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The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of supplementation with a single β-adrenergic agonist (β-AA) or a sequence of β-AA on cow performance, carcass characteristics, and mRNA relative abundance of cull cows implanted and fed a concentrate diet. Sixty cull cows were implanted with Revalor-200 (200 mg of trenbolone acetate and 20 mg of estradiol) and assigned to 1 of 4 treatments (n = 15/treatment): CON = fed a concentrate diet only; RH = supplemented with ractopamine-HCl for the last 25 d before slaughter; ZH = supplemented with zilpaterol-HCl for 20 d before a 3-d withdrawal before slaughter; RH + ZH = supplemented with RH for 25 d, followed by ZH for 20 d before a 3-d withdrawal before slaughter. Ractopamine-HCl was supplemented at a dose of 200 mg·animal(-1)·d(-1), and ZH was supplemented at 8.33 mg/kg (100% DM basis) of feed. All cows were fed a concentrate diet for 74 d. Each treatment had 5 cows per pen and 3 replicate pens. Body weights were collected on d 1, 24, 51, and 72. Muscle biopsies from the LM were collected on d 24, 51, and at slaughter from a subsample of 3 cows per pen. Carcass traits were evaluated postslaughter. The 2 ZH treatments averaged 15.3 kg more BW gain, 0.20 kg greater ADG, and 7.8 cm(2) larger LM area than CON and RH treatments, and 21 kg more HCW than CON, but these differences were not significant (P > 0.10), likely due to a sample size of n = 15/treatment. The sequence of RH followed by ZH tended to optimize the combination of HCW, LM area, percent intramuscular fat, and lean color and maturity compared with the ZH treatment. Abundance of β(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) mRNA was not altered in the RH + ZH treatment during RH supplementation from d 24 to 51 of feeding. However, the abundance of β(2)-AR mRNA increased (P < 0.05) the last 23 d of feeding for the RH treatment and tended (P = 0.10) to increase in ZH cows during ZH supplementation. For all cows, abundance of type IIa myosin heavy chain (MHC-IIa) mRNA decreased (P < 0.05) after 24 d of feeding. Abundance of MHC-IIx mRNA increased (P < 0.05) for ZH and RH + ZH treatments the last 23 d of feeding during ZH supplementation. Although few significant differences were observed in performance or carcass traits, mRNA quantification indicated that β-AA supplementation elicited a cellular response in cull cows. Implanting and feeding cull cows for 74 d, regardless of β-AA supplementation, added economic value by transitioning cows from a cull cow to what is referred to in industry as a white cow market in which cows have white fat resulting from grain feeding. 相似文献
Using fenylephrine, isoprenaline, noradrenaline, adrenaline and receptor blockers, adrenergic regulation of metabolism in working heart as well as in skeletal resting muscle of rats was investigated. Changes were determined in: phosphocreatine level and 32P incorporation into phosphocreatine; phosphorolytic and hydrolytic activities of glycogenolysis; glycogen synthetase activity and 14C-glucose incorporation into glycogen; and the level of cAMP. It was found that, contrary to the β-receptor, stimulation of the α-adrenergic receptor inhibits catabolism of macroenergetic phosphates and diminishes glycogen decomposition on the phosphorolytic pathway while increasing the hydrolysis of glycogen and glycogen synthetase activity as well as glucose incorporation into glycogen. On the basis of these data a hypothesis may be put forward that the influence of the α-adrenergic receptor results in the diminishing of energy utilization and in the activation of glycogen anabolism in heart and skeletal muscle. An adrenergic intrasystemic receptor antagonism in the regulation of energy consumption by heart and skeletal muscle is indicated. The α-receptor seems to be an adrenergic intrasystemic moderator of the metabolism rate which is accelerated by β-receptor influence. This suggests that besides sympathetico-parasympathetic intersystemic antagonism regulating the heart work and thereby cardiac energy consumption, there is a separate adrenergic mechanism directly controlling the balance between catabolism and anabolism in heart muscle. This mechanism, based on α- and β-adrenergic receptor antagonism, also controls the metabolic balance in skeletal muscles. 相似文献
The effects of endotoxin on β-adrenergic-mediated relaxation were investigated in the equine digital artery (EDA). Possible involvement of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in endotoxin-induced effects and basal EDA β-adrenoceptor functionality was also evaluated. Endothelium-intact (e(+)) and/or -denuded (e(-)) EDA rings were incubated overnight with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), LPS+NS398 (selective COX-2 inhibitor) or NS398 alone. Vessel rings were then mounted in organ baths and relaxant responses to isoproterenol (ISOP) recorded on U44069-induced pre-contraction. Response to ISOP was further evaluated in either incubated or freshly isolated (e(-)) rings acutely exposed to NS398. Fresh and incubated (e(-)) EDAs were also analysed for COX-2 expression by Western blotting. LPS caused endothelium-dependent enhancement of β-adrenergic mediated relaxation. NS398 did not reverse endotoxin effects, suggesting that COX-2 did not have a mediating role. In the absence of LPS, NS398 significantly increased ISOP-induced relaxation. This finding, together with immunoblot detection of COX-2 in both fresh and incubated (e(-)) vessels, revealed the existence of a constitutive COX-2 exerting tonic inhibitory modulation on EDA β-adrenergic-mediated relaxation. The results support the possible role of endotoxin in the vascular disturbances associated with equine laminitis. Moreover, the involvement of COX-2 in the physiological regulation of EDA tone warrants further clinical investigation into the efficacy and safety of selective COX-2 inhibitors on digital circulation in horses. 相似文献
Beta-alanine is an important amino acid involved in several metabolic reactions in the body. The study aimed to investigate the effect of β-alanine supplementation on intestinal development and the immune performance of weaned piglets. Thirty-two 21-day-old healthy weaned piglets(half female and half male; Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) with an initial body weight of 8.11 ± 0.21 kg were randomly divided into 4 groups with 8 replicates of 1 pig each. The control group was fed a basal diet and the ... 相似文献
In this study, effects of oral β-carotene supplementation to mares (β-carotene group: 1000 mg/day, n = 15; control group: n = 15) from 2 weeks before foaling until 6 weeks thereafter on concentrations of β-carotene, vitamin A and α-tocopherol in plasma, colostrum and milk and plasma of their foals were determined. In addition, effects on fertility were studied. Beta-carotene concentrations increased in plasma and colostrum of β-carotene-supplemented mares compared to control mares (p < 0.05). In mares of both groups, β-carotene concentrations were higher in colostrum than in milk (p < 0.05). In foals, β-carotene concentrations increased with colostrum uptake and were higher in foals born to supplemented mares (p < 0.05; control group: 0.0003 ± 0.0002 μg/ml on day 0, 0.008 ± 0.0023 μg/ml on day 1; β-carotene group: 0.0005 ± 0.0003 μg/ml on day 0, 0.048 ± 0.018 μg/ml on day 1). Concentrations of vitamin A and α-tocopherol were higher in colostrum than in milk (p < 0.05) but did not differ between groups. Concentration of α-tocopherol in plasma of mares decreased over time and in foals, increased markedly within 4 days after birth. All but one mare (control group) showed oestrus within 2 weeks post-partum. Occurrence of oestrus did not differ between groups. More mares of the control group (7/7 vs. 5/12 in the β-carotene group) became pregnant after being bred in first post-partum oestrus (p < 0.05). In conclusion, β-carotene supplementation to mares increased β-carotene concentrations in plasma, colostrum and milk of mares and plasma of their foals but had no positive effects on fertility. 相似文献
1. The effects of corticosterone and the time of its addition to cultures, on concanavalin A (Con‐A) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM)‐induced lymphocyte proliferation were studied. 2. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were isolated from Cornell K‐strain Single Comb White Leghorn immature male chickens and cultured with various concentrations of Con‐A or PWM. Corticosterone, in different concentrations, was added to the cultures either 2 h before or 2 h after the addition of the respective mitogen. 3. Addition of corticosterone 2 h before the mitogens caused a significant suppression of lymphocyte proliferation in response to both Con‐A and PWM stimulation. Also addition of corticosterone 2 h after the mitogens caused significant suppression of proliferation in response to both mitogens; however, the degree of suppression was not as great. 4. The results indicate that after early activation events are initiated by the mitogens, lymphocytes are less sensitive to the effects of corticosterone. Because less suppression was seen in the cultures preincubated with PWM than those with Con‐A, it is likely that there are different sensitivities to corticosterone in the cell populations that respond to these mitogens. 相似文献
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and β-defensins are important components of the innate immune system. This study aimed to evaluate endometrial mRNA levels of TLRs (1/6, 2, 4, and 5) and β-defensin 5 in Holstein cows by quantitative real time RT-PCR. Uterine biopsies were performed from 6 to 12 h after parturition, and cows were divided into two groups: (i) cows with placental retention and clinical signs of uterine infection until 45 days postpartum (n=10) or (ii) cows with normal puerperium (n=10). All cows had detectable levels of TLRs and β-defensin 5 mRNAs, but these levels did not differ between groups (P>0.05). Levels of TLR4 mRNA had a positive and significant correlation with the time required for uterine involution in both groups. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to compare the plasma profiles of 15-ketodihydro-PGF(2α) (PGM) in healthy neonates of three different species from birth until the third week of life. Twenty-four horse foals, 12 donkey foals, and 9 calves were studied. Blood samples were collected at 10, 20 and 30 min after birth, at 3, 24 and 72 h after birth, and at 7, 10, 17 and 21 days of life. All mothers experienced normal gestation lengths and normal, spontaneous deliveries. All newborns were judged mature and viable. Hormone concentrations were higher (p < 0.05) in horse foals 20 and 30 min after birth compared to later samples, and at 10 min in donkey foals compared to later samples (p < 0.05). In calves, higher (p < 0.05) concentrations of PGM were observed 10, 20, 30 min and 3 hours from parturition compared to later samples. These findings may be related to increased fetal placental unit production during parturition, while the relatively high PGF(2α) levels in the days after parturition may be connected with their role in completing organ maturation. Despite the existing differences between these species, the statistical analysis did not discover significant differences in PGM profiles during the first 3 weeks of life in donkey, horse and cattle newborns. The low levels observed 10 days after birth are possibly due to a fast completion of maturational development in these species. 相似文献
1. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary β-glucan and kefir (a fermented milk product) on growth performance, blood profiles, relative organ weight and meat quality in broilers. 2. A total of 375 day-of-hatch mixed sex ROSS 308 broilers (BW of 46 ± 0.1 g) were used in a 5-week experiment and randomly allotted to one of the following dietary treatments: (1) NC, basal diet; (2) PC, basal diet + 40 mg/kg of avilamycin; (3) B, NC + 0.1% β-glucan; (4) K, NC + 0.1% kefir; (5) BK, NC + 0.1% β-glucan + 0.1% kefir. 3. During weeks 0–3, broilers in B, K and BK treatments had higher body weight gain (BWG) than those in NC treatment. During weeks 4–5, BK treatment had a higher BWG than NC treatment. Overall, broilers given PC, K and BK diets had higher BWG than those given NC diet. The feed efficiency ratio (FCR) was improved by PC treatment. 4. Relative liver weight was increased by B treatment, whereas the relative weight of breast meat and gizzard was higher in BK group than that in NC group. Broilers given PC, B and BK diets had greater breast meat redness value and reduced drip loss at d 5 and d 7. The cooking loss was also reduced by B and BK treatments compared with NC treatment. 5. In conclusion, the results suggested that inclusion of 0.1% β-glucan and 0.1% kefir, either individually or combined, would improve growth performance and benefit meat quality in broiler chickens. 相似文献
<正>The experiment was conducted to study the effects and possible mechanism of GLP-2 on proliferation,metabolism and apoptosis of cultured enterocytes from a 28-d weaned piglet injured by exposure to β-conglycinin.A cell damage model was established to investigate cell proliferation, metabolism and apoptosis by exposing primary cell cultures of intestinal epithelial cells(IEC) to 1.2 and 2.4 mg/mL β-conglycinin.A 2×3 factorial experiment was then used to study the effect of different GLP-2 concentrations of(1×10~(-9),1×10~(-8) and 1×10~(-7)mol/L),in combination with the two concentrations ofβ-conglycinin.Cells exposed to the allergenβ-conglycinin had decreased(P0.05) MTT OD;decreased (P0.01) protein retention and total protein content of cells;increased(P0.01) LDH and caspase-3 activities and decreased(P0.05) Na~+,K~+-ATPase activity.When GLP-2 was used in combination withβ-conglycinin,MTT OD,protein retention,total protein content and Na~+,K~+-ATPase activity significantly increased(P0.05);LDH activity gradually decreased(P0.05 or P0.01) and Caspase-3 activity significantly decreased(P0.01) with increasing concentrations of GLP-2.The results indicated thatβ-conglycinin had adverse effects on proliferation and integrity of IEC in vitro.GLP-2 relieved or prevented the adverse effects ofβ-conglycinin on proliferation and integrity of IEC by regulating Na~+,K~+- ATPase and Caspase-3 activities,and consequently affecting cell metabolism. 相似文献
The aim of the study was to determine the effects of 3 feeding dose programs of the β-adrenergic agonists (β-AA) ractopamine hydrochloride (RH) or zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) for the final 30 d before slaughter on growth performance and carcass and meat characteristics of feedlot ram lambs. Eighty-four Dorper × Katahdin ram lambs (30.0 ± 1.6 kg) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to pens (4 lambs per pen and 3 pens per treatment). Pens within a block were assigned randomly to 1 of 7 dietary treatments: 1) control (CTL) = diet without β-AA; 2) RH constant (RHC) = 20.0 mg/kg of RH, d 1 to 30; 3) RH increasing (RHI) = 10.0 mg/kg, d 1 to 10; 20.0 mg/kg, d 11 to 20; and 30.0 mg/kg, d 21 to 30; 4) RH decreasing (RHD) = 30.0 mg/kg, d 1 to 10; 20.0 mg/kg, d 11 to 20; and 10.0 mg/kg, d 21 to 30; 5) ZH constant (ZHC) = 6.0 mg/kg of ZH, d 1 to 30; 6) ZH increasing (ZHI) = 3.0 mg/kg, d 1 to 10; 6.0 mg/kg, d 11 to 20; and 9.0 mg/kg d 21 to 30; and 7) ZH decreasing (ZHD) = 9.0 mg/kg, d 1 to 10; 6.0 mg/kg, d 11 to 20; and 3.0 mg/kg, d 21 to 30. Overall, β-AA supplementation reduced DMI (P < 0.001) compared with CTL lambs, but lambs fed RHI and ZHI programs had greater (P < 0.05) total BW gain, ADG, and G:F. Carcass weight was improved (P < 0.05) by RHI and ZHI programs, but dressing percentage was enhanced (P < 0.05) by only ZHC or ZHI treatments. Fat thickness and yield grade were reduced (P < 0.05) by ZH or RH regardless of feeding program. Most LM characteristics (pH, moisture loss, and chemical composition) were not different among treatments (P > 0.05), with the exception of fat content that was reduced (P < 0.001) in lambs fed β-AA, and diameter of muscle fibers that was increased (P < 0.05) by ZHI treatment. Constant and increasing doses of ZH reduced (P < 0.05) the a* value of LM and semitendinosus muscles, with no effects on L* or b* values. The mass of liver was reduced (P < 0.05) in ZHI-treated lambs compared with CTL lambs, and plasma urea concentration was reduced (P < 0.05) by RH or ZH administration regardless of feeding program, although there were no other differences in organ mass weight (P ≥ 0.35) or blood metabolites (P ≥ 0.16). Increasing doses of RH or ZH augmented the growth performance response without negative effects on organ mass weight or blood metabolites. Although a ZHI program improved carcass characteristics, the increased LM fiber diameter of lambs fed ZHI program could be unfavorable because of the potential negative effect on tenderness. 相似文献
Spray-dried animal plasma sourced from bovine, porcine or other animal origin is often used as a main feed ingredient in the diets of weanling piglets to improve growth performance. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of animal plasma in diets on the performance of piglets in the post-weaning period, with and/or without pathogenic challenge, by undertaking a meta-analysis. Data were extracted from peer-reviewed reports published in scientific journals. The average initial weight of the piglets was 5.8 kg and the average initial age 19 days (2–56 days). The average duration of feeding animal plasma was 40 days. Average daily gain (ADG), feed intake (ADFI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were found to be 22–28 g/day, 20–27 g/day and −0.28 to 0.06 g/g. Generally, diet supplemented with spray-dried bovine plasma (SDBP) improved the ADG of the piglets and spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP) led to increases in the ADFI. For the first week post-weaning alone, as the dietary animal plasma percentage increased there was an increase in ADG and ADFI; similarly, the latter two measures increased as weaning age increased. The evidence suggests that mainly IgG present in animal plasma prevents the binding of pathogens to the gut wall and reduces the incidence of sub-clinical infection in the post-weaning stage. Animal plasma containing IgG appears to be a useful in-feed supplement for piglets in the post-weaning phase. 相似文献
Tropical Animal Health and Production - We evaluated the relationship between the temperature–humidity index (THI) and health and growth performance in Japanese black calves in Japan. Data... 相似文献
The study investigated the performance response of different dietary protein and energy levels of Nili-Ravi buffalo calves. Sixty buffalo calves of 12–15 months of age and similar body weight (140 ± 14 kg) were divided in to 12 groups, five animals in each group, according to 4 × 3 factorial arrangements. Twelve rations were formulated containing four levels of crude protein (CP; 10.5%, 12.20%, 13.80%, and 15.55%) each with three levels (1.72, 2.11, and 2.5 Mcal/Kg) of metabolizable energy (ME). Experiment lasted for 100 days; first 10 days were given for dietary adaptation. Daily feed consumption in calves fed all experimental diets were statistically significant ( p < 0.05) across all treatments. Higher feed intake was observed in buffalo calves fed diets containing 12.20% and 13.85% CP with 2.11 Mcal/kg ME. Results of dry matter (DM) digestion were significantly different ( p < 0.05) across all treatments. There was a quadratic ( p < 0.05) response of DM digestibility for levels of dietary protein while, curvilinear ( p < 0.05) trend with respect to dietary energy levels. Daily weight gain of buffalo calves did not show any treatment effect. The outcome of the present study indicate that 12–15-month-old buffalo calves perform adequately well when fed on diets containing 12.2% CP and 2.10 ME Mcal/Kg. 相似文献
Background: Plasma α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (α‐MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) concentrations in horses vary with season, confounding diagnostic testing for pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID). Hypothesis: The goals of this study were to determine whether seasonal variation in plasma α‐MSH and ACTH concentrations in horses is influenced by geographic location, breed, or PPID. Animals: Healthy light breed horses residing in Florida, Massachusetts, and Finland (n = 12 per group); healthy Morgan horses (n = 13); healthy ponies (n = 9) and horses with PPID (n = 8). Methods: Monthly plasma α‐MSH and ACTH concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay. Nonlinear regression analysis was used to estimate the time of peak hormone concentrations. Mean hormone concentrations in fall and nonfall months were compared. Results: The fall peak plasma α‐MSH concentration occurred earlier in horses residing at more northern locations. Mean seasonal α‐MSH concentrations were similar in all healthy groups at all locations, but in the fall, plasma ACTH concentrations were higher in horses living in more southern locations. Plasma ACTH but not α‐MSH concentrations were higher in Morgan horses compared with light breed horses from the same location. Hormone concentrations of ponies did not differ from those of horses during either season. Concentrations of both hormones were high in the fall compared with the spring in horses with PPID. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: These findings suggest geographic location of residence and breed may affect the onset, amplitude, or both of the seasonal peak of pars intermedia (PI) hormones and should be considered when performing diagnostic testing for PPID. Horses with PPID maintain seasonal regulation of PI hormone output. 相似文献
Beta-glucan has been shown to have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal health. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of β-glucan isolated from Agrobacterium sp. ZX09 on growth performance and intestinal health of weaning pigs. A total of 108 weaned pigs (21 d of age; 6.05 ± 0.36 kg) were randomly divided into 3 groups (6 pens/group; 6 pigs/pen), and the groups were each treated with the following diets: 1) basal diet, 2) basal diet supplemented with 20 mg/kg olaquindox, 3) basal diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg β-glucan, for 21 d. Compared with the control group, pigs fed with 200 mg/kg β-glucan had greaterBW, average daily gain and duodenal villus height to crypt depth ratio ( P < 0.05). Olaquindox increased the duodenal or jejunal villus height of pigs compared with β-glucan. Compared with the control group, β-glucan tended to increase the occludin mRNA expression in the jejunum (0.05 < P < 0.10). Beta-glucan enriched the beneficial microbiota in the ileum of pigs ( P < 0.05). In conclusion, β-glucan may promote growth performance by improving intestinal health and increasing beneficial microbiota of weaned pigs. The study results will provide valuable theoretical guidance for the utilization of β-glucan in weaned pigs. 相似文献
1.?A factorial (2 × 3) feeding trial was set up to investigate the effects of coarse or finely ground brewers’ spent grain (BSG) and xylanase treatment, either with no xylanase, top-dressed with xylanase or pre-treated with xylanase. 2.?The experimental diets shared the same basal formulation and were fed to male broiler chickens (Ross 308) housed in individual cages from 12 to 29 d of age. 3.?Xylanase pre-treatment reduced the dietary concentration of arabinoxylan by 15–30%. Pellet durability increased when BSG was ground. 4.?Feed utilisation was significantly higher (6%) when the birds were given coarse BSG rather than ground BSG, whereas there was no significant effect of enzyme treatment. Apparent metabolisable energy was unaffected by the dietary treatments. 5.?The overall starch digestibility was high (99%), with no dietary differences, whereas ileal protein digestibility was low (57%). Xylanase top-dressing tended to improve ileal protein digestibility but, in general, xylanase treatment had no major effect on overall performance in male broilers given diets with BSG. 相似文献
Oat crops are a major animal feed source in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau and nearby areas. Typically,the crops are used for making silage rather than hay because of frequent rain at harvest in autumn. However,there is little data on how the yield,forage quality and levels of epiphytes that may affect silage quality of different oat varieties are affected by altitude. Therefore,four oat varieties(Longyan No. 3,Longyan No. 5,Baiyan No. 2 and Bayou No. 3) were planted in 8 localities forming an altitude gradient: Huangzhong (2295 m),Tianzhu (2797 m),Shandan (2860 m),Hezuo (2957 m),Haiyan (3052 m),Maqu (3474 m),Maqin (3765 m)and Chengduo (4217 m). Measurements included crop yield and dry matter (DM),water soluble carbohydrate (WSC),crude protein (CP),neutral detergent fiber (NDF)and acid detergent fiber (ADF)contents,and counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB),molds,yeasts and aerobic bacteria. It was found that there were significant altitude and variety effects on fresh yield,nutritional quality and microbial epiphyte counts. With increase in altitude,fresh yield,WSC,NDF and LAB counts increased(P<0.05),as much as 284. 00%,15. 49%,10.81% and 11.60% increment were observed at Chengduo site than that at Huangzhong,respectively;meanwhile DM,CP and yeast and mold counts were reduced by 15. 67%,36.27%,23.53% and 7.75% at Chengduo compared with Huangzhong site,respectively. Among the four tested varieties,Longyan No. 5 had the highest fresh yield (75605 kg·ha−1),WSC (201.4 g·kg-1 DM) and NDF (604. 2 g·kg-1 DM) at the Chengduo site,followed by Longyan No. 3. The highest CP (119.7 g· kg-1 DM) and mold counts (4.12 lg cfu·g-1 FM) were observed in Baiyan No. 2 at the Huangzhong site. Bayou No. 3 produced the highest LAB and yeast counts at Maqin and Chengduo sites. In general,Longyan No. 3 and Longyan No. 5 gave better performance at sites above 3000 m altitude;for sites below 3000 m,the four tested varieties were all found to be suitable for silage production. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved. 相似文献