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Under the asymmetric information,the owner undertakes moral risk,which is caused by supervisor in the case of project supervision.This paper analyzes the benefit conflict while entrusting because of asymmetric information,discusses how to bring incentive and supervisory control mechanism into project supervision entrust-contract by mathematics model.Then,the design and improvement of the supervision reward in contract are discussed.  相似文献   

Each party in engineering project faces different quality risk in different stage,and each adopts different management decision against quality risk.Firstly,from the new classic economics angle,an economic explanation to the management decision against engineering quality risk according to the different benefits for contractor and owner.The owner and contractor of a construction project,the government and projection legal person find their economic ties in an asymmetric information supply,or in an imperfectly assigned contract.The rules and characteristics of entrust-agency relation are analyzed from the economics and information economics angle,an economic explanation of engineering quality risk is given according to entrust-agency relation.The measures of controlling quality risk have been put forward from the angle of the economics.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the basic content of information asymmetry theory and comments on the theory of information asymmetries.It establishes an information model in project management and analyzes the phenomenon of information asymmetries between owner and contractor in the phase of bidding and fulfilling.It presents some countermeasures of resolving information asymmetries in the project management such as building information network,devising reasonable contract,reinforcing government' s guidance,strengthening the good faith,breeding intermediate agency,building the system of early risk warning and so on.  相似文献   

Banking has a high gearing lever and its operators are keen to the risk projects with the lure of high income. The supervision sector should regulate the banks and force them to reduce risks to ensue the healthy circulation of county's economy. The supervisor should report the disclosed risks to the supervision sector so that they can alert the risks in advance and control them ,but the sector must take action to prevent the collusion between the operators and supervisors.  相似文献   

Swindle exists commonly in any securities markets, where swindle has led to serious influences on regulations and the normal development of our securities market. The paper attempts to develop a game model of supervision on swindle in the securities market so as to investigate the relationship between supervisor and supervisee from the microcosmic aspect, and analyze the microcosmic mechanism resulting to swindle in the securities market, and enlighten our securities supervision as to swindle in the securities market.  相似文献   

基于进化博弈论的食品质量安全监管分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
摘 要:运用进化博弈理论分析食品质量安全监管问题。通过食品质量安全演化博弈模型的构建和分析,探讨食品生产经营者和监管者的策略空间以及演化趋势,得出食品质量安全监管的演化相图以及在每一个平衡点的演化稳定特性,很好地揭示了食品质量安全监管的演化进程,为有效制定相关政策保障食品质量安全提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the new construction system in 1988 in China, this system has gone through three phases: trial phase(1988-1993),development phase(1993-1995),and comprehensive application phase from 1996.Construction supervision as a new management system has profound effects to the whole process of a construction project, in particular, to the three conventional objectives, that is quality, cost and construction time. The new management system has to a large extent brought the traditional problems of extended construction time, uncontrollable cost and unsecured quality to a normal practice. Construction supervision is a management activity with request of high intelligence. The performance of this activity is closely related to the quality of project general supervision engineer. This paper identifies the basic elements that a proper project general supervision must have. By applying the fuzzy analysis principle, this paper presents a quantitative model for evaluating the quality of project general supervision engineer.It provides an applicable approach for project clients when general supervision engineers are to be chosen.  相似文献   

The authors use the ideas and methods of the game theory to reveal that, under the condition of dissymmetrical information, it can't form an effective cooperative relationship among supervisor organization, the shareholders and the enterprises. In the capital market, we explain the cooperative conditions and determinants researched. Only through strengthening the force of punishment towards providing the false information and increasing the benefit received by providing the real information, the enthusiasm of the founders' providing the false information drops, and the necessity of the supervisor organization's checking decreases. Finally, we give some suggestions about the construction and consummating of the capital market of the enterprise.  相似文献   

Development Management (DM) in decision phase, Project Management on behalf of the owner (OPM) in implementation phase and Facility Management (FM) in operation phase are three isolated management tools during traditional life cycle management of construction project. As a result, a lot of potential disadvantages are aroused. In recent years, many research organizations try to reform the traditional method using different integration means. This paper tries to explore into integration of DM, OPM and FM to overcome the malpractice of traditional life cycle management of construction project. The research focuses on three aspects: 1.putting forward the concept of Life Cycle Integrated Management (LCIM), based on management integration theory; 2. Raising a new idea to owner's (operator's) management organization design, which emphasizes on the balance of life cycle objectives; 3. Analyzing an information module, level and method of system integration of Life Cycle Integrated Management Information System.  相似文献   

This paper explains simply some system connotations on engineering project and probes into the system characteristics of the construction supervision. It dissects some basic system problems and provides references to help the engineers with setting up the system outlook, organizing construction supervision for large-scale and modern engineering project.  相似文献   

This thesis expounds the main content and the attentive problems of the supervision of glass curtiain wall during preparing stage of construction.construction stage and completion and acceptance stage,and puts forward some advices to ensure the work quality.Key Words glass curtain wall; project quality; supervision  相似文献   

省级农业科研院所课题经费的变化特点和管理对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着国家和地方政府对农业科技工作的重视,省级农业科研院所课题经费呈现出资金总量快速增长、课题经费来源渠道和经费结构变化明显、经费管理办法不一、课题组织形式多样等新特点;不同程度地存在经费管理与课题管理脱节、预算编制与实际需求脱节、资产管理与财务监管脱节、项目支出与科研实际脱节等问题。基于这些变化特点和存在的问题,研究提出了建立健全财务管理制度、规范科研资金管理,科学编制课题预决算、提高资金使用效益,制定课题经费管理办法、强化项目经费监督管理等意见和对策。  相似文献   

论林地承包经营权转让的条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
胡玉浪 《中国农学通报》2010,26(20):452-455
林地承包经营权是一种用益物权。林地承包经营权可以依法转让,但法律对转让方、受让方的身份有一定的限制,并且规定林地承包经营权的转让必须经过发包方的同意,但发包方的同意权在性质上应界定为监督权而非决定权,发包方不同意承包方转让林地承包经营权必须具有法定的理由,避免权力滥用。  相似文献   

李鹏  殷枫 《中国农学通报》2012,28(17):211-214
农业建设工程项目审计是控制工程投资必不可少的重要环节,目前农业建设项目设计利益单位众多,不确定因素也很多,使农业工程项目审计中存在着很多需要解决的问题,本文分析了目前我国农业建设工程项目审计中存在的问题,以及对农业建设项目审计进行审计时的审计风险,并对其风险提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

Through GIS aided census of dilapidated, improve planning, project supervision and propaganda work, points out the advantages of GIS and the application prospect in distribution for improving dilapidated houses management.  相似文献   

南方丘陵山区土地整理项目后评价研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
为客观反映土地整理的实际效益,实现土地整理项目监督和考核,须将项目后评价提上日程。立足于南方丘陵山区土地整理,拟从生产条件、社会经济、生态环境、资源影响4方面构建项目后评价指标体系,并以四川省井研县分全乡土地整理示范项目为例,应用模糊综合评价方法进行实证研究。研究表明:项目实施取得了比较满意的综合外部效益,但项目重生产条件指标、经济指标和新增耕地指标,轻生态环境,导致项目区景观与生态环境改良效果不显著,应加强景观与生态建设。  相似文献   

In this paper the features of information asymmetry and information model under the model of management by construction agency in project invested by government are analyzed, the information asymmetry in the main bodies of construction agency in the project invested by government is studied. Especially the advantages and weaknesses in information among government consignor, consuming unit and construction agency are analyzed. A dynamic model of incomplete information among government consignor, consuming unit and construction agency has been set up,a game theory analysis on the actions about the main bodies of construction agency in the project invested by government is carried out.  相似文献   

Having demonstrated the importance of establishing the appraisal system for the effect of investment control by supervision,this paper designs not only the appraisal model for this problem by citing the basic theories of Analytic Hierarchy Process but also interprets the application conditions and specific approach of the model.Finally,the paper introduces an actual project case by using the model and analyzes the general practical application environment of the model.  相似文献   

农业科技成果产业化的障碍与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
影响中国农业科技成果转化的一个重要因素,是存在于农业科技成果信息的发布与接受诸环节中的各种障碍,包括农业科技信息的形式不适合大众化,信息传播的载体不完善,信息供体和信息受体的行为动力不足,信息的信度和效度不高,信息的持有者和使用者之间存在认知差距以及信息的梯度转移问题等。针对这些障碍,提出了改革农业科技推广体制,实施信息标准化,消除信息传播噪音,采用先进的信息技术手段,遵循信息梯度传播规律和建立完善开放的科技信息管理体系等政策建议和应对措施。  相似文献   

付晓苹  宋怿 《中国农学通报》2016,32(35):193-201
旨在完善中国水产品质量标准体系建设,为水产品质量安全监管工作提供基础资料。以中国水产科学研究院质量标准体系为例,分析中国水产品质量标准体系的现状。具体回顾了中国水产科学研究院质量标准体系“十二五”工作,阐明了在争取科研项目,积累科研成果,构建交流平台等方面取得的成效,同时指出在项目申请、能力建设、成果集成、交流合作等方面还存在问题,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

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