当中,通过粮―草―畜有机结合,建立起土地―植物―动物产品完整的产业链条来满足消费者食物需求;3)建议通过增加优质牧草日粮比例、发展草食家畜、建设信息自动化等具体措施,来促进、引领和保证粮草兼顾型畜牧业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Some 16 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product of the Lao PDR arises from the livestock sector. Almost all output - live animals and products - is from traditional small scale production and about 90 per cent of all households in the country keep one or more species of livestock. Industrial or large scale production is of very minor importance even for pigs and poultry. Considerable international assistance has been provided for livestock development, initially from the Socialist states that were of the same political persuasion as Lao PDR and more recently from multilateral and bilateral development assistance agencies. In general this assistance has not conferred lasting benefits on the sector in part due to the failure of the Lao Government to provide continuing support commensurate with the sector’s contribution to the national economy. Buffalo (1.1 million head in 2004) and cattle (1.3 million head) are the main ruminant species with goats and sheep (140 000 head) occupying a very minor position. Both pigs (1.7 million) and poultry (19.6 million) are major contributors to the household and national economies. Buffalo are now mainly meat producers, their former draught and transport roles having been taken over by mechanical equipment. Cattle, also once used for draught, are almost exclusively producers of beef. Pigs and poultry produce meat and poultry provide eggs. Lao indigenous livestock are mainly kept in low input systems, thus output is also low. Nothing is known of the genetic potential of the indigenous stock which are the victims of poor management, inadequate nutrition and minimal health care. There is strong and rising demand for products of animal origin within the country and in the greater Southeast Asia and East Asia regions. Given suitable and appropriate support the Lao livestock sector would be in a strong position to contribute to supplying this demand.  相似文献   

骨骼肌是生物机体的重要组成部分,约占产肉动物机体的40%,与畜禽的运动、发育及产肉能力等重要性状密切相关。骨骼肌是由平行排列的肌原纤维组成的多核肌纤维,肌纤维的数量、类型以及转变方式直接反映了个体肌肉发育情况以及机体的生理状况,因而在选育工作中作为重要的经济性状而被关注。对肌纤维的深入研究将有助于加快今后的选育进程,促进对近年频发的畜禽肌源性疾病的溯源与研究,从而缓解肌源性疾病对畜禽养殖业造成的经济损失,满足消费者对优质肉产品的需求。近年来,对肌纤维的认识与研究均取得重大进展,包括依照肌纤维的结构与功能特性对骨骼肌的生物学功能进行预测与验证、肌纤维的类型与肉品质的关联分析以及模式动物的应用,挖掘出肌纤维发生发育以及再生修复过程中的重要调控分子,并对它们的功能进行注释。作者参照现有研究成果对肌纤维的结构与功能进行系统的描述,并从分子层面对肌纤维胚胎期的发生发育以及出生后的再生修复进行综述,以期为今后提高肉用动物的产肉性能及培育高品质产肉动物新品种或新品系的选育工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Much of the world's rangeland is dominated by woody species. Competing land uses and continued encroachment of woody species into non–woody-dominated rangelands have reduced grasslands in many parts of the world. Land use conversions to fuel and feed global populations, especially the increasing number of middle class people seeking broader, meat-based diets, will certainly continue. Halting and/or reversing further encroachment of woody species into grasslands is slow, expensive, and in some cases not possible. Yet, global livestock numbers continue to increase to meet the growing demand for red meat and other livestock products. How do we reconcile a world with less grass and the concurrent increased demand for forages to feed livestock? Strategies and mechanisms are needed to safely enhance shrub use by ruminants in order to capitalize on a presently underutilized forage resource. A number of approaches are presently available (e.g., choosing appropriate species and breeds, providing dietary supplements and additives, behavior modification, genetic selection) to increase shrub consumption, and new technologies such as biochemical markers of shrub intake need to continue to be identified and developed. Such strategies could provide important means for rural communities to adapt to changing land cover and climate.  相似文献   

畜牧业快速发展,对于牧草资源需求量越来越大,为更好地满足畜牧业发展需求,我国提出“种草养畜”技术理念,加快草场建设,能在保障畜牧养殖业稳定发展的同时,达到良好的生态环保效益。该文分析种草养畜技术理念的意义,着重探讨种草养畜和草场建设综合配套技术。  相似文献   

在西藏自治区当雄县龙仁乡选择101户牧户为调查对象,采用入户调查与实地观测相结合的方法,对该地区的草地资源以及牧户的家畜养殖、草畜供求和家庭收入现状进行分析。结果表明,该地区的人工草地建设、草地载畜量、草畜配置以及牧户的饲草收贮、家畜饲养方面存在突出问题;从提高人工饲草产量和质量、优先发展季节畜牧业、引导新型种草和养殖技术等方面提出了有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,市场对畜牧产品的需求逐步提高,养殖业向规模化、集约化等生产方式的转变成为必然的趋势。随着畜禽养殖业的发展,环境污染问题逐渐成为大家关注的焦点。本文就我国近年畜禽养殖业的污染现状、造成环境污染的原因等进行概述,并提出了应对畜禽养殖环境污染的建议和防治措施。  相似文献   

甜高粱作为优质饲草在我国草牧业发展中的潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国节粮型畜牧业结构调整和不断发展,以粮换畜逐渐转变成以草换畜,因此对优质粗饲料的需求日渐增加.甜高粱作为一种新兴的高能非粮作物,因其生物产量高、营养丰富、光合效率高、抗逆能力强等特性,成为我国干旱、半干旱和高盐碱地区畜牧业的优质饲草来源.动物养殖中使用甜高粱,不仅可以缓解畜多草少的压力,还可以充分利用盐碱地和其他...  相似文献   

枸杞叶是茄科枸杞属植物枸杞的茎叶,其营养成分和活性成分种类与枸杞子基本相同,具有较高的营养价值和药用价值.该文综述了枸杞叶的营养价值、活性成分及在畜禽生产中的应用,探讨其提高畜禽生产性能、肉品质及抗病力的机理,以期为枸杞叶在畜禽生产中的研究开发提供理论支持.  相似文献   

合理确定草地载畜量对有效保护草地资源并高效利用有重要的指导意义,传统方法计算的载畜量只表明了核定时段内的平均载畜量,没有明确载畜量核定的具体时间,开展载畜量核定容易引起混淆和争执,核查工作量大,耗时长,实际操作难度大。为此,本文综合近年来草地载畜量的相关研究结果、结合草原生态气候变化和草牧业的发展趋势,提出了以秋末入冬为载畜量核定时间,以能繁母畜数量作为核定主要指标的新草地生态载畜量计算方法,并提出了加强畜牧业基础设施和人工草地建设,加大牲畜出栏,开展划区轮牧和春季草地禁牧试点示范,合理利用牲畜补偿代谢特点,利用牧草再生特点提高牧草产量和贮备等技术措施,以期为提高草地载畜能力,增加牧民经济收入,实现草原畜牧业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

天祝县草地资源对白牦牛产业化发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天祝县是甘肃省重要的畜牧业基地,是白牦牛唯一产地。由于超载过牧,利用不合理,使得天然草原普遍退化,鼠虫害及毒草危害严重,可利用草地质量下降,面积缩小,不仅影响当地草地畜牧业生产,也制约了天祝白牦牛产业化发展。必须通过加强草原保护与建设、扩大人工草地种植面积、加强白牦牛保种选育、提高白牦牛改良选育水平等措施和手段,才能使天祝的畜牧业生产走向持续、稳定和良性循环的轨道,也才能使天祝的白牦牛生产真正走向产业化。  相似文献   

开展规模化肉羊养殖,有利于提高肉羊的品质,改善生态环境,更有利于动物防疫,确保畜禽产品质量安全,保证肉羊养殖科学技术在广大基层地区得以推广和应用,更好地实现肉羊养殖的专业化、规模化、标准化,提高养殖效益,这对促进现代畜牧养殖产业发展、增加农牧民经济收入、推动畜牧养殖产业可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文从生产、贸易、消费、价格及政策5个方面对"十三五"时期我国肉羊产业的发展情况进行回顾,总结其主要特征为:一是产量和产能均有所提升;二是进口规模稳步增长,但出口规模有所缩减;三是消费总体稳步增长,但人均户内消费量有所下降;四是羊肉价格整体高位运行,在外界因素影响下波动比较明显;五是产业政策扶持力度继续加大。预计"十四五"时期,羊肉产品需求将稳中有升,但供给侧结构仍需优化,产业发展仍然面临着较大的环境和资源约束。  相似文献   

Structural changes in the economic and demographic landscapes in the developing countries create a host of opportunities for smallholder livestock producers to tap into the economic growth from which they have largely been excluded. However, small livestock herd sizes limit the opportunities available to farmers to commercialize and benefit from the growing demand for livestock and livestock products. Therefore, understanding what it takes to build and maintain the herd size is a critical step in addressing the problem of low market participation. The study used five cross-sectional nationally representative data sets to arrive at the following conclusions. While purchases are a primary source for the initial stock, births are the principal way of increasing the herd size. Livestock deaths as reflected by high mortality rates are the major outflow channel through which livestock leaves the herd, and reducing the mortality rates has a positive effect on the livestock population as evidenced within the cattle sub-sector. Thus, provision of adequate animal health services is key to addressing the high mortality rates which subsequently can lead to increased herd size. As births are the primary means of increasing the herd size, it is necessary to implement interventions that address the reproduction rates. The interventions include adequate feeding of livestock on high-quality feed and strategic feeding to address the dry season challenges. These interventions can facilitate the growth of the young livestock into mature breeding stock and thus increase the herd size.  相似文献   

去势术是畜禽生产中一种古老且广泛采用的生产管理技术,可以修正畜禽打斗和爬跨行为以方便管理,提高畜禽肉品质。随着畜禽生产集约化程度不断提高以及对动物福利的日趋重视,去势术得到了广泛深入的研究和应用。本文就畜禽去势术的历史起源、应用普及率与效果、去势方法、效应机制和动物福利等方面进行综述,以期为提高我国畜禽生产水平和动物福利提供参考。  相似文献   

The world is faced with the challenge to meet the increasing demand for livestock products while conserving animal genetic resource diversity and maintaining environmental integrity. Genetic improvement of local breeds can help to improve the livelihood of the livestock keepers, to increase the production of animal products and to conserve genetic diversity. Implementing breeding schemes in developing countries has proven to be very difficult. The objective of this paper is to discuss the role of reproductive technologies for the creation and dissemination of genetic improvement in livestock populations in developing countries. In the paper opportunities are discussed for implementing breeding schemes which minimize the need for extensive pedigree and performance recording. It is shown that genetic progress can be generated in a small population. Community-based breeding schemes offer a good starting point for involving farmers in improving local breeds. Artificial insemination to exchange genetic material between communities offers an opportunity to increase the rate of genetic improvement while restricting the rate of inbreeding. Furthermore, artificial insemination is a promising technique for dissemination of genetic gain to producers at a relatively low cost. Opportunities to use semen sexing in a crossbreeding scheme are presented. It is concluded that tailor-made solutions and long-term commitment are needed in order to meet the needs of farmers to increase their livelihoods and to meet the needs of the growing population of consumers.  相似文献   

西藏自治区草地生态环境安全与可持续发展问题研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
杨汝荣 《草业学报》2003,12(6):24-29
草地畜牧业是西藏农业经济的主导产业,在其社会经济中有不可替代的作用。对于藏族来说,草地不仅是其生存和发展的物质基础,也是其民族文化、精神世界孕育和发展的摇篮,为西藏人民提供了多种多样的畜产品和绿色无污染的奶肉食品,同时还肩负着保护青藏高原生态环境安全的重任。但是,因其特殊的地域环境和片面追求牲畜数量,超载过牧等问题已导致草地退化,生产力下降,生态平衡失调,个别地方已严重影响畜牧业生产和社会经济的可持续发展,必须居安思危,防患于未然,对草地退化问题不能拖至不可收拾的地步再议。  相似文献   

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