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Information about the effect of the preceding crop or crop combination on the seed yield of oil-seed rape is extremely scarce. Experiments were carried out in northwest Germany to investigate the effect of different preceding crops on the growth, seed yield and yield components of oil-seed rape. The two directly preceding crops, wheat and oil-seed rape, had only a negligible and non-significant effect on the seed yield of the following oil-seed rape crop. Oil-seed rape grown after wheat had more pods per plant, due to an increase in the number of pods on the higher category branches. In contrast, the seed yield and yield components were more affected by the cropping sequence, i.e. the crops 2 years before. Averaged over two experimental years, the greatest yields were observed in oil-seed rape following the sequence peas-wheat (694 g m −2), whereas the smallest seed yield occurred after 2 years of oil-seed rape cropping (371 g m −2). The differences in the seed yield were again associated with more pods per plant, which compensated for the lower number of plants m −2, whereas the number of seeds per pod and the mean seed weight were almost unaffected by the previous cropping. It was not possible to relate the described differences to the crop development, since differences in the biomass caused by the previous cropping were only significant at maturity. Oil-seed rape grown after 2 years of oil-seed rape had the highest ratings of stem canker ( Leptosphaeria maculans) as well as verticillium wilt ( Verticillium dahliae). But the general level of the diseases was low, and therefore other causes for the effects described must be considered. 相似文献
In rape ( Brassica napus L., cv. Global) seed growth mainly depends on husk CO 2 assimilation. In irrigated plants, the net photosynthetic rate ( Amax) was 10–13 μmol CO 2 m −2 s −1 in non-maturing pods and correlated with nitrogen content. The stomatal conductance of water vapour ( gH2O) was 0.3 mol m −2 s −1 in non-maturing pods. The photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was 8.3 μmol CO 2g −1 N s −1, about one-third of that in leaves. The photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE; AmaxgH2O−1) was similar in pods and leaves. In severely droughted plants, the photosynthetic rate was reduced to 38%. The seed growth rate, however, was not influenced by intermittent periods of water stress, indicating translocation of assimilates to the seeds. The drought resistant character of the pods was due to low specific area, succulence, low stomatal conductance causing a small decrease of ΔΨ day −1 during soil drying and maintenance of high relative water content during severe drought. A mathematical formulation of the pod water release curve was undertaken. © (1997) Elsevier Science B.V. 相似文献
Volunteer plants of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) from persistent seeds in soil can affect subsequent crops. Apart from the agricultural disadvantages, the environment and the marketing of the seeds may also be affected, particularly if plants with special ingredients or genetically modified (gm) plants are grown. In order to investigate the influence of soil cultivation and genotype on seed persistence and gene flow via volunteers, a field experiment was set up testing four tillage treatments and two cultivars in a split-plot design. The cultivars tested were near-isogenic to two gm cultivars. To simulate harvesting losses, 10 000 seeds m −2 were broadcast on a soil in July. The subsequent tillage treatments were combinations of immediate or delayed stubble tillage by a rotary tiller, primary tillage with plough or cultivator, or zero tillage. Over the following year, the fate of the seeds was determined. Immediate stubble tillage with following cultivator or plough resulted in 586 resp. 246 seeds m −2 in the soil seed bank. After delayed stubble tillage with following plough, 76 seeds m −2 were found, and no soil seed bank was built up in the zero tillage treatment. Nevertheless, in the zero tillage treatment, several robust volunteer plants survived the herbicide application before the direct drilling in autumn until following spring. In the zero tillage treatment and in the cultivator treatment, 0.19 volunteers m −2 resp. 0.06 volunteers m −2 flowered simultaneously to ordinarily sown oilseed rape in the following crop of winter wheat and produced 73 resp. 18 seeds m −2. Delayed stubble tillage reduced the risk of gene escape via the soil seed bank, while zero tillage resulted in the highest risk of gene escape by pollen and by production of a new generation of seeds. In terms of a labelling threshold for gm food this number of seeds would be below the threshold of 0.9% of transgenic parts in conventially bred food or feed. 相似文献
A better understanding of crop growth and nutrient uptake responses to the depth of fertilizer banded-placement in the soil is needed if growth and nutrient uptake responses are to be maximized. A two-year field study covering two rape seasons (2010–2011 and 2011–2012) was conducted to examine the effect of banded-placement of N–P–K fertilizer at various depths on growth, nutrient uptake and yield of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.). The results showed that fertilization at 10 cm and 15 cm soil depth produced greater taproot length and dry weight than fertilization at 0 cm and 5 cm. 0 cm and 5 cm deep fertilization significantly increased the lateral root distribution at 0–5 cm soil depth, while 10 cm and 15 cm deep fertilization induced more lateral root proliferation at 5–15 cm soil depth. At 36 days after sowing (DAS), 5 cm deep fertilization produced better aboveground growth and nutrient uptake than 10 cm and 15 cm deep fertilization. However, reversed results were observed after 36 DAS. 10 cm and 15 cm deep fertilization produced more rapeseed than 0 cm and 5 cm deep fertilization, moreover, the yield difference was more significant in drought season (2010–2011) than in relatively normal season (2011–2012). In summary, these results preliminarily suggest that both 10 cm and 15 cm are relatively proper fertilizer placement depth when the practice of banding fertilizer is used in oilseed rape production. But from the viewpoint of diminishing the production cost, 10 cm deep fertilization should be recommended in actual farming. Because 15 cm deep fertilization may require higher mechanical power input, and thus resulting in higher cost of production. 相似文献
Successful castor ( Ricinus communis L.) cropping in Greece depends on the yielding ability and yield stability of the cultivars (hybrids or inbreds) as well as the reliability of production systems. The adaptation and yielding ability of 19 modern castor oil genotypes were studied for 3 years in two sites of Northern Greece. Genotypes combining high seed and oil yield and desirable morphological characteristics were tested for 2 or 3 years, whereas the rest were tested for 1 year only. The growing period in both locations was long enough for ripening the first raceme and a number of secondary racemes depending on the genotypes. The plant height was dependent mainly on the genotypes but also was affected by the site and the year of the experimentation and ranged from 79 to 278 cm. The seed yield varied between 2.5 and 5.0 Mg ha −1, values that are among the highest reported in the literature. The seed yield was higher in the site where plants produced and ripened more secondary racemes. The seed oil content was dependent mainly on the genotype and ranged from 44.5 to 54.2%. The oil yield followed the changes in seed yield. The variation in seed yield between years was low and in most genotypes less than 20%. Results indicate that the castor oil crop was satisfactorily adapted in the area. 相似文献
Measurements of canopy reflectance may provide a fast and non-destructive tool for monitoring canopy properties in precision agriculture. A substantial gain for practical use may be achieved by further developing multi-spectral and -temporal techniques of canopy reflectance analyses in order to combine several applications like site-specific fertilizer application, disease control, and prediction of harvesting date or yield forecast, in future. For this purpose, seasonal courses of canopy properties and vegetation indices of winter oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L. cv. ‘Lirajet’) and spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. ‘Barke’) were investigated simultaneously in 3-year field experiments from 2002 to 2005. Canopy properties like shoot fresh matter, shoot dry matter, shoot-N content and shoot water content of both crops were related to traditional vegetation indices of the visual (VIS) and the near infra-red (NIR) spectral bands. Typically, closer relationships between canopy characteristics and vegetation indices were found at higher wavelength bands. The index R850 introduced here for the first time allows predicting quantitative growth properties directly at the field level. The results of the current study show that the use of vegetation indices of the NIR and its determination over the entire growth period will substantially improve the application of canopy reflectance measurements in agriculture. 相似文献
Prolonged imbibition under conditions of water stress or oxygen deficiency can lead to the induction of secondary dormancy in rape seeds. During imbibition in darkness seeds develop light sensitivity. The percentage of seeds not germinating in the dark depends on various factors prevailing during and after the stress treatment, as well as on the intrinsic susceptibility of the seeds to these factors. In experiments on the effect of water stress it was found that the percentage of secondary dormant seeds could be increased in the range of 0–75%, by greater water suction and duration of imbibition of the seeds. Additionally, there were indications that increasing treatment temperature resulted in increasing percentages of dormant seeds. However, fewer secondary dormant seeds were produced when treatment temperature and test temperature differed greatly from each other. Experiments on the effect of oxygen deficiency also revealed a positive effect of treatment duration. The general degree of dormancy induction, however, in this series of experiments was low. At 20 °C almost no dormancy induction was observed, whilst at 12 °C there were between 0 and 30% dormant seeds. Genotypic differences previously assessed in model experiments with buried seeds were confirmed in both studies. Oilseed rape cultivars Bienvenu and Liglandor were shown to be able to build up high percentages of secondary dormant seeds, whereas cultivars Jet Neuf and Falcon had a rather low susceptibility towards the dormancy imposing factors tested. Cultivar Rubin was intermediate in response. There was often much variation between experiments with the same experimental design. The reasons for this are unclear. 相似文献
Oilseed rape suffers from serious waterlogging in many regions of the world limiting the cultivation area for rapeseed. Due to the man‐induced climate change, the risk of severe waterlogging events and associated therewith the damage of rapeseed plants will increase, even in Europe and North America. To investigate the effects of waterlogging on growth, yield and seed quality, rapeseed was cultivated throughout its vegetation period and waterlogged for 14 days at two different growth stages: at stem elongation (BBCH 31) or at floral bud appearance (BBCH 55). The experiments revealed that waterlogging at BBCH 31 affected plant growth and nutrient accumulation and finally resulted in lower yields. Waterlogging at BBCH 55 seriously impaired main racemes, but due to an increased production of secondary racemes, yield losses were lower than after waterlogging at BBCH 31. Oil quality was not affected by any waterlogging treatment under the chosen experimental conditions. 相似文献
Summary We had previously found differences for seed yield among nine perennial ryegrass cultivars which were not associated with variation for seed weight. To detect the physiological basis of these genetic differences for seed yield, growth analyses were carried out. We related crop development and components of seed yield to seed yield during three years on clay and sandy soil. No significant differences occurred among cultivars for accumulation and partitioning of dry matter or the pattern of tiller production. Seed yield of the cultivars was not associated with ear number or total dry matter yield of the seed crop. Seed yield was more correlated with the number of seeds per unit area than with seed weight. The number of seeds as calculated after harvest from seed yield and seed weight was much lower than the number of seeds as estimated prior to harvest from seed yield components. The number of spikelets differed significantly among the cultivars, but the ranking was different from that for seed yield. The physiological basis of the genetic differences for seed yield is not clear. Implications for breeding perennial ryegrass are discussed. 相似文献
This paper reviews current knowledge regarding the influence of plant density on the growth and yield of the faba bean crop ( Vicia faba L.). An analysis is also made of sowing rate and other factors that may modify optimum plant density, including environmental conditions; in this sense, should be made a differentiation between faba crops grown in temperate conditions and those grown in Mediterranean and semi-arid conditions. The genotype also prompts variations in optimum plant density, depending on the botanical type ( mayor, equina or minor) and the growth habit (determinate versus indeterminate) of the cultivar selected. Sowing date also influences optimum seeding rate, which is lower for autumn–winter sowing under temperate and Mediterranean conditions and increases as the sowing date is delayed. For the spring-sown crops typical of temperate conditions, optimum plant density will be higher due to the shorter growing season. With a longer growing season and under optimum environmental conditions, there is normally no additional response to densities over 20 plants m −2, while in suboptimal conditions, optimum plant density may increase to over 60 plants m −2. Although the faba bean crop displays considerable plasticity in response to variations in plant density, mainly with regard to number of pods per square meter, it is not wholly clear to which component of yield this should really be ascribed. Number of stems per plant appears to be the most influential factor, although further research is required to confirm this. 相似文献
To determine the effect of different preceding crops and crop rotations on the grain yield of oil-seed rape, a long-term rotation experiment was conducted at the Hohenschulen experimental station in Kiel, NW Germany. Additional factors included the nitrogen fertilization and the fungicide application. The results reported herein are based upon the harvest years 1988 to 1993. Averaged over the different rotations and husbandry treatments, the grain yields in the 6 experimental years varied between 2.71 t ha ?1 and 3.99 t ha ?1. In contrast, the effect of the different husbandry treatments was smaller and non significant. Averaged over 6 years, only the fungicide application caused small yield increase of 0.2 t ha ?1. The highest grain yields of 3.77 t ha ?1 or 3.65 t ha ?1 occurred when oil-seed rape was directly following peas. Low yields between 3.15 tha ?1 and 3.33 tha ?1 were obtained when oil-seed rape was grown after oilseed rape. The lowest grain yield of 3.13 t ha ?1 was produced with oil-seed rape grown in monoculture only. In rotations with oil-seed rape following a preceding cereal crop (wheat or barley), the grain yields averaged between 3.22 tha ?1 in a two course rotation and up to 3.44 tha ?1 in a four course rotation. In general, the yields of oil-seed rape increase with the length of the rotation and the length of the break between two oilseed rape crops. The yield component number of seeds per m 2 was affected by the previous cropping accordingly, whereas the thousand seed weight did not respond to the cropping history. Based upon disease assessments in the first years of this experiment, we argue that an increase in the incidence of fungal diseases has considerably contributed to the yield decrease of oil-seed rape in short rotations. 相似文献
实际生产中氮钾肥投入不平衡严重限制了氮肥肥效及作物的产量潜力。为了探明不同施氮量下钾肥施用对油菜产量及氮素利用的影响,于2016—2017年及2017—2018年在湖北省武穴市开展连续2年的田间试验,采用氮钾两因素完全试验设计,设氮0、90、180、270 kg N hm-2和钾0、60、120、180 kg K2O hm-2各4个水平。在油菜成熟期取样测定产量、地上部氮钾积累量以及氮肥利用率。结果表明,在钾供应不足时(K0和K60),冬油菜施用氮肥的平均增产率为113.7%,而在钾供应充足的条件下(K120和K180),施用氮肥的平均增产率高达172.9%;与K0处理相比, K120处理冬油菜氮肥回收利用率平均提高了16.6%,继续增施钾肥对不同施氮量下冬油菜氮肥回收利用率的进一步提高无显著影响;达到区域平均产量时,钾供应充足较低钾(K60)投入平均降低33.9%的氮肥用量。综上所述,氮钾配施显著提高了冬油菜产量和氮肥利用率,在冬油菜实际生产中除了重视氮肥施用外,应增加钾肥投入,通过优化氮钾肥配施比例可进一步提高油菜产量,实现冬油菜高产和养分高效。 相似文献
Low-input management for wheat production (less fungicide, low nitrogen rate) could affect grain protein content. The impact of the previous crop could also be a determining factor for wheat quality. A long-term field experiment located near Toulouse (southwestern France), comparing different rotations and management schemes from 1984 to 1993, was used to assess the effect of N availability and diseases on grain nitrogen concentration (GNC) of wheat. GNC ranged from 1.6 to 2.8%, increasing with the input level in 5 years out of 10, as the result of higher nitrogen levels and crop protection with fungicides. Leaf brown rust, high temperatures and water shortage, which affected dry matter accumulation during grain filling, were responsible for high GNC. GNC was generally correlated with N uptake when nitrogen availability was the main limiting factor and to the nitrogen harvest index (NHI) when foliar diseases or drought limited grain production. N uptake in the absence of N fertiliser ranged from 20 to 200 kg ha −1 depending on the previous crop. GNC was closely related to the nitrogen nutrition index (NNI) at anthesis. 相似文献
Summary Five genotypes of rapeseed were observed in the field on a single plant and plot basis to evaluate growth characteristics, yield, yield components and seed quality. Observations were made in two years at two locations on three seeding date and three seeding rate treatments. Correlation of seed yield with growth characters demonstrated no consistent trend, indicating that an early maturity and high seed yield should be possible. Harvest index was strongly correlated with seed yield. Percent seed oil and protein were not directly related to seed yield. 相似文献
With the purpose of enhancing oil production, the present work was carried out to elucidate relationships between photosynthesis of leaves, siliques and seeds yield and seeds oil accumulation of oilseed rape. Field trials, in which two repeated experiments was carried out during 2012–2014 growth season, a rape hybrids the “Qin You No.7” ( Brassica napus L.) variety was taken into account. The results showed that, on rape plant the photosynthetic capacity and chlorophyll a, b, carotenoid contents of leaf were significantly higher than that of silique shell. Oil content of 94.7% was achieved in young seeds (sampled at 25th day after flowering ending stage of the tested rape plant) versus to mature seeds, saturated fatty acids percent was higher whereas oleic acid percent was lower of oil extracted from young seeds. During flowering period of the rape plants tested, area and dry weight of leaves attained maximum, treatments of removing leaves induced reduction in seeds number per silique, siliques number, seeds yield per plant and seeds oil content, these indexes were respectively decreased by 73.6%, 43.4%, 83.4% and 10.5% in maximum, and seeds oil composition was not significantly influenced; during seeds growing period of the tested plants, surface area and dry weight of siliques attained maximum, under shading siliques treatment, the 1000-seed weight, seeds yield per plant and seeds oil content were respectively reduced by 57.5%, 61.4% and 44.7% in maximum, and seeds oil oleic acid (C18:1) and linolenic acid (C18:3) percent was decreased, linolic acid (C18:2) and erucidic acid (C22:1) percent was increased. So for oilseed rape plant during flowering period, surface area and photosynthesis of leaves dramatically influenced siliques number, seeds number and seeds yield; while in seeds growth period, surface area and photosynthesis of siliques greatly influenced 1000-seed yield, seeds yield, seeds oil content and oil composition; oil accumulation in rape seeds initiated early since seeds commencing growth, seed mature degree influenced oil composition of seeds. 相似文献
The residual effect of 2-year-old swards of clover-ryegrass mixture and ryegrass in monoculture on yield and N uptake in a subsequent winter wheat crop was investigated by use of the 15N dilution method and by mathematical modelling. The amount of N in the wheat crop, derived from clover-ryegrass residues was 25–43% greater than that derived from residues of ryegrass which had been growing in monoculture. Expressed in absolute values, the N uptake in the subsequent winter wheat crop was 23–28 kg N ha −1 greater after clover-ryegrass mixture than after ryegrass in monoculture. Up to about 54 kg N ha −1 of the N mineralised from the clover-ryegrass crop was calculated to be leached, whereas only 11 kg N ha −1 was leached following ryegrass in monoculture. 相似文献
In pot experiments under controlled conditions we investigated the effects of water stress on oilseed rape. Yield and yield components were mainly affected by water shortage occurring from flowering to the end of seed set. The greatest reduction (48%) was observed when only 37% of full water requirement was supplied to the plant during this stage. The number of seeds per plant was the main yield component affected. Some compensation occurred when the water supply was restored. The 1000-seed weight was only affected by a water stress from the stage when the pods were swollen until the seeds colored stage. The results demonstrated a marked reduction in oil concentration when water deficit occurred from anthesis to maturity. There was an inverse relationship between oil and protein concentration. The most marked effect observed in this experiment was on the glucosinolate concentration where increases of up to 60% were observed. These results may explain effects on seed quality of field grown oilseed rape. 相似文献
The field experiments conducted on the grey‐brown podzolic soil in the four growing seasons (1998–2001) at Krzeslice Farm, central‐western Poland comprised seven fertilization variants: 80 NF + 80 CAN; 80 CAN + 80 CAN; 80 AN + 80 AN; 80 NF + 50 CAN + 30 CN; 80 CAN + 50 CAN +30 CN; 80 AN + 50 AN + 30 CN (where NF – nitrofos NPK; CAN – calcium‐ammonium nitrate; AN – ammonium nitrate; CN – calcium nitrate) and control (without N) applied in split rates at the beginning of spring regrowth (80 kg N ha ?1), stem elongation (80 or 50) and flower buds visible stages (30). The yielding effect of tested fertilization variants was significant in comparison with the control (2.24 t ha ?1). The highest mean seed yield (3.64 t ha ?1) was collected from 80 AN + 80 AN and 80 CAN + 80 CAN variants. Mean values of 4 years indicate that the second N rate division (80 + 50 + 30) decreased yield, although not significantly in comparison with these two N treatments. Plants grown on these treatments have developed different patterns of growth to yield the seeds. These patterns were characterized by very high crop growth rate during flowering (above 21 g m ?2 day ?1) and negative at maturation (down to ?2.5 g m ?2 day ?1). Plants fertilized with ammonium nitrate (80 AN + 80 AN) reached maximum growth rate earlier (65 days), which lasted longer (20 days) than plants fertilized with calcium‐ammonium nitrate (71 days lasting 17.5 days). Plants grown on the control treatment reached the highest crop growth rate within 79 days (14.8 g m ?2 day ?1), which lasted 15 days. 相似文献
An essential quality improvement of rapeseed oil can be obtained by reduction of its linolenic acid (C18:3) content from about 10% to less than 3% of the total fatty acids. Genotypes low in C18:3 have been developed by mutagenesis. The initial summer rapeseed mutant had been low yielding and highly susceptible to various diseases. It has been debated whether the low C18:3 character can be successfully combined with high seed yield for physiological reasons. Therefore, the low linolenic character of mutant M48 was transferred into high-yielding genotypes by repeated backcrossing to well-adapted low erucic acid, low glucosinolate (00-) winter rapeseed cultivars. Lines with low C18:3 content were selected from BC3 and BC4 generations and examined in 1990–95. Positive selection response for seed yield was shown to continue over the years. Presently, the best lines are yielding as well as the control cultivars being equivalent also in oil and glucosinolate contents. In order to test the effect of a low C18:3 content on seed yield, plants with low and with high C18:3 content, respectively, were selected from 16 segregating BC5-F 2 populations and bulked to form 32 F 3 populations. These ‘isogenic’ bulk populations were tested for field performance at four locations in 1995. The results show that C18:3 content of the seed oil is not associated with seed yield, oil content, beginning of flowering, plant height and disease resistance. Means of relative seed yield for the high and the low linolenic F 3 bulk populations were not significantly different with 88.0% and 86.9% of the control cultivars, respectively. There was a significant interaction between genotypes with high or low C18:3 content and location. This shows that under specific environmental conditions a low C18:3 content may be either favourable or unfavourable. The results indicate that the low C18:3 character of the original mutants per se does not cause a decrease in seed yield, oil content or general field performance. 相似文献
The effects of stand establishment and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield stability of winter oil-seed rape ( Brassica napus L.) were investigated in two field experiments in north eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). During six years of testing from 1984/85 to 1989/90 three sowing dates (10 Aug, 20 Aug, 5 Sept) as combined with three plant densities (60, 100, 140 plants/m 2 in autumn) were compared. Although seed yield did not respond to the main effects of these treatments, the two-way classification resulted in significant differences from the average yield. August sowing combined with lower plant densities caused comparably high yields, while delayed sowing was somewhat effective only with higher plant density. Highest yield stability was achieved at early sowing when combined with lower plant densities. From 1986/87 to 1988/89 nitrogen top-dressings were applied during early March, at start of stem extension and shortly before start of flowering at five locations. 200 kg N/ha in one dose resulted in lowest yield performance and enhanced instability. Contrastingly, the 240 kg N/ha treatment advanced yield stability regardless of split regimes. Nevertheless, split application to 100 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha also guaranteed that high yield performance and optimum yield stability were reached simultaneously and, that the total nitrogen input could be limited to 200 kg N/ha. 相似文献