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The mechanisms by which Phytophthora cinnamomi zoospores infect inundated, above‐ground woody stem tissue are described. Using 4–6‐ and 18‐month‐old jarrah seedlings, the infection courts were identified and the invasion of the stems at sites of zoospore cyst binding were described. Stems were inoculated with a suspension of motile zoospores on the green stem/young periderm region. Light microscopy was used to examine penetration at sites of taxis, and fluorescent microscopy was used to examine penetration sites of seedlings with intact periderm. Two main infection courts were identified on stems: the emerging axillary shoot and the region of stem immediately surrounding an axillary shoot, where the periderm was thin or discontinuous. Invasion also occurred at sites where the developing shoot had not yet emerged but was at the stem surface. At these sites the pathogen also directly invaded through the thin‐walled phellem of the periderm surrounding the shoot. Zoospores of P. cinnamomi were not attracted to stomata on mature leaves or green stems. Penetration of the epidermal cell layer of the axillary bud leaf primordia was inter‐ and intra‐cellular; growth of hyphae in the periderm surrounding the shoot was intercellular; while in collenchyma it was inter‐ and intra‐cellular, being intercellular between polyphenolic‐rich cells. Exposed stem collenchyma was also directly invaded immediately adjacent to the young axillary shoot. Zoospores demonstrated taxis to sites of discontinuous periderm, similar to wounded areas where the outer protective layers of the plant are breached. This study presents the first evidence that P. cinnamomi is capable of intercellular penetration of suberized periderm.  相似文献   

Plants of the eucalypt. Eucalyptus marginata. selected through a glasshouse screening procedure for resistance or susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi , were established in tissue culture and micropropagated. After inoculation with P. cinnamomi , root lesions in clonal lines selected as resistant (RR) to P. cinnamomi were restricted and became contained within four days after inoculation while lesions in roots of those lines susceptible (SS) to P. cinnamomi continued to extend rapidly. Activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) was increased above controls in root segments of the RR lines 48 h after inoculation with P. cinnamomi while activity in unselected seedlings and the SS lines was reduced or unchanged. After inoculation, lignin concentration was increased and reached high levels compared with uninoculated control levels in roots of the two RR lines tested. Constitutive levels of phenolics in roots of the RR lines were up to 94% higher than in seedling roots and levels were further increased after inoculation. Levels of phenolics in the other lines and seedlings were unaltered by inoculation. A line derived from resistant seedlings from a susceptible family (RS) had the highest constitutive levels of lignin, which were further increased after inoculation. Resistance to P. cinnamomi in clonally propagated E. marginata seedlings is based on similar mechanisms to those of field resistant species.  相似文献   

Although phosphite has been effective in the control of P. cinnamomi in E. marginata (jarrah) , the biochemical mechanisms behind phosphite protection are poorly understood. Using an aeroponics system, jarrah clones with moderate resistance to P . cinnamomi were treated with foliar applications of phosphite (0 and 5 g L−1). The roots were inoculated with zoospores of P. cinnamomi at 4 days before and 0, 2, 5, 8 and 14 days after phosphite treatment. Root segments were then analysed for activity of selected host defence enzymes (4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase [4-CL], cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase [CAD]) and the concentration of soluble phenolics and phosphite. Lesion development was most effectively reduced when phosphite concentrations within the roots were highest (i.e. days 8–14). During this time, the levels of host defence enzymes remained relatively unchanged. Lesion development was also effectively restricted when phosphite concentrations within the roots were lowest (i.e. days 2 and 5); a significant increase in host defence enzymes was associated with this decrease in lesion development. It was concluded from these studies that the effect of phosphite in controlling the pathogen is determined by the phosphite concentration at the host–pathogen interface. When phosphite concentrations within the roots are low, phosphite interacts with the pathogen at the site of ingress to stimulate host defence enzymes. At high phosphite concentrations, phosphite acts directly on the pathogen to inhibit its growth before it is able to establish an association with the host, and the host defences remain unchanged.  相似文献   

The soil-borne plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi is widely distributed in the jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) forest of Western Australia. Infested areas of the forest are mined for bauxite and the presence of the pathogen could after the survival of trees re-established after mining. Monitoring of 21 revegetated bauxite mined areas found that survival of jarrah and marri ( Eucalyptus calophylla ) trees was high (85–92% and 93–99%, respectively) after 5–7 years but P. cinnamomi was recovered from dead trees. To identify trees for more detailed study, plant symptoms of stress such as suppressed growth, wilting, yellowing of crown, coppice and epicormic growth and visible stem lesions were used. Over a period of 15 months, 30 E. marginata and 28 E. calophylla were carefully excavated and examined for lesions and the presence of P. cinnamomi. P. cinnamomi was consistently isolated from the lignotuber and collar regions of both hosts but never from the roots alone, except in one instance from E. calophylla where it was isolated from a non-lesioned root. In E. calophylla , the lignotuber appears to be very susceptible to invasion by P. cinnamomi in contrast to the roots which appear resistant. The invasion of the pathogen into the lignotuber and collar regions of both species was consistently associated with ponding of water around the plants. This ponding persists for many hours to days after rain and appears to provide an infection court for P. cinnamomi. Development of rehabilitation procedures to reduce this ponding will minimize the risk of tree deaths caused by this pathogen.  相似文献   

Downer AJ  Menge JA  Pond E 《Phytopathology》2001,91(9):847-855
ABSTRACT A series of samples were taken from mulched and unmulched trees starting at the surface of mulch or soil to a 15 cm soil depth, forming a vertical transect. Saprophytic fungi isolated from the soil samples on rose bengal medium and surveyed visually were most abundant in mulches and at the interface of mulch and soil (P < 0.05). Microbial activity as assayed by the hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate was significantly greater in mulch layers than in soils. Cellulase and laminarinase enzyme activities were greatest in upper mulch layers and rapidly decreased in soil layers (P < 0.05). Enzyme activities against Phytophthora cinnamomi cell walls were significantly greater in mulch than in soil layers. When Phytophthora cinnamomi was incubated in situ at the various transect depths, it was most frequently lysed at the interface between soil and mulch (P < 0.001). Roots that grew in mulch layers were significantly less infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi than roots formed in soil layers. In mulched soil, roots were commonly formed at the mulch-soil interface where Phytophthora populations were reduced, whereas roots in unmulched soil were numerous at the 7.5 cm depth where Phytophthora cinnamomi was prevalent. Enzyme activities were significantly and positively correlated with each other, microbial activity, and saprophytic fungal populations, but significantly and negatively correlated with Phytophthora recovery.  相似文献   

Seed-grown trees and six clonal lines of 3·5–4·5-year-old Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) growing in a rehabilitated bauxite mine site in the jarrah forest were underbark-inoculated on lateral branches (1995) or simultaneously on lateral branches and lateral roots (1996) with isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi in late autumn. Individual seedlings from which the clonal lines were derived had previously been assessed as either resistant (RR) or susceptible (SS) to P. cinnamomi . At harvest, the acropetal lesion and colonization lengths were measured. Overall, the length of colonization in roots and branches was more consistent as a measure of resistance than lesion length, because colonization length recorded the recovery of P. cinnamomi from macroscopically symptomless tissue ahead of the lesion which, on some occasions, was up to 6 cm. In both trials, one RR clonal line was able to contain the P. cinnamomi isolates consistently, as determined by small lesion and colonization lengths in branches and roots. In contrast, the remaining two RR clonal lines used in both trials were no different from the SS line in their ability to contain lesions or colonization. These latter two RR lines may therefore not be suitable for use in rehabilitation of P. cinnamomi -infested areas. Differences in lesion and colonization lengths among P. cinnamomi isolates occurred only in the 1995 trial. Colonization and lesion lengths in branches were up to eight times greater in 1996 than in 1995, but the relative rankings of clonal lines were consistent between trials. Although colonization was always greater in branches than roots, the relative rankings of the lines were similar between branch and root inoculations. Branch inoculations are a valid option for testing the resistance and susceptibility of young jarrah trees to P. cinnamomi .  相似文献   

The capacity of Phytophthora ramorum to colonize the inner bark of 18 native and two exotic tree species from the Iberian Peninsula was tested. Living logs were wound-inoculated in a growth chamber with three isolates belonging to the EU1 and two to the NA1 clonal lineages of P. ramorum . Most of the Quercus species ranked as highly susceptible in experiments carried out in summer, with mean lesion areas over 100 cm2 in Q. pubescens , Q. pyrenaica , Q. faginea and Q. suber and as large as 273 cm2 in Q. canariensis , ca . 40 days after inoculation. Quercus ilex ranked as moderately susceptible to P. ramorum , forming lesions up to 133 cm2 (average 17·2 cm2). Pinus halepensis and P. pinea were highly susceptible, exhibiting long, narrow lesions; but three other pine species, P. pinaster , P. nigra and P. sylvestris , were resistant to slightly susceptible. No significant difference in aggressiveness was found between the isolates of P. ramorum . In addition, there was evidence of genetic variation in susceptibility within host populations, and of significant seasonal variation in host susceptibility in some Quercus species. The results suggest a high risk of some Iberian oaks to P. ramorum , especially in forest ecosystems in southwestern Spain, where relict populations of Q. canariensis grow amongst susceptible understory species such as Rhododendron ponticum and Viburnum tinus . One isolate of P. cinnamomi used as positive control in all the inoculations was also highly aggressive to Iberian oaks and Eucalyptus dalrympleana .  相似文献   

Thirty‐seven South Australian native plant species from 11 families, including 15 threatened species in the state (of which six are listed as threatened under the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) were assessed for response to infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Seedlings, 3–6 months old and grown in a greenhouse, were inoculated by placing infested pine wood plugs in the potting mix, maintained in moist conditions and assessed for mortality and disease symptoms for between 3 and 10 months. Thirty species were found to be susceptible, of which nine were highly susceptible, 15 moderately susceptible and six slightly susceptible. Three species were found to be resistant and results for four species were inconclusive. Six of the 15 threatened, rare or locally endangered species tested (Eucalyptus viminalis var. viminalis, Correa aemula, C. calycina, Olearia pannosa ssp. pannosa, Pomaderris halmaturina ssp. halmaturina and Prostanthera eurybioides) were moderately susceptible, while two (Allocasuarina robusta and Pultenaea graveolens) were highly susceptible. Significant populations of at least five of the threatened species susceptible to the disease are located close to confirmed or suspected Phytophthora‐infested areas or growing in areas conducive for P. cinnamomi. An effective management strategy is therefore required to avoid extinction of such species due to infection by the phytophthora dieback pathogen.  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi is a major pathogen in most macadamia plantations worldwide. Due to stem lesions, stem cankers and leaf defoliation, it results in loss of productivity and tree death. This study examined accessions of the four Macadamia species and their hybrids, produced via rooted stem cuttings or germinated seeds, for susceptibility to stem canker and necrotic lesions caused by P. cinnamomi. Plants were wound‐inoculated with agar containing P. cinnamomi. The symptoms produced in inoculated plants were used to characterize host susceptibility variation within and among the population. Lesion length and severity of stem canker were recorded. The four species and hybrids differed significantly in stem canker severity (< 0.001) and lesion length (= 0.04). Macadamia integrifolia and M. tetraphylla hybrids were the most susceptible. Macadamia integrifolia had the greatest stem canker severity and the most extensive lesions above and below the site of inoculation. Restricted lesion sizes were observed in M. ternifolia and M.  jansenii. The effects of basal stem diameter and the method of propagation either from cuttings or from seed were not significant. The genetic variation in the reaction of macadamia accessions to stem infection by P. cinnamomi is discussed.  相似文献   

Monthly inoculations of both intact plants and excised shoots of Quercus suber with the pathogenic species Botryosphaeria stevensii and Phytophthora cinnamomi were performed to investigate seasonal changes in susceptibility of this forest tree species in relation to environmental parameters and plant water status. Infection symptoms were mainly detected on seedlings inoculated from spring to autumn (April through October) with either pathogen. Mean canker sizes also showed a seasonal pattern, the higher values being recorded in the same period as above. Lesion lengths were significantly ( P  < 0·001) related to environmental minimum temperature. Mean daily minimum temperatures within the range of 5–12°C clearly inhibited lesion development of P. cinnamomi , whereas B. stevensii showed a less pronounced decrease in canker expansion at the same temperature range. In excised shoots of Q. suber inoculated monthly with B. stevensii , a negative linear relationship was found between the studied range of plant relative water content (81–91%) and canker length. In contrast, the lesions caused by P. cinnamomi were not significantly ( P  = 0·32) related to any seasonal change in water content. Some control measures for the diseases caused by both pathogens are discussed on the basis of the seasonal changes in host susceptibility observed in this study.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that resistance in Phytophthora cinnamomi to control by the fungicide phosphite (phosphonate) would arise in sites with prolonged use of phosphite, 30 P. cinnamomi isolates were collected from a range of sites with different phosphite‐use histories, including phosphite‐treated and untreated avocado orchards, and phosphite‐treated and untreated native vegetation sites. The colonizing ability of these isolates was tested by different inoculation methods against a range of host tissues, treated and untreated with phosphite, including mycelial stem inoculation on clonally propagated Leucadendron sp., mycelial root inoculation of lupin seedlings and zoospore inoculation of Eucalyptus sieberi cotyledons. Isolates from avocado orchards with a long history of phosphite use were, on average, more extensive colonizers of the phosphite‐treated Leucadendron sp., lupin seedling roots and Eucalyptus sieberi cotyledons. These isolates did not colonize untreated plant tissue (Leucadendron sp.) more extensively than isolates from sites with no history of phosphite use and no isolates were resistant to control by phosphite. Analysis of all isolates with microsatellite markers revealed the majority were from a single clonal lineage. Selection for decreased sensitivity to phosphite in planta has taken place within asexual clonal lineages of P. cinnamomi in sites with prolonged use of phosphite.  相似文献   

Resistant annual and herbaceous perennial plant species were identified as key hosts which allow Phytophthora cinnamomi to persist on severely impacted black gravel sites within the Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) forest of southwest Western Australia. Of the annual and herbaceous perennial plant species present on black gravel sites, 15 out of 19 species were found to be hosts of P. cinnamomi, and 10 of these were symptomless hosts. In particular, the native annual Trachymene pilosa and the two native herbaceous perennials Stylidium diuroides and Chamaescilla corymbosa were commonly found to be hosts of the pathogen. Species from 12 new genera including three from new families (Crassulaceae, Droseraceae and Primulaceae) are reported for the first time to be hosts of P. cinnamomi. The species from which P. cinnamomi was recovered were the native species: Chamaescilla corymbosa, Crassula closiana, Drosera erythrorhiza, Hydrocotyle callicarpa, Levenhookia pusilla, Paracaleana nigrita, Podotheca angustifolia, Pterochaeta paniculata, Rytidosperma caespitosum, Siloxerus multiflorus, Stylidium diuroides and Trachymene pilosa, and the introduced annual weeds Hypochaeris glabra, Lysimachia arvensis and Pentameris airoides.  相似文献   

Phytophthora boodjera is a newly described pathogen causing damping off and mortality of Eucalyptus seedlings in Western Australian nurseries. This study evaluated the age‐related susceptibility of several taxa of mallee Eucalyptus to P. boodjera in sterilized washed river sand‐infestation pot trials. Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. arenaria were included for comparison. Seedlings of Eucalyptus taxa were inoculated at 0, 2, 4, 12 and 88 weeks with individual Phytophthora isolates. Pre‐emergent mortality in the presence of Phytophthora was almost 100%. Post‐emergent mortality was 50–100%, depending on isolate, compared to 0% for the control. Mortality was also high for inoculated 1 month‐old seedlings (46–68%) and root length of surviving seedlings was severely reduced. Death from root infection was not observed for seedlings inoculated at 12 and 88 weeks, but they developed root necrosis and reduced root dry weight compared to non‐inoculated controls. Phytophthora boodjera is a pre‐ and post‐emergent pathogen of mallee eucalypts. These eucalypts are susceptible to P. boodjera at all life stages tested, but the mortality rates declined with plant age. Similar results were obtained for P. cinnamomi and P. arenaria. The events leading to its recent appearance in the nurseries remain unknown and further investigations are underway to determine if this is an introduced or endemic pathogen. The approach used here to understand the impact of a Phytophthora species on multiple hosts at different seedling ages is novel and sets a benchmark for future work.  相似文献   

Quercus ilex is one of the European forest species most susceptible to root rot caused by the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi. This disease contributes to holm oak decline, a particularly serious problem in the ‘dehesas’ ecosystem of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. This work describes the host–pathogen interaction of Q. ilex and P. cinnamomi, using new infection indices at the tissue level. Fine roots of 6‐month‐old saplings inoculated with P. cinnamomi were examined by light microscopy and a random pool of images was analysed in order to calculate different indices based on the measured area of pathogen structures. In the early stages of invasion, P. cinnamomi colonizes the apoplast and penetrates cortical cells with somatic structures. On reaching the parenchymatous tissues of the central cylinder, the pathogen develops different reproductive and survival structures inside the cells and then expands through the vascular system of the root. Some host responses were identified, such as cell wall thickening, accumulation of phenolic compounds in the middle lamella of sclerenchyma tissues, and mucilage secretion blocking vascular cells. New insights into the behaviour of P. cinnamomi inside fine roots are described. Host responses fail due to rapid expansion of the pathogen and a change in its behaviour from biotrophic to necrotrophic.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi of four crops (wheat, oat, vetch, and yellow lupin) commonly planted in rangeland ecosystems in southern Spain was evaluated. By means of in vitro infection experiments, the presence of the pathogen into the roots of yellow lupin (symptomatic) and vetch (asymptomatic) was observed, but never into wheat and oat roots (asymptomatic). It was also demonstrated that yellow lupin stimulated the production of zoospores of P. cinnamomi. Vetch, wheat and oat did not stimulate zoospore production. Under controlled conditions, only yellow lupin induced an increase in the number of viable chlamydospores in the soil. We concluded that the culture of wheat, oat, and vetch in rangelands did not influence the epidemiology of the Quercus root disease, even when asymptomatically-infected vetch is grown, and these crops can constitute an alternative to the culture of yellow lupin in rangeland ecosystems affected by Quercus root rot.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examined the effects of fresh and composted animal manures on the development of root rot, dieback, and plant death caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Fresh chicken manure, or chicken manure composted for 5 weeks before incorporation into the potting mix (25%, vol/vol), significantly reduced pathogen survival and the development of symptoms on Lupinus albus seedlings. Chicken manure composted for 2 weeks was less suppressive. Cow, sheep, and horse manure, whether fresh or composted, did not consistently suppress populations of P. cinnamomi or disease symptoms at the rates used (25%, vol/vol). All composts increased organic matter content, total biological activity, and populations of actinomycetes, fluorescent pseudomonads, and fungi. Only chicken manure stimulated endospore-forming bacteria, a factor that was strongly associated with seedling survival. Fallowing the potting mix for an additional 8 weeks after the first harvest increased the survival of lupin seedlings in a second bioassay, with survival rates in chicken manure compost-amended potting mix exceeding 90%. These data suggest that the ability of composted manure to stimulate sustained biological activity, in particular the activity of endospore-forming bacteria, is the key factor in reducing disease symptoms caused by P. cinnamomi. Supporting these results, the survival of rooted cuttings of Thryptomene calycina was significantly higher in sand-peat potting mix following amendment with commercially available chicken manure (15% vol/vol). However, this protection was reduced if the potting mix was steam pasteurized before amendment, indicating that suppression was due to endogenous as well as introduced microbes. Chicken manure compost incorporated at 5% (vol/vol) or more was strongly phytotoxic to young Banksia spinulosa plants and is not suitable as an amendment for phosphorus-sensitive plants.  相似文献   

Causes of current severe declines of the deciduous oaks Quercus robur and Q. petraea in northern and central Europe and of the evergreen Q. ilex, Q. suber and other Quercus spp. in the Mediterranean area are reviewed. Factors implicated include drought, pollution, winter cold, flooding, and stress-related attacks by insects and fungi. Additional factors in Mediterranean oak declines include changing land-use patterns and root disease caused by the aggressive, exotic oomycete root pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. Under conditions of global warming the survival and degree of root disease caused by this fungus seems likely to be enhanced, while the host range of the organism might also be increased. Application of the CLIMEX climate-matching program suggests that with a mean increase in temperatures of 1.5–3°C the fungus might considerably increase its disease activity in its existing locations, and to some extent spread northwards and eastwards. However, it seems unlikely to become significantly active in areas of Europe with colder winters such as parts of Scandinavia, Russia and the central Danube. The predictive value of research on major environmental problems such as oak declines could be enhanced by more highly coordinated European forestry research programmes.  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from South Africa and Australia were compared to assess genetic differentiation between the two populations. These two populations were analysed for levels of phenotypic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and gene and genotypic diversity using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Sixteen RAPD markers from four decanucleotide Operon primers and 34 RFLP alleles from 15 putative loci were used. A few isolates from Papua New Guinea known to posses alleles different from Australian isolates were also included for comparative purposes. South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations were almost identical with an extremely low level of genetic distance between them (Dm=0.003). Common features for the two populations include shared alleles, low levels of phenotypic/genotypic diversity, high clonality, and low observed and expected levels of heterozygosity. Furthermore, relatively high levels of genetic differentiation between mating type populations (Dm South Africa=0.020 and Dm Australia=0.025 respectively), negative fixation indices, and significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, all provided evidence for the lack of frequent sexual reproduction in both populations. The data strongly suggest that both the South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations are introduced.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) is a serious disease in oilseed Brassica crops worldwide. In this study, temperature adaptation in isolates of S. sclerotiorum collected from differing climatic zones is reported for the first time on any crop. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from oilseed rape (Brassica napus) crops in warmer northern agricultural regions of Western Australia (WW3, UWA 7S3) differed in their reaction to temperature from those from cooler southern regions (MBRS‐1, UWA 10S2) in virulence on Brassica carinata, growth on agar, and oxalic acid production. Increasing temperature from 22/18°C (day/night) to 28/24°C increased lesion diameter on cotyledons of B. carinataBC054113 more than tenfold for warmer region isolates, but did not affect lesion size for cooler region isolates. Mean lesion length averaged across two B. carinata genotypes (resistant and susceptible) fell from 4·6 to 2·4 mm for MBRS‐1 when temperature increased from 25/21°C to 28/24°C but rose for WW3 (2·35 and 3·21 mm, respectively). WW3, usually designated as low in virulence, caused as much disease on stems at 28/24°C as MBRS‐1, historically designated as highly virulent. Isolates collected from cooler areas grew better at low temperatures on agar. While all grew on potato dextrose agar between 5 and 30°C, with maximum growth at 20–25°C, growth was severely restricted above 32°C, and only UWA 7S3 grew at 35°C. Oxalate production increased as temperature increased from 10 to 25°C for isolates MBRS‐1, WW3 and UWA 7S3, but declined from a maximum level of 101 mg g?1 mycelium at 20°C to 24 mg g?1 mycelium at 25°C for UWA 10S2.  相似文献   

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