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Genetic parameters of average daily gain (ADG), metabolic body weight (MWT), body weight at finish (BWF), daily feed intake (DFI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and residual feed intake (RFI) were estimated in 740 Japanese Black bulls. RFI was calculated as the difference between actual and expected feed intake predicted by the residual of multiple regression (RFIphe) and genetic regression (RFIgen) from the multivariate analysis for DFI, MWT, and ADG. The estimations were made for the test periods of 140 days (77 bulls) and 112 days (663 bulls). The mean for RFIphe was close to zero and RFIgen was negative. Most of the traits studied were moderately heritable (ranging from 0.24 to 0.49), except for ADG and FCR (0.20 and 0.15, respectively). The genetic correlations among growth traits (ADG, MWT and BWF) and between DFI and growth traits were high, while the phenotypic correlations between them were moderate to high. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between RFIphe and RFIgen were > 0.95 implying that they are regarded as the same trait and the genetic correlations of RFI (RFIphe and RFIgen) with FCR and DFI were favorably high. RFIphe was phenotypically independent of its component traits, MWT (rp = − 0.01) and ADG (rp = 0.01). RFIgen was genetically independent of MWT (rg = − 0.07), while there was a weak genetic relationship (rg = 0.18) between RFIgen and ADG. These results provide evidence that RFIgen should be included for genetic improvement of feed efficiency in Japanese Black breeding program.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for feed efficiency traits of 740 Wagyu bulls and growth and carcass traits of 591 of their progeny, and the genetic relationship between the traits of bulls and their progeny were estimated with the residual maximum likelihood procedure. The estimations were made for the test periods of 140 days (77 bulls), 112 days (663 bulls) and 364 days (591 steer progeny). Feed efficiency traits of bulls included feed conversion ratio (FCR), phenotypic residual feed intake (RFIphe) and genetic residual feed intake (RFIgen). Progeny traits were bodyweight at the start of the test (BWS), bodyweight at finish (BWF), average daily gain (ADG), rib eye area (REA), marbling score (MSR), dressing percentage (DRS) and subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT). The estimated heritability for MSR (0.52) was high and for BWS (0.35), BWF (0.40) and ADG (0.30) were moderate, whereas REA, DRS and SFT were low. Positive genetic correlations among BWS, BWF, ADG and SFT and negative genetic correlations between MSR and DRS and between REA and SFT were found. The genetic correlations between residual feed intake (RFIphe and RFIgen) of bulls and bodyweights (BWS and BWF) of their progeny ranged from ?0.27 to ?0.61. Residual feed intake was positively correlated with REA and DRS and negatively correlated with MSR and SFT. No responses in ADG and weakly correlated responses in REA and DRS of progeny were found to select against feed efficiency traits of bulls. The present experiment provides evidence that selection against lower RFI (higher feed efficiency) would be better than selection against lower FCR for getting better correlated responses in bodyweights.  相似文献   

The performance test protocol for Japanese Black cattle was revised in April 2002. This resulted in restriction of access to concentrate (based on body weight) and modification of the concentrate's ingredients. Genetic parameters of growth and feed utilization traits of the performance test were estimated using 1304 records using the revised protocol. Residual feed intakes (RFIs) as alternative indicators for feed utilization efficiency were included. (Co)variance components were estimated by EM-REML. Heritabilities for growth traits were between 0.26 and 0.47. Heritabilities for feed intakes and conversions ranged from 0.25 to 0.37 and from 0.03 to 0.29, respectively. Genetic variances and heritabilities were lower for the revised protocol. Highly positive genetic correlations of daily gain (DG) with feed intakes indicated selection on DG is expected to increase feed intake. Selection on feed conversion may lead to higher DG. The heritability estimates for RFIs ranged from 0.10 to 0.33 and were generally higher than corresponding estimates for feed conversion ratios. RFI of TDN showed positive genetic correlations with all feed intakes. The reduction of feed intakes could be expected through selection on the RFI without changing body size. RFIs were considered to be alternative indicators to improve feed utilization efficiency under the new performance test.  相似文献   

Rates of gain and feed efficiency are important traits in most breeding programs for growing farm animals. The rate of gain (GAIN) is usually expressed over a certain age period and feed efficiency is often expressed as residual feed intake (RFI), defined as observed feed intake (FI) minus expected feed intake based on live weight (WGT) and GAIN. However, the basic traits recorded are always WGT and FI and other traits are derived from these basic records. The aim of this study was to develop a procedure for simultaneous analysis of the basic records and then derive linear traits related to feed efficiency without retorting to any approximation. A bivariate longitudinal random regression model was employed on 13,791 individual longitudinal records of WGT and FI from 2,827 bulls of six different beef breeds tested for their own performance in the period from 7 to 13 mo of age. Genetic and permanent environmental covariance functions for curves of WGT and FI were estimated using Gibbs sampling. Genetic and permanent covariance functions for curves of GAIN were estimated from the first derivative of the function for WGT and finally the covariance functions were extended to curves for RFI, based on the conditional distribution of FI given WGT and GAIN. Furthermore, the covariance functions were extended to include GAIN and RFI defined over different periods of the performance test. These periods included the whole test period as normally used when predicting breeding values for GAIN and RFI for beef bulls. Based on the presented method, breeding values and genetic parameters for derived traits such as GAIN and RFI defined longitudinally or integrated over (parts of) of the test period can be obtained from a joint analysis of the basic records. The resulting covariance functions for WGT, FI, GAIN, and RFI are usually singular but the method presented here does not suffer from the estimation problems associated with defining these traits individually before the genetic analysis. All the results are thus estimated simultaneously, and the set of parameters is consistent.  相似文献   

Data on 380 Duroc boars from seven generations, and 1026 Landrace pigs (341 boars and 685 gilts) from six generations were used to estimate genetic parameters for daily gain (DG), backfat thickness (BF), metabolic weight (MWT), daily feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI). Two measures of RFI were estimated as the difference between actual feed intake and that predicted from models that included initial test age and weight and DG (RFI1); and initial test age and weight, DG and BF (RFI2). Heritability estimates for DG, MWT and FI were moderate for both breeds. BF estimates were high for both the breeds. The measures of feed efficiency (FCR and RFI) were moderately heritable. Genetic correlations of BF with measures of RFI were stronger when BF was not included in the estimation of RFI (0.40 and 0.46 for Duroc and Landrace, respectively (for RFI1), compared with 0.05 and 0.06 for Duroc and Landrace, respectively (for RFI2)). Genetic correlations of MWT with measures of RFI were all negative and low. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between DG and measures of RFI were close to zero, which indicated that selection for reduced RFI could be made without adversely affecting DG. BF should also decrease, and MWT should increase under selection for reduced RFI. The reduction in BF would depend on the measure of RFI used.  相似文献   

剩余采食量(RFI)是实际采食量与预测采食量的差值,是衡量肉牛饲料效率的新指标。文章简要介绍了RFI的概念、测定方法、应用RFI的益处,以及影响肉牛RFI的一些生理因素,包括采食量、消化率、体组织代谢、活动量、体温调节等。最后,文章讨论了RFI在肉牛生产实践中的应用。  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for feed intake and performance traits of 514 bulls and carcass traits of 22 099 of their progeny, and the relationships of measures of feed intake with performance and carcass traits were estimated. Feed intake traits were dry matter intake (DMI), concentrate intake (CONI), roughage intake, ratio of roughage intake to DMI, metabolizable energy intake (MEI) and digestible crude protein intake (DCPI). Performance traits included daily gain, metabolic weight, live weight at the end of test, dry matter conversion ratio and residual feed intake. Progeny carcass traits were carcass weight, percentage of meat yield, rib eye area (REA), subcutaneous fat, marbling score, meat colour (MCS), fat colour (FCS) and meat quality grade. All the feed intake and performance traits were moderately heritable. The heritabilities for REA and MCS were moderate, and that for FCS was low, while those for the other carcass traits were high. Selection against DMI, CONI and DCPI would reduce excessive intake of feed, but would have undesirable effects on growth and most of the carcass traits. Selection against MEI would lead to improvements in feed efficiency and growth traits. Selection against DCPI would also improve feed efficiency; however, responses in growth traits would decrease. Results indicate that selection against MEI might be better than any other measures of feed intake to improve feed efficiency with simultaneous improvement in growth and most of the carcass traits.  相似文献   

Performance test results of 3250 sire candidates were used to estimate the genetic parameters of growth and feed utilization traits in Japanese Black cattle. Growth traits analyzed were six body measurements at the end of the performance test and daily gain (DG) during the test. Feed utilization traits were intakes and conversions of concentrate, roughage, digestible crude protein and total digestible nutrient (TDN). Genetic (co)variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood procedure using an expectation maximization algorithm under the two‐trait animal model. Heritabilities for growth traits ranged from 0.40 to 0.70 and for feed utilization traits from 0.21 to 0.74. Genetic correlations of DG were positive with feed intake (0.15–0.77) and negative with feed conversions (?0.63 to ?0.30). These relationships indicate that the selection based on DG improves feed efficiency but it simultaneously increases feed intake. Feed conversions showed genetic correlations ranging from ?0.09 to 0.03 with total available energy consumption, TDN intake. Thus the results suggested that feed conversions were not efficient selection criteria to decrease TDN intake and to improve comprehensive feed utilization ability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between easily measured, potential physiological and physical indicators of feed efficiency including metabolic hormones, metabolites, ultrasonic muscle and fat measures with performance and efficiency traits in performance tested pedigree beef bulls (n = 302; initial bodyweight 493 (SD = 64) kg). Animals were offered a high energy concentrate ad libitum plus 1.5 kg fresh weight grass hay daily and individual feed intake was measured for 70 days. Blood samples were collected by coccygeal venipuncture at the start and end of the performance test period and analysed for plasma concentrations of IGF-I, insulin, leptin and various metabolites. Similarly, ultrasonic muscle and fat depths were measured at the start and end of the test period. Residual feed intake (RFI) was computed for each animal as the residuals from a multiple regression model regressing dry matter intake (DMI) on average daily gain (ADG) and mid-test BW0.75 (MWT). Overall ADG, DMI, feed:gain (F:G) and RFI were 1.91 (SD = 0.29), 10.10 (SD = 1.31), 5.37 (SD = 0.84) and 0.00 (SD = 0.78), respectively. Residual feed intake was strongly correlated with DMI (r = 0.67) and moderately correlated with F:G (r = 0.40). Moderate positive correlations ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 were estimated between ultrasonic measures of final fat and muscle depth and their respective gains over the test period with DMI, ADG and RFI. There was no evidence of a strong association between any of the plasma analytes measured and RFI at either sampling times. However, end of test insulin was negatively correlated (r = − 0.14) with RFI. Final IGF-I concentration was negatively associated with DMI (r = − 0.14) and F:G (r = − 0.15). End of test circulating leptin concentration was positively correlated with DMI (r = 0.14) and F:G (r = 0.15). Plasma glucose concentration at the end of test was negatively related to DMI (r = − 0.21) and F:G (r = − 0.21). A positive relationship was observed between end of test plasma urea concentration and DMI (r = 0.30). Overall, the correlation coefficient estimates between the potential blood markers and measures of intake, performance and efficiency were weak and generally not different from zero. This suggests that it is unlikely that measurement of these metabolic indicators, per se, will be useful in the early identification of feed efficient animals.  相似文献   

Breeding strategies based on feed efficiency are now implemented in most animal species using residual feed intake (RFI) criteria. Although relevant, the correlated responses of feeding behaviour traits resulting from such selection on RFI are poorly documented. We report the estimated feeding behaviour at three time levels (visit, meal and day) and genetic parameters between the feeding behaviour traits and their links with RFI and its components. Feed intake, feeding duration at three time levels (per visit, meal and day), feeding rate, number of visits and time‐between‐visits were estimated for 951 Romane lambs fed via automatic concentrate feeders. Heritability estimates of feeding behaviour traits ranged from 0.19 to 0.54 with higher estimates for the day level than the visit level. Daily feed intake was not genetically linked to feed intake at the visit level, whereas feeding duration between visit and day levels was moderately correlated (Rg = +0.41 ± 0.12). RFI was not significantly correlated with feeding rate, but was positively linked to feed intake and feeding duration at the day level (+0.73 ± 0.09 and +0.41 ± 0.13, respectively) and negatively at the visit level (?0.33 ± 0.14 and ?0.22 ± 0.17, respectively). Selecting animals with lower RFI values might modify their feeding behaviour by increasing feed intake and feeding duration at the visit level but decrease the number of visits per day (+0.51 ± 0.14).  相似文献   

Comparing heat production after ad libitum (ADLIB) and restricted (RESTRICT) feeding periods may offer insight into how residual feed intake (RFI) groups change their energy requirements based on previous feeding levels. In this study, the authors sought to explain the efficiency changes of high- and low-RFI steers after feed restriction. To determine RFI classification, 56 Angus-cross steers with initial body weight (BW) of 350 ± 28.7 kg were individually housed, offered ad libitum access to a total mixed ration, and daily intakes were recorded for 56 d. RFI was defined as the residual of the regression of dry matter intake on mid-test BW0.75 and average daily gain. High- and low-RFI groups were defined as >0.5 SD above or below the mean of zero, respectively. Fourteen steers from each high and low groups (n = 28) were selected for the subsequent 56-d RESTRICT period. During the RESTRICT period, intake was restricted to 75% of previous ad libitum intake on a BW0.75 basis, and all other conditions remained constant. After the RESTRICT period, both RFI groups had decreased maintenance energy requirements. However, the low-RFI group decreased maintenance energy requirements by 32% on a BW0.75 basis, more (P < 0.05) than the high-RFI group decreased maintenance requirements (18%). Thus, the low-RFI steers remained more efficient after a period of feed restriction. We conclude that feed restriction decreases maintenance energy requirement in both high- and low-RFI groups that are restricted to the same degree.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to compare feed cost, palatability and environmental impacts among feeding systems of high concentrate (HC), high hay (HH) and grass‐only‐fed (Gof) groups. Feed cost was the sum of costs paid for feed intake times the price of feed per kilogram. Palatability was measured by a panel taste test using HH and Gof beef and analyzed for differences. Environmental impacts were calculated based on 1 kg of Japanese beef yield of CO2 equivalents (eq) and animal end weights at each feeding stage. Results showed that the HH and Gof feeding systems could significantly reduce feed costs by approximately 60% and 78%, respectively, from the HC. In the panel taste test, 50% and 47.50% of panelists indicated that HH beef was ‘extremely delicious’ and ‘acceptable,’ respectively, while 15% indicated that Gof beef was ‘extremely delicious’; 62.50% indicated that Gof beef was ‘acceptable.’ Environmental impacts of each feeding system in terms of CO2 equivalents (eq) were 9.32, 6.10 and 2.04 tonnes of eq for the HC, HH and Gof, respectively. The HH was an economical system that produced moderate impacts on the environment and had impressive taste.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the utilisation of the residual feed intake (RFI ) as a feed efficiency selection tool and its relationship with methane emissions. Eighteen Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis ) heifers were fed ad libitum with total mixed ration (TMR ) for 120 days. Based on linear regression models involving dry matter intake (DMI ), average daily gain (ADG ) and mid‐test metabolic body size (MBW 0.75), heifers were assigned into low and high RFI groups. The RFI varied from ?0.09 to +0.12 kg DM /day with average RFI of ?0.05 and 0.05 kg DM /day in low and high RFI heifers respectively. Low RFI heifers ate 11.6% less DM each day, yet average daily gain (ADG ) and feed utilisation were comparable among low and high RFI groups. Low RFI heifers required significantly (< .05) less metabolizable energy for maintenance (ME m) compared to high RFI heifers. Apparent nutrient digestibility showed non‐significant difference (p >  .05) among low and high RFI groups. Although the nitrogen balance was similar among heifers of low and high RFI groups, nitrogen metabolism was significantly higher (> .05) in high RFI heifers. Comparison of data from heifers exhibiting the low (n  = 9) and high (n  = 9) RFI showed that the low RFI heifers have lower enteric methane production and methane losses than high RFI heifers. In conclusion, results of this study revealed that selection of more efficient buffalo heifers has multiple benefits, such as decreased feed intake and less emission of methane.  相似文献   

Data were collected in the course of a divergent selection experiment for residual feed intake (RFI) of Large White growing pigs. This data set was used to estimate (i) heritability for RFI and genetic correlations of RFI with growth and carcass traits within the three sexes (male, castrate and female) and (ii) genetic correlations between sexes for these traits. Individual feed intake of animals raised in collective pens was measured by single-place electronic feeders on 1121 males (candidates for selection), 508 females and 535 castrates (sibs of candidates). Variance components were estimated using the REML methodology applied to a multitrait animal model. Estimates of heritability for RFI were 0.16 ± 0.04, 0.16 ± 0.08 and 0.23 ± 0.10 for males, females and castrates, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between sexes for homologous traits were not significantly different from 1 (0.88 to 0.99 for RFI, 0.79 to 0.99 for growth traits and 0.65 to 0.99 for carcass composition traits). The relatively low genetic correlations between castrates and males or females for backfat thickness (0.65 and 0.69, respectively) suggest the presence of genotype by sex interactions for this trait.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to clarify how early high plane of nutrition related to metabolic imprinting affected growth, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of grass-fed Wagyu (Japanese Black cattle). Wagyu steers were allocated randomly into 2 dietary groups: (1) steers fed milk replacer (crude protein 26.0%, crude fat 25.5%; maximum intake 0.6 kg/d) until 3 mo of age and then fed roughage (orchard grass hay) ad libitum from 4 to 10 mo of age (roughage group, RG; n = 11); (2) steers fed milk replacer (maximum intake of 1.8 kg/d) until 3 mo of age and then fed a high-concentrate diet from 4 to 10 mo of age (early high nutrition, EHN; n = 12). After 11 mo of age, all steers were fed roughage ad libitum until 31 mo of age and then slaughtered. Growth performance, carcass traits, longissimus muscle (LM) meat quality and intramuscular fat (IMF) content, plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentration, and bone mineral density were measured. Body weight was greater in EHN steers (571 kg) than RG steers (520 kg; P < 0.01). Plasma IGF-I levels were higher in EHN steers than in RG steers at 3, 10, and 14 mo of age (P < 0.01, P < 0.005, P < 0.001, respectively); however, plasma IGF-I levels were lower in EHN steers compared with RG steers at 30 mo of age (P < 0.01). The total weight of the muscles and bones of the left half of the carcass was not different between the 2 groups (P = 0.065). Five of the 19 muscles investigated (semimembranosus, P = 0.036; infraspinatus, P = 0.024; supraspinatus, P = 0.0019; serratus ventralis cervicis, P = 0.032; serratus ventralis thoracis, P = 0.027) were heavier in EHN steers. Total fat weight in the left half of the carcass was 30% greater (P = 0.025) in HNE carcasses. Subcutaneous and perirenal fat weights were 53% and 84% greater (P = 0.008, P = 0.002, respectively) in EHN carcasses. The LM IMF content was greater in EHN loins (13.2%) compared with RG loins (9.4%) at 31 mo of age (P = 0.038); however, no differences were found for shear force, tenderness, and cook loss. These results suggested early high-nutrition affected the growth and meat quality of livestock.  相似文献   

Mutton and lamb sales continue to grow globally at a rate of 5% per year. However, sheep farming struggles with low profit margins due to high feed costs and modest carcass yields. Selecting those sheep expected to convert feed efficiently and have high carcass merit, as early as possible in their life cycle, could significantly improve the profitability of sheep farming. Unfortunately, direct measurement of feed conversion efficiency (via residual feed intake [RFI]) and carcass merit is a labor-intensive and expensive procedure. Thus, indirect, marker-assisted evaluation of these traits has been explored as a means of reducing the cost of its direct measurement. One promising and potentially inexpensive route to discover biomarkers of RFI and/or carcass merit is metabolomics. Using quantitative metabolomics, we profiled the blood serum metabolome (i.e., the sum of all measurable metabolites) associated with sheep RFI and carcass merit and identified candidate biomarkers of these traits. The study included 165 crossbred ram-lambs that underwent direct measurement of feed consumption to determine their RFI classification (i.e., low vs. high) using the GrowSafe System over a period 40 d. Carcass merit was evaluated after slaughter using standardized methods. Prior to being sent to slaughter, one blood sample was drawn from each animal, and serum prepared and frozen at −80 °C to limit metabolite degradation. A subset of the serum samples was selected based on divergent RFI and carcass quality for further metabolomic analyses. The analyses were conducted using three analytical methods (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, and inductively coupled mass spectrometry), which permitted the identification and quantification of 161 unique metabolites. Biomarker analyses identified three significant (P < 0.05) candidate biomarkers of sheep RFI (AUC = 0.80), seven candidate biomarkers of carcass yield grade (AUC = 0.77), and one candidate biomarker of carcass muscle-to-bone ratio (AUC = 0.74). The identified biomarkers appear to have roles in regulating energy metabolism and protein synthesis. These results suggest that serum metabolites could be used to categorize and predict sheep for their RFI and carcass merit. Further validation using a larger (3×) and more diverse cohort of sheep is required to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Discovery of epigenetic modifications associated with feed efficiency or other economically important traits would increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these traits. In combination with known genetic markers, this would provide opportunity to improve genomic selection accuracy in cattle breeding programs. It would also allow cattle to be managed to improve favorable gene expression. The objective of this study was to identify variation in DNA methylation between beef cattle of differential pre-natal nutrition and divergent genetic potential for residual feed intake (RFI). Purebred Angus offspring with the genetic potential for either high (HRFI) or low (LRFI) RFI were prenatally exposed to either a restricted maternal diet of 0.5 kg/d average daily gain (ADG) or a moderate maternal diet of 0.7 kg/d ADG from 30 to 150 d of gestation. We performed DNA methylation analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMR) of imprinted genes (Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) DMR2, IGF2/H19 imprinting control region (ICR) and IGF2 receptor (IGF2R) DMR2) using post-natal samples of longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle taken from male and female calves at birth and weaning, and of LD muscle, semimembranosus (SM) muscle, and liver samples collected from steers at slaughter (17 months of age). Interestingly, for all three DMR investigated in liver, LRFI steers had higher levels of methylation than HRFI steers. In LD muscle, IGF2/H19 ICR methylation differences for heifers at birth were due to pre-natal diet, while for steers at birth they were mostly the result of genetic potential for RFI with LRFI steers again having higher levels of methylation than HRFI steers. While results from repeated measures analysis of DNA methylation in steers grouped by RFI revealed few differences, in steers grouped by diet, we found higher methylation levels of IGF2 DMR2 and IGF2R DMR2 in LD muscle of restricted diet steers at weaning and slaughter than at birth, as well as increased methylation in LD muscle of restricted diet steers compared with moderate diet steers at weaning and/or slaughter. Our results suggest that differential pre-natal nutrition, and divergent genetic potential for RFI, induces tissue- and sex-specific alterations in post-natal IGF2 and IGF2R methylation patterns and that these patterns can vary with age in Angus beef cattle.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to estimate genetic parameters for several feeding behavior traits in growing cattle, as well as the genetic associations among and between feeding behavior and both performance and feed efficiency traits. An additional objective was to investigate the use of feeding behavior traits as predictors of genetic merit for feed intake. Feed intake and live-weight data on 6,088 growing cattle were used of which 4,672 had ultrasound data and 1,548 had feeding behavior data. Feeding behavior traits were defined based on individual feed events or meal events (where individual feed events were grouped into meals). Univariate and bivariate animal linear mixed models were used to estimate (co)variance components. Heritability estimates (± SE) for the feeding behavior traits ranged from 0.19 ± 0.08 for meals per day to 0.61 ± 0.10 for feeding time per day. The coefficient of genetic variation per trait varied from 5% for meals per day to 22% for the duration of each feed event. Genetically heavier cattle, those with a higher daily energy intake (MEI), or those that grew faster had a faster feeding rate, as well as a greater energy intake per feed event and per meal. Better daily feed efficiency (i.e., lower residual energy intake) was genetically associated with both a shorter feeding time per day and shorter meal time per day. In a validation population of 321 steers and heifers, the ability of estimated breeding values (EBV) for MEI to predict (adjusted) phenotypic MEI was demonstrated; EBVs for MEI were estimated using multi-trait models with different sets of predictor traits such as liveweight and/or feeding behaviors. The correlation (± SE) between phenotypic MEI and EBV for MEI marginally improved (P < 0.001) from 0.64 ± 0.03 to 0.68 ± 0.03 when feeding behavior phenotypes from the validation population were included in a genetic evaluation that already included phenotypic mid-test metabolic live-weight from the validation population. This is one of the largest studies demonstrating that significant exploitable genetic variation exists in the feeding behavior of young crossbred growing cattle; such feeding behavior traits are also genetically correlated with several performance and feed efficiency metrics. Nonetheless, there was only a marginal benefit to the inclusion of time-related feeding behavior phenotypes in a genetic evaluation for MEI to improve the precision of the EBVs for this trait.  相似文献   

Twenty growing crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo (carabao) with an average age of 22 (18–24 months) months were equally distributed into two treatment groups according to species. The animals were fed with the same ration made up of corn silage (50%) + wet brewer's spent grain (30%) + concentrate mixture (20%), and their fattening performance was monitored. The digestibilities of the different nutrients were likewise determined. The economics of raising the animals under intensive production system was calculated. Species differences did not influence total dry matter intake of the animals, when expressed as percentage of the bodyweight and per metabolic body size. There were no significant differences in digestion coefficients of the different nutrients, except for crude protein in crossbred water buffalo and crossbred cattle, although the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and nitrogen free extract tended to be high in the former than in the latter. Likewise, average daily gain (ADG) was similar, although crossbred water buffalo had numerically higher ADG (828.6 vs 785.5 g) than crossbred cattle during the 6 months feeding. During the first 3 months of feeding (1–90 days), the ADG of crossbred water buffalo was 1066.1 g compared to 940.1 g for crossbred cattle. From 91 to 180 days, the crossbred cattle had slightly higher ADG (630.1 vs 591.1 g) but also the difference was not significant. The return above feed cost was comparable for crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo during the first 90 days of feeding. However, extending the feeding period from 91 to 180 days , income over feed cost was higher (P < 0.05) for crossbred cattle by PhP 5.3/kg gain than crossbred water buffalo. Results showed that crossbred water buffalo could attain similar growth rate with that of crossbred cattle under intensive system, when fed with high quality feed materials.  相似文献   

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