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The structure of a sex pheromone of the codling moth. Laspeyresia pomonella (L.), has been determined by spectrometric and chemical degradative techniques and by synthesis to be (2Z, 6E)-7-methyl-3-propyl-2,6-decadien-1-ol. In field cage tests the synthesized sex pheromone was as attractive as the natural, but neither was as attractive as ten virgin females per trap.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor responses (electroantennograms) were recorded from antennae of danaid butterflies. Antennae of male and female queen butterflies (Danaus gilippus berenice) respond equally strongly to the hairpencil of queen males, to its crude extract, and to one of its two identified secretory components (the ketone). Responses to the second component (the diol) are weak. Hairpencils of a related species, Lycorea ceres, which also contain the ketone, are equally effective in eliciting electroantennograms from both sexes of the queen. Antennae of another related species, the monarch (Danaus plexippus), respond to the same stimuli as does the queen. Monarch hairpencils, which lack the ketone, do not elicit electroantennograms in monarch or queen antennae.  相似文献   

A mixture of the cis and trans forms of propylure (10-propyl-trans-5,9-tridecadienyl acetate), the sex pheromone of the female pink bollworm moth, has been separated into its pure isomers by thin-layer chromatography. The cis isomer inhibits or masks the activity of the trans isomer, as little as 15 percent of the cis isomer being sufficient to completely nullify the activity of the trans isomer.  相似文献   

Gypsy moth control with the sex attractant pheromone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

trans-8, trans-10-Dodecadien-1-ol is a sex attractant of the codling moth, Laspeyresia pomonella. Antennal responses (electroantennograms) to a series of monounsaturated compounds were used in determining the location and configuration of the two double bonds. The synthetic compound is very attractive to male codling moths in the field.  相似文献   

Males of the queen butterfly Danaus gilippus berenice, deprived of the two extrusible brushlike "hairpencils" at the rear of their abdomen, are capable of courting females but incapable of seducing them. In normal courtship, an aphrodisiac secretion associated with the hairpencils is transferred by way of tiny cuticular "dust" particles to the antennae of the females. Of the two substances identified from the secretion, one (the ketone) acts as the chemical messenger that induces the females to mate. The only known function of the other compound (the diol) is to serve as a glue that sticks the dust to the female. Males were reared under conditions in which they produced subnormal amounts of ketone and showed reduced seductive capacity. Under certain experimental circumstances, the competence of these males was restored by addition of synthetic ketone.  相似文献   

Two major components in the "hairpencil" secretion of the male of the queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus berenice) have been identified. One, a crystalline ketone (2,3-dihydro-7-methyl-1H-pyrrolizin-1-one), is known from another danaid butterfly. The other, a viscous terpenoid alcohol (trans, trans-3,7-dimethyldeca-2,6-dien-1,10-diol), is new; its structure is confirmed by an unambiguous synthesis.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone has been implicated in the mediation of several reproduction-related events in adult insects, but had previously been found to play no role in the regulation of sex pheromone production and release behavior ("calling") in moths. In females of the true armyworm moth, Pseudaletia unipuncta, juvenile hormone is shown to be essential to the initiation of both calling behavior and pheromone production. Females without corpora allata, the source of juvenile hormone, do not call and do not produce pheromone, but injection of juvenile hormone into allatectomized females restored these activities. The armyworm's control system has likely evolved in response to the adults' migratory behavior which may necessitate that mating be restricted to the period following migration.  相似文献   

The sex attractant produced in extremely small amount by the virgin female pink bollworm moth has been isolated in pure form and identified as 10-propyl-trans- 5, 9-tridecadienyl acetate. Successful synthesis of this molecule confirms the structure and makes possible its practical use to help control this destructive pest of cotton. The attractant, for which the common name "propylure" is suggested, may be the first naturally occurring compound with propyl branching to be reported.  相似文献   

靖远松叶蜂对人工合成的性信息素的昼夜反应节律发生在白天,反应时间从早晨9:00开始一直持续到下午16:00结束,反应高峰为11:00-14:00,反应模式为“单峰式-白天型”;对其成虫发生期的监测显示,不末期为7月28日(低海拔林分)和8月26日(高海拔林分),成虫持续期为59d(低海拔林分)和89d(高海拔林分)左右;对分布区域的检测表明,在以前未有靖远松叶蜂分布的山西省太岳山森林公园已有该虫的分布。  相似文献   

A sex pheromone isolated from the cuticle and feces of the female house fly attracts the male fly; it has been identified as (Z)-9-tricosene. Chemical and biological comparisons of the natural and synthesized compounds show that they are identical.  相似文献   

蝴蝶兰叶片对低温胁迫的生理响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以3个蝴蝶兰品种(系)(耐冷品种婚宴,不耐冷品种聚宝,中等耐冷性新品系ZD-1)为试验材料,经预处理后,测定各材料在低温(10℃、5℃和0℃)下处理12、24和48 h后叶片相对电导率、叶片中可溶性糖和丙二醛(MDA)含量以及过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性.结果表明:随着胁迫程度的加深,蝴蝶兰叶片的相对电导率和MDA含量逐渐增加,可作为蝴蝶兰耐冷性的鉴定指标;可溶性糖含量的变化无明显规律;CAT和SOD酶活性随着胁迫程度的加深先增大后减小;APX活性则呈持续增加趋势,也可作为蝴蝶兰耐冷性的鉴定指标;耐冷性品种婚宴在一定程度低温胁迫条件下能通过自身酶系统的保护,减少活性氧对其的伤害,而不耐冷品种聚宝的自身酶系统的保护能力较差.  相似文献   

低温发酵剂在鸡粪冬季处理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在冬季使用低温发酵剂对鸡粪进行堆肥,对接种发酵剂处理与不接种处理的堆肥过程中温度变化和微生物数量进行分析比较.结果表明,使用该发酵剂在日平均气温4.9~7.1℃,48~72 h可启动发酵.采取好氧发酵,10 d发酵温度达到70℃,维持48 h以上;兼性厌氧发酵,8 d发酵温度达到55℃,可维持1周以上;发酵后物料卫生指标符合<粪便无害化卫生标准>.发酵过程微生物数量变化表明,发酵剂在发酵启动和发酵过程中起到了主要作用,可有效地改善鸡粪堆肥过程中微生物的群落结构.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone production in the female corn earworm moth Heliothis zea is controlled by a hormonal substance produced in the female's brain. It is present in the brain in scotophase as well as photophase, but it is released into the hemolymph to stimulate pheromone production only in the scotophase. The stimulatory activity was also detected in the brains of male corn earworm moths and of other moths.  相似文献   

松叶蜂科昆虫性信息素研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了松叶蜂科昆虫两性引诱、信息素产生和接受、信息素化学组成和林间生测以及信息素在松叶蜂防治上的应用等方面研究的新进展。  相似文献   

Heating the thorax of the sphinx moth, Manduca sexta, evoked pulsations of the heart in the abdomen. These pulsations were of relatively high rate and amplitude, and traveled from the abdomen into the thorax. While heat was continuously applied exclusively to the thorax, thoracic temperature often stabilized and abdominal temperature increased sharply. Thoracic heating of moths with transected nerve cord, however, did not evoke these responses. It is inferred that the heart in the abdomen responds to overheating of the thorax through neural influence.  相似文献   

通过对3种苹果蠹蛾性诱捕器诱捕效果的比较,发现板式性诱捕器的诱捕效果最好,盆式与瓶式之间无差异;对苹果蠹蛾成虫综合防治果园和未防治果园中的时序变化以及防治措施对成虫动态变化的研究发现,在综合防治果园中苹果蠹蛾成虫的数量明显降低,第1代和第2代成虫每单位诱捕器3 d内诱捕虫头数在2头以下,盛发期前后的2次化学防治为越冬代成虫防治的关健时期.  相似文献   

低温下不同抗寒性冬小麦叶片组织结构比较   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
以强抗寒冬小麦品种东农冬麦1号和弱抗寒冬小麦品种济麦22为试材,应用光学显微镜和电子显微镜对不同低温下(5℃和-15℃)两个冬小麦品种的叶片显微、超微结构进行比较研究。结果表明,在5℃和-15℃低温下,东农冬麦1号和济麦22叶片的显微结构无明显差异,但超微结构差异较显著。东农冬麦1号类囊体基粒片层和基质片层跺叠整齐,沿叶绿体的长轴方向平行排列,而济麦22叶绿体内的类囊体排列方向无规则,与叶绿体长轴形成各种角度。在-15℃时,两个品种叶肉细胞的线粒体皆肿胀呈圆形,嵴的结构模糊,且济麦22有个别线粒体嵴消失现象。该研究结果可为冬小麦抗寒种质的选育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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