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Effects of dietary protein level and water salinity on spawning performance of Nile tilapia broodstock and growth of their larvae were studied. Four isocaloric (400 kcal/100 g) diets containing 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% crude protein were prepared. The diets were fed to broodfish (25.7 g) reared at three water salinities (0‰, 7‰ and 14‰) at a female/male ratio of 3:1, to satiation twice a day for 195 days. The size at first maturation increased with increasing dietary protein at all salinities. At 25% and 30% protein levels, broodstock reared at 0‰ reached their sexual maturity at bigger sizes than those reared at 7‰ and 14‰. At 0‰, spawning intervals were not significantly affected by dietary protein levels. At 7‰ and 14‰, spawning intervals significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein level. Spawning frequency and number of eggs per spawn were increased with increasing dietary protein level. The total number of spawnings per female and absolute fecundity were better in fish fed 40% protein in freshwater than at 7‰ and 14‰ salinity. The relationship of dietary protein and water salinity on egg size was significant, but showed irregular patterns. The chemical composition of broodstock muscles, eggs and fry were not significantly affected by dietary protein and water salinity, except for body water and crude protein of broodstock which were significantly affected; but showed irregular trends. At each water salinity, egg hatchability was linearly increased with increasing dietary protein level. Eggs produced from broodstock fed 25% protein at 7‰ and 14‰ needed more time for hatching and yolk-sac absorption and resulted in poorer larval weight than those reared in freshwater. Fry growth was improved with increasing protein level at all salinities. This result revealed that 40% dietary protein is required for optimum spawning performance of Nile tilapia reared at 0‰, 7‰ and 14‰ salinity. It also indicated that spawning performance and larval growth were better in freshwater than at 7‰ and 14‰.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary protein and energy level on spawning performance of Nile tilapia broodstock and hatchability of their eggs were studied. Nine diets containing three protein (30, 35 and 40%) and three energy (14.6, 16.7 and 18.8 MJ GE/kg) levels were prepared. The diets were fed to duplicate groups of broodfish (average weight of 60.5 ± 4.6 g for males and 39.4 ± 3.1 g for females) at 2–3% of their body weight, twice a day, for 150 days. At low protein level (30%), time to first spawning was significantly longer than at 35 and 40% protein levels, and increased with increasing dietary energy (decreasing protein-to-energy (P/E) ratio). At 35 and 40% protein levels, time to first spawning was not affected by dietary energy. Inter-spawning intervals (ISI) showed irregular patterns in relation to dietary protein and energy, however, at 40% protein the females tended to spawn at shorter intervals, regardless of dietary energy. Spawning performances, including total number of spawnings per tank, number of spawnings per female, absolute fecundity and average number of eggs per spawn, were all significantly lower (P < 0.05) at 30% CP than at higher protein levels. At all protein levels, increasing dietary energy from 14.6 to 18.8 MJ GE/kg (and decreasing P:E ratio) resulted in a significant decrease in fish fecundity. Egg size was not significantly affected by dietary protein and energy. At all energy levels, egg hatchability increased with increasing dietary protein levels (P < 0.05). Eggs produced from broodstock fed 30 and 35% CP, exhibited significantly lower hatchability (P < 0.05) and needed less time for hatching and yolk-sac absorption, and resulted in lower larval length than those fed a 40% protein diet. However, increasing energy level at each dietary protein level did not significantly affect these parameters. These results revealed that the best spawning performance of Nile tilapia broodstock reared in a recycling system was achieved at 40% dietary protein and 16.7 MJ GE/kg, with a P/E ratio of 23.6 g/MJ.  相似文献   

低温对罗非鱼基因组DNA甲基化的影响   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
以经过连续多代抗寒选育获得的尼罗罗非鱼耐寒品系为实验材料,采用DNA甲基化敏感扩增多态性(methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism,MSAP)分析方法从全基因组水平上探讨了低温适应对罗非鱼DNA序列中CCGG位点的甲基化水平的影响。结果显示,选用的18对选择性扩增引物共检测到849个位点。耐寒品系检测到的位点数为411个,对照组为438个,其中发生甲基化的位点数分别为72和104个,总甲基化率分别为17.52%和23.74%;全甲基化位点分别为37个和65个,全甲基化率分别为9.00%和14.84%;半甲基化位点分别为35个和39个,半甲基化率分别为8.52%和8.90%。结果分析表明,尼罗罗非鱼耐寒品系的总甲基化水平、全甲基化水平和半甲基化水平较对照组均有一定程度的下降。与对照组相比,尼罗罗非鱼耐寒品系基因组DNA甲基化总体水平下降了6.22%,其中以全甲基化位点变异为主,其下降幅度比例明显,为5.84%。由此可见,经过连续多代的低温胁迫可导致尼罗罗非鱼DNA甲基化水平发生改变,发生了去甲基化反应,表现为基因组甲基化程度降低的特征,说明了DNA甲基化与罗非鱼抗寒性反应密切相关。  相似文献   

魏静  于林田  周林燕  张小萍  王德寿 《水产学报》2015,39(12):1763-1772
为探讨低等脊椎动物Foxp1与免疫细胞活化及机体雌激素水平的相关性,本研究首次分离克隆了尼罗罗非鱼 (Oreochromis niloticus) Foxp1的开放阅读框序列,并通过real-time PCR对其mRNA表达水平进行检测。结果显示,尼罗罗非鱼具有两种不同基因编码的Foxp1分子,分别命名为OnFoxp1a与OnFoxp1b;OnFoxp1a为1710 bp,由15个外显子编码569个氨基酸,OnFoxp1b为2040 bp,由16个外显子编码679个氨基酸;OnFoxp1a/b均含有Foxp亚家族的特征性结构,即锌指结构、亮氨酸拉链样结构和叉状螺旋结构;与OnFoxp1a相比,OnFoxp1b与高等脊椎动物Foxp1具有更近的亲缘关系。Real-time PCR检测结果显示,OnFoxp1a/b几乎在所有组织中均有表达,OnFoxp1a在精巢中有高水平表达, OnFoxp1b在心脏中有高水平表达,同时OnFoxp1b在免疫相关组织如鳃、脾脏、肾脏、肠等均有中等水平表达;淋巴细胞多克隆刺激剂PHA、PMA、LPS刺激尼罗罗非鱼外周血单个核细胞(PBMC),结果显示,50 μg/mL PHA和50 ng/mL PMA分别刺激6、12、24 h均显著增强OnFoxp1b的表达 (p<0.05),20 μg/mL LPS刺激后,OnFoxp1b的表达出现先降低后升高的趋势 (p<0.05);而OnFoxp1a的表达除50 μg/mL PHA 刺激24 h后有所升高,其余均无显著变化;雌激素处理6月龄雄性尼罗罗非鱼48 h,OnFoxp1a/b在肠、肾脏中的表达显著上调 (p<0.05),而脾脏中无显著变化 (p>0.05)。综上所述,低等脊椎动物硬骨鱼类两种不同基因编码的Foxp1a/b均为哺乳动物Foxp1的同源分子,但其序列、结构特征、表达模式迥异,提示其功能发生歧化;同时两者的表达与淋巴细胞活化及机体雌激素水平密切相关。  相似文献   

Soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) present in cereal grains may affect performance of Nile tilapia through changes in digesta characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate whether dietary cereal grains of increasing viscosity induce changes in digesta viscosity, dry matter and volatile fatty acids (VFA) and if these changes explain differences in nutrient digestibility and mineral absorption. Four experimental diets were formulated by adding 40% grains to a basal diet to obtain a range of dietary viscosities, increasing in the order of maize, barley, wheat and rye. The diets were assigned to 16 tanks with 40 fish (mean weight 70 g) each. Digesta viscosity increased with increasing grain viscosity (P < 0.001), whereas digesta dry matter decreased with increasing grain viscosity (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found among diets in total concentration and type of VFA. Nutrient digestibility was not significantly correlated with digesta viscosity. Of all nutrients, only starch digestibility was significantly negatively correlated with digesta dry matter in the middle intestine (r = − 0.57; P = 0.03). Absorption of sodium was significantly negatively correlated with digesta viscosity in all intestinal segments (r = − 0.76 to − 0.82; P < 0.001) and positively correlated with digesta dry matter in all intestinal segments (r = + 0.60 to + 0.67; P < 0.05), except for the proximal intestine (P = 0.18). Of the other minerals, potassium and magnesium absorption were positively correlated with digesta dry matter in the distal (r = + 0.56; P = 0.03) and proximal (r = + 0.54; P = 0.04) intestine, respectively. Phosphorus absorption was significantly negatively correlated with dry matter in the stomach (r = − 0.55; P = 0.03), middle (r = − 0.58; P = 0.02) and distal (r = − 0.54; P = 0.04) intestine. In conclusion, viscous cereal grains induce increases in digesta viscosity and decreases in digesta dry matter in Nile tilapia. These changes do not explain differences in nutrient digestibility among diets, but seem more related to differences in mineral absorption. The strong negative correlations between digesta viscosity and sodium absorption suggest negative effects of dietary viscous grains on intestinal water balance.  相似文献   

马莹莹  贾永义  顾亭亭  张志勇  王童  张美玲  杜震宇  乔芳 《水产学报》2023,47(7):079610-1-079610-14
甘露寡糖是一种新型饲料添加剂,它具有保护肠道健康和降血糖的功能。然而,甘露寡糖对于鱼类肌肉品质的影响并无系统性报道。为此,本实验选择均重为2g左右的健康尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼315尾,随机分成对照组(Control,糖含量为35%)、高糖处理组(HC,糖含量为45%)和高糖饲料中添加甘露寡糖处理组(HM,糖含量为45%,甘露寡糖添加量为0.5%),每组3缸,每缸35尾,投喂10周后,测定其生长指标、肌肉营养成分和质构特性等相关指标。结果显示,与对照组相比,HC组尼罗罗非鱼肝体比,肌肉内聚性,肌纤维数量、肌苷酸含量、鲜味氨基酸占比、支链氨基酸/芳香族氨基酸比例、甘油三酯含量以及可促进肌肉生长的钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因CAST 相对表达量均显著升高;肌肉硬度、胶着性、咀嚼性、肌纤维直径、蒸煮损失,必需氨基酸占比以及在肌纤维的分化中起着重要作用的MyoG基因 相对表达量以及脂肪酸、甘油二酯和磷脂酰肌醇含量显著降低。与HC组相比,HM组尼罗罗非鱼的肌肉弹性、必需氨基酸占比,脂肪酸和甘油二酯含量以及CAST基因相对表达量显著增加;肌肉粘力、肌纤维数量、肌苷酸含量,磷脂酰乙醇胺和磷脂酰胆碱含量以及MyoG基因相对表达量均显著降低。与对照组相比,HM组尼罗罗非鱼增重率和肌肉内聚性,支链氨基酸/芳香族氨基酸比例,甘油三酯和脂肪酸含量显著增加;肝体比,肌肉硬度、咀嚼性以及磷脂含量均显著降低。上述结果表明,高糖饲喂可以使罗非鱼肌肉的保水能力增强,其肌肉更嫩更柔软紧密,提升肌肉鲜味,但会降低氨基酸营养价值。在添加甘露寡糖后,可以促进尼罗罗非鱼生长,提高产肉率和肌肉持水力,并且肌肉更加柔软紧密且富有弹性,提高氨基酸营养价值,但是会降低磷脂含量。  相似文献   

A 12-week growth trial was conducted in a flow-through system to investigate the chronic toxic effect of dietary intake of cyanobacteria on growth, feed utilization and microcystins accumulation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) (initial body weight: 5.6 g). Six isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were formulated to include different contents of cyanobacteria with the dietary microcystins increasing from 0 to 5460.06 ng/g diet. The results showed that dietary intake of cyanobacteria could increase the growth of tilapia while there are no impacts on feed conversion efficiency or mortality. Feeding rate was higher for the diets containing highest cyanobacteria. Microcystins were mostly accumulated in fish liver. The relationship between microcystins contents in muscle, liver, spleen and dietary intake could be described by quadratic equations.Microcystins content in the muscle of Nile tilapia in present study exceeded the upper limit of the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of microcystins suggested by the WHO (0.04 μg/kg body weight/d). It is suggested that Nile tilapia fed on toxic cyanobacteria is not suitable for human food.  相似文献   

A total of 360 Nile tilapia at an average initial body weight of 3.9 g were randomly allocated to 4 treatments, each of which had three replicates of 30 fish/tank and used to investigate the effects of Cu2+-exchanged montmorillonite (Cu-MMT) on growth performance, microbial ecology of the skin, gill and intestine, and intestinal morphology. The dietary treatments were: 1) basal diet, 2) basal diet + 1.5 g/kg MMT, 3) basal diet + 30 mg/kg copper as CuSO4 (equivalent to the copper in the Cu-MMT treatment group), or 4) basal diet + 1.5 g/kg Cu-MMT. The results showed that supplementation with Cu-MMT significantly improved growth performance as compared to control and fish fed with Cu-MMT had higher growth performance than those fed with MMT or CuSO4. Supplementation with Cu-MMT reduced (P < 0.05) the total intestinal aerobic bacterial counts and affected the composition of intestinal microflora with a tendency of Aeromonas, Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Acinetobacter, Alcaligence, Enterobacteriaceae decreasing as compared with control. Measurements of villus and microvillus heights at different sites of the intestinal mucosa indicated that dietary addition of MMT or Cu-MMT improved intestinal mucosal morphology. However, the microbial ecology of the skin and gill was not affected by the addition of CuSO4, MMT or Cu-MMT. Supplementation with CuSO4 had no (P > 0.05) effect on the growth performance, microbial ecology and intestinal morphology. The results showed that Cu-MMT exhibited antibacterial activity in vivo and protected intestinal mucosa from invasion of pathogenic bacterium and toxins, resulting in a positive effect on the growth performance.  相似文献   

Three kinds of locally available plastic biofilter media with different configurations (plastic rolls, PVC pipes and scrub pads) were evaluated for their efficiency in organic waste removal from the effluents of an intensive recirculating tilapia culture system. A set of three types of solid-removing filters consisting of screened sedimentation; upflow sand as well as plastic bead filtration accomplished the mechanical filtration. Values of critical metabolic wastes like total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) (0.92 ppm) and nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N) (0.22 ppm) were found to be well within the acceptable limits, while other water quality parameters in the culture water were also maintained within the normal range by the filtration system. Removal rates of 3.46 g TAN/m3 per day and 0.77 g NO2-N/m3 per day, as well as TAN and NO2-N removal efficiencies of 29.37 and 27.3% respectively, were established to be the best for the plastic-roll biofilter medium as compared to PVC-pipe and scrub-pad media. Percent removal of TAN and NO2-N per pass of the biofilter (25.49 and 26.3% respectively) and the specific TAN and NO2-N removal rates (43 and 9.6 mg/m2 per day) of plastic rolls were also found to be superior to the other two biofilter media. Pieces of PVC pipes as biofilter medium is recommended to be used in the biofilters in view of their cheaper cost.  相似文献   

为了解尼罗罗非鱼无乳链球菌(GBS)荚膜多糖合成基因的表达及其与荚膜唾液酸含量、菌株致病性的关系,本实验克隆了尼罗罗非鱼荚膜多糖合成基因cps E、cps K和neu A,通过q RT-PCR方法分析了这3个基因在不同培养温度下表达水平的变化,同时通过比色法测定了不同培养温度下GBS荚膜唾液酸含量的变化,通过人工感染实验分析了不同水温条件下GBS对罗非鱼的致病性。结果显示,cps E、cps K和neu A编码的氨基酸序列均具有保守的与荚膜多糖合成相关的酶活性位点,Cps E、Neu A与已知鱼源GBS(Ia和Ib型)和人源GBS(Ia、Ib和II~IX型)相应序列的同源性均达到97%以上,而Cps K与鱼源、人源的序列同源性则分别为56%~100%和27%~100%。在不同培养温度下GBS cps K和neu A基因表达水平的变化与荚膜唾液酸含量的变化一致;在较高温度(28和34°C)下培养的GBS荚膜唾液酸含量及菌株攻毒后罗非鱼的死亡率均随温度的升高而递增,而在22°C下培养的GBS唾液酸含量最高,攻毒后罗非鱼的死亡率却最低。本研究结果表明,GBS Cps K和Neu A在GBS荚膜多糖的唾液酸化中起重要作用,较低温度下GBS荚膜唾液酸的高含量有助于其在宿主体内的潜伏,而较高水温条件下细菌的强致病性可能还与除荚膜唾液酸外的某些重要的毒力因子的表达有关。  相似文献   

温度对尼罗罗非鱼无乳链球菌毒力的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了解温度对鱼源无乳链球菌毒力的影响机制,本实验研究了温度对无乳链球菌毒力相关参数(生长、粘附、入侵、毒力基因表达以及对罗非鱼致死率)的影响。结果发现,不同培养温度下(25~40 ℃)无乳链球菌的生长速度不同,37 ℃为其最适生长温度,25 ℃时生长速度最慢;25~34 ℃内无乳链球菌粘附在惰性基质上的菌体对应的吸光值(OD590nm)之间无显著差异(P>0.05),37 ℃时显著增加,40 ℃时又急剧下降;罗非鱼在人工感染无乳链球菌后各时间点(6、12、24和48 h),鱼体脑组织中菌量随注射菌体培养温度的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势,且与不同培养温度下的无乳链球菌对罗非鱼的致死率呈正相关;无乳链球菌毒力基因的表达也与培养温度相关,hlycfb基因的表达量随菌体培养温度的升高先增加后降低,分别在34和37 ℃处达到峰值,不同培养温度下无乳链球菌sip基因表达的变化幅度较小,而scpB基因的表达则随培养温度增加而下降;无乳链球菌对罗非鱼的致死率随其培养温度的升高呈先升高后降低趋势,低温(25和28 ℃)培养条件下的菌体对罗非鱼致死率较低(<20%),37 ℃时致死率最高66.67%±6.67%。以上结果表明温度参与无乳链球菌生长、粘附、转移、入侵和部分毒力基因表达的调控,它们共同影响无乳链球菌对罗非鱼的毒力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to gain insight into how Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) regulate feed and energy intake in response to diets low and high in starch and cellulose. It was hypothesized that high-starch diets would reduce feed intake due to the effect of high blood glucose level, and that stomach volume may limit feed intake of fish fed diets low in energy. Four experimental diets, low starch–no cellulose inclusion, high starch–no cellulose inclusion, low starch–with cellulose inclusion, and high starch–with cellulose inclusion, were formulated. The high-starch diets and diets with cellulose inclusion were 17.5% more energy-diluted than the low-starch diets and diets without cellulose inclusion, respectively. Male tilapia were fed to apparent satiation for six weeks. Feed and digestible energy intake of fish fed diets with cellulose inclusion increased and decreased by 8.3% and 5.5%, respectively, compared to fish fed diets without cellulose inclusion. This suggests the role of stomach volume in restricting feed consumption. Fish fed high-starch diets achieved only 0.5% more feed intake and 13.9% less digestible energy intake than fish fed low-starch diets. The lower increase in feed intake and higher decrease in digestible energy intake of fish fed high-starch diets than of fish fed diets with cellulose inclusion suggests that high blood glucose suppresses feed intake in Nile tilapia. An alternative explanation for the differences in feed and digestible energy intake of fish fed different diets was based on the fact that heat production was not influenced by starch nor cellulose-inclusion levels. Thus, under satiation feeding, oxygen uptake capacity may determine feed and digestible energy intake in fish rather than blood glucose or stomach volume.  相似文献   

为探究盐度胁迫对尼罗罗非鱼免疫的影响,对体质量(35.0±5.0) g的尼罗罗非鱼进行了急性和慢性的盐度胁迫实验,对免疫相关指标进行了检测和分析。在急性盐度胁迫中,设置0、5和15盐度组,分别在胁迫后6、12、24、48和96 h进行取样,检测血清SOD、CAT、GSH-Px和AKP的活性。在慢性实验中,设置0、10、20和30盐度组,胁迫8周后检测血清SOD、CAT、GSH-Px和AKP活性,并进行了无乳链球菌易感性实验。结果显示:①血清中SOD活性在急性盐度胁迫6、12和24 h时都有随盐度上升而上升的趋势,但在96 h时盐度15组酶活性显著低于盐度5组;在慢性盐度胁迫下,各组的酶活性呈现出随着盐度升高而显著性下降的趋势。②血清CAT活性在急性盐度胁迫下12和24 h时呈现出随着盐度升高而显著下降的趋势;在慢性胁迫下不存在显著性差异。③血清中GSH-Px活性在急性和慢性胁迫后,均呈现随着盐度升高而降低的趋势。④血清AKP活性在胁迫后6 h随盐度升高呈现出显著下降趋势;在慢性盐度胁迫下,盐度20组显著低于其他实验组。⑤尼罗罗非鱼对无乳链球菌易感性实验中,盐度10组的易感性和盐度0组之...  相似文献   

为研究表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)对尼罗罗非鱼肌原纤维蛋白在贮藏过程中降解的抑制作用,实验采用质量分数为0.002 5%、0.01%、0.02%、0.03%的EGCG对罗非鱼肌肉进行处理,考察不同浓度EGCG对贮藏过程中罗非鱼肌肉肌原纤维蛋白盐溶性的影响,并采用SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳结合质谱技术筛选EGCG抑制降解靶向蛋白质。结果显示,实验条件下不同浓度的EGCG对肌原纤维蛋白降解均有抑制作用,质量分数为0.01%的EGCG抑制效果最佳,肌原纤维蛋白质含量由贮藏初期的(82.42±0.65)降至第12天的(51.89±0.68)mg/g(下降率37.0%),而对照组由(80.86±1.18)降至(35.33±1.16)mg/g(下降率56.3%)。研究表明,通过SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳及质谱技术鉴定,EGCG对尼罗罗非鱼肌原纤维蛋白降解的抑制作用靶向蛋白质分别为MHC、MLC与肌动蛋白,本结果对罗非鱼冷藏保鲜研究具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

朱佳杰  沈夏霜  付强  陈明  周宇  谭芸  甘西 《水产学报》2013,37(12):1821-1828
为研究罗非鱼感染无乳链球菌前后肝脏组织蛋白质的表达变化。本研究以吉富罗非鱼为材料,采用双向电泳技术分析其在无乳链球菌感染胁迫下24 h、48-144 h、12 d与对照组(未感染)肝脏组织蛋白质组的变化,对差异表达蛋白进行质谱分析鉴定。结果显示:吉富罗非鱼在无乳链球菌胁迫下,3个实验组的蛋白质图谱与对照组相比存在显著差异,共有30个蛋白点发生显著改变,其中13个表达上调,17个下调,2个下调蛋白点在感染12 d组消失。通过MALDI-TOF-MS MS/MS质谱分析和数据库检索对这些蛋白质进行了功能分类,发现它们涉及到能量代谢、细胞防御与应激、消化免疫、抗氧化与排毒等许多方面。推测这些蛋白可能在吉富罗非鱼对无乳链球菌胁迫的抗性反应中发挥了重要作用。研究结果为无乳链球菌疫苗的研制及吉富罗非鱼抗病品种选育奠定了基础。  相似文献   

After being shifted to a new diet, time related alterations in digestibility, faecal waste production and faeces recovery in Nile tilapia were assessed in relation with dietary ingredient composition. Four experimental diets were formulated according to a 2 by 2 factorial design: two starch inclusion levels (20 or 40%) and two maize starch types (native versus gelatinized). After introduction to the experimental diets, faeces were collected weekly from Week 2 till 6 using settling tanks. Digestibility of ash, organic matter and dry matter increased with time (P < 0.001). For organic and dry matter the time related alteration in digestibility were different between both starch types (P < 0.05). All faecal waste characteristics altered with time (P < 0.01). The incline in faeces recovery with time was affected by starch type (P < 0.01); being the largest at the 40% gelatinized maize diet. In conclusion, the minimal length of the adaptation period in digestibility studies for obtaining unbiased digestibility estimates is dependent on diet composition, in this study with Nile tilapia 4 weeks for diets with gelatinized starch and 6 weeks with native starch.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the use of commercial live bakers’ yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a growth and immunity promoter for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Fish (0.33 g) were randomly distributed at 25 fish per 140-L aquarium and fed a diet containing 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, or 5.0 g yeast/kg diet for 12 weeks. After the 12-week experimental period, fish of each treatment were challenged by pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila, which was given by interperitoneal (IP) injection and kept under observation for 10 days to record clinical signs and the daily mortality rate. The growth-promoting influences of bakers’ yeast were observed with fish and the optimum growth, feed utilization, and protein turn-over were obtained with 1.0–5.0 g yeast/kg diet. Also, yeast supplementation increased protein deposition in fish body. Biochemical parameters were improved in fish fed yeast up to 1.0 g/kg diet. Total fish mortality 10-days after IP injection with A. hydrophila and its count after incubation with fish serum decreased with the increase of yeast level in fish diets. However, the lowest fish mortality and bacterial counts were obtained in fish fed 5.0 g yeast/kg. These results indicate that bakers’ yeast supplement is promising as an alternative method to antibiotics for disease prevention in tilapia aquaculture, and the optimum level of live bakers’ yeast is about 1.0 g per kg diet.  相似文献   

Economic profitability of Nile tilapia production in Kenya was analysed using a model that simulated individual fish growth and took fish population dynamics in the pond into account. The results suggest that the currently practiced mixed‐sex tilapia culture is economically unsustainable. It is suggested that research and extension efforts be geared towards developing monosex Nile tilapia production systems. Nile tilapia culture with African catfish predation should be viewed as an intermediate step towards all‐male Nile tilapia culture. This will allow accumulation of both physical and human capital to support all‐male tilapia culture. Under all‐male culture, economic returns are high enough to justify investment in Nile tilapia culture using borrowed capital. However, the success of monosex culture will depend on the availability and affordability of quality fingerlings and low‐cost fish feeds. The results have a wide application in Sub‐Saharan Africa where mixed‐sex Nile tilapia culture is common.  相似文献   

Probiotic microbial feed supplements are gaining wide acceptance in livestock production, and may be applicable to aquaculture production systems. The present study was conducted to examine probiotic treatment in the fingerling diet of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). A total of 240 of Nile tilapia fingerlings (weight ranged from 22.96 to 26.40 g) were divided into five experimental groups. The experiment was conducted for 120 days. Experimental diets were identical in all, except for the variation in probiotic levels. A probiotic (Biogen®) was used at 0% (diet 1), 0.5% (diet 2), 1.5% (diet 3), 2.0% (diet 4) and 2.5% (diet 5) inclusion rates in the experimental diets. The growth performance and nutrient utilization of Nile tilapia including weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio, protein productive value and energy retention were significantly (P≤0.01) higher in the treatment receiving probiotic (Biogen®) than the control diet. No differences were observed for moisture, ash and protein content (P≤0.01) among the experimental diets. The lowest gross energy and lipid contents were recorded for fish fed the diet containing 0.5% Biogen® (P≤0.01). The production performance and subsequent cost–benefit analyses clearly indicated that the diets containing probiotic biogen recorded the highest net return and the lowest total cost compared with the control diet.  相似文献   

Participatory research was conducted with poorer farmers in two communities, Girai (G) and Bahagili (B) in NW Bangladesh to assess the production of Nile tilapia seed in irrigated spring rice-fields. All the selected households (G = 15; B = 4) had previous experience producing common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the rice-fields allocated a separate plot in which a deeper area had been excavated for this trial. Mature GIFT strain Nile tilapia (12 female and 6 male; 121 ± 34 g and 158 ± 54 g size, respectively) were supplied to each household irrespective of the size of their trial plot (mean < 0.15 ha). The trial started in the spring rice season (boro) in February and ended at the end of main season (amon) in December 1999. Management practices, production and sales of fish were monitored weekly.The majority of farmers succeeded in producing fingerlings in their plots; 11% failed totally but around 70% produced more than 2000 fingerlings from a single plot. Production during boro and fallow period was much higher (> 90% total) than during the subsequent amon crop (< 10% total). Total production was highly variable among households but not different between the two study areas (G = 4092 ± 3277; B = 3730 ± 4232 fingerlings household− 1). Daily production of fingerlings per unit area was relatively low (< 1 fish m− 2 day− 1) but efficiency of production was high, averaging 17.3 fingerlings. kg− 1 female day− 1. Mean individual harvest weight was 21 g.Most fingerlings were sold (43%) and/or stocked for further culture in their own grow-out system (39%), but some were used directly for household consumption (17%).  相似文献   

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