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根据番茄斑萎病毒属(Tospovirus)中6种病毒S RNA上的N基因序列设计特异性引物,建立可同时检测这6种Tospovirus病毒的多重PCR体系。多重PCR扩增结果显示,番茄环纹斑点病毒(776 bp)、甜瓜黄斑病毒(505 bp)、鸢尾黄斑病毒(296 bp)、凤仙花坏死斑病毒(221 bp)、番茄斑萎病毒(175 bp)和番茄褪绿斑病毒(110 bp)均出现清晰的目标条带,各病毒的特异性引物不会对其他病毒产生非特异性扩增。本研究建立的6种Tospovirus病毒的多重PCR检测方法,有助于提高目标病毒的检测效率。  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae is one of the most threatening diseases of olive worldwide. For pre‐planting and post‐planting control of verticillium wilt in olive trees, availability of a rapid, reliable and non‐destructive method for detection of V. dahliae is essential. For such a method, suitable and easily performed sampling and efficient processing of samples for extraction of DNA are necessary. In this study, the suitability of young twig and leaf samples of olive trees, which are easy to collect and extract DNA from, were assessed for the detection of V. dahliae in routine procedures. The lower (about 50 cm from the tip) and top parts (about 5 cm from the tip) of twigs, as well as leaves from infected olive trees were screened for V. dahliae infection and distribution using real‐time PCR. The biomass of V. dahliae detected in individual twigs was highly variable, but there was no significant difference between mean quantities of V. dahliae DNA detected in top and lower parts of twigs. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that analysis of combined samples containing DNA extracted from five twigs of an infected tree accurately detected the presence of the pathogen. Similarly, testing combined samples of 5–10 leaves enabled reliable detection of the pathogen in an infected tree. The development of this assay enables reliable detection of V. dahliae in infected olive trees that can aid in management decisions for the implementation of integrated disease management.  相似文献   

马铃薯卷叶病毒分子鉴定及一步RT-PCR检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
病毒病的危害对马铃薯产量和品质构成较严重的影响.2003年初广东省阳东县田间约70%的植株呈现典型的马铃薯卷叶病毒(potato leafroll virus,PLRV)病症状.为此,笔者对其病原进行了分子鉴定,并建立了一步RT-PCR检测技术.  相似文献   

应用DPO引物检测马铃薯病毒的多重RT-PCR技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

3种甘薯病毒多重RT-PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

三种甘薯病毒多重RT-PCR检测技术的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据GenBank中甘薯G病毒(SPVG)、甘薯卷叶病毒(SPLCV)和甘薯羽状斑驳病毒(SPFMV)外壳蛋白(CP)基因序列设计特异引物,对多重RT-PCR退火温度、延伸温度、模板浓度、引物浓度进行改良优化,建立能同时检测3种甘薯病毒的多重RT-PCR方法。该方法能同时扩增出SPVG、SPLCV和SPFMV特异片段,其大小分别是800、276和570bp。测序结果表明,扩增出的3种病毒序列与相应参考序列相似性达到98%以上。灵敏度分析结果表明,多重RT-PCR方法能够检测cDNA的量为0.1ng。应用建立的多重RT-PCR检测方法对田间样品进行检测,结果显示该方法可以特异、快速、灵敏地同时检测3种甘薯病毒。这些研究结果可为甘薯病毒检测提供参考。  相似文献   

正病毒病是引起甘薯品质降低和减产的重要原因之一,现已报道30多种能侵染甘薯的病毒~([1,2])。山东省是甘薯种植大省,病毒种类近10种~([3,4])。甘薯羽状斑驳病毒(Sweet potato feathery mottle virus,SPFM V)、甘薯潜隐病毒(Sweet potato latent virus,SPLV)是为害甘薯的主要病毒,在全国甘薯种植区广泛分布~([5,6])。甘薯病毒2(Sweet potato virus 2,SPV2)为Potyvirus的一个暂定种,多与同属的其他病毒混合侵染~([7])。多重PCR技术由Chamberian等~([8])1988年首次提出,可实现多基因的同时扩增,具有节省时间、提高效率的优点,已初  相似文献   

A sensitive and reliable one step RT-PCR reaction with an internal control has been developed to detect and differentiate eight important viruses that affect stone fruit tress: Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Prune dwarf virus (PDV), American plum line pattern virus (APLPV), Plum pox virus (PPV), Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apricot latent virus (ApLV) and Plum bark necrosis stem pitting associated virus (PBNSPaV). In addition, we investigated the detection limit and the efficiency of three different nucleic acid extraction methods that avoid the use of organic solvents, for both multiplex RT-PCR and dot-blot hybridisation assays. The primer cocktail was used to analyse 38 stone fruits originating from nine different countries and six species. A large number of virus combinations was detected and up to three different viruses were observed in five samples. A decrease in sensitivity was observed when the primer cocktail contained more than five different pair primers. However, comparative analyses showed that the multiplex RT-PCR containing the eight virus pair primers was even more sensitive than the ELISA or molecular hybridisation assays. The use of the multiplex RT-PCR technology in routine diagnosis of stone fruit tree viruses is discussed.  相似文献   

Four species of the destructive forest pathogen Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato (s.l.) are present in Europe: H. annosum sensu stricto (s.s.), H. abietinum and H. parviporum are native species, while H. irregulare is a non-native invasive species currently reported only in Italy, yet recommended for regulation throughout Europe. In this study, real-time PCR detection tests were developed for each of the four species, which can be used simultaneously or individually thanks to probes labelled with species-specific fluorescent dyes. The different performance criteria of each assay were evaluated, and it was determined that they were theoretically capable of detecting amounts of DNA corresponding to 311, 29 and 29 cell nuclei in H. annosum s.s., H. irregulare and H. parviporum, respectively. The specificity of each assay was assessed with a wide set of strains. Real-time PCR tests successfully detected Heterobasidion species from 36 fruiting bodies taken from the forest, as well as from artificially inoculated or naturally infected wood samples. The multiplex real-time PCR assays developed in this study could have practical applications both in forest management and in phytosanitary monitoring.  相似文献   

 The multiplex RT-PCR approach was developed for simultaneous detections of Arabis mosaic virus(ArMV),Strawberry latent ringspot virus(SLRSV)and Lily symptomless virus(LSV)from the imported lily bulbs.The results indicated that good specificity and sensitivity for simultaneous detection were obtained.The ultimate of RNA detection with three viruses mixture was 305 pg.The ultimate of RNA detection with ArMV,SLRSV and LSV were 156.0,13.4 pg and 1.12 ng respectively.This approach has potential to be used in quarantine of imports and exports.  相似文献   

柑橘叶斑驳病毒(Citrus leaf blotch virus,CLBV)为柑橘病毒属(Citrivirus)代表种。本研究采用RT-PCR技术从我国栽培猕猴桃上首次检测到CLBV,总检出率为13.3%。测定了5个CLBV分离物的外壳蛋白基因(coat protein gene,cp)序列,全长均为1 092核苷酸(nt),分离物间cp基因核苷酸和编码氨基酸序列相似性分别为83.2%~99.7%和91.9%~98.9%,这些分离物与新西兰报道的CLBV猕猴桃分离物M3-A核苷酸序列相似性仅为83%左右,与来源于柑橘及近缘种的CLBV分离物cp基因核苷酸序列相似性为84%~86%。在基于该病毒cp基因核苷酸序列的系统进化树中,本研究所测定的CLBV猕猴桃分离物与新西兰报道的除M3-A外的猕猴桃分离物聚在同一组群。研究结果为进一步明确CLBV在我国猕猴桃上的侵染和危害特点及建立该病毒的分子检测技术提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

 梨褪绿叶斑伴随病毒(Pear chlorotic leaf spot-associated virus,PCLSaV)是新近发现的为害梨树的欧洲花楸环斑病毒属(Emaravirus)病毒,该病毒基因组由5条负义单链RNA组成。本研究比较分析了反转录引物pd(N)6、3C和5H及基于该病毒基因组RNA3和RNA5链序列设计的4对引物用于RT-PCR检测梨样品中PCLSaV的效果,结果显示,采用与该病毒基因组RNA链3′末端互补的引物3C用于cDNA合成及基于该病毒RNA5链序列的引物5-F/R用于PCR扩增时,检测PCLSaV的灵敏度相较采用引物pd(N)6和5H合成cDNA为模板时高10~100倍;不同部位和不同发病状况的梨树组织中PCLSaV检测结果差异明显。进一步建立了具有高灵敏度的巢式RT-PCR技术,采用外侧引物5-F/R和内巢引物5-IF/IR结合可用于梨不同组织样品中PCLSaV的检测。本研究为系统分析PCLSaV在我国栽培梨树上的危害状况及无病毒梨种质培育奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

北京月季病原病毒的高通量测序鉴定和RT-PCR检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究利用高通量测序技术对北京地区的月季染病样品进行了病毒鉴定,通过序列比对和拼接获得了李属坏死环斑病毒(prunus necrotic ringspot virus,PNRSV)、苹果茎沟病毒(apple stem grooving virus,ASGV)、柑橘碎叶病毒(citrus tatter leaf viru...  相似文献   

为研究新疆葡萄中沙地葡萄茎痘伴随病毒(Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus,GRSPa V)、葡萄斑点病毒(Grapevine fleck virus,GFk V)及葡萄病毒A(Grapevine virus A,GVA)的发生情况和新疆分离株系统进化关系,分别克隆3种病毒新疆分离株部分基因区域,应用RT-PCR对新疆64份葡萄样品中上述3种病毒进行检测,并进行系统进化分析。结果显示,GRSPa V、GFk V和GVA的检出率分别为31.3%、62.5%和25.0%。新疆GRSPa V分离株(KJ801847)与美国GRSPa V分离株(AY368590)同源性达96.59%;新疆GFk V分离株(KJ801846)与日本GFk V分离株(AB222861)及中国辽宁GFk V分离株(JF927942)的同源性分别为91.70%和91.03%;新疆GVA分离株(KJ801845)与波兰GVA分离株(JN860997)同源性为93.88%,与中国四川GVA分离株(HQ671655)及辽宁GVA分离株(FJ445220)的同源性分别为92.92%和89.53%。表明3种葡萄病毒在新疆发生比较普遍,且新疆分离株与国内其它地方的分离株存在较大差异。  相似文献   

A biovar 3-specific primer set Ab3-F3/Ab3-R4 was designed based on the comparison of sequences of the 16S rDNA region of agrobacteria and related rhizobia for rapid identification of Agrobacterium biovar 3 strains. A 570-bp 16S rDNA fragment was amplified from cell lysates of Agrobacterium biovar 3 strains by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using Ab3-F3/Ab3-R4 primers. Discrimination of Agrobacterium tumefaciens biovar 3 from Agrobacterium radiobacter biovar 3 and of Agrobacterium biovar 3 strains from other Agrobacterium strains was done simultaneously using multiplex PCR with a mixture of two primer sets (Ab3-F3/Ab3-R4 and VCF3/VCR3) previously designed for the virC region of Ti-plasmid and Ri-plasmid.  相似文献   

广西三种甜瓜病毒分离物的分子检测与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓜类褪绿黄化病毒Cucurbits chlorotic yellows virus(CCYV)、甜瓜黄化斑点病毒Melon yellow spot virus(MYSV)及甜瓜坏死斑点病毒Melon necrotic spot virus(MNSV)是近年来报道侵染瓜类作物的新病毒,在个别种植区大面积发生,对生产构成严重威胁。为了解3种病毒在广西的发生情况,先后到各西甜瓜种植区进行了调查,并采集疑似CCYV、MYSV及MNSV的甜瓜病叶样品,提取病叶总RNA,通过特异性引物分别进行一步法RTPCR扩增,电泳结果显示RT-PCR产物与预期大小一致的序列条带;将扩增产物分别连接到pMD19-T克隆载体上,挑选阳性克隆子进行序列测定及比对分析。结果表明:CCYV、MYSV和MNSV广西分离物的CP基因序列与其他已报道核苷酸序列一致性分别达95.1%~100%、96.5%~99%和83.7%~92.5%。  相似文献   

New plantations of olive tree in southern Spain are being severely affected by wilt or dieback and death, which has been locally called Drying Syndrome. To determine the etiology of this problem, a study was carried out in samples of affected young trees collected during a seven year period (1989–1995), and in two field surveys in 1994–95 and 1996. Besides some insect damage and agronomic problems, the Drying Syndrome was associated with Verticillium wilt, winter frost and root rot fungi. Although Drying Syndrome can be distinguished from Verticillium wilt, the latter was included in this study, since, frequently, Verticillium wilt symptoms were unspecific and Verticillium dahliae could not be always isolated in the diagnostic work that preceded this study. Early winter frost caused a vascular necrosis and wilt of the young olive trees. This unusual and severe damage was related with the lack of frost hardiness due to warm temperatures during the previous autumn. Root rot fungi were very frequent in the samples of diseased olive trees of field or nursery origin, and they were the main cause of Drying Syndrome in the second field survey, when a heavy rainfall level occurred during winter. Pathogenicity tests showed that five fungal species (Cylindrocarpon destructans, Phytophthora megasperma, P. palmivora, Pythium irregulare and Sclerotium rolfsii) were pathogenic to olive trees and reproduced symptoms of Drying syndrome in rooted cuttings of cultivar Picual. Other fungal species associated with root rot of olive trees in the field or in the nurseries, including Fusarium acuminatum, F. eumartii, F. oxysporum, F. solani, Macrophomina phaseolina and Rhizoctonia solani, were weakly or not pathogenic. Pathogenicity of P. megasperma, P. palmivora and P. irregulare depended on soil water content, since isolates tested caused extensive root rot and sudden plant death only when the soil was continuously waterlogged. The high frequency of P. megasperma in waterlogged field soils and its pathogenicity dependence on soil water content suggest that this pathogen may play an important role in the well known sensitivity of young olive trees to root asphyxiation.  相似文献   

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