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人工生态茶园的机质和氮磷钾动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田永辉 《茶叶》2001,27(3):27-30
在相同生态条件下,研究了人工生态茶园,密植免耕园,常规栽培园3种主要栽培方式对土壤肥力的影响,结果表明:人工生态茶园方式不仅能提高土壤能力,而且土壤能力有上升和富集向上的趋势,密植免耕栽培方式,土壤肥力也有提高,但较人工生态茶园栽培方式差,常规栽培方式土壤肥力有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

人工生态茶园生态效应研究   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
对人工生态茶园生态效应研究结果表明 :人工生态茶园能提高和改善茶叶的品质和产量 ;改善茶园内气候因子 ;提高和改善茶园土壤物理化学性质 ;增加了茶园内的有益生物的数量 ,促进了茶园系统的良性循环  相似文献   

肖时英  张木兰 《茶叶》1993,19(2):8-11,18
云南的少数民族很早就将茶树与林木间种在一起,对茶树从不施用化肥和农药,靠茶树与林木之间的生态互利关系,实现茶园"生草栽培"和"自然免耕",这就是最早的生态经济茶园。现代集约化栽培的集中连片茶园,虽然提高了茶叶单产和效益,但也存在病虫害严重和茶树的自我维持能力降低等问题。研究和建立生态经济茶园是解决这些问题的有效途径,它能为茶树创造一个人工森林生态环境,提高茶园内各种作物的综合效益,以较低的成本生产出无农药污染的绿色食品。文中还对生态经济茶园的技术措施作了探讨。  相似文献   

浅谈生态茶园的栽培管理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王国华 《茶叶》2002,28(4):201-201,205
随着科技进步,社会的发展和物质生活水平的提高,人们渴求回归自然,食用到无污染的“放心”食品的愿望越来越强烈。各国,特别是发达国家为了满足人民对物质文明的需要,或者从本国经济利益出发,都在制定越来越严格的食品安全标准。茶叶是世界三大饮料之一,我国是茶叶生产大国,加强生态建设,减少污染,既适应社会发展的需要,也发展经济。绿色食品的标志是有害成分不超过制定的限量标准。有害成分主要来源于被污染的大气、土壤所含有害成分和人为造成的污染。前两方面的污染源可在建园选址中解决,而人为造成的污染,解决起来要复杂得多,困难得多。因为在某种情况下,它与经济利益有不可调和的矛盾。  相似文献   

生态茶园的研究进展与思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
余文权  张翠香 《中国茶叶》2009,31(10):10-13
2008年我国茶园总面积达171.96万hm^2,但大部分茶区的茶园建设以纯茶园为主。当前在茶区中普遍存在的水土流失严重、土壤肥力衰退、病虫害多发、产量和品质低下等问题,在一定程度上与纯茶园的单一种植模式有关。自1986年茶叶专家张顺高先生首次在国内提出“生态茶叶”概念以来,生态茶园在我国已初具规模,并产生了明显的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

茶园土壤酚类的研究动态与展望彭福元(湖南省茶叶研究所长沙·410145)1茶园土壤酚类的来源土壤中酚类化合物一般有两个来源:1.由植物残体中的木质素降解产生;2.由微生物合成[1]。酚类化合物在酚氧化酶作用下氧化成醌,参与土壤腐殖质合成。因此土壤中没...  相似文献   

丰产茶园的肥力指标,国内已有不少报导。由于各地自然环境,土壤类型及农业生产条件不同,培育优质丰产茶园及提高土壤肥力采取的措施亦有差异。湖南是全国茶叶主产省份之一,现有茶园170余万亩。有不少高产茶园亩产300公斤以上,但也有相当一部分茶园亩不足50公斤。改造低产茶园,培育高产茶园,提高茶叶品质是当前茶叶生产发展的主要课题。本文对在湖南省自然环境条件下优质高产茶园土壤肥力指标做初步探讨,希望能为培育优质高产茶园提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本研究采用大型栽培槽作小区试验,在土壤重量和理化性状一致、小区间水肥不相互渗透的条件下,从茶苗定植开始,分幼茶、初期投产和正式投产三个阶段连续十年进行试验,研究氮、磷、钾三要素施用对茶树生物性状、茶叶产量与品质、芽叶主要生化成份和营养吸收利用及土壤养分消长状况的影响。本文是讨论投产茶园(四至十龄茶树,连续七年)三要素施用量和配施比例试验结果。研究结果表明,第31处理N2+P2+K1表现最佳。 一、试验材料和方法 (一)供试土壤 试验地设在本所东区荒地。土壤为第四纪红土发育的红壤。在原地挖土深55c…  相似文献   

云南是世界茶树的原产地之一,茶叶栽培及加工历史悠久。2001年茶园面积17.07万hm^2,采摘面积14.80万hm^2,居全国第一位,产茶8.1万t,居全国第三位,全行业产值14亿元,是我省种植业中的支柱产业。我省茶区大多集中在边疆民族贫困山区,  相似文献   

Lack of science-based knowledge on responses of tea bushes to nitrogen (N) in ageing tea plantations hampers the development of ecologically sound and economically profitable N-management strategies. It is hypothesized that ageing of tea plantations lowers productivity and weakens the yield response to N application. To establish insight into the relationship between ageing, productivity and N-use efficiency, seasonal and annual responses to N were studied in field experiments superimposed on a chronosequence of tea plantations (14, 29, 43, and 76 years). The two youngest plantations comprised of a clonal cultivar planted at a density of 10,766 and 13,448 plants ha−1 and the two oldest plantations of seedlings at a density of 6730 and 7179 plants ha−1, respectively. N was applied as urea at 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 kg N ha−1 year−1.Mean annual made tea (mt) yields were higher for the clonal tea compared to the seedling tea and increased with age within genotypes. The clonal bushes out-yielded the seedlings by about 800 kg mt ha−1 under favourable weather conditions in 2003/2004, while yield differences between the genotypes were minimal under stress conditions in 2002/2003. The yields of the clonal 29- and 14-year-old plantations responded positively to N fertilizer, whereas the 43- and 76-year-old plantations did not. Within the clonal cultivar made tea yield and N uptake were closely associated. Apparent shoot N-recovery (ASNR) based on N uptake by ‘two leaves and a bud’ was higher in clonal than in seedling tea plantations. A simple N-balance sheet showed that N excess was strongly associated with the rate of N application and N uptake.The effect of plant genotype on productivity was greater than the effect of age. The genotypes (seedlings or a clonal cultivar) to a great extent determined the yield response to N. In a well-managed mature tea plantation of up to 80 years, ageing did not lower the yielding ability within the same genotype. Thus, planting improved genotypes and implementing appropriate N-management strategies are key factors to avoid the risk on decline of productivity and profitability associated with ageing and bush degradation. N-management strategies should be based on the yielding potential of tea bushes in the target environment as defined by plant genotype and age of plantations.  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥对大豆脂肪含量的效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用正交回归旋转设计方法,建立了氮、磷、钾肥对大豆脂肪含量的综合作用模型。根据该模型探讨氮、磷、钾肥对大豆脂肪含量影响的规律。氮、磷、钾肥对大豆脂肪含量的单因素效应、二因素互作效应受到其它因素水平的影响。氮肥对脂肪含量的影响均为增加效应,增加速度随着氮肥编码值增高而加快。磷肥和钾肥对脂肪含量的作用有正有负。获得绥农14号大豆品种21.5%以上的脂肪含量,相应的施肥措施为:施N量为0.07~0.13 g/kg,施P2O5量为0.11~0.37 g/kg,施K2O量为0.04~0.10 g/kg,采用这个比例施肥有95%的可能使大豆品种绥农14的脂肪含量高于21.5%。  相似文献   

氮磷钾追施对夏大豆产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卓越 《大豆科技》2011,(5):13-17
氮肥和磷钾肥追施试验表明:适量的氮磷钾肥后移不仅能提高产量,且有一定的经济效益。增产幅度和效益的顺序为:氮肥后移>磷肥后移>钾肥后移。氮肥后移适宜比例为50%左右,宜初花期一次追施或初花期、鼓粒期二次追施;30%以上的磷钾肥可后移至初花期追施。生产上应提倡氮肥后移;在基施磷钾肥不足时,还应追施磷钾肥。  相似文献   

Yan  Fengjun  Sun  Yongjian  Hui  Xu  Jiang  Mingjin  Xiang  Kaihong  Wu  Yunxia  Zhang  Qiao  Tang  Yuan  Yang  Zhiyuan  Sun  Yuanyuan  Jun  Ma 《Paddy and Water Environment》2019,17(1):23-33
Paddy and Water Environment - To optimize straw application and understand the effects of straw mulch and straw nutrient release on rice nutrient uptake, we investigated the effects of two types of...  相似文献   

磷钾肥配合施用对油菜产量及养分积累的影响   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
利用大田试验研究了磷肥、钾肥及其配合施用对油菜生长、产量及养分积累的影响。结果表明,在土壤既缺磷又缺钾条件下,在施用氮、硼肥基础上配施磷、钾肥,显著地促进油菜生长,油菜籽产量提高4.71倍,收获期油菜茎秆和籽粒对N、P、K养分的积累总量分别提高3.54倍、9.64倍和5.43倍。施N、B基础上单施磷肥或钾肥,其增产效果有限,甚至出现减产的现象。磷钾肥配合施用对油菜生长和产量具有明显的正交互作用,籽粒产量正交互作用达 936kg/hm^2。  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in accumulation and partitioning of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) with harvest dates of early, middle, and late maturity sweet sorghum varieties in 2006 and 2007 in North China. All the varieties exhibited an obvious trend of decrease in concentrations of N, P and K in aboveground plants from elongation to 60 days after anthesis (DAA). The reduction in nutrient concentrations was found in the order of K (14.5 − 4.5 g kg−1) > N (13.3 − 7.4 g kg−1) > P (2.40 − 0.96 g kg−1). Conversely, N, P, and K accumulation significantly increased from elongation to anthesis, and continued to increase until 40 DAA. The accumulation of N, P, and K at maturity (40 DAA) was 128–339 kg ha−1, 30–75 kg ha−1 and 109–300 kg ha−1, respectively. Between elongation and anthesis, the middle and late maturity varieties had a higher ratio of N (50–82%), P (55–83%), and K (62–88%) accumulation than the early varieties (51–64% for N, 40–62% for P, and 55–75% for K). Sweet sorghum exhibited only one important K uptake stage from elongation to thesis according to the accumulation ratio (percentage of the nutrient accumulated at a given stage relative to that at physiological maturity) and rate (kilogram of nutrient accumulated per day per hectare). The stage from anthesis to grain maturity was the second important N and P uptake period. During the delay harvest period between 40 and 60 DAA, the early varieties exhibited significant increases in N accumulation; and the late varieties exhibited the reverse. P accumulation did not decrease significantly, whereas K accumulation decreased for all varieties in both years. Although of the N and P concentrations in straw were significantly lower than in grains, the N, P and K accumulation in straw was 2.2–9.3, 1.7–7.7, and 8.1–30.5 times higher than in grains, respectively. The concentrations of N and P in leaves were higher than in stems after anthesis. We found significantly higher accumulation of P and K in stems than in leaves, with a comparable N accumulation. The findings are helpful to make a fertilization regime recommendation for sweet sorghum production as a bioethanol crop in North China. It also suggests a further genetic improvement for optimizing nutrient use.  相似文献   

Netted Gem potatoes were grown at four levels of N, three of P, and two of K fertilizer in metal lysimeters protected from rain by an automatic shelter. The first two increments of N fertilizer, 200 and 400lb/acre (224 and 448 kg/ha), successively increased yields by increasing the number of tubers produced. The first increment also increased the average tuber weight. With 800 lb N/acre (896 kg N/ha), tuber yield and grade of potatoes were reduced from those of the 400-lb/acre (448-kg/ha) treatment becuase the average weight per tuber was reduced. P fertilizer increased yield by increasing the average tuber weight. The increased yield due to N and P fertilizers was almost entirely in the form of Canada No. 1 potatoes. K fertilizer did not affect number or weight of tubers in this high-K soil.  相似文献   

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