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【目的】探究自然保护区内外社区经济发展水平的差异及其成因,检验自然保护区建立是否必然导致农户收入低,为完善自然保护区社区政策、促进自然保护区和社区协调发展提供对策建议。【方法】采用系统抽样方法,从福建武夷山国家级自然保护区内外社区选取30个自然村(区内12个、区外18个) 174户农户作为研究对象,于2011、2014和2015年开展3次问卷访谈和跟踪调查,运用描述统计分析方法呈现区内外社区农户收入水平、收入结构和收入动态变化。基于可持续生计框架构建自然保护区内外社区农户收入差异成因的理论分析模型,并利用工具变量(2SLS)模型进行解析。【结果】在3个时间节点,自然保护区内社区农户收入均明显高于区外,自然保护区建立没有导致农户收入低,其受自然资本、人力资本、社会资本、物质资本和金融资本共同影响,尤其是自然资本和人力资本发挥主要作用。【结论】在经济发展水平较高的地区,自然保护区建立不会必然导致农户收入低,反而有利于农户收入增长,促进自然保护区和社区关系融恰。为提高农户收入并促进自然保护区和社区协调发展,应在已有社区政策基础上,扩大政策影响面,增强农户风险应对能力,巩固和提升已取得的生态保护与经济发展协同成效。  相似文献   

森林旅游与农户收入的关系一直备受政府关注。大多数研究发现,森林旅游能增加农户的就业机会,拓宽农户增收渠道,从而增加农户收入。然而,也有研究表明,发展森林旅游容易引起当地通货膨胀,给社区农户带来更大经济压力。同时,因森林旅游产生的经济效益不公平分配问题,会严重影响当地社会的稳定性,不利于可持续发展。现有文献为进一步研究森林旅游与农户收入的关系提供了指导,但存在样本选择偏差导致内生性问题,以及忽略农户收入的不同构成等。因此,未来的研究应该从以下2个方面进行:1)研究森林旅游对农户的经营性收入、工资性收入、财产性收入和转移性收入的影响;2)选择合适的研究模型及增加样本数量,以避免样本选择偏差导致的内生性问题,使结果更加准确和可靠。  相似文献   

以云南省国家级自然保护区生态旅游目的地240户农户家庭为研究对象,根据可持续生计理论设计农户生计资本评价指标体系,运用熵权法和综合指数法计算出农户生计资本,对比分析了参与户和未参与户生计资本差异。结果表明:(1)生态旅游目的地社区农户的社会资本和人力资本较好,而物质资本和自然资本较差;(2)参与户的生计资本整体水平高于未参与户;(3)参与户和未参与户的人力资本和金融资本差异显著。  相似文献   

退耕还林是我国林业部门从生态环境保护角度提出的战略方针,通过将现有的一些耕地有计划的将其停止耕种,然后结合地方土地实际情况科学合理地进行植树造林,达到增加森林植被,维持生态平衡的目标。毋庸谏言,在通过退耕还林优化生态环境的过程中,对当地农户生计必然产生一定的影响,意味着农户的收入在短期之内会明显降低。但是,从可持续角度来分析,退耕还林实则是可以帮助农民逐渐增加收入,在促进农户资产积累达到一定程度的基础上,从而推动农村经济快速发展。本文从青海省退耕还林实施背景与现状入手,结合可持续生计相关研究理论,分析了退耕还林对农户持续生计的影响,并提出了维持农户生计的相关建议。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴背景下,我国乡村旅游得到了快速发展,乡村旅游已经被看作是促进农户脱贫的一个重要途径。乡村旅游的发展促使农户生计资本储量和生计资本组合方式的改变,也进一步影响着农户生计策略的选择。因此,研究在乡村振兴背景下乡村旅游发展对农户生计资本的影响具有重要的意义。在借鉴英国国际发展部农户可持续生计分析框架(SLA)下,以重庆市涪陵区大木乡为例,采用参与式农村评估法就其乡村旅游发展对农户生计资本的影响进行了研究。通过对比分析可以看出:乡村旅游的发展会对农户的生计资本产生较大的影响,特别是对于参与农户而言,金融资本和社会资本得到明显提高。但对于未参与农户而言,其生计资本的脆弱性也进一步增加。因此,对其提出了具有针对性的举措,以助力重庆市乡村振兴发展进程,带动重庆市区域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

红树林自然保护区周边社区经济调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在红树林自然保护区问卷调查实施过程中,采用分层抽样和随机调查相结合的方式进行入户调查,按滩涂承包户、鱼塘养殖户及农户三大户类进行不同权重抽样调查,内容涵盖村户的身份信息、居住条件、家庭收入结构等,以样本推算总体,从而估算出保护区周边社区的经济收入总量,并分析经济收入结构,为进一步明晰保护区和周边社区的依赖关系,促进资源保护和经济发展的良性互动提供参考。  相似文献   

崔丽丽 《绿色科技》2013,(10):11-13
指出了自然保护区的建立和发展,在一定程度上限制和损害了周边社区及其居民的资源利用和经济利益。而周边社区的居民有些传统的生活习俗也不利于自然保护区的管理。通过对西双版纳自然保护区与周边社区发展基本情况的了解,找出了其发展中存在的问题,探讨了自然保护区与周边社区怎样共同和谐发展,并提出了合理性的措施和建议。  相似文献   

赵联华 《林业调查规划》2005,30(Z1):218-220
加强自然保护区的发展,保护环境、保护森林,给周边社区群众的经济、生活、能源带来了影响,群众收入减少,生活水平下降,以致与自然保护区产生了矛盾.作者从交通、能源、文化、卫生等方面论述了周边社区群众的生存状态及与自然保护间的冲突,并针对解决办法及措施提出了建议.  相似文献   

森林碳汇项目具有应对气候变化和扶贫的双重作用。文中以全球第一个清洁发展机制下的森林碳汇项目为研究对象,分析森林碳汇项目对农户生计的影响,并对该项目所涉及的不同利益主体的作用进行解析。研究发现,森林碳汇项目在5个方面提高了农户收入的同时,也在5个方面造成了农户权利的损失。  相似文献   

呼中自然保护区生态旅游业发展初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
呼中国家级自然保护区是我国最大的寒温带针叶林生态系统保护区,区内蕴藏着丰富多彩的旅游资源,在保护区试验区内开展一定规模的生态旅游活动,既能起到向游客宣传保护森林生态系统的重要意义,唤醒人们对大自然的热爱之情;又能为地方部门带来可观的经济收入。文章对保护区生态旅游业的开发原则、开发资源、开发项目、旅游管理、发展前景等几个方面进行了阐述论证。  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is one of the main factors that has caused forest degradation in many tropical countries. In Sabah, Malaysia, the government has granted land titles to local farmers outside the Forest reserve, and introduced tree cash crops to reduce farmers’ dependence on shifting cultivation. Granting land titles, however, was not always an incentive for farmers to plant tree cash crops. Farmers often planted tree cash crops on land without secure legal rights. The Land Ordinance and illegal logging had introduced exclusive and (semi-)permanent rights to land into this region, and the Forest reserve also was divided among villagers. The Land Ordinance stipulates that planting trees confers permanent heritable and transferable rights of use and occupancy but not within Forest reserves. Local farmers who were anxious about their land rights believed that they could obtain those rights even within the Forest reserve, and applied for land titles. Farmers planted tree cash crops not only for future income but also to secure their land rights. At present, the policy of Forest reserve has nearly collapsed in this region and it is impossible to neglect or remove local farmers if the government utilizes Forest reserves for any purpose. Lands in the interior regions will be reclassified in the near future out of necessity.  相似文献   

Collective forest tenure reform is now carried out throughout China with the aim to clarify the property,increase forest farmers' income and motivate the development of forestry.But the collective forest tenure reform in nature reserves comes to a dilemma.The current implemented laws and regulations provide that forests and trees in nature reserves shall be under strict protection,while the forest farmers hope to improve their livelihood in the reform.The paper discussed the problems encountered in the c...  相似文献   

利用我国3个重点国有林区24个林业局1 454户职工家庭微观调查数据,通过极大似然估计法和最小二乘法估计国有林区各项改革对职工家庭间收入不平等的影响。研究发现,国有林区职工家庭间不平等程度不断加剧,而在国有林区推行的各项改革对不平等的加剧有显著影响。其中,市场化手段组织林业生产这项改革实施时间每增加1年,林业局职工家庭间收入差距就增加8元;参与森林资源承包管护改革户数的比例每增加1个百分点,林业局职工家庭间收入差距增加13元;加工企业转制比例每增加1个百分点,林业局职工家庭间收入差距增加2元;一次性安置富余职工也显著提高了林业局职工家庭间收入差距,但养老负担显著降低了职工家庭间收入差距。因此,在推行以改进效率为目标取向的市场化改革过程中,政府需要出台相应的配套政策,尤其是要扶持和帮助林区贫困弱势群体,以避免不平等程度加剧。  相似文献   

随着国家自然保护地体系的建立,安吉竹乡国家森林公园也正面临新的机遇与挑战。原规划范围与自然保护区、风景名胜区以及生态红线存在交叉与重叠,亟需进行优化整合。文章从优化整合空间、确定发展定位、明确保护重点、提升资源价值4个方面论述了竹乡国家森林公园的规划策略,分析了调整森林公园经营范围的意义和必要性。文章认为,调整后的竹乡国家森林公园经营范围符合安吉经济社会发展需要,有利于森林公园的经营管理,有利于安吉小鲵国家级自然保护区保护,同时能够带动新增地区的生态旅游发展,新规划是可行的。  相似文献   


Key message

In tree communities, tree size inequality reduces productivity and interacts with tree shade tolerance to modulate stand productivity, with a higher productivity in stands where shade-intolerant species dominate shade-tolerant species in size.


Positive diversity–productivity relationships have been reported in different plant communities, including tree communities. These effects may be strongly related to both structural diversity and functional diversity, but also to their interactions if there is a non-random distribution of species functional characteristics among canopy layers.


We explore the relative effects on forest productivity of tree species diversity, tree size inequality, and species shade tolerance diversity, as well as the effect of the distribution of tree shade tolerance in the canopy.


We used 11,054 mixed-species forest plots from the French Forest Inventory (IGN) distributed throughout France (2006–2011). We analyzed the effects of species richness, shade tolerance diversity, and height inequality on forest plot productivity, represented by basal area annual increment over a period of 5 years, while controlling for first-order structure characteristics (basal area and quadratic mean diameter) and environmental factors (soil water budget and sum of growing degree days). Using the covariance between tree height and shade tolerance in mixed species canopies, we also explored the effect of the distribution of species’ shade tolerance among canopy layers.


The results showed a positive effect of species richness (effect size, 0.02) and a negative effect of height inequality (??0.05) on mixed-forest productivity. We also showed that a negative covariance between shade tolerance and height (e.g., higher proportion of shade-tolerant species in lower height classes) increased productivity (0.01). Shade tolerance diversity did not affect productivity.


In tree communities, as shown previously in monospecific forest stands, tree size inequality reduces productivity. This effect is modulated by the distribution of shade tolerance among canopy layers. Previous studies on species diversity effect have generally overlooked the importance of the size structure and the size hierarchy of functional characteristics. These effects are, however, crucial and deserve to be explored in greater detail.

This study examines the importance of mangrove resources to the livelihoods of people living beside the world's largest contiguous mangrove forest. Median annual household income was USD 1122, based on household survey data from 264 households in six villages adjacent to the Sundarbans, in Khulna, Bangladesh. Forest income represented 74% and 48% of the total household income for the lower and middle income households respectively, but just 23% for higher income households. Although higher income households derived a larger absolute income from forest resources than the lower income households, the addition of forest income to household income reduces measured income inequality by 27% suggesting that forests offer a more egalitarian source of income than most other sources at the study sites. Thus reducing forest income as a result of reduced access to forest resources would greatly affect the livelihood outcomes for the rural poor and increase wealth discrepancies among households near the forest margins.  相似文献   

我国自然保护区集体林现状与问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中从全国198个自然保护区以及东南五省43个森林和野生动植物类型国家级自然保护区等3个层次全面阐述我国自然保护区集体林现状, 从历史上对土地权属问题的淡化或忽视、法律法规不足、当地社会经济发展与自然保护的矛盾及补偿机制等方面分析了我国自然保护区集体林权改革中存在的问题, 并结合国外自然保护区土地权属管理的成熟做法, 提出了加强试点、科学规划、完善法律法规及政策体系、创新模式、充分尊重社区群众的利益、完善生态补偿机制等对策, 以推动我国自然保护区集体林改工作, 促进自然保护区与社区和谐发展。  相似文献   


Forest conservation by peripheral communities is one of the most advocated strategies for ensuring sustainable supply of forest goods and services. In Kenya, although conservation activities generate considerable environmental improvements, studies evaluating the economic benefits are very limited. This study aimed at assessing the impact of participating in the commercialization training program by forest adjacent communities on farm income. Utilizing matching techniques, the analysis is based on the data collected from a randomly selected sample of farm households around Kakamega forest in Kenya. The results show that age, forest distance, forest benefit, market distance, and farming experience are the main factors that influence the participation in the commercialization program. Also, participating in commercial production of medicinal plants has a positive and significant effect on farmers’ income. The average treatment effect on the treated (ATT), based on three estimation algorithms, ranges from KSH. 80,047 to KSH. 176,788 per hectare, per year, implying that policy efforts that focus on the participation in the commercialization program of medicinal plants can enhance incomes among farm-dependent households. The findings from this study suggest that upscaling the participation in the commercialization program to other areas.  相似文献   

重点国有林区是我国最重要的森林生态功能区之一,在维护国家生态安全、应对气候变化、保障国家木材供给等方面发挥了重要作用,而森林旅游是重点国有林区转型发展的重要方向。文中基于重点国有林区森林旅游发展现状,对5个森工(林业)集团,以及100个国家级森林公园、湿地公园和自然保护区森林旅游发展情况进行了调查研究。结果表明,重点国有林区森林旅游发展的主要问题体现在自身投入能力弱、可游季短、林地审批困难、专业人才匮乏、资源同质性严重等多个方面;此外,区域发展水平不平衡不充分仍然突出,优势与短板长期共存,顶层设计和政策缺位。研究提出了推动重点国有林区森林旅游发展的政策建议,包括优化重点国有林区森林旅游空间布局、扩大森林旅游产品供给能力、拓展森林旅游客源市场、提升森林旅游人才培养能力、做好森林旅游发展政策支撑,以期为新时代重点国有林区森林旅游高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

在森林资源丰富的乡村发展森林旅游,对于优化产业结构、协调城乡发展和解决“三农”问题具有战略意义,但不可避免地要牵扯到乡村森林旅游业的发展载体——农村土地制度问题。集体所有制是我国农村的基本土地制度,但是“集体”在政府行政权力消解下,并没有在实践层面取得法律的主体地位。在2008年我国集体林权改革后,一方面农民手里持有集体林权证书;另一方面,在森林旅游开发过程中,地方政府照样绕过集体所有直接征地。为此,在各级政府诉求以乡村旅游战略解决“三农”问题的当下,要强化和完善农村土地集体所有制中“集体”的法律主体性地位,从而提升农民(通过集体)参与乡村森林旅游产业发展进程中涉及林地权益关系的博弈能力,破解过去在国土规划与治理过程中出现的产业进步、现代化及城市化发展与农民致富、农村发展无关的困局。  相似文献   

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