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The aggregation of displaying males in lek-breeding birds is often associated with disruption of courtship and mating but effects of this disruption on mate choice have not been shown. In a 4-year study of Rupicola rupicola in Suriname, interference among territorial adult males disrupted 31 percent of all female courtship visits and terminated 32 percent of all matings at a lek where there were an average of 55 territorial males. Disruption in this rain forest species caused females to modify their courtship and mating patterns, and males that used intense and persistent disruption received a disproportionate share of this redirected mate choice.  相似文献   

Mating with another species (hybridization) is often maladaptive. Consequently, females typically avoid heterospecifics as mates. Contrary to these expectations, female spadefoot toads were more likely to choose heterospecific males when exposed to environmental conditions that favor hybridization. Indeed, those females with phenotypic characteristics for which hybridization is most favorable were most likely to switch from choosing conspecifics to heterospecifics. Moreover, environmentally dependent mate choice has evolved only in populations and species that risk engaging in, and can potentially benefit from, hybridization. Thus, when the benefits of mate choice vary, females may radically alter their mate selection in response to their own phenotype and their environment, even to the point of choosing males of other species.  相似文献   

A key question in evolutionary genetics is whether shared genetic mechanisms underlie the independent evolution of similar phenotypes across phylogenetically divergent lineages. Here we show that in two classic examples of melanic plumage polymorphisms in birds, lesser snow geese (Anser c. caerulescens) and arctic skuas (Stercorarius parasiticus), melanism is perfectly associated with variation in the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene. In both species, the degree of melanism correlates with the number of copies of variant MC1R alleles. Phylogenetic reconstructions of variant MC1R alleles in geese and skuas show that melanism is a derived trait that evolved in the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Male Mormon crickets produce a large spermatophore that the female eats. Spermatophore proteins are important to female reproduction, and females compete for access to singing males. Males reject most receptive females as mates, and those accepted are more fecund than rejected individuals. This role reversal in courtship is in contrast to the behavior of the sexes in katydid species in which the males produce small spermatophores.  相似文献   

Boake CR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,227(4690):1061-1063
To investigate whether female mate choice could be directed at male genetic quality, male chemical signals and progeny fitness were studied in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum). Differences among males in the attractiveness of their pheromone to females were statistically significant. Developmental time of progeny was significantly heritable, indicating that some males have "good genes" for this trait. There was no statistically significant correlation between progeny fitness and male attractiveness. These results do not support the hypothesis that in this species the evolution of female preferences for male pheromone is adaptive.  相似文献   

Theory on the evolution of ornamental male traits by sexual selection assumes consistency in selection over time. Temporal variation in female choice could dampen sexual selection, but scant information exists on the degree to which individual female preferences are flexible. Here we show that in lark buntings sexual selection on male traits varied dramatically across years and, in some cases, exhibited reversals in the direction of selection for a single trait. We show that these shifts are probably because of flexibility in mate choice by individual females and that they parallel shifts in the male traits that predict female reproductive success in a given year. Plasticity in choice and concomitant reversals in mating patterns across time may weaken the strength of sexual selection and could maintain genetic variation underlying multiple sexual ornaments.  相似文献   

Exclosure experiments have demonstrated the effects of bird predation on arthropods. In a Mexican coffee plantation, we excluded foliage-gleaning bird and bat predators from coffee plants. Effects of bats and birds were additive. In the dry season, birds reduced arthropods in coffee plants by 30%; birds and bats together reduced arthropods by 46%. In the wet season, bats reduced arthropods by 84%, whereas birds reduced them by only 58%. We conclude that previous "bird" exclosure experiments may have systematically underestimated the effects of bats.  相似文献   

Artibeus jamaicensis: delayed embryonic development in a neotropical bat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Panama the phyllostomid bat Artibeus jamaicensis is seasonally polyestrous, and young are born in March or April and July or August. Blastocysts conceived after the second birth implant in the uterus but are dormant from September to mid-November, when normal development again resumes.  相似文献   

The only known case of an avian digestive system with active foregut fermentation is reported for the hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin), one of the world's few obligate folivorous (leaf-eating) birds. Hoatzins are one of the smallest endotherms with this form of digestion. Foregut fermentation in a flying bird may be explained by increased digestive efficiency by selection of highly fermentable and extremely patchy resources, coupled with microbial nutritional products and secondary compound detoxification. This unexpected digestive system gives a new perspective to the understanding of size limitations of vertebrate herbivores and to the evolution of foregut fermentation.  相似文献   

Two-thirds of 258 fruit species from Peruvian tropical forest belong to one of two classes: large orange, yellow, brown, or green fruits with a husk; or small red, black, white, blue, purple, or mixed-color fruits without a husk. The characteristics of the two fruit classes match the size, visual ability, and jaw morphology of mammals and birds, respectively, and the animals also prefer to eat one class of fruits. Thus, most plants in this forest seem to be adapted to seed dispersal by either of two distinct broad arrays of animal taxa.  相似文献   

Sex ratio adaptations to local mate competition in a parasitic wasp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Werren JH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1980,208(4448):1157-1159
Females of the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis adjust the sex ratio of their broods according to whether they are a first or second wasp to parasitize a host. The first wasp produces a strong daughter bias. The second wasp adjusts the prorportion of sons to the relative level of local mate competition, as predicted by a natural selection model. The results provide a quantitative test of sex ratio theory.  相似文献   

Species richness in the tropics has been attributed to the gradual accumulation of species over a long geological period in stable equatorial climates or, conversely, to speciation in response to late Tertiary geological events and unstable Pleistocene climates. DNA sequence data are consistent with recent diversification in Inga, a species-rich neotropical tree genus. We estimate that speciation was concentrated in the past 10 million years, with many species arising as recently as 2 million years ago. This coincides with the more recent major uplifts of the Andes, the bridging of the Isthmus of Panama, and Quaternary glacial cycles. Inga may be representative of other species-rich neotropical genera with rapid growth and reproduction, which contribute substantially to species numbers in the world's most diverse flora.  相似文献   

Injection of frog embryos (Rana pipiens) with a zonal centrifuge purified fraction of herpes-type virus (prepared from virus-containing Lucké tumors) resulted in a high incidence of kidney tumors. This partially purified oncogenic fraction contained a high concentration of an enveloped form of the frog herpes-type virus (adjacent fractions lacked this particle and were not oncogenic), which suggests that this form of the virus plays a role in the genesis of the Lucké tumor.  相似文献   

Colonially breeding gray seals are polygynous. Males are larger than females, compete with each other for position among aggregated females, and contribute no parental care. Genetic analysis of pups born on the island of North Rona, Scotland, reveals large numbers of full siblings, although dominant males father disproportionately few of these. This result cannot be explained by mating patterns based solely on male dominance and the spatio-temporal organization of the breeding colony. Instead, many full siblings must result from choices favoring previous parental combinations. Thus, polygyny and partner fidelity appear to operate simultaneously in this breeding colony.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop formulas for contrasting genetic interests of workers and queens in social Hymenoptera are complicated by many factors, including multiple matings by queens, oviposition by unmated females, and mating rivalry among genetic relatives (Hamilton's "local mate competition"). Because of haplodiploid sex determination in Hymenoptera, when such influences are absent, queens benefit from 1:1 sex ratios of investment (male: female) in reproductive offspring, workers from 1:3 ratios among reproductive siblings. Reports of variable ratios, including many well above 1:3, and female biases in nonsocial Hymenoptera and diplodiploid termites, implicate local mate competition and raises questions about previous interpretations that workers have their way.  相似文献   

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