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正"十三五"期间,我国通过系统实施濒危物种拯救工程,建立了占国土面积18%的各类自然保护地,有效保护了90%的植被类型和陆地生态系统,65%的高等植物群落,85%的重点保护野生动物种群,大熊猫、朱鹮、亚洲象、藏羚羊、苏铁、西藏巨柏等珍稀濒危野生动植物种群实现恢复性增长。大熊猫野生种群增至1864只,朱鹮野外种群和人工繁育种群总数超过4000只,亚洲象野外种群增至300头,藏羚羊野外种群恢复到30万只以上。  相似文献   

近年来,盗伐珍稀树种、偷猎和走私野生动物等活动愈演愈烈,全球野生动植物种群趋于下降。为保护濒危动植物物种,中国会同东盟野生动植物执法网络(ASEAN-WEN),提出了合作开展"眼镜蛇行动"的倡议,获得了南非、美国以及南亚野生动植物执法网络(SA-WEN)、卢萨卡议  相似文献   

<正>在我国古代,人们将“盘羊”称为“蟠羊”,主要源于这一物种雄兽头上有一对粗壮弯角的形态特征。它们是中国仅有的野生绵羊,国家二级重点保护野生动物,出没于丘陵起伏的地带或山坡草地,尤其喜欢栖息于较为开阔的地区。目前,人工圈养繁育是濒危物种迁地保护的重要途径之一,这一技术也可以提高盘羊繁殖率,扩大其种群数量,达到迁地保护的目的。  相似文献   

<正>5月22日是第23个国际生物多样性日,今年的主题是“从协议到协力:复元生物多样性”。记者从国家林业和草原局获悉,“十四五”以来,我国以旗舰物种拯救保护为抓手,持续推进就地和迁地保护体系建设,大量珍稀濒危野生动植物种群稳步增长,栖息繁衍环境稳步改善。近年来,我国系统实施极度濒危野生动物和极小种群野生植物拯救保护工程,通过就地保护、迁地保护、人工繁育培植、放归或回归自然等多种措施,  相似文献   

结合云南省第二次陆生野生动物资源调查结果,对全省野生动物人工繁育产业发展情况进行实地调查,并按人工繁育目的和技术状况进行分类,从养殖规模、种源来源、养殖技术成熟度、产品市场规模与销售渠道、经济效益等方面分析产业发展现状和人工繁育物种现状,评估各物种养殖产业发展现状及前景,得出动物养殖技术成熟度结论,进而评估养殖单位的现状与发展前景。分析产业发展中存在的问题,提出转变观念,有序发展,增加投入,紧抓重点,促进国家重点保护动物人工繁育研究,设置产业准入门槛,加强人工繁育产业监管等建议。  相似文献   

从立法促进保护,构建完善的种质资源保护体系,提高公众保护意识,开展人工繁育工作,摸清野生动植物种质资源家底,推动珍贵用材林、木本油料林建设,发展林下经济及野生动物养殖等方面,对西双版纳州野生动植物种质资源保护及利用情况进行阐述。对存在的非保护类物种种质资源保护的法律法规有待健全,林下经济发展的政策、技术规范体系还不完善,产业化发展水平有待进一步提升等问题进行分析,藉此提出相应建议。  相似文献   

总结了我国林业物种保护拯救与自然保护区建设成就。全国野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程实施8年来,初步形成了国家、省、市三位一体的野生动植物保护体系,有效保护着我国90%的陆地生态系统类型、85%的野生动物种群和65%的高等植物群。提出今后工程建设的重点是认真编制好规划,积极研究保护立法,完善保护区布局,加强珍稀濒危野生动植物拯救力度,扩大拯救范围,强化野生动植物繁育利用的市场监管和执法监督。  相似文献   

辽宁省东北红豆杉天然种群特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东北红豆杉是国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生濒危物种。通过对辽宁省现存东北红豆杉的地理分布特征、种群数量以及种群结构进行调查分析,结果表明:辽宁省天然东北红豆杉仅存60株;在5个区域呈相对集中分布;个体林木胸径分布在6cm以下;种群结构不均衡,通过自然繁育困难。亟待加强保护和人工促进种群恢复。  相似文献   

为保护和合理利用野生药材资源,更好地满足人民医疗保健事业的需要,国务院于去年10月30日颁布了《野生药材资源保护管理条例》。《条例》共有26条,明确规定对于濒临灭绝状态的一圾稀有珍贵野生药材物种禁止采猎;对于分布区域缩小、资源处于衰竭状态的重要或常用野生药材物种,不得在禁止采猎区,禁止采猎期使用禁用工具进行采猎,采猎者必须持有县以上医药部门与野生动物、植物管理部门批准发给的采猎证。  相似文献   

滥食野生动物之立法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了滥食野生动物与合法食用野生动物之间的区别。分析了滥食野生动物的原因及其危害,相关法律规定及在立法层面和认识层面存在的主要问题。提出了完善野生动物保护法律体系、严厉打击滥食野生动物的建议,主要包括:扩大野生动物保护范围,对野生动物实行普遍保护;明确正确的野生动物科学保护理念,避免绝对保护思想;明确界定什么是滥食野生动物,维护合法利用者的权益;强化野生动物经营利用监管,确保利用合法来源的野生动物;鼓励扶持野生动物驯养繁殖业的发展,促进以利用野外资源为主向以利用人工繁育资源为主的彻底转变;强化科普宣传教育,树立正确的野生动物保护观念。  相似文献   

我国野生动植物国际贸易动态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周志华  蒋志刚 《林业科学》2004,40(5):151-156
搜集整理了我国 1982— 2 0 0 1年野生动植物及其产品的进出口数据 ,在此基础上对受管制物种数量、贸易国家数量、动植物来源、贸易目的构成等参数的变化动态进行分析。分析表明中国正在从一个野生动植物出口型国家转变为进口型国家 ;受管制物种的数量从 80年代的不足 10 0种增加到现在的 5 0 0种以上 ,显示 1991年以来实行的一系列管理法规和 1998年实行的新版《进出口野生动植物种商品目录》 ,对加强植物的进出口管理和进口物种的管理起到了非常积极的作用 ;贸易国家数量从 10个左右增加到 5 0个以上 ,许可证主要被用于商业性贸易目的 ,表明贸易活动日趋活跃 ;目前我国的野生动植物国际贸易中仍有许多贸易物种基本为野生来源 ,对野生种群构成巨大压力。提出了加强《进出口野生动植物种商品目录》的法律地位 ,加强对狩猎和采集活动管理 ,鼓励人工繁殖和培植野生动植物 ,适当监督和控制动植物进口数量等建议。  相似文献   

The commercial harvest of herbal medicine to meet the growing urban demand has become an environmentally destructive activity in many countries. Non-sustainable harvesting not only threatens the survival of medicinal plant species, but also the people that depend on them. In Suriname, the urbanization of Maroons has created a lively trade in medicinal plants, but little is known on the ecological effects of this trade. To find out whether this commercial harvest was a destructive activity, we carried out a market survey and followed commercial extractors into the forest to look for signs of overharvesting. We analyzed our results from three perspectives: the market, the harvesters and the post-harvest survival of the particular plants. Of the 249 commercial species, less than half was harvested exclusively from the wild. Most extraction took place in secondary forest or man-made vegetation close to the capital. Leaves were the main product. Apart from a few primary forest-based species (e.g., Begonia glabra), we found little evidence for declining resources. Maroons were actively cultivating and managing wild plants. Our three-way analysis enabled us to distinguish between species without sustainability problems (abundant, domesticated, cultivated, limited market value, disturbance species or surviving harvest) and species with conservation priorities. This study illustrates that the increased commercialization of medicinal plants due to urbanization does not invariably lead to declining resources and species loss. With its low population density and market dominated by disturbance species, Suriname offers good possibilities for sustainable medicinal plant extraction.  相似文献   

We analyzed the generation and dissemination of relevant information on wildlife utilization based on the African bush elephant(Loxodonta africana Blumenbach.),the tiger(Panthera tigris L.) and the totoaba, a species of marine fish,(Totoaba macdonaldi Gilbert) as examples,whose populations are more threatened by the illegal wildlife trade. We compared the illegal trade in wildlife with related information in order to find possible associations,searched for relevant information on major internati...  相似文献   

随着蝴蝶人工养殖科学研究的深入、养殖技术的完善,加之国家政策对蝴蝶人工养殖的支持,使得蝴蝶养殖取得了较大进展,目前已实现了30余种蝴蝶的人工养殖,蝴蝶人工养殖区域较广泛,据估计全国蝴蝶年养殖量能达到300万至500万只。但蝴蝶人工养殖也存在着诸多问题:如蝴蝶养殖数量远远无法满足消费市场对蝴蝶的需求、能实现规模化养殖的蝶种数量较少以及冬季养殖蝶种单一等。鉴于蝴蝶人工养殖能带来巨大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,因此预示蝴蝶人工养殖业前景乐观,具有巨大发展空间。  相似文献   

笔者在对宜昌市野动物资源进行详细调查的基础上,分析全市野生动物保护中存在的问题,提出相应的保护对策,以促进全市的野生动物保护工作。  相似文献   

全球野生动物资源可持续利用与贸易现状和启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)通过互惠协定和认证许可体系致力于管理物种跨国贸易,预防濒危物种因国际贸易而过度开发乃至灭绝,以保证自然资源的可持续性发展。基于CITES管理理念和野生动物资源保护与利用现状,文中讨论分析了野生动物资源可持续贸易面临的问题、物种可持续利用的有效实现方式、经济激励与促进民众生计、野生动物可持续发展的未来趋势等,提出了我国濒危野生动物资源可持续发展的启示建议,以期对我国野生动物资源保护与可持续利用政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Perceptions of local people towards conservation policy and related management interventions, nature and magnitude of policy–people conflicts and, possible options for conflict resolution were analysed in the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, a World Heritage Site in Indian Himalaya. People's perceptions were discerned through participatory discussions covering 419 households distributed in 10 villages in the buffer zone. Traditional uncodified rights of local people were substantially reduced through policy interventions set in since 1860s. Local people as well as tourists were excluded from the core zone covering an area of 625 km2 since 1982. Deterioration of rural economy due to damage to crop and livestock by wildlife and, termination of opportunities of income from wild medicinal plant resources and tourism in the core zone were the key negative impacts of conservation policy felt by more than 90% of respondents. Mean annual economic loss per household was estimated as Rs 1285, Rs 1195 and Rs 156 due to damage caused by wildlife to food crops, fruit trees and beehives, respectively, Rs 1587 due to ban on collection of wild medicinal plants for marketing and Rs 7904 due to ban on tourism in the core zone. Reserve authority granted compensation of livestock killed by wildlife but it was hardly 5% of the market value of killed livestock as assessed by the people. People did not appreciate much the present benefits from the reserve management in the form of wages for carrying out afforestation work, partial compensation of livestock depredation and availability of solar power devices, wool, and spinning devices. Approximately 95% respondents identified empowerment of local people in respect of realising income from timber from dead/diseased trees in community forests, income from medicinal plants in buffer zone and opening of core zone for tourism as potential development options. Improvement in rural economy, the prime concern of local people, has not received as much attention as legal enforcement of protection by the reserve management. There is a need for developing policies and management actions that serve the economic interests of local people together with enhancement of environmental conservation goal.  相似文献   

Up to 40% of the total consumption of coated paper products in the United States has been met by imports in recent years. To protect domestic industry, two sequential antidumping and countervailing investigations against several major supplying countries (e.g., China) were conducted in 2006 and 2009. In this study, the effectiveness of these trade interventions is evaluated with the almost ideal demand system and cointegration techniques. Three types of trade effects are found through the analysis: trade investigation effect during the 15-month investigation process, trade depression effect on targeted countries subject to duty collection, and positive trade diversion effect on non-targeted suppliers. Imports from China and Indonesia have been suppressed since the duties were levied in 2010. However, other suppliers (i.e., Korea and Germany) have filled the market gap and gained a larger market share over time. The findings reveal that market competition in a specific sector has become more complicated within the increasingly globalized world economy, and sequential trade interventions can generate unpredictable results.  相似文献   

我国野生植物资源的利用分析及管理对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对目前我国野生植物资源利用的现状进行分析的基础上,着重阐述了野生植物经营利用在支撑我国中医药产业发展、解决三农问题和促进实现生物多样性价值方面的重要意义;进而对当前我国野生植物可持续利用方面存在的法律法规不健全、管理体制不顺、管理职能缺位、资源利用与培育关系认识不足等问题进行了剖析;同时提出了构建野生植物持续利用的法律保障机制、资源培育的激励机制、整体资源利用的宏观调控机制和市场诱导机制等具体管理对策。  相似文献   

对美国《濒危物种法》及其配套政策措施进行了介绍, 对其特点进行了分析总结; 在此基础上, 通过比较分析, 提出我国在野生物种保护的法律法规和保护实践方面有待加强和改进的方面。文中认为, 美国《濒危物种法》及其政策措施的特点主要体现在其自身的不断丰富和完善, 野生物种保护内容的完整性和科学性, 对政府执法机构、其他组织和个人在权责利关系方面的明确界定和有效协调, 公众的广泛参与, 重视对濒危名录外物种和私有土地上野生物种的保护等方面。我国在野生物种保护的立法和实践中需要在以下方面加强和改善:1)制定综合性的野生物种保护法, 协调政府各部门的执法行动; 2)加强我国野生物种保护法规体系的完整性和科学化; 3)完善公众参与野生物种保护的法规政策, 鼓励公众积极参与野生物种保护; 4)重视对未列入保护名录的野生物种的保护。  相似文献   

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