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犬窝咳是由几种病毒和细菌引起的,包括腺病毒Ⅱ型、副粘病毒、博代氏杆菌,感染可以在窝里快速地由一头犬传染给另一头,这也是窝咳病名字的来源. 2008年5月20日某犬场6~8月龄15头犬发生窝咳,主要表现为阵发性连续剧烈咳嗽,呕出泡沫状白色粘液,日轻夜重,流泪,流黄白色鼻涕,扁桃体肿胀,食欲不振等症状.采用以下治疗方法:  相似文献   

A case-control study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of several vaccines in protecting against canine kennel cough. Cases and controls were selected from a random sample of veterinary practices in the UK, and relevant information was collected using postal questionnaires. The relationship between vaccinal status and the occurrence of kennel cough was examined using a linear logistic model. Vaccination against Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus was associated with reduced risks of the disease, as indicated by a decrease in the log odds (log relative risk) of disease in vaccinated animals, when integrated with usual vaccination strategies. Statistical interaction between these two vaccines and adenovirus vaccines was identified.  相似文献   

Intravenous challenge with virulent ICH virus of dogs vaccinated with a purified hexon suspension of the adenovirus A26/61, associated with kennel cough, indicated that cross–protection occurred. Whereas dogs vaccinated with either ICH or A26/61 hexon preparations resisted challenge, four control dogs which were challenged similarly, died. Two control animals were challenged by the subcutaneous route and exhibited signs of illness: in one, high serum levels of enzymes suggested liver damage. Both these controls developed a focal interstitial nephritis whereas the vaccinated animals remained normal throughout. Because of the serological cross–reactions between the two strains of canine adenovirus, it is suggested that ICH vaccine is likely to protect against challenge with the A26/61 variant. Résumé. Des tests intraveineux de virus virulent IGH de chiens inoculés avec une suspension d'hexone purifiée du virus adénotrope A26/61, associé avec la toux des chiens, ont indiqué qu'une contre-défense s'était produite. Tandis que des chiens inoculés avec soit IGH ou des préparations d'hexone A26/61 ont résisté aux tests, quatre chiens témoins soumis pareillement aux tests, sont morts. Deux animaux témoins ont été soumis à des tests par voie souscutanée et ont montré des signes de maladie: chez un de ces chiens, des taux élevés d'enzymes ont suggéré un foie malade. Ces témoins ont tous deux développé une néphrite focale intersitielle tandis que les animaux inoculés sont restés tout à fait normaux. à cause des contre-réactions sérologiques entre les deux souches de virus adénotrope canin, on suggère que le vaccin ICH protégera probablement contre des tests avec la variation A26/61. Zusammenfassung. Intravenǒser Immunitǎtstest mit virulentem IGH Virus von Hunden die mit einer gereinigten Hexon Suspensions von adenotropen Viren A26/61 (mit Hundezwinger Husten in Verbindung gebracht) geimpft wurden, deutete derauf hin dass Kreuzschutz auftrat. Wǎhrend Hunde die mit ICH oder A26/61 Hexon Pràparat geimpft waren den Immunitǎtstest ùberstanden, gingen vier Kontrollhunde die ahnlichen Bedingungen ausgesetztwaren, ein. Zwei Kontrolltiere waren der subkutaner Art ausgesetzt und zeigten Krankheits-anzeichen: in einem liess der hohe Serumspiegal von Enzymen auf Leberschaden deuten. Beide dieser Kontrollhunde entwickelten eine interstitielle Herdnephritis, wǎhrend die geimpften Tiere durchweg nornal blieben. Wegen der seroligischen Kreuzreaktion zwischen den beiden Stàmmen von Hunde-adenotropen Viren, weist man darauf hin dass ICH Vakzin mǒglicherweise gegen Angriffvon der A26/61 Variante schùtzt.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis in kennel dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A field investigation of kennel cough: Efficacy of different treatments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The efficacy of antibiotics, corticosteroids and antitussives in the treatment of kennel cough was investigated in clinical cases in the field, using information recorded on questionnaires distributed to a random sample of veterinary practitioners in the United Kingdom. Analysis of the results demonstrated a statistically significant difference in the duration of coughing between treated and untreated dogs when a trimethoprim-sulphonamide combination, oxytetracycline, ampicillin/amoxycillin, or corticosteroid were administered alone, and when ampicillin/ amoxycillin-corticosteroid or trimethoprim-sulphonamide-corticosteroid combinations were given. The estimated median duration of coughing between treated and untreated animals when a trimethoprim-sulphonamide combination or ampicillin/amoxycillin were administered alone also differed significantly. The most efficacious drug was trimethoprim-sulphonamide, administered alone.  相似文献   

A placebo-controlled field trial was conducted to compare the effectiveness of intranasal (IN) vaccines containing Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine-parainfluenza virus, with (IN-BPA) or without (IN-BP) canine-adenovirus type 2, for prevention of kennel cough at a humane shelter. Dogs were examined on admission to the shelter and those without respiratory signs of disease were assigned daily, on a rotating basis, to receive one of three vaccines. We enrolled 972 healthy dogs. Dogs were monitored for up to 30 days post-vaccination for coughing and other clinical signs of respiratory disease. Thirty-three (10.7%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 7.2%, 14.2%) dogs in the IN-BP group, 36 (10.2%; CI: 7.0%, 13.4%) [corrected] dogs in the IN-BPA group, and 42 (13.5%; CI: 9.7%, 17.3%) [corrected] dogs in the IN-P group coughed spontaneously for > or = 1 day within 30 days of vaccination (P = 0.37). The IN-BP and IN-BPA vaccines were 20.7 and 24.4% effective, respectively, in reducing coughing compared with a placebo vaccine. The strongest prognostic factor for coughing (regardless of vaccine group) was the number of days spent at the shelter, with each additional day increasing the risk of coughing by 3% (95% CI: 1.01, 1.06) [corrected] The low incidence of coughing in the shelter during this study precluded observation of differences in vaccine effectiveness. No differences in vaccine-associated adverse events (coughing, sneezing, nasal or ocular discharge) were noted during the first 3 days post-administration or thereafter.  相似文献   

The clinical and epidemiological features of the first recorded outbreak of canine tracheobronchititis (kennel cough) in Zaria are described. During the outbreak which occurred between October and December 1980, 21 per cent of dogs presented to the Small Animal Clinic were diagnosed clinically as suffering from kennel cough, compared with 0.2 per cent in the preceding year. Bordetella bronchiseptica was among the several microorganisms isolated from affected dogs.  相似文献   

A persistent, spasmic and productive cough known as filarial cough often occurs in dogs with dirofilariosis, and has been considered to be the consequence of an allergic response to Dirofilaria immitis. Twenty-one dogs with filarial cough were subcutaneously injected with worm antigen (200 micrograms of protein concentration) extracted from adult D. immitis once a day for 5 days. These injections were effective for 17 (81%) of the dogs, resulting in a complete cure for 7 dogs and marked improvement for 10 dogs.  相似文献   

Selected aspects pertaining to the cause and pathogenesis of diskospondylitis were investigated in a kennel of 45 Airedale Terriers. Diskospondylitis was detected via spinal radiography in 17 male and 14 female dogs. Bacteria isolated from the coat, vagina, and urine of affected Airedales were not statistically different from those isolated from clinically normal Airedales. Serologic evidence of Brucella canis infection was not detected. There was no difference in response to thyrotropin stimulation tests between affected and clinically normal dogs. Necropsy findings in affected dogs included hypercellular renal glomeruli and pulmonary arterial thrombi.  相似文献   

Sulfaquinoxaline, a coccidiostat readily available to the public, was mixed in the drinking water for this purpose by the owner. Secondary to its use, a bleeding disorder attributable to hypoprothrombinemia developed in several dogs. Clinical signs of bleeding ceased 24 hours after institution of vitamin K1 and discontinuation of sulfaquinoxaline in the drinking water. This report should remind veterinarians that drugs and medications readily available to the public may have adverse effects in animals, and such problems should be investigated whenever multiple dogs in a common setting are affected with the same clinical problem.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether bronchial brushings from dogs with chronic cough have increased numbers of goblet cells and WBCs, compared with numbers for healthy dogs, or have differing WBC populations, compared with populations in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid obtained from dogs with chronic cough. ANIMALS: 9 healthy dogs and 10 dogs with chronic cough. PROCEDURE: Specimens were collected by use of bronchoscopy. Cellular composition was determined for brushings, and results from dogs with chronic cough were compared with those from healthy dogs. Cellular composition of brushings was compared with composition of BAL obtained from dogs with chronic cough. RESULTS: Brushings from healthy dogs contained a median of 2.9 x 10(6) epithelial cells, comprising 100% epithelial cells (96% ciliated, 3% goblet, and 1% other) and no WBCs. Brushings from dogs with chronic cough had 4.5 x 10(6) epithelial cells, comprising 93% epithelial cells (86% ciliated, 2% goblet, and 12% other). Dogs with chronic cough had significantly greater percentages of WBCs (7%) and neutrophils (6%), compared with values for healthy dogs. Five dogs with chronic cough had no neutrophilic inflammation evident in BAL, but 4 of these had evidence of neutrophilic inflammation in brushings. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Neutrophils, but not goblet cells, were increased in brushings from dogs with chronic cough. Analysis of bronchial brushings provides information about airway inflammation that differs from that found by examination of BAL in some dogs with chronic cough and is a more sensitive indicator of airway inflammation than cytologic examination of BAL in these dogs.  相似文献   

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