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食料条件对稻纵卷叶螟生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

为探明烟夜蛾在辣椒碱含量不同的辣椒品种上生长发育和繁殖的差异,在室内条件下,通过选择性取食试验和构建种群生命表,比较了辣味程度依次下降的豫优鲜辣2号、豫艺绿冠、豫艺墨秀大椒和豫甜椒12号对烟夜蛾幼虫的取食选择性、生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,烟夜蛾初孵、3龄和5龄幼虫在豫甜椒12号上的取食量比率分别为33.33%、34.22%和36.82%,均显著高于豫优鲜辣2号。在豫甜椒12号上的世代存活率为25.00%,显著高于豫艺绿冠和豫优鲜辣2号。取食豫甜椒12号时,种群加倍时间最短,仅需7.3290天;内禀增长率是取食豫优鲜辣2号的2倍;6龄幼虫对该品种的食物利用率和转化率均显著高于其它3个品种。说明豫甜椒12号品种更适宜烟夜蛾的生长发育和繁殖。  相似文献   

[目的]为明确不同抗生素对桃蚜(Myzus persicae)生长发育和繁殖的影响.[方法]采用室内模拟饲养法,将四环素、利福平、阿奇霉素、氯霉素4种抗生素分别添加进植物汁液并饲喂蚜虫,获得各处理下桃蚜若蚜发育历期,寿命和平均产蚜量等生物学参数.[结果]与对照相比,经四环素处理后,桃蚜若虫期延长、寿命延长、产蚜量降低;经利福平处理后,产蚜量降低,对若虫期和寿命影响不显著;经阿奇霉素和氯霉素处理后,若虫期缩短,但对寿命和产蚜量影响不显著.[结论]对桃蚜生长发育和繁殖影响较大的抗生素是四环素和利福平.  相似文献   

研究了5种不同品种萝卜苗对小菜蛾生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,小菜蛾对5种萝卜苗有不同的产卵嗜好性。产卵量从低到高依次是红衣天使<四季青<小五樱<玉笋<韩白龙(p<0.05)。小菜蛾在红衣天使和玉笋上发育历期较长,在四季青上发育历期较短;在韩白龙上的成活率最高,在红衣天使上的成活率最低(p<0.05)。取食不同品种萝卜苗的小菜蛾F1代雌、雄成虫寿命之间差异不显著(p>0.05),而取食红衣天使、韩白龙、四季青的小菜蛾F1代雌虫的产卵期较长,取食小五樱、玉笋的小菜蛾F1代雌虫的产卵期较短。以韩白龙为寄主植物的小菜蛾F1代雌虫产卵量最多(112粒/头),而以红衣天使为寄主植物的小菜蛾F1代雌虫一生产卵量最低(91.84粒/头),两者之间差异显著(p<0.05)。小菜蛾在红衣天使上的内禀增长率(rm=0.13)、净增值率(R0=12.73)和周限增长率(λ=1.14)最小,说明其不利于小菜蛾的生长发育和繁殖。  相似文献   

为探究不同寄主植物对温性荒漠草原主要害虫白茨粗角萤叶甲Diorhabda rybakowi的产卵选择、生长发育及繁殖的影响,本研究以唐古特白刺、泡泡刺和大果白刺为试验材料,在实验室养虫箱恒温(27℃)条件下,以3种白刺饲养白茨粗角萤叶甲,观察记录白茨粗角萤叶甲各虫态的发育历期、存活率、羽化率、成虫寿命等生物学特性,以及白茨粗角萤叶甲成虫的产卵偏好选择;同时测定了3种白刺叶片中的可溶性糖、淀粉和游离氨基酸含量。结果如下:白茨粗角萤叶甲成虫在3种白刺上的产卵量及着卵率由高到低均为唐古特白刺,泡泡刺,大果白刺。取食3种白刺植物后,白茨粗角萤叶甲均能正常完成各阶段的生长发育;饲喂唐古特白刺的白茨粗角萤叶甲幼虫发育历期最短(13.50d),饲喂大果白刺的幼虫发育历期最长(16.70 d),同时,饲喂唐古特白刺的幼虫存活率最高,为97.78%,大果白刺上幼虫的存活率仅为10.54%。相应地,饲喂唐古特白刺后羽化成虫的寿命和繁殖力最高,大果白刺上成虫寿命和繁殖力最低。相关性分析表明,可溶性糖、淀粉和游离氨基酸含量与白茨粗角萤叶甲蛹期、成虫寿命、孵化率和羽化率无显著相关性,而幼虫总历期与各营养含量呈极...  相似文献   

不同食料对黄地老虎生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
幼虫在不同食料饲养中,以灰藜最好,苘麻最差。前者幼虫期平均23~30.9天,脱皮4~5次,自然死亡率4.3~8.0%;后者则各为46.1~47.1天、6~7次、45%。各种食料饲养的蛹重,以白菜和灰藜较重,马铃薯较轻。蛹重不是决定成虫产卵高低的主要因子,而与幼虫取食食料种类关系较为密切。如幼虫取食白菜、棉花及玉米、马铃薯混杂草者,较取食旋花、马铃薯及玉米者产卵量高0.15~2.23倍,产卵期和寿命亦较长。取食混合食料的幼虫,发育速度和成虫产卵量,一般均较取食单纯一种食料为高。在成虫取食各种花蜜饲养中,以供食蜂蜜红糖水、马蔺花和向日葵花者产卵率和产卵量最高,白菜花、苜蓿花和清水者最低,前者为后者产卵量的1.99~14.06倍,雌蛾产卵率高11.1~35.7%,产卵期和寿命亦以前者为长。从幼虫和成虫取食不同营养对产卵量的对比来看,成虫期补充营养较幼虫期营养更为重要。因而某一地区蜜源植物的种类、分布密度以及蜜源植物花期与成虫发生期的符合程度,是决定某地区黄地老虎种群密度高低、为害轻重的最主要因素之一。  相似文献   

不同苹果品种对桃小食心虫生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为探索苹果不同品种对桃小食心虫Carposina sasakii生长发育和繁殖的影响,在温度25±1 ℃、相对湿度(70±5)%、光周期L:D=16 h:8 h的室内条件下,测定了桃小食心虫在红富士、国光、新红星、金冠4个品种上的发育历期、存活率和产卵量,并组建了其生命周期表.结果显示,4个品种之间,除雌成虫外,桃小食心虫的卵、幼虫、蛹和雄成虫的发育历期差异均不显著;单雌总产卵量以金冠种群最高,为285.07粒,新红星种群最低,为145.25粒;总成活率以金冠种群最高,为17.23%,而红富士种群仅为6.55%;内禀增长率最高的是金冠种群,之后依次为国光、新红星、红富士种群.表明4个试验品种中金冠是桃小食心虫最适宜的寄主品种.  相似文献   

为预测大蜡螟Galleria mellonella的发生期并为其田间有效防控提供参考依据,采用室内人工恒温饲养方法,测定27、29、31、33、35℃五个温度下大蜡螟幼虫龄期、各虫态存活率和发育历期及成虫寿命和繁殖力,对其发育速率与温度进行回归分析,计算各虫态发育起点温度和有效积温。结果显示,27~35℃范围内,大蜡螟能正常发育,但低温会使幼虫龄期减少,29~35℃下大蜡螟有7~10龄幼虫,而27℃下,大蜡螟仅有6~8龄幼虫。温度显著影响各虫态存活率,低龄尤其1龄幼虫受温度的影响较大,27~33℃下其存活率低于26.06%,当温度为35℃时其存活率高达87.27%。世代及各虫态的发育历期均与温度呈负相关,卵期、幼虫期、蛹期及世代发育历期均在35℃降至最小值,分别为5.00、25.90、7.05和37.95 d。各虫态发育速率与温度符合二次回归模型。由直接最优法计算得到大蜡螟卵、幼虫、蛹及世代的发育起点温度分别为13.11、13.69、19.83和13.19℃,有效积温依次为100.32、514.09、95.13和789.87日·度。雌雄成虫的寿命和雌成虫产卵历期均随温度升高而缩短,温度...  相似文献   

本文研究了日本通草蛉Chrysoperla nipponensis幼虫取食棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera、小地老虎Agrotisipsilon、甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua、斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura 4种鳞翅目害虫卵和棉蚜Aphis gossypii共5种食物时的生长发育、繁殖和飞行能力。结果表明:幼虫取食棉铃虫卵时发育历期最长(12.95 d)、蛹期最短(9.69 d),取食棉蚜时发育历期最短(10.28 d)、蛹期最长(10.39 d);幼虫食物对蛹重、成虫羽化率、产卵前期、产卵量和寿命均无显著影响(P〉0.05)。飞行能力测试中,幼虫食物显著影响成虫的累计飞行时间和平均飞行速度,而对成虫累计飞行距离则无显著影响;幼虫取食棉铃虫卵时成虫累计飞行时间最长(13.58 h)、飞行超过10 h的个体占60%,平均飞行速度最小(0.49 km h 1)、所有个体飞行速度均小于1.0 km h 1;取食棉蚜时成虫累计飞行时间最短(9.38 h)、飞行超过10 h的个体仅占36.85%,平均飞行速度最大(0.75 km h 1)、21.05%个体飞行速度大于1.0 km h 1。结果说明,幼虫食物是影响日本通草蛉个体发育和种群动态的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

恒温条件下用薇甘菊、香泽兰、野茼蒿、菜苔和青菜为食料饲养安婀珍蝶,测定各龄幼虫的体长、体重和头壳宽度,研究不同食料植物饲养对安婀珍蝶幼虫生长发育的影响。结果表明:安婀珍蝶取食野茼蒿、菜苔和青菜虽然程度有不同,但生长发育受到影响,高龄幼虫体长、体重和头壳宽度明显低于薇甘菊饲养的试虫,不能完成生活世代。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾在中国的适生性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苹果蠹蛾是严重危害全球水果生产的一种重要害虫。本研究根据中国760个气象站点的气象数据和苹果蠹蛾生物学数据,综合运用CLMEX模型和ArcGIS分析相结合的方法,对苹果蠹蛾在中国的适生性进行分析。分析结果表明:苹果蠹蛾在我国的适生区域较为广泛。中高度适生区主要包括黑龙江、内蒙古、山西、宁夏、甘肃,吉林、北京、陕西、新疆、西藏的大部分地区,辽宁西部、河北西部和北部、青海北部、云南北部、四川西部、贵州西部及山东沿海地区。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾的生物学特性及消长动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周昭旭  罗进仓  陈明 《植物保护》2008,34(4):111-114
苹果蠹蛾(Cydia pomonellaL.)在甘肃张掖地区1年发生2代和一个不完整的第3代,以老熟幼虫在粗皮裂缝、翘皮下、树洞中、主干分枝及主枝分叉处的缝隙中结茧越冬。4月上旬,越冬幼虫陆续开始化蛹,5月中旬为越冬代成虫羽化高峰期,5月中下旬1代幼虫蛀果为害,7月中下旬为1代成虫羽化高峰期,7月中下旬至8月上旬为2代幼虫为害高峰期,9月中下旬出现不完整第3代幼虫。在甘肃张掖地区,6月中旬至7月上旬越冬代成虫和第1代成虫之间有一段明显的间断期,说明第1代苹果蠹蛾发生的趋势相对较为独立,世代重叠现象发生不重。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾的生物学特性及消长动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
苹果蠹蛾(Cydia pomonellaL.)在甘肃张掖地区1年发生2代和一个不完整的第3代,以老熟幼虫在粗皮裂缝、翘皮下、树洞中、主干分枝及主枝分叉处的缝隙中结茧越冬。4月上旬,越冬幼虫陆续开始化蛹,5月中旬为越冬代成虫羽化高峰期,5月中下旬1代幼虫蛀果为害,7月中下旬为1代成虫羽化高峰期,7月中下旬至8月上旬为2代幼虫为害高峰期,9月中下旬出现不完整第3代幼虫。在甘肃张掖地区,6月中旬至7月上旬越冬代成虫和第1代成虫之间有一段明显的间断期,说明第1代苹果蠹蛾发生的趋势相对较为独立,世代重叠现象发生不重。  相似文献   

In the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L), insecticide resistance genes have been associated with pleiotropic effects affecting phenology. In this paper, we investigated whether an increase in the frequency of insecticide resistance in field populations of C pomonella was likely to entail significant divergences in the temporal occurrence of both susceptible and insecticide-resistant individuals. For this purpose, we built a phenological model that provided suitable predictions of the distinct and diverging seasonal evolutions of populations of a susceptible and two insecticide-resistant (at two and three loci) homozygous genotypes of C pomonella. Model simulations for each genotype were further compared with pheromone trap catches recorded in a field insecticide-treated population over an 8-year period (from 1992 to 2000), which reflected the progressive annual increase in the frequency of resistance in southeastern France. We found a significant delay in field adult emergence relative to those predicted by the homozygous susceptible model, and the magnitude of such a delay was positively correlated with increasing frequencies of insecticide resistance in the sampled field population of C pomonella. Adult emergence predicted in the theoretical population that was homozygous for resistance at two loci converged with those recorded in the field during the investigated 8-year period. This suggested that the pleiotropic effects of resistance were likely to result in a significant phenological segregation of insecticide-resistant alleles in the field. The results of this study emphasized the potential for pest populations exposed to chemical selection to evolve qualitatively with respect to phenology. This may raise critical questions regarding the use of phenological modelling as a forecasting tool for appropriate resistance management strategies that would take into account the diverging seasonal evolutions of both insecticide resistance and susceptibility.  相似文献   

Only a few of the registered insecticides against Cydia pomonella L. are still effective in areas where insecticide resistance has emerged in this pest. Resistance mechanisms are multiple, and their lone or cumulative effects in a single population are not completely understood. A detailed estimation of resistance spectrum is still required to define the suitable insecticides to use against a given population. The efficacy of ten insecticides was therefore investigated together with the resistance mechanisms expressed in four laboratory strains and 47 field populations of C. pomonella from five countries. Bioassays were performed using topical applications of diagnostic concentrations on diapausing larvae, and resistance mechanisms were analysed on adults emerging from control insects. All populations exhibited a reduced susceptibility to at least one insecticide when compared with the susceptible laboratory strain. Cross-resistances were observed between azinphos-methyl or phosalone and more recent compounds such as spinosad and thiacloprid. Resistances to azinphos-methyl, diflubenzuron, spinosad, tebufenozide and thiacloprid were significantly correlated with mixed-function oxidase activity, while increased glutathione-S-transferase and reduced non-specific esterase activities were correlated with resistance to azinphos-methyl and emamectin, respectively. Conversely, resistances to azinphos-methyl, tebufenozide and thiacloprid were negatively correlated with increased esterase activity. None of the observed mechanisms explained the loss of susceptibility of populations to chlorpyrifos-ethyl, and no significant correlation was detected between resistance to deltamethrin and the presence of the kdr mutation. The suitability of such non-target instars to monitor insecticide resistance in field populations is discussed.  相似文献   

The response to azinphos-methyl of different life-stages of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) was studied. A similarity in response to azinphos-methyl (LC(50), LC(90)) was observed in neonate larvae obtained from the first and second generations of field populations. Mortality rates for neonate larvae of a field population cross-bred with a laboratory colony were lower (by a factor of 1.2-2.2) in comparison with field neonate larvae. The mortality rate of larvae from a laboratory colony exposed to artificial diet containing azinphos-methyl gradually decreased at older instars. The mortality rates of fifth-instar larvae were remarkably low when exposed to artificial diet mixed with azinphos-methyl or when topically treated with the insecticide. One- to three-day-old females were more sensitive than males of the same age, whereas the opposite was observed in 14-to 17-day-old adults. Mortality rates of 14- to 17-day-old adults were higher than those under 10 days old. No significant difference in sensitivity to the organophosphorus compound was noticed between the sexes of 7- to 10-day-old adults. Neonate larvae of the codling moth can serve as a target life-stage for various groups of pesticides, and the importance of using such a stage as a standardized methodology for monitoring resistance in the codling moth is discussed.  相似文献   

甘肃省苹果蠹蛾不同地理种群遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明苹果蠹蛾不同地理种群的遗传变异、种群分化及传播扩散情况,利用9对微卫星引物对甘肃9个不同苹果蠹蛾地理种群的遗传多样性进行了研究。应用POPGENE 1.32和NTSYSpc 2.1软件分析表明:9对引物共检测到21个多样性位点,多态性百分比为95.45%;9个不同地理种群的观测等位基因为1.954 5,有效等位基因为1.741 3,Nei氏指数为0.411 3,Shannon指数为0.592 7±0.147 2;遗传相似度在0.325 8~0.817 0范围内。UPGMA聚类分析表明甘州、金塔种群聚为一支,与肃州种群合为一支;临泽种群与总寨种群聚为一支;七里河与敦煌种群聚为一支;高台与民勤种群聚为一支,各分支间的遗传分化系数Fst分别为0.795 0、0.531 4、0.857 9、0.598 0。Mantel检测表明,种群间的遗传距离与地理距离无显著相关性。研究表明,甘肃苹果蠹蛾种群的遗传多样性较低,遗传变异主要来自种群内部,种群之间的基因交流较少,在甘肃省的传播以人为被动传播扩散为主。  相似文献   

Factors affecting the efficacy of an attracticide strategy for the control of the codling moth Cydia pomonella L (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were investigated using laboratory and field experiments. The sex-pheromone-based insect-control strategy utilises 100-microliters droplets of a sticky, paste-like formulation containing 1 mg g-1 (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (codlemone) as an attractant for male moths and 40 mg g-1 cyfluthrin, a contact insecticide, applied to branches in the upper parts of the tree crown. The longevity of the treatment under field conditions was assessed in the laboratory by biological testing of variously aged samples of the attracticide formulation which had been applied to the bark of apple trees growing in commercial orchards. Electroantennogram responses of male moth antennae were used to compare codlemone release from the attracticide after different lengths of environmental exposure. Changes in insecticidal efficacy of the same samples were assessed with reference to the speed of knockdown (KT50) and the mortalities after 48 h among populations of male moths confined in cages containing samples of fresh and field-aged formulations. Gradual declines in both the amount of pheromone released and insecticidal activity were observed over the 10-week period of the experiments. Various factors associated with the behaviour of codling moths in the field which might influence the attracticide strategy were also investigated. Although the vertical position of attracticide sources within apple trees had a strong influence on their attractiveness, their horizontal position had none. Results of field trials showed that efficacy of the attracticide depends on the population density of the pest. Under the conditions of the current study a density of three or more sources per tree (= 4500 sources per ha) was required to attain satisfactory levels of codling moth control.  相似文献   

为了明确温度对苹果蠹蛾生长发育的影响,在室内15、20、25、28、31、34 ℃条件下,测定了苹果蠹蛾各发育阶段的历期,利用Marquardt法拟合推导出苹果蠹蛾的发育起点温度与有效积温。结果表明,在15~31 ℃范围内,苹果蠹蛾各阶段发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,但是当温度达34 ℃时,苹果蠹蛾发育速率变慢,各阶段发育历期出现较为明显的延长现象,各虫态死亡率大幅增加,已接近苹果蠹蛾存活的上限;苹果蠹蛾卵、幼虫、蛹和整个未成熟期的发育起点温度分别为10.64、10.68、9.33、10.41 ℃,有效积温分别为75.46、293.57、147.63、508.86日&#8226;度。说明温度对苹果蠹蛾生长发育有显著的影响,高温对苹果蠹蛾的生长发育具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Dose-mortality curves were established for 12 insecticides administered by topical application to diapausing larvae from a susceptible codling moth strain. Toxicity varied greatly among the insecticides tested. LC50 values ranged from 0.1 mg kg(-1) for fenoxycarb to over 2800 mg kg(-1) for diflubenzuron and indoxacarb. Discriminating dose levels were determined from dose-mortality reference curves for the detection of resistance in field-collected diapausing larvae.  相似文献   

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