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甘肃省民乐县东灰山遗址炭化小麦(Triticum aestivum)的发现和研究在中华民族的农业发展史、饮食文化史、东西交流史及"丝绸之路"历史中具有重要的地位,对认识近百年来小麦品种改良和进化过程具有重要意义。本研究通过遗址地土壤样本浮选方法获得碳化植物样本。经对小麦籽粒样本的分离鉴定、成分分析和资料比对,形成如下初步结果:(1)东灰山炭化小麦单籽粒均重为9.52 mg,变化范围为3.01~17.40mg,变异系数较大(30.56%)。单籽粒平均长度为4.62mm,平均宽度为3.26mm;籽粒宽/长比例均值为0.71,变化范围为0.56~0.91。炭化小麦长度比现代小麦品种(永宁15号)籽粒短(0.83∶1.00),宽度基本一致(0.99∶1.00)。推算当时小麦的实际单粒重量为现代小麦重量的45%~47%。(2)东灰山炭化小麦籽粒的同位素~(15)N含量较高,说明当时人们主要依靠自然肥力或使用农家肥栽培小麦。(3)东灰山炭化小麦籽粒的主要矿物元素铅、锶、铜、锌含量很高,提示当时小麦生产环境与人类活动或青铜器冶炼有某种联系。(4)东灰山炭化小麦籽粒年代的确定和传播路径分析,为小麦从4 000年前起通过祁连山扁都山口逐步传入青海海东和甘肃临夏地区,再进入关中地区提供了佐证。(5)在东灰山遗址炭化植物残留中首次鉴别出了荞麦籽粒(Fagopyrum esculentum)和燕麦籽粒(Avena sativa)。  相似文献   

李秀华 《杂粮作物》2009,29(2):137-138
辽宁省小杂粮主要是指玉米、大豆、高粱、小麦等大宗作物以外的小豆、绿豆、黑大豆、青皮大豆、芝麻、糜子、谷子、荞麦等小宗作物。这些作物的共同特点是种植面积小、营养价值高、口味独特、具有营养保健功能。  相似文献   

小杂粮在宁夏区域经济发展中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1宁夏小杂粮种类和分布 小杂粮是指生育期短,地域性强,种植方法特殊,面积较小,有特殊用途的小宗粮豆,包括豆类(豌、扁、蚕豆,草豌豆、芸豆、绿豆、红小豆),粟类(如糜子、谷子),麦类(大麦、莜麦、青稞、高粱等)和荞麦类(甜荞、苦荞)等数十种。宁夏山区主要有豌豆,蚕豆,扁豆,草豌豆,糜子,谷子,荞麦,莜麦8种,高粱原来银川平原种植,近年面积大幅度减小,山区种植以产草为主。  相似文献   

张淑辉 《杂粮作物》2008,28(1):F0003-F0003
发展杂粮生产是台安县农业和农村经济发展的需要,也是当前农业结构调整的需要。小杂粮是指玉米、水稻、大豆、小麦等大宗作物以外的其它作物。在辽宁省主要指谷子、荞麦、大麦、燕麦、芝麻、绿豆、黑豆、小豆、豌豆、芸豆、豇豆等。小杂粮富含各种人体所需的营养元素。随着人们生活水平的提高和膳食结构的改变,人们对保健食品需求越来越旺盛,杂粮在绿色食品中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

《麦类作物学报》是由教育部主管、西北农林科技大学和国家小麦工程技术研究中心联合主办的专业性学术期刊,也是全国唯一的一份麦类作物专刊。主要刊载麦类作物(小麦、大麦、燕麦、黑麦等)遗传育种、生理生化、栽培管理、食品加  相似文献   

一、生产概况日本种植的麦类作物主要是小麦、大麦、青稞和黑麦。据农林水产省的统计资料,1982年日本麦类作物的种植面积为35.1万公顷,总产量为113.2万吨。1955年以前,大麦、青稞约占麦类作物总面积的60%。近年来,小麦的  相似文献   

了解河西走廊农作物种类、食物结构和饮食文化有助于认识东西方物质和文化交流历史。西汉时期,汉王朝大力开发河西走廊地区的农业资源,特别是绿洲农业资源,以满足士兵和移民的粮食和饲料需求,固疆戍边。笔者对甘肃省敦煌市敦煌藏馆提供(由黑河流域牧民收集)的谷物籽粒进行特性分析以及同位素测年,发现敦煌藏馆保留的谷物籽粒形态完整、色泽清晰,直观可辨。这些籽粒包括大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)、青稞(Hordeum vulgare Linn.var. nudum Hook. f.)、糜子(Panicum miliaceum)和谷子(Setaria italica)。两批大麦样本的单籽粒平均粒重为0.029 g和0.030 g,最大单籽粒粒重达到0.041 g,但大麦籽粒已无发芽能力。两批青稞单籽粒平均粒重为0.025 g和0.028 g,最大单籽粒粒重达到0.048 g。经碳同位素(14C)测年鉴定,大麦距今2 063~1 898年,青稞距今2 010~1 885年,糜子距今1 994~1 865年,均为西汉时期的谷物籽粒。这一结果对研究东西方物质和文化交流具有重要的历史和学术意义。  相似文献   

自Stadler(1928)用X射线照射大麦、玉米以来,关于禾本科作物的辐射育种、遗传基础的研究极多。有用水稻、大麦、黑麦和玉米等单一染色体组的二倍体种为材料,也有用普通小麦和燕麦数个染色体组的多倍体种为材料。  相似文献   

《麦类作物学报》是由教育部主管、西北农林科技大学和国家小麦工程技术研究中心联合主办的专业性学术期刊,也是全国唯一的一份麦类作物专刊。主要刊载麦类作物(小麦、大麦、燕麦、黑麦等)遗传育种、生理生化、栽培管理、食品加工、产品贸易等方面有创见性的学术论文、领先水平的科研成果、学术  相似文献   

《麦类作物学报》是由教育部主管、西北农林科技大学和国家小麦工程技术研究中心联合主办的专业性学术期刊,也是全国独有的一份麦类作物学术专刊。主要刊登麦类作物(小麦、大麦、燕麦、黑麦等)遗传育种、生理生化、栽培管理、食品加工、产品贸易等方面的学术性研究论文。读者对象为国内外农  相似文献   

In the northernmost European environments of Finland, large variability in the yield and quality of crops is a critical source of uncertainty for growers and end-users of grain. The aims of this study were (i) to quantify and compare the plasticity, i.e., cultivar responsiveness to environment, in yield of spring oat, spring wheat, six-row barley, two-row barley, winter rye, winter wheat, turnip rape and oilseed rape, (ii) to explore the existence of hierarchies or positive correlations in the plasticity of agronomic, yield and quality traits and (iii) to probe for trends in yield plasticity associated with different eras of breeding for yield potential and agronomic traits. Plasticities of yield, agronomic and quality traits were derived as slopes of norms of reaction using MTT Agrifood Research Finland data sets combining long-term (1970-2008 for cereals and 1976-2008 for rapeseed) results from 15 to 26 locations. Plasticity of yield ranged typically between 0.8 and 1.2, was smallest for six-row barley (0.84-1.11) and largest for winter rye (0.72-1.36). We found two types of associations between plasticity of yield and yield under stressful or favourable conditions for cereals but none for rape. In spring wheat, oat and six-row barley, high yield plasticity was associated with crop responsiveness to favourable conditions rather than yield reductions under stressful conditions. Modern spring wheat cultivars had higher maximum grain yields compared to older ones at the same level of plasticity. In winter wheat and rye, high yield plasticity resulted from the combination of high yield in favourable conditions and low yield in stressful environments. Many associations between yield plasticity and other traits were identified in cereals: e.g., high yield plasticity was often associated with higher grain weight, more grains per square meter, later maturity (contrary to turnip rape), shorter plants, less lodging and lower grain protein content and in winter cereals with higher winter damage.  相似文献   

Multi-location data collected over 30 years in Finland on major cereal crops (spring barley, oat and wheat, and winter wheat and rye) provide an opportunity to characterise variation, interrelation and relative importance of the grain yield determining components, grain number per square meter (GNO) and single grain weight (SGW). In addition to evaluating differences among cereal crops in yield determination, changes among different age groups (AG) were compared. Field experiments were carried out in 1970–2001 at 25 locations in Finland. Grain yield was recorded (at 15% moisture) and SGW (mg) and GNO (number m−2) determined. Frequencies of different GNO and SGW combinations were analysed for all crops and component means in different yield groups as well as among four AGs. In most cases GNO dominated SGW, representing the major yield component determining grain yield. GNO was highly responsive to favourable growth conditions. The change in GNO was especially high when recurrent, relatively low yield groups were compared, while at higher yields the role of SGW became increasingly important, but did not exceed that of GNO. The degree of GNO domination varied according to crop. Increased grain yield in spring oat and winter rye was associated with higher numbers of set grain, while spring barley and winter wheat responded to yield favouring conditions also through higher SGW. Despite GNO dominated SGW due to its responsiveness to growing conditions, its role in yield improvement was not obvious when the entries (n ≥ 30) were classified into four AGs. Improvements in grain yield derived from AG were associated with crop-specific GNO and/or SGW changes.  相似文献   

小麦是由西亚引入我国的主要粮食作物之一,是古丝绸之路物质和文化交流的产物。研究认为,大约3800年前的新石器时代晚期至青铜器时代早期,小麦被引入河西走廊地区,作为春麦种植,逐步引种到祁连山以南地区,到达海东和洮河流域,之后进入关中平原;然后,进化为冬小麦,以适应当地的种植制度。西汉时期,由于朝廷的重视和推广,小麦开始在黄河及淮河流域种植。由于小麦可秋播夏熟,产量稳定,具有救荒救灾的作用,使小麦在中国的种植区域持续扩大。近百年来由于作物遗传育种和栽培技术水平的提高,目前小麦产量已达到每公顷10 500 kg以上。小麦在中国的传播和进化,对中国的农业生产结构以及人们的饮食结构和饮食文化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   


Allelopathic cover crops are one of the most promising application of allelopathy for weed control and reduce the synthetic herbicides input. Fifty three cover crop plant species (26 leguminous, 19 graminaceous and 8 others) were assessed for the allelopathic activity using Plant Box Method. It was found that leguminous cover crops such as hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) and velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens), graminaceous cover crops, such as oat (Avena sativa) and rye (Secale cereale), certain cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) were promising. By bioassay screening, 23 species were selected for field tests. Fall-sown cover crops such as hairy vetch, rye, wheat, oat, grass pea, and mustard are more effective when compared to spring-sown cover crops. Hairy vetch was most promising for the weed control in abandoned fields because of its ability to die off during summer season to make a thick straw-like mulch.  相似文献   

作物驯化在人类从狩猎和采摘的原始生活状态到农耕文明的演化过程中起着至关重要的作用,落粒性的丧失是作物驯化的首要性状。麦类作物是最早被驯化的作物之一,近年来随着大麦、小麦及其近缘物种基因组测序工作的完成,对麦类作物落粒控制系统驯化分子机制的研究取得了长足进展,本文就麦类作物脆轴性与作物驯化、大麦脆穗基因与驯化模式、小麦脆穗基因的同源性和多态性、脆穗基因在禾本科作物基因组中的排列方式以及影响麦类作物脆穗形成的其他机制等方面的研究进展进行综述,并对麦类作物脆穗基因的研究方向进行展望,以期对相关研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

Puffed cereals are commonly used as ready-to-eat breakfast foods or as ingredients in snack formulations. Few investigations have been made on the ultrastructure and physical characteristics of puffed cereals; the properties of the flours milled from them have been even less investigated. The changes associated with the gun puffing process were evaluated for six different grains: common wheat, emmer wheat, rye, barley, rice and buckwheat. The results demonstrate that the effect of the puffing treatment is strongly influenced by the morphology and composition of the kernel. Puffed rye and rice have a very porous matrix, made up of numerous cavities of different sizes separated by a very thin ‘wall’ puffed wheat, emmer wheat and barley on the other hand show a much more compact, homogeneous and less porous structure; puffed buckwheat is characterised by a large number of small and regular cavities. Moreover, puffing induces significant changes in the structure and physical properties of the starch and an increased water holding capacity of both the grains and the flours.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1995,43(1):19-29
Lupin, field pea, lentil, chickpea, canola, linseed, and barley were sown at different times (late April-early July) to study their effects on subsequent wheat production on a red earth at Wagga Wagga, New South Wales. The cultivars of field pea (Pisum sativum) included Dunn, Derrimut, Maitland and Dinkum; narrow-leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) cultivars were Danja, Geebung and Gungurru, and either the L. angustifolius line 75A/330 (1989–1990) or the broad-leaf lupin L. albus cv. Ultra (1991–1992). Only one cultivar of the other crops was grown in any year and after 1989 lentil (Lens culinaris cv. Aldinga) was replaced by chickpea (Cicer arietinum cv. Amethyst). The canola (cv. Shiralee (1989–1991), cv. Barossa (1992)) and linseed (cv. Glenelg) rotations received annual applications of 40–50 kg N/ha as urea.Compared to barley and the oilseeds, grain legumes increased soil mineral N supply to the following wheat crop. Over 4 years the mean wheat grain yield response to a broad-leaf crop, relative to barley, was 115% for lupin, 84% for field pea, 88% for linseed and 86% for canola. However, the effects of the various crops on subsequent wheat grain yields and grain protein varied markedly with season. The main advantage of lupin over field pea occurred in years when disease reduced growth of field pea crops. In high rainfall years, wheat yields following lentil and chickpea were lower than those following lupin. The narrow-leaf cultivars of lupin promoted greater wheat yields than either the reduced branching line 75A/330 or the broad-leaf albus cultivar Ultra. Delayed sowing of lupin reduced yield and grain protein of wheat, except when low rainfall curtailed growth of either crop in the rotation. There was little effect of field pea sowing date on wheat grain yield but sowing in late June combined with a dry spring, reduced mineral N supply and grain protein. Late sowing of oilseeds had no consistent effect on wheat grain yield but increased grain protein in most years. Late sowing of barley typically increased wheat grain yield but had little effect on grain protein. The effects of sowing time were mainly attributed to effects on soil N supply and for barley on disease incidence in the subsequent wheat.  相似文献   

燕麦等五种谷物的氨基酸含量综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解不同谷物氨基酸的综合质量,测定了燕麦、荞麦、小麦、大麦和水稻等5种谷物的蛋白质和氨基酸含量,并采用主成分分析、聚类分析法进行谷物氨基酸含量综合评价。结果表明,五种谷物中均含有16种氨基酸,总氨基酸含量平均为148.14 g·kg-1,其中燕麦总氨基酸平均含量最高,为249.93 g·kg-1;燕麦中支链氨基酸平均含量达到31.23 g·kg-1,显著高于五种谷物支链氨基酸平均含量(21.84 g·kg-1)。通过主成分分析,供试材料氨基酸的综合评分表现为燕麦>小麦>荞麦>大麦>水稻。经聚类分析,燕麦的氨基酸含量与其他谷物显著不同。综合来看,燕麦在蛋白质、赖氨酸、支链氨基酸、必需氨基酸、总氨基酸含量和氨基酸六个方面均优于其他4种谷物。  相似文献   

Due to the importance of wheat and barley production in Jordan, prevention of the cereal leafminer, Syringopais temperatella Led. (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae) is of vital importance. The insect is a severe pest and plays an important role in limiting the production of these crops. The use of insecticides is neither economic nor sustainable, so that there is an urgent need to initiate a viable alternative to chemical control. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the effect of crop rotation on S. temperatella and its preference to different wheat and barley cultivars. The field history experiment was conducted using five different crop rotations. For the preference experiments in the laboratory, two major experimental groups were conducted. The first was set up to measure the consumed leaf area and the second one to record the number of larval attaches. Each group consisted of four different subgroups; 6 wheat cultivars, 6 barley cultivars, two and one cultivar of each crop. The results indicated that the infestation percentage and number of larvae were significantly the lowest in the crop rotation, wheat/chickpea/wheat while the highest were recorded for barley/barley/barley. The preference results showed that wheat cultivar, Horani Nawawi is significantly the most preferred while Horani 27 is the least cultivar. In case of barley, Mutah was the most preferred cultivar and the least preference was recorded for Athroh. Also, wheat was significantly less preferred than barley. The wheat cultivars, Sham, Em-Qees and Acsad 65 had the highest number of attaches and Deer Alla the least. In contrast, the barley cultivar, Acsad 176 had the highest and Athroh and Rum 1 had the least attaches. Barley cultivars had higher attaches than wheat ones. There was a positive relation between the infestation percent and number of larvae, as well as the consumed area and number of attaches in all of the four subgroups. In conclusion, the crop rotation, wheat/chickpea/wheat should be followed and there is a preference variation among the tested wheat and barley cultivars.  相似文献   

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