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滨海盐土水、旱生境下田菁生长及其对盐土肥力的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
蓄淡养鱼改良滨海强度盐渍化土壤^(1)和种植田菁改良盐土已被广泛报道。为把有效的改良途径组装为一体,产生生态叠加效应,从1991年开始,在江苏滨海中度盐渍化土壤进行田菁水植养鱼改土试验研究。结果表明:1.在中度盐渍化土壤中田菁上田菁 水植养鱼复合处理其盛花期水植田菁根鲜重是旱作的10倍,根瘤鲜重是旱作田菁的15倍以上;田菁籽产量是旱培单作田菁的1.5倍以上。2.田菁 水植养鱼复合处理土壤脱盐效果明  相似文献   

1992年开始围田囤蓄养殖,对海涂大面积引咸蓄淡高位养殖系统中池水和底泥盐份变化进行了动态研究。由1996年至2005年的测定结果表明:(1)以Na-Cl型高矿化河水(>3.5 g L-1)为抽提补充池塘水源,同时雨季池塘大面积囤蓄降水,池塘水体盐份浓度由3.67 g L-1下降至2.28 g L-1。(2)池塘底泥盐份逐年降低,1 m剖面底泥盐份由3.22 g kg-1下降至1.06 g kg-1;回归统计底泥盐份与Na+、Cl-离子相关性均达到极显著水平。(3)利用指数曲线模型预测底泥脱盐趋势,获得的后续每2 a脱盐预测值分别为δ2007=0.824g kg-1,δ2009=0.638 g kg-1,为后续旱改提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了全面考核稻田养鱼的经济、社会效益和学术价值以及稻田养鱼的水稻栽培法。1987年由联合国世界卫生组织赞助,我们进行了稻田养鱼灭蚊与农村经济发展的研究。试验分别在广西农学院实验农场(10多亩稻田)和全州县(1000多亩示范田)进行。试验采取“垄稻沟鱼”稻田养鱼法,垄稻、沟鱼面积分别占80%和20%。两年来的研究结果表明,稻田放养鲤鱼、罗非鱼和草鱼后,形成了良好的稻鱼共生的农业生态系统,使稻田的结构和功能都达  相似文献   

大足县稻田养鱼模式的环境经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本尝试使用环境经济学费用效益分析手段,对稻田养鱼生态农业模式进行分析解剖,力图从财务分析和经济分析对比的角度,阐明稻田养鱼模式的优劣,进一步分析稻田养鱼模式推广中遇到阻力,提出相应的促进对策。  相似文献   

九稻62号是吉林市农业科学院采用品种间有性杂交,早代开始进行米质与抗性同步跟踪鉴定,系谱法处理育成的优质、高产、抗逆性强的水稻新品种。吉林省生产试验平均产量比对照品种通35增产10.8%,大面积生产示范平均单产1万kg/hm^2左右,稻米品质达国标二级以上。2007年1月通过吉林省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定号:吉审稻2007011。  相似文献   

流化床生物滤器净化循环水养鱼系统的工艺与特性研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
封闭式集约化养鱼,需要选择和使用效果好、负荷率高的水处理方法,以提高单位水体的鱼载量和降低成本。该试验在封闭式集约养鱼系统中采用了流化床生物滤器水净化技术,并对其性能进行了研究。结果表明,在流化床生物滤器出水总氨平均值低于0.5 mg/L时,鱼载量是固定床生物滤器的2~3倍,总氨负荷是固定床生物滤器的3倍,更节省水资源。采用该系统养鱼,鱼类生长正常,管理方便,占地面积和建筑费用可减少50%。  相似文献   

为了充分开发利用水库水资源养鱼和减少库内泥砂淤积,保护和改善水库生态环境,作者在库内消落区、荒山提坝及幼林间人工种植杂交黑麦草、象草、扁穗牛鞭草等鱼用高产优质饲草养鱼与防淤进行了试验研究,获得成功。库内鲜鱼产量由种草前常年1000公斤左右提高7000-8000公斤,泥砂淤积每年减少0.516万立方米。结果表明,采用这一方法对解决库内养鱼长期饵料缺乏,提高库内鱼产量,减少库内泥砂淤积,具有投资少、周期短、效果好的优点。  相似文献   

基于多参数耦合的蓄冷温控箱冷板对流换热参数优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蓄冷温控箱利用低温相变材料储存冷量,通过缓慢释放调节并保持箱内温度,目前仍存在冷量释放速率无法控制、剩余冷量预测难等问题,而蓄冷板表面对流换热系数直接影响冷量的释放速率。针对以上问题,搭建了蓄冷板表面对流换热系数测量试验平台,研究不同环境及蓄冷板参数对表面对流换热系数的影响。采用二次回归正交试验设计方案,探究了蓄冷区进口空气流速、进口空气温度、蓄冷板传热面积以及蓄冷板间距对表面对流换热系数的影响,并对结果进行分析,建立了表面对流换热系数二阶预测模型,获得影响表面对流换热系数大小较显著的因素及较优的参数组合。试验结果表明:各因素间存在明显交互作用,进口空气温度和蓄冷板传热面积的交互效应最大;通过响应曲面法建立的表面对流换热系数预测模型,得到最优参数组合为:进口空气流速4 m/s,进口空气温度25 ℃,蓄冷板传热面积0.455 m2,蓄冷板间距0.04 m,R2值为0.927 4,变异系数CV为5.78%。回归模型计算结果与试验结果吻合,最大误差为3.58%,平均相对误差为2.69%,表明该模型可以快速、准确地预测不同条件下的蓄冷板表面对流换热系数。试验结果为蓄冷温控箱冷量释放速率精准调控及剩余冷量预测提供参考。  相似文献   

1992年度小麦蓄墒期降水量仅100.0mm,为有气象记录(1957年)以来的39里最低记录值,是该年度小麦严重受旱并大度减产的主要原因,日均气温偏高、空气相对温度较低、土壤供不少、底墒不足且利用不充分,加剧了干旱的程度,低水分生产效率加大了减产的幅度。与1992年水平相当的1995年度小麦蓄墒期降水量(116.2mm)使得底墒量成为有试验资料(1985年)以来的10年里最低记录值,39年来次最水  相似文献   

为掌握不同参数对蓄冷控温特性的影响,建立了真空隔热蓄冷控温试验平台,以脐橙为试验对象,根据热平衡理论,建立蓄冷控温传热数学模型,并进行试验验证,进一步分析了不同参数对蓄冷控温特性的影响。数学模型计算结果表明,随着真空隔热板厚度的增加,在0~8℃温度的控温时间越长;当外界恒温30℃、真空隔热板厚度为25 mm时,0~8℃温区控温时长为106.14 h。试验结果表明,模型计算结果与试验结果吻合,控温时长平均误差为2.60%;当外界平均温度为33.5℃、真空隔热板厚度为20 mm、有太阳辐射时,在30 min内试验平台内温度由29.5℃降至7.2℃,降温速度较快。应用数学模型分析不同参数影响,结果表明:不同车速对传热速率的影响不显著;传热速率随着真空绝热板厚度的增加而下降,下降趋势呈指数变化;相同控温时长时,所需蓄冷剂质量与真空绝热板厚度呈指数变化;真空绝热板越厚,温度下降速率越快;太阳辐射会使控温时长缩短13.79%。该研究结果为蓄冷控温型运输装备的结构优化设计及蓄冷剂的选型、用量提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The influence of soil and environmental factors on water and salt dynamics in a typic Natraquoll of the center of the Flooding Pampa (Argentina) was studied. In phreatimeters, the water table reached the soil surface during floods, but in the soil profile it was never above the bottom of the B31 horizon (0.65 m). This horizon and the over-laying B22 one showed a permanent unsaturation. The A1, B1 and B21 horizons, however, often became saturated with water.The typical floods in the region are caused by the accumulation of rainwater on the previously saturated upper horizons. Simultaneously, phreatic water undergoes an abrupt increase in electrical conductivity (ECw). These saline peaks (ECw of up to 45.00 dS m−1) caused the immediate salinization of the deep horizons, probably by diffusion. The arrival of salts at the soil surface was episodic and by convection. However, salt leaching prevailed in the course of time in the upper horizons. The soil saturation extracts showed a balanced proportion of anions, but among cations, Na+ prevailed over Mg++, Ca++ and K+. Soil alkalinity was low and with some significant variations in the surface horizons, that depended on episodic salt rises or salt leaching processes. In the deep horizons soil remained permanently natric.This dynamic balance of water and salt showed that, in this part of the region, the soil profile exhibits two zones which are relatively independent of each other. Each represents different stages of the evolution as stated by Gedroiz's theory. The deep horizons undergo a continuous salinization and alkalinization process. The upper horizons tend to be similar to zonal soils. The slight halomorphism in this profile zone is due to the episodic salt rises.  相似文献   

Cesium and Strontium Exchange Properties of Marsh Soils The cesium and strontium exchange properties of some typical marsh soils of the estuary and lower river Weser region were described. Soil samples were taken according to the existing soil maps 1:25000 of Lower Saxony e.g. a “sea marsh soil”. a “brackish marsh soil”, and a “river marsh soil”. The exchange properties were determined by Cs/Ca and Sr/Ca exchange curves (Q/I relations) as generally used in soil potassium research. In addition to the Q/I relations the following investigations were carried out: - Cs and Sr desorption experiments (one time equilibration with Ca++ solutions) - Cs and Sr reexchange experiments (eight times equilibration with water, Ca++, Ba++, and K+ solutions) - the naturally-occuring Cs and Sr contents of the soils including amounts caused by imissions or fallout, respectively - clay mineral composition and swelling of layer silicates due to saturation with Ca++, Sr++, Cs+, and K+ ions. Q/I relations as well as desorption and reexchange experiments indicated strong cesium and low strontium fixation by the soils investigated. This was considered the reason for the stronger transfer of Sr from soil to plants as compared with Cs. Furthermore, the reexchange experiment revealed nearly complete reversibility of the Sr sorption reactions by equilibration with the divalent cations Ca++ and Ba++ and some Sr fixation after treatment with K+ solutions. However, cesium was much better reexchanged by K+ than by Ca++ and Ba++ ions. This led to the conclusion that Cs fixed in interlayer positions of clay minerals could be remobilized by potassium and ammonium fertilization. The naturally-occuring Cs contents of the soils were found to be below the detection limit of the analytical methods used. The contents of naturally-occuring exchangeable Sr, however, was in agreement with the amounts of “labile Sr” as derived from the Sr/Ca exchange curves. Concerning the cesium exchange properties a clear distinction between “sea and river marsh soils” on the one hand and “brackish marsh soils” on the other hand was established due to differences in clay mineral composition and swelling state of 1:2 layer silicates. The different cesium exchange properties of the two soil groups could also be verified by more or less pronounced hysteresis effects of sorption (Q/I relation) and desorption curves.  相似文献   

潘宏  陈邦本  方明 《土壤学报》1993,30(4):416-422
江苏滨海盐土向潮土演化过程中,水溶性F^-含量经历了由少变多,再由多变少的过程。水溶性氟含量变化受控于水溶性Ca^++变化(F^-=a+bCa^++-1/2),同时,由于土壤胶体和溶液中OH^-与F^-含量可能CaF2的活度积起控制作用,而pH值的变化起叠加作用。江苏沿海土壤中影响水溶性氟含量的矿物主要是CaF2。  相似文献   

设施土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特征   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
通过对我国不同地区设施栽培现状的野外调查和取样分析,研究了设施栽培条件下土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特点。结果表明:1)设施栽培条件下,土壤含盐量的变化幅度大,且均明显高于露地土壤,各研究区域内已有40%8~9%的土壤含盐量超过了作物正常生长的临界浓度。2)设施栽培的可持续利用周期较短,连续种植到4年左右的设施土壤,其耕层盐分的累积量可达到作物的生长障碍临界点,之后因设施使用率的下降以及采取的措施而有所降低,但仍高于露地土壤。设施连续使用会导致土壤环境质量的不断恶化。3)设施土壤剖面(0100.cm)盐分含量均高于相邻露地,盐分含量随土层深度增加而降低,其中耕层(020.cm)的盐分含量显著高于其下各层;盐分离子在土壤剖面的运移同时存在着明显的向底层迁移和向表层聚集两种方式,但以表聚为主;此外,盐分离子的大量累积和向底层迁移,特别是NO3-的淋溶已严重影响到部分地区的地下水水质。4)设施栽培后,土壤中的NO3-、SO42-、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+均有不同程度的累积,阴离子以NO3-和SO42-为主,阳离子以Ca2+为主。盐分的大量累积以及某些离子的相对富集在一定程度上引起了作物养分的供需失衡、土壤酸化、棚室内CO2供应不足等生产问题。  相似文献   

两种不同耐盐大麦根际中离子的分布特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
选用耐盐性较强的大麦滩引5号(T)和盐敏感大麦CT16(S),用根袋法研究了大麦极际中各种盐分离子的分布特征及动态变化。T大麦土体的pH高于S大麦,根际则相反。与非根际比较,T大麦根际土壤中除K^+离子亏缺外,Na^+,Ca^2+,Mg^2+,SO4^2-,Cl^-及HCO3^-离子均富集;而S大麦根际土壤中K^+和Na^+离子亏缺,其它离子则不同程度地富集,但除HCO3^-离子外,亏缺或富集的程  相似文献   

本文利用模拟土柱试验研究了施用石灰和石膏对第四纪红粘土发育的红壤中元素淋溶过程的影响。结果表明,施用石灰后10cm土层中除Ca^2+以外的阳离子元素的淋失量减少,而SO4^2-和HCO3^-的淋失量增加;施用石膏后10cm土层中所有阳离子元素,特别是AI^3+的淋失量增加。红壤中Ca^2+的淋失以自由态为主,施用石膏后与SO4^2-结合的比例增加,不同处理中30cm土层处铝的淋失以自由态为离,10  相似文献   

李小刚 《土壤学报》2001,38(4):498-505
调查研究了甘肃景电灌区盐化土壤的吸湿系数和凋萎湿度及其与土壤全盐、电导率和物理性粘粒含量的关系。结果表明盐分对土壤吸湿系数具有显著影响 ,盐土的吸湿系数可达 1 7 93%~ 38 30 % (重量含水量 )。随着土壤全盐量的降低 ,物理性粘粒含量对吸湿系数的影响逐渐增大。盐分组成对盐土和盐化土壤的吸湿性影响很大 ,氯离子 >钠离子 >镁离子≥钙离子 >硫酸根离子。盐分对土壤凋萎湿度的影响也达极显著水平 ,但凋萎湿度不如吸湿系数对盐分敏感。盐分离子组成对凋萎湿度的影响与其对吸湿系数的影响相似 ,氯离子>钠离子 >硫酸根离子 >镁离子 >钙离子。根据凋萎湿度与吸湿系数之间的关系以及凋萎湿度与物理性粘粒含量、全盐和电导率之间的关系 ,本文提出了预报盐化土壤凋萎湿度的三种模型 ,经检验获得了较为理想的结果  相似文献   

Determination of the CEC of carbonate soils with unbuffered 0.1 M BaCl2 Soils containing carbonates and precipitated calcium carbonate, respectively, were percolated with unbuffered 0.1 M BaCl2 followed by 0.1 M MgCl2 and anorganic acids of the same concentration. The measured concentration of bases (including Ba++) in the percolates indicates, that precipitation of Ba++ or exchange with Ca++/Mg++ on carbonate surfaces occurs during percolation, which leads to an overestimation of exchangeable bases. From the total amount of Ba++ bounded in such a way the less part is dissolved/exchanged by MgCl2 solution in the following leaching step. So the CEC of carbonate soils seems to be generally overestimated too, by the method applied in a not exactly measurable degree.  相似文献   


Soil salinity is a major abiotic factor limiting crop production but an amendment with synthetic zeolite may mitigate effects of salinity stress on plants. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of zeolite on soil properties and growth of barley irrigated with diluted seawater. Barley was raised on a sand dune soil treated with calcium type zeolite at the rate of 1 and 5% and irrigated every alternate day with seawater diluted to electrical conductivity (EC) levels of 3 and 16 dS m?1. Irrigation with 16 dS m?1 saline water significantly suppressed plant height by 25%, leaf area by 44% and dry weight by 60%. However, a substantial increase in plant biomass of salt stressed barley was observed in zeolite-amended treatments. The application of zeolite also enhanced water and salt holding capacity of soil. Post-harvest soil analysis showed high concentrations of calcium (Ca2 +), magnesium (Mg2 +), sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+) due to saline water especially in the upper soil layer but concentrations were lower in soils treated with zeolite. Zeolite application at 5% increased Ca2 + concentration in salt stressed plants; concentrations of trace elements were also increased by 19% for iron (Fe2 +) and 10% for manganese (Mn2 +). The overall results indicated that soil amendment with zeolite could effectively ameliorate salinity stress and improve nutrient balance in a sandy soil.  相似文献   

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