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New specimens of middle Eocene Basilosaurus isis from Egypt include the first functional pelvic limb and foot bones known in Cetacea. These are important in corroborating the intermediate evolutionary position of archaeocetes between generalized Paleocene land mammals that used hind limbs in locomotion and Oligocene-to- Recent whales that lack functional pelvic limbs. The foot is paraxonic, consistent with derivation from mesonychid Condylarthra. Hind limbs of Basilosaurus are interpreted as copulatory guides.  相似文献   

Partial skeletons of two new fossil whales, Artiocetus clavis and Rodhocetus balochistanensis, are among the oldest known protocetid archaeocetes. These came from early Lutetian age (47 million years ago) strata in eastern Balochistan Province, Pakistan. Both have an astragalus and cuboid in the ankle with characteristics diagnostic of artiodactyls; R. balochistanensis has virtually complete fore- and hind limbs. The new skeletons are important in augmenting the diversity of early Protocetidae, clarifying that Cetacea evolved from early Artiodactyla rather than Mesonychia and showing how early protocetids swam.  相似文献   

An abundant, previously problematic fossil from the Lower Ordovician (Canadian) Black Rock limestone of the Ozark Uplift area is an undescribed dianulitid bryozoan. It is believed to be the oldest unquestionable bryozoan known. The growth morphology varies widely and is believed to be environmentally influenced.  相似文献   

Newly discovered fossils support a Wasatchian (early Eocene) age for the Punta Prieta vertebrate fauna of Baja California and reveal the utility of land mammal ages on a continental scale. Dispersal scenarios for late Paleocene and early Eocene vertebrates usually invoke heterochrony for similar, but geographically separated, faunas or taxa. Such heterochrony is not supported by independent geochronologies or adequate geographic samples.  相似文献   

A lepidopteran mine, probably of Phyllocnistis, on a leaflet impression of Cedrela (Meliaceae) discovered in late early Eocene strata near Dubois, Wyoming, is the earliest record of leaf mining and of the Phyllocnistidae. Considerable prior evolution of the mining habit, antiquity of the Cedrela-Phyllocnistis relationship, and subtropical climatic conditions are indicated.  相似文献   

Morris WJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,153(3742):1376-1378
Ungulates belonging to the family Barylambdidae were found in the same geologic unit with, but stratigraphically above, a specimen assigned to the Tillodontia and above several molars of the perissodactyl cf. Hyracotherium sp. This arrangement is unusual, as in the well-documented faunas from the Rocky Mountain Region Barylambdidae are known only from the Paleocene, Tillodontia from the Paleocene and Eocene, while Hyracotherium is known only from the Eocene. The expected stratigraphic order would be, from lowest to highest, Barylambdidae, Tillodontia, and Hyracotherium. It is suggested that the Baja California assemblage is late Paleocene on the basis of the generalized molars of cf. Hyracotherium sp. and the characters of cf. Esthonyx sp.  相似文献   

A few leafy gymnosperm shoots were found in Eocene deposits of southeastern North America. Similar fossil material from Tertiary deposits in North America has been identified as Taxodium, Taxites, and Sequoia. This new fossil material is not related to these genera but belongs to Podocarpus section Stachycarpus. This is the first fossil record of this section in North America.  相似文献   

A virtually complete articulated skeleton of the arctocyonid Chriacus, recently found in northern Wyoming, is one of the most intact early Eocene mammal skeletons ever found. It exhibits numerous adaptations characteristic of mammals that climb, including strong bony crests and processes (reflecting powerful musculature), ability for considerable forearm supination, a highly mobile ankle joint, plantigrade feet, curved and transversely compressed claws, and a long, possibly semiprehensile tail. These features contrast sharply with those of the oldest artiodactyls and indicate that Chriacus or a similar arctocyonid was not ancestral to the Artiodactyla, as has been proposed.  相似文献   

Microtektites have been recovered from three horizons in eight middle Eocene to middle Oligocene marine sediment sequences. Five of these occurrences are coeval and of latest Eocene age (37.5 to 38.0 million years ago); three are coeval and of early late Eocene age (38.5 to 39.5 million years ago); and three are of middle Oligocene age (31 to 32 million years ago). In addition, rare probable microtektites have been found in sediments with ages of about 36.0 to 36.5 million years. The microtektite horizon at 37.5 to 38.0 million years can be correlated with the North American tektite-strewn field, which has a fission track age (minimum) of 34 to 35 million years and a paleomagnetic age of 37.5 to 38.0 million years. There is no evidence for mass faunal extinctions at any of the microtektite horizons. Many of the distinct faunal changes that occurred in the middle Eocene to middle Oligocene can be related to the formation of the Antarctic ice sheet and the associated cooling phenomena and intensification of bottom currents that led to large-scale dissolution of calcium carbonate and erosion, which created areally extensive hiatuses in the deep-sea sediment records. The occurrence of microtektite horizons of several ages and the lack of evidence for faunal extinctions suggest that the effects of extraterrestrial bolide impacts may be unimportant in the biologic realm during middle Eocene to middle Oligocene time.  相似文献   

Images obtained by the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) cameras onboard the Rosetta spacecraft reveal that asteroid 21 Lutetia has a complex geology and one of the highest asteroid densities measured so far, 3.4 ± 0.3 grams per cubic centimeter. The north pole region is covered by a thick layer of regolith, which is seen to flow in major landslides associated with albedo variation. Its geologically complex surface, ancient surface age, and high density suggest that Lutetia is most likely a primordial planetesimal. This contrasts with smaller asteroids visited by previous spacecraft, which are probably shattered bodies, fragments of larger parents, or reaccumulated rubble piles.  相似文献   

Acarodomatia or "mite houses" are located on leaves of many present-day angiosperms and are inhabited by mites that may maintain leaf hygiene. Eocene deposits in southern Australia have yielded acarodomatia on fossil leaves of Elaeocarpaceae and Lauraceae and also contain oribatid mites with close affinities to those that inhabit the acarodomatia of the closest living relatives of the fossil plant taxa. The data indicate that mite-plant associations may have been widespread in southern Australia 40 million years ago.  相似文献   

Recent members of the order Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) move in the water by vertical tail beats and cannot locomote on land. Their hindlimbs are not visible externally and the bones are reduced to one or a few splints that commonly lack joints. However, cetaceans originated from four-legged land mammals that used their limbs for locomotion and were probably apt runners. Because there are no relatively complete limbs for archaic archaeocete cetaceans, it is not known how the transition in locomotory organs from land to water occurred. Recovery of a skeleton of an early fossil cetacean from the Kuldana Formation, Pakistan, documents transitional modes of locomotion, and allows hypotheses concerning swimming in early cetaceans to be tested. The fossil indicates that archaic whales swam by undulating their vertebral column, thus forcing their feet up and down in a way similar to modern otters. Their movements on land probably resembled those of sea lions to some degree, and involved protraction and retraction of the abducted limbs.  相似文献   

The origin of Indian corn remains controversial. Its closest wild relative is teosinte, with which it hybridizes freely to produce fertile progeny. Teosinte ears are smaller and simpler than those of corn. Searches for a more likely living ancestor have failed, but nine of its assumed pollen grains have been recovered in deep drillcore samples obtained from a stratum of soil under Mexico City, which is believed to antedate man in the Western Hemisphere. These nine largest grains are indistinguishable from pollen of modern corn. It has been assumed to be that of a postulated wild corn other than that of teosinte, but this does not account for the possibility that the pollen grains are those of a tetraploid teosinte-producing pollen with two sets of chromosomes. This likelihood has been examined by treating modern teosinte plants with colchicine, which induces tetraploidy. The result has been many teosinte pollen grains indistinguishable in size from modern corn. In interpreting thrs outcome it is important also to know that heat treatment of corn and other plants induces polyploidy, and that the deep drill-core pollen was recovered in a stratum of volcanic clay indicating the high temperature known to favor doubling of corn pollen volumes.  相似文献   

本文对拉萨地区主要的粮食作物-青稞,以吡虫啉、氧化乐果为研究对象,对农药残留进行了检测.  相似文献   

Wood AE 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,175(4027):1250-1251
The earliest known representative of the fundamentally South American and African hystricognathous rodents has recently been found in the middle or late Eocene of southwestern Texas; this discovery supports the postulate of a northern and independent origin for the two southern groups and increases the evidence against mid-Tertiary trans-Atlantic migration of these rodents at a time when the South Atlantic was narrower than it is at present. The fossil seems to be related to the North American Eocene family Sciuravidae.  相似文献   

A carbon-chromite fraction from the Allende C3V chondrite shows strikingly large isotopic enrichments of neodymium-142 (0.47 percent) and neodymium- 143 (36 percent). Both apparently formed by alpha decay of samarium-146 and samarium-147 (half-lives 1.03 x 10(8) and 1.06 x 10(11) years), but the isotopic enrichment was greatly magnified by recoil of residual nuclei into a carbon film surrounding the samarium-bearing grains. These data provide an improved estimate of the original abundance of extinct samarium-146 in the early solar system [(146)Sm/(144)Sm = (4.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(-3)], higher than predicted by some models of pprocess nucleosynthesis. It may be possible to use this isotopic pair as a chronometer of the early solar system.  相似文献   

A Vendian (Late Proterozoic Z) age has been determined for the Boston Basin by comparison of a microflora from the Cambridge Argillite with other late Precambrian assemblages. The microfossils, which include Bavlinella cf. faveolata, are preserved as petrifactions in pyrite. This age designation for the sedimentary rocks of the Boston Basin should allow for the reinterpretation of the structure of the basin and its regional correlations.  相似文献   

Quartz grains in granitic rocks usually have blue cathodoluminescence (CL). Within the blue-luminescing grains, there are often red-luminescing domains which are frequently impossible to detect without CL contrast. This finding suggests that the red-luminescing quartz is sealing preexisting mnicrocracks. The presence of these now-healed microcracks has important implications with respect to the role of pore fluid pressure and fluid transfer in metamorphism, the origih of granites, longperiod crustal deformation, earthquake mechanics, physical properties of rocks, and deep-seated geothermal energy.  相似文献   

Wing SL 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,226(4673):439-441
Fossil pollen grains from Paleocene-Eocene rocks of the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming allow important sequences of terrestrial vertebrate fossils to be correlated with standard marine microfossil zonations. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary as based on pollen evidence falls within the Wasatchian land mammal age, much higher than the boundary used by some fossil mammal workers. This discrepancy partly results from multiple definitions of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary but may also indicate faulty mammal-based correlations to the type Sparnacian of France.  相似文献   

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