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In this paper, three fundamental principles of city planning under the present system are brought forward: the integration of urban design and city planning, the double attributes and position of the urban design and the correspondence between the urban design and the city planning in levels. Therefore, according to the different circumstances, three functioning ways for the urban design in the practice of plan making are put forward: to put the urban design into the system of city planning, to work out the urban design as a research work and then make use of its achievement in the work of plan making, and to regard the urban design as a specialized work of city planning.  相似文献   

CHEN Zhi-min 《保鲜与加工》2005,(2):124-127133
Based on the review of progress of research on the influence of urban planning on the price of real estate both at home and abroad, the author analyzes and summarizes the mechanism of the effect of the urban planning system on the price of real estate from three basic levels as strategy planning, implementation planning and planning administration and suggests that the local government should make use of this mechanism to carry out the guidance on the balanced development of urban economy, society and environment in real estate realm.  相似文献   

There is a great probability in the development of modern urban economy,and the traditional rigid urban planning paradigm can't meet the need of the urban construction.The flexible work method will become the developing direction of urban planning at the new stage.In the flexible urban planning,the items of urban development prediction,land use arrangement,and urban development policies,all have great flexibility and are indeterminate.So the flexible paradigm can keep the urban planning adjustable with the stability in whole.Taking the population prediction of Bengbu as an example,the author finally explains how the flexible method of urban planning works.  相似文献   

As key technique of digital urban planning, research on urban planning models supported by GIS and remote sensing become one of the concentrations in urban planning. According to the objects and aims of model,this paper suggets to separate the models into two kinds.integrate planning models and engineering oriented models. The progress in research of these models as well as analysis of the trends and countermeasures of the models research are introduced.  相似文献   

生态理念指导下的城市总体规划探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综述了生态理念在国内外城市规划领域的发展过程以及实践活动,指出中国几十年来城市规划中存在忽视生态承载力研究、城市生态格局的构建和城市生态工业合理布局3个有关生态方面的问题,探讨了生态承载力的有限性、生态承载力弹性和生态足迹在城市总体规划中的应用,在景观生态格局理论和国内外城市绿地布局实践基础上总结了城市绿地布局的5种模式,在城市生态工业布局中比较深入的分析和探讨了都市型工业和一般工业在城市规划中的布局问题。  相似文献   

The policy of public participation in urban planning was first practiced in Europe in the 1960s. After 40 years of development, the policy has become the essential step of city planning in Western countries where as is just at the elementary step in China. For the purpose of knowing the situation about the policy performing in local cities and discussing the feasibility of public participation in urban planning, several kinds of investigation have been done. From the investigation, it is found that although the public participation has already been the important step of urban planning in some city during just several years,there are still many problems. This paper shows a panorama view of this issue. Th describe the future of public participation in e authors will offer some solutions according to the problems and the urban planning.  相似文献   

Urbanization in P. R. China inevitably boosts the development of urban subways. By summarizing the present situation of subway in China's major cities, we analyzed the formation and development of subway economics from the standpoint of urban subway development and forecast the arrival of a subway age. As a sunrise industry, the subway industry is the most promising with large market in the Chinese transportation infrastructure. Finally, a strategy of sustainable development for urban subways was put forward.  相似文献   

寒地水稻不同生态类型下优质高产营养障碍因子研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在黑龙江省第二积温带的哈尔滨呼兰地区和第三积温带的庆安地区通过田间试验研究了最佳处理(OPT)和OPT-N、OPT-P、OPT-K、OPT-B、OPT-Zn、CK0 7个处理对寒地水稻产量和品质的影响。结果表明:在不同生态类型下,水稻生长发育和产量、质量的第一限制因子是氮,其次是钾,在品质方面主要影响出米率、外观品质和食味;对生长发育和产量构成因素的影响,两个生态区均表现趋势一致,缺氮显著降低水稻的分蘖、株高、穗长、小穗数、穗粒数,而缺其他元素的处理与全肥区差异不显著。这些营养元素缺乏和不均衡供给对水稻高产、稳产构成严重威胁,成为土壤养分限制因子和潜在限制因子,应该有效地管理好养分资源。  相似文献   

Luzhou is a famous wine country and a historical city in P. R. China. Insuring the continuity of urban context is an effective method for creating a distinctive image of a city. Considering the authenticity, sustainable development, enforceability and regional differences of urban contexts, it is an appropriate way to extract the original urban context and adopt a proper design method that combines humanized nature, material culture, and intangible culture to form an area with cultural atmosphere on both banks of the Tuojiang River.  相似文献   

In this paper, a deep research on the method of urban lighting planning is carried out in combination with the understanding from the urban lighting engineering practice, the method of master and detailed urban lighting plannings in mountain region is proposed, and the implementation of green lighting project through rational urban lighting planning is realized.  相似文献   

Urban agriculture(UA) is a spontaneous response to the increasing demand for food with the inevitable population expansion in urban areas. As a critical part of FAO's Special Programme for Food Security(SPFS), UA has increasingly been considered as a significant contributor to food and nutrition security of urban residents all over the world. Thus, the central aim of this essay is to develop a better understanding of the current situation of UA in urban planning of China, and 6 categories of UA in China will be discussed, including Leisure Agriculture, Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Park, Community Supported Agriculture(CSA), Institutional garden and Edible landscape. And finally the paper tries to raise the awareness and drive innovation of UA in both theory and practice.  相似文献   

Web Services is a service-oriented structure and which is really platform-independent and language-independent.In this paper, its system and key technology are analyzed,then aiming at the main problems in information sharing of urban planning information system(UPIS),a UPIS integration framework based on the Web Services is proposed and its principle is studied.Furthermore,an example with realization of UPIS system by ASP.NET in Visual Studio.NET is given.  相似文献   

韩敏  段渊古 《中国农学通报》2012,28(16):310-316
城市文化主题公园的建设是诠释城市文化形象、地域特色、生态环境的重要途径。简述城市文化主题公园建设意义,总结了城市文化主题公园景观设计原则与特性,并结合宝鸡市周礼文化主题公园景观营造的实例进行梳理和分析,探讨文化内涵和公园本体景观营造在文化主题公园中的灵魂和核心地位,对中国中小城市主题公园开发、特色建设以及可持续发展提供创新思路,对其文化主题公园文化表达及景观营造具有理论价值和现实作用。  相似文献   

城市防灾避险绿地系统的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市防灾避险绿地系统构建是城市绿地系统规划的重要内容。宏观上要在城乡总体规划的框架内,在城市抗震防灾等规划的指导下,构建与城市绿地系统规划空间层次相互衔接、逐级控制的防灾避险绿地规划体系;中观上要根据避险时序及空间关系等要素,对避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带等各级防灾避险绿地进行定量定位的合理布局;微观上要对每一块避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带进行深入与细化设计,共同构筑结构合理、层次清晰、分布均衡的城市防灾避险绿地体系。  相似文献   

On the basis of investigations related to the existing problems about digitalization and information in the urban and rural planning, the authors analyzed the requirements of an operational platform for digital urban and rural planning. Then, an overall design and relevant modules of the foundational platform for digital urban and rural planning are proposed according to the principles of software engineering. The object-oriented programming language, Visual C++6.0, and the relational database, Visual FoxPro6.0, were selected as the common tools for developing the platform.  相似文献   

In this paper, the concept of urban fringe is introduced and the problems in society, economy and ecology that the urban fringe is facing are analyzed. The policy, participant system and method of planning for development of urban fringe is discussed from three aspects as: idea, system and technique of planning. The compromised mode of development combining scattering and growing, the updating of the community organization and corresponding flexible means of planning is presented.  相似文献   

The management of urban reconstruction is a process of game between the government and developers.It is helpful that the interest and its equilibrium for the relative parties involved in the reconstruction process are considered during the formation of government policy.This paper analyzes the environment for the policy constitution and establishes a model for strategy making based on the game theory.This model provides a basic foundation to improve the management ability of the government in the reconstruction process.Finally,in this paper some strategic issues are suggested to cope with the challenges from urban reconstruction in China.  相似文献   

As a new discipline, Chaos theory was ushered in the revolution in physics of the 20th century, which is of jistoric significance. Chaos theory is concerned with the objects in our tangible world (macro world) with the measure of human beings. In this paper, a brief analysis of chaos theory and fractals is given and then the enlightenment and new perspective for urban planning from chaos and chaos theory are illustrated. The author hopes that!this paper could draw the concerns of designers regarding the application of chaos in urban planning.  相似文献   

The 3D urban planning information system has been the focus topic in urban palnning management. In this paper,the related development of 3D urban planning is reviewed and the development object,data acquisition, system application level and three important characters of 3D urban planning information system have been also discussed. Thus, a system framework iseatablished. Finally,several primary problems are put forward and thought to be resolved to improve the practicability of 3D urban planning information system over large scale.  相似文献   

Economic argumentation for urban development should be the foundation of urban planning,because the economic development is the basis of urban development.In this paper,the connotation,types and composition of the economic costs of urbanization are discussed and the economic costs of urbanization in Chongqing municipality are calculated according to its economic and social development.On this basis,the future level of urbanization is calculated in the light of the economic capabilities to bring along development of urbanization in Chongqing municipality and the demand of funds for urban development in the future is calculated according to the economic costs of urbanization in Chongqing municipality.  相似文献   

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