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ABSTRACT Population, employment, and income changes in a region comprised of eighteen nonmetropolitan counties of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York are described using Bureau of Economic Analysis data covering 1970 to 2000. Changes at the county level are examined as net differences using pooled cross‐section time series analysis. The specific focus of the empirical analysis is the effect that environmental amenities have in population and economic change. Empirical results indicate that a county's relative endowment of environmental amenities has positive economic change effects, but only when the county is relatively accessible as well. Further, the environmental amenity effects vary in their temporal consistency, even when accessibility is taken into account. In general, however, the reported results support the proposition that even relatively moderate environmental amenities can hold positive effects for economic change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Economic and demographic restructuring, along with the increasing desirability of environmental amenities, have driven growth in the eight‐state region of the Rocky Mountain West to extraordinary levels in recent decades. While social scientists have developed a solid conceptual understanding of the processes driving growth and change in the region, the broad nature of the land use outcomes associated with in‐migration has not received nearly as much scholarly attention. This article initiates an in‐depth empirical investigation on the magnitude, nature, and spatial variation of land use change in the Rocky Mountain West over the 1982‐1997 time period. Data from the USDA's National Resources Inventory reveals that the conversion of landscapes from rural to urban types of land uses varies significantly from place to place, not only in terms of total land developed, but also with respect to how population pressures and a number of other local characteristics of counties manifest themselves in the spatial pattern of growth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the impacts of extra‐local economic and political forces on the business community participants of the governing regime coalition in Akron, Ohio, and in turn, how other regime partners responded to and engaged with the changing constitution of Akron's business community. Unlike the UK where municipalities receive substantial fiscal support from regional and national governments, American cities are more readily forced into regime partnerships with other public and private actors for fiscal solvency, including, primarily, the local business community. In the case of Akron, the local business community experienced a prolonged and ongoing period of comprehensive deindustrialization and economic restructuring, forcing the city into partnerships with less traditional non‐private sector actors as Akron's business community structure continues to transform. A secondary objective is to forward the utility of social network analysis in regime theory applications. Social network analysis offers a way to situate arguably the most influential actors in a regime coalition. Utilizing the directories of Standard and Poor's Index of Corporations and Directors from 1975 through 2006, social network analysis is performed on the interlocking network of corporations and civic organizations based in Akron for each decade, allowing a longitudinal view of the changing business community partners of Akron's governing coalition.  相似文献   

Plant 14‐3‐3 proteins are involved in signal transduction pathways of nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism. An Eg14‐3‐3 ω gene was isolated from the mesocarp of oil palm. The 1055‐bp cDNA had an open reading frame of 774 bp that encoded for 258 amino acids, and the cDNA had 113‐bp and 195‐bp 5′‐ and 3′‐untranslated regions, respectively. The calculated molecular weight was 28.06 kDa, with a pI of 5.04. The palm 14‐3‐3 showed closest identity to 14‐3‐3 proteins of the omega group. The entire sequence of Eg14‐3‐3 ω showed 83% identity with 14‐3‐3 protein isoform 16R from Solanum tuberosum. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Eg14‐3‐3 isoform was within the omega (ω) subgroup and, thus, was designated Eg14‐3‐3 ω. The Eg14‐3‐3 ω expression patterns were strong in the mesocarp as compared to the root. When Eg14‐3‐3 ω cDNA was overexpressed in transgenic calli, there was higher accumulation of oil in the transgenic calli than in the controls. Therefore, Eg14‐3‐3 ω has potential for applications in the breeding of oil palms in the future.  相似文献   

This paper investigates intra‐urban population and employment shifts over 1980–2000, using the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area as a case study. Population and employment are disaggregated by ethnicity (White, Black, Others) and industry (10 sectors) to better capture different location behaviors. Inter‐industry relationships are considered when constructing accessibility variables. Additional diversity, locational and socio‐economic variables are included. A location‐specific index of air quality is also considered, as a proxy for environmental quality. A structural equation model is specified to account for the dynamic interactions between populations, activities, and air quality. The results reveal strong interactions between ethnic groups, confirm the existence of agglomeration effects, and suggest that diversity has positive effects on both firms and households in both periods (1980–1990 and 1990–2000). For firms, better access to their potential customers and employees is more important than better access to their input–output sectors. Better air quality attracts population, which in turn worsens it. The results reveal changing dynamics, from 1980–1990 to 1990–2000, for different population and activity groups, and suggest that overall, firm location behaviors are more stable than household behaviors.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between I‐Kiribati communities and the broader ‘imagined’ Pasifika community in Aotearoa New Zealand. It looks at the way a group of I‐Kiribati tertiary students experience identity within this context. Through the use of semi‐structured interviews and a discourse analysis, the study draws three main conclusions. First, that I‐Kiribati navigate multiple identities and are constantly negotiating these within different spaces. Although this contributes to uncertainties around identity, I‐Kiribati students also strategically enact identity to suit various contexts. Second, that Pasifika as a term tends to infer ‘Polynesian’ which in turn may marginalise I‐Kiribati identities within certain spaces, particularly in education settings that intend to support all Pacific identities. Yet, given such a narrow understanding of Pasifika, these efforts may counter that intention for those on the margins of, or outside the common usage of, the term Pasifika. Last, community plays a significant role in the formation of identities within minority groups, which is important for countering aspects of marginalisation experienced within broader pan‐ethnic labels such as Pasifika. Consequently, we argue that Pasifika as a label needs to better reflect inter‐Pacific diversity as well as the identity negotiations that Aotearoa New Zealand‐born Pacific peoples navigate.  相似文献   

High night temperature (HNT) can induce ethylene‐triggered reactive oxygen species production, which can cause premature leaf senescence and membrane damage, thereby affecting production, consumption and transfer of photosyn‐thates, and yield. The 1‐methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP) can competitively bind with ethylene receptors and decrease ethylene effects. The objective was to determine the effects of HNT and 1‐MCP on leaf photosynthetic rate (PN), chlorophyll fluorescence, total chlorophyll (TC), respiration, membrane damage, pollen germination, spikelet fertility (SF) and yield of rice hybrid ‘XL723’. Plants were grown under ambient night temperature (ANT) (25 °C) or HNT (30 °C) with or without 1‐MCP treatment. Application of 1‐MCP was at the boot stage. The decrease in yield (11 %) under HNT was associated with decreased PN (4 %), stomatal conductance (8 %), quantum yield (11 %) TC (23 %) and SF (5 %) and increased respiration (74 %), Fo/Fm (increase in thylakoid membrane damage; 11 %) and membrane damage (leaf electrolytic leakage; 57 %). The 1‐MCP‐treated plants grown under HNT showed increased yield (17 %), which was associated with increased PN (10 %), stomatal conductance (30 %), quantum yield (9 %), TC (37 %) and SF (11 %) and decreased respiration (39 %), Fo/Fm (5 %) and membrane damage (18 %). Plants grown under HNT showed increased grain chalkiness (154 %) compared with plants grown under ANT.  相似文献   

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