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Walnuts,Juglans ailantifolia Carriere, are large and the shell is difficult to open. Thus, seed predators in Japan are restricted mainly to the Japanese squirrel (Sciurus lis Temminck) and the wood mouse (Apodemus speciosus Temminck), which can shave away the hard shells with their sharp incisors. Previous work indicated that the squirrels are not only predators, but also disperse walnuts. In this study, 95 walnuts in Period1 (September 1996–February 1997) and 80 walnuts in Period 2 (September 1999–February 2000) each attached to a miniature radio transmitter, were placed in a feeding box, and 93 and 53 of them were transported by free-living wood mice in the respective periods. Most of the walnuts provided from September to November were scatter-hoarded in the litter layer, while from December to February, the mice fed immediately and seldom scatter-hoarded on the ground surface. In all, 66 walnuts were hoarded and 80 were eaten soon after discovery, although walnuts were eaten more frequently in Period 1 than in Period 2, which may be related to annual differences in seed crop size in the study site. The mean transport distance of hoarded seeds was 6.2 ± 5.0 m (mean ± SD,n=66). The fate of hoarded walnuts was followed from September 1996 to May 1997; 21 (75%) of the scatter-hoarded walnuts were recovered, but 7 (25%) were left uneaten. Consequently, the Japanese wood mouse also plays a role in seed-dispersion of the walnut, but the transport distance for mice was shorter than that for squirrels.  相似文献   

Food hoarding is one of the determinant factors of foraging behavior and benefits the hoarder. Two species of Apodemus mice, A. speciosus Temminck and A. argenteus Temminck, hoard acorns for later use. In 1988 and 1989, I conducted laboratory experiments to reveal the effects of food hoarding in the nest on the foraging behavior of these mice. I released a mouse into an indoor arena (2.8 × 2.8m) and recorded the foraging behavior of four female A. speciosus and four female A. argenteus mice in sessions with and without food hoarding in the nest box. Nest hoarding did not affect the time that a mouse allotted to excursions or the number of peanuts that a mouse ate during the night, but decreased the number of peanuts handled and the intensity of food handling (the number of handled peanuts per visit) at the food stations. The decrease in food handling outside the nest box, which seemed to be beneficial to the survival and reproduction of the hoarder in the field, was more apparent in A. speciosus than in A. argenteus. The different behavioral responses in foraging behavior to nest hoarding between two Apodemus mice may be related to their different microhabitat preferences.  相似文献   

Predation hazard is one of the most important factors that affect foraging behavior. Light intensity is an indirect measure of a predation hazard for nocturnal rodents. In 1988 and 1989, I conducted laboratory experiments to reveal the effects of the predation hazard on foraging behavior of two species of field mice,Apodemus speciosus Temminck andA. argenteus Temminck (Rodentia: Muridae), which co-exist in many areas in Japan. I released a mouse into the experimental arena, where I set one nest box and two food stations (one near and the other far from the nest box), and recorded the foraging behavior for sixA. speciosus and sixA. argenteus mice. I planned to illuminate the experimental arena when the mouse left the nest box to mimic a predation hazard during excursion. The light treatment decreased the time the mouse spend outside the nest box, the duration of an excursion, the number of visits to the food station far from the nest box, and the number of peanuts handled at the food station far away. Mice handled food more intensely at the food station near to the nest box and tended to carry more foods back to the nest box and eat them there during the light treatment period than the control period. These behavioral changes, which seemed to be adaptive to avoid the predation hazard in the field, were more apparent in smaller mice,A. argenteus, than larger mice,A. speciosus.  相似文献   

The landscape of three test areas of an urban environment was efficiently assessed for its ability to support brown rats (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) by successfully integrating habitat suitability modelling using GIS (Geographical Information System). The GIS model, validated using an independent set of rat observations, and a model analysis showed the potential of different habitats for rat occurrence. Because of its use of general land-cover types, the model could be applied to other cities. This model system will be used for the entire city area of Salzburg in the near future. In this publication, we present the results of the pilot GIS model.  相似文献   

A comparative study of pre- and post-dispersal damage to the acrons of two oaks,Quercus serrata Thunb. andQ. mongolica Fischer, was done over 3 years in a species-rich deciduous forest in central Japan. The numbers of acorns bored into by moth larvae and byKobuzo rectirostris (Roelofs) was low and relatively uniform each year for both oak species, but the numbers bored into byCurculio spp. varied from year to year. The proportions of acorns attacked were independent of the density of acorns produced for both oak species. The proportions of the dispersed acorns of both oak species on the forest floor that disappeared between autumn and spring were less than 27%, and were lower for species in the stand that belong to family Fagaceae. However, by the next summer, most dispersed sound acorns had been infested by moths that specialized on post-dispersal acorns.  相似文献   

Parasitic Hymenoptera from the suprafamily Ichneumonoidea attacking the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) were studied in southwest Slovakia during 2000 and 2001. The search for such species resulted in the determination of eight ichneumonid species, Gelis agilis (Fabricius), Itoplectis alternans (Gravenhorst), I. clavicornis (Thompson), I. maculator (Fabricius), Scambus annulatus (Kiss), S. brevicornis (Gravenhorst), Zatypota percontatoria (Müller), Adelognathus sp. and a braconid Colastes braconius Haliday. The most abundant species was S. annulatus. All these species recorded are polyphagous and often facultative hyperparasitoids, except C. braconius, which departs from this norm in not being hyperparasitic. The presence of more diversified native parasitoids and hyperparasitoids from the Ichneumonoidea predicate a slow successive adaptation of the parasitoid fauna to the invasive host, Cameraria ohridella.  相似文献   

A preliminary demographic model is presented for a population of guava (Psidium guajava L.) trees in a pasture. In this paper special attention is devoted to describing both the calculation and testing of the parameters of the model. Some applications of the model are described. It is predicted that the guava population will gradually decline; low seedling survival (due to chemical control of pasture weeds) seems to be the factor governing this trend. Preliminary analyses of total gross energy production and economic income, with and without the guavas, favours the presence of the trees in pastures.  相似文献   

A preliminary demographic model is presented for a population of guava (Psidium guajava L.) trees in a pasture. In this paper special attention is devoted to describing both the calculation and testing of the parameters of the model. Some applications of the model are described. It is predicted that the guava population will gradually decline; low seedling survival (due to chemical control of pasture weeds) seems to be the factor governing this trend. Preliminary analyses of total gross energy production and economic income, with and without the guavas, favours the presence of the trees in pastures.  相似文献   

[目的]沙棘绕实蝇严重危害沙棘果实,使沙棘种植地蒙受巨大经济损失。研究其生物学习性,可以为有效监测和控制沙棘绕实蝇提供理论指导。[方法]通过室内人工饲养和野外观察,研究沙棘绕实蝇的羽化、交尾、产卵、化蛹等生物学习性和野外发生动态。[结果]沙棘绕实蝇成虫在野外从6月中旬至8月上旬均可见到,发生量受天气影响较大;成虫主要集中在6:00—10:00羽化,羽化量占当日羽化量的81.3%,羽化高峰出现在8:00—9:00;化蛹时间主要集中在凌晨0:00—6:00,尤其是3:00—6:00钻出果实化蛹的幼虫数量较多,与其它时间段有明显差异;交尾时间主要集中在白天光照比较强的时间段,一天当中有两次交尾高峰,分别出现在12:00—13:00和16:00—17:00,交尾平均持续时长为239±11.86 min;沙棘绕实蝇产卵期沙棘果长径6.65±0.28 mm,宽径5.47±0.40 mm,一果只产一卵。[结论]沙棘绕实蝇在内蒙古磴口地区一年发生一代,幼虫钻蛀果实,蛹隐藏在地下,成虫期较短,防治工作应集中在成虫期进行。  相似文献   

An ongoing expansion of Myzocallis (L.) walshii (Monell) in the NE Iberian Peninsula was detected. The aphid species was recorded in Catalonia, Andorra and Navarra. Adaptation of local native parasitoids (at least Trioxys pallidus Haliday and T. tenuicaudus Stary) to the new immigrant was documented, together with background information on their host range in the native environments. The detection of parasitoids of M. walshii is the first published evidence in Europe. The new evidence for M. walshii in the NE Iberian Peninsula also supports the warning of the expansion of the aphid as a pest of Quercus rubra over Europe.  相似文献   

The period between 2000 and 2002 repeated outbreaks of the web spinning sawfly Cephalcia lariciphila (Wachtl 1898) around the village of Větrny Jeníkov, Czech Republic. The impact of defoliation, caused by C. lariciphila feeding, on tree-ring formation of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) was studied using dendrochronological methods. Heavy defoliation resulted in much less growth in the years of insect attack, the average incremental loss being 67% for the 2000–2002 period. Also, defoliation resulted in the formation of latewood with fewer cells and reduced cell-wall thickness.  相似文献   

Abtract The system Vicia faba–Aphis fabae fabae was studied under the influence of Ocimum basilicum (basil) and Satureja hortensis, in a wind tunnel, in the greenhouse and in field experiments. In the wind tunnel at 20°C both Lamiaceae were deterrent for A. fabae, and S. hortensis proved to be more deterrent than O. basilicum. In experiments in the greenhouse at low temperatures (average minimum 14.6°C, average maximum 24.1°C), A. fabae colonised first and significantly more intense Vicia fabae (field beans) not surrounded by O. basilicum or S. hortensis. At high temperatures (average minimum 18.0°C, average maximum 38.5°C) this relation was inverted: Vicia faba surrounded by the two Lamiaceae were preferred for colonisation (Ocimum basilicum significantly). It showed that pots with Lamiaceae were no obstacle for the aphids to reach Vicia faba. In strip cropping in the field, the repellent effect of Ocimum basilicum proved to be stronger than of Satureja hortensis. In 2002 there was observed only a tendency of lower aphid attack of field beans intercropped with Lamiaceae, while in 2004 and 2005 the infestation of Vicia faba by Aphis fabae was significantly lower in plots intercropped with basil. In plots with Satureja hortensis as intercrop, Vicia faba were significantly lower infested, after 3 weeks. The differences between the results of the wind tunnel/greenhouse at low temperatures, and the field experiments concerning the deterrence by Satureja hortensis cannot be explained. But basing on our results with Ocimum basilicum and those published by other authors, it is recommended to follow up intercropping, after a sincere analysis in every case, in favour of agronomists.  相似文献   

The major bioecological characteristics of Bracon intercessor Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the poplar clearwing moth, Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), were studied from 1987 to 2003. Poplar shoots infested with P. tabaniformis larvae were collected in 11 localities in Bulgaria and examined in the laboratory, and infestations were also studied in the field. B. intercessor was recorded in seven localities and was found to be a gregarious external larval parasitoid of P. tabaniformis. Two generations of the parasitoid developed on the host. The first (summer) generation was associated with early and mid-stage (up to third instar) host larvae, and the second (overwintering) generation with third- to fifth-instar larvae. The average number of parasitoid individuals feeding on a host was 4.5 and 12.4 in summer and overwintering generations, respectively. The maximum number recorded was 25 individuals per host in the overwintering generation. B. intercessor overwintered as a mature larva on the host and completed its development in early spring. The adults from the overwintering generation appeared in April, about 1 month prior to emergence of P. tabaniformis. The life cycle of B. intercessor was not in close synchrony with the development of P. tabaniformis in the spring, but the parasitoid adults which fed on honey-sugar solution lived for up to 31 days (males) and 86 days (females), respectively. This suggests that, in the field, B. intercessor females eclosing in the spring could survive until the host larvae appear if nectar is available. Adults of the summer generation emerge from July to September when sufficient suitable host larvae are available. B. intercessor was responsible for 1.5% of the average mortality of the P. tabaniformis overwintering larvae. The host mortality caused by the summer generation of the parasitoid ranged from 3.2% to 5.8%.  相似文献   

The hemispherical soft scale, Saissetia coffeae (Walker) (Homoptera: Coccidae), is one of the most important pests attacking olive trees in Egypt. During the period 2001–2003, a total of about 300,000 individuals of the parasitoid Coccophagus cowperi Girault (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), obtained from India, was released at 35 sites for the biological control of S.coffeae on olive trees in Egypt. The maximum parasitism rates reached 53 and 62%, while average parasitism rates were 17.2 and 30.8% in the Marsy Mattrouh and El-Arish locations, respectively. These results indicate establishment of this parasitoid on this important economic plant in Egypt.  相似文献   

Toxicity and repellent activities of aqueous extracts of nine medicinal plants were evaluated on different life stages of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Tomato plants infested with whiteflies were dipped in 10% (wt/wt) of each plant extract for toxicity evaluation. Repellency was evaluated in a choice experiment with detached tomato leaves. All extracts evaluated were relatively ineffective against the adult stage. Extracts of Ruta chalepensis, Peganum harmala and Alkanna strigosa were effective in reducing the numbers of B. tabaci immatures similar to the reduction observed in the imidacloprid treatment. These three extracts were not detrimental B. tabaci parasitoid, Eretmocerus mundus. In addition, the plant extracts Urtica pilulifera and T. capita were repellent to B. tabaci adults. These results indicate that the extracts from the plants R. chalepensis, P. harmala and A. strigosa could act as a potential source for natural product developed for B. tabaci management.  相似文献   

Persistence of neem-based products against sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was tested in air conditioned rearing rooms and tropical netted greenhouses (GHs). Two commercial neem products, NeemAzal®-T/S (1% azadirachtin) and NeemAzal®-U (17% azadirachtin), were used. Foliar application, under room conditions at dose-rates of 7 and 10 ml NeemAzal®-T/S, induced an immature mortality of 32 and 44%, respectively, whereas 7 days post-application, under GH conditions, mortality rates declined to 5 and 7%, respectively. This result indicated rapid dissipation of the active ingredients. However, systemic application by soil drenching resulted in more stable effects under both laboratory and GH conditions. After soil drenching with solutions of 3.0 g NeemAzal®-U until 7-day, immature mortality declined from 88% for the first day to almost half (45%) by day-7 in the GH, and from 90% on first day to 64% by day-7 under laboratory condition. Similar response trends for B. tabaci were obtained for other parameters such as adult colonisation, egg deposition, and egg hatch. The loss of efficiency of the neem products was clearly related to dose-rate, methods of application, and environment (temperature and UV). Soil application is therefore, a convenient approach to achieve high efficiency and persistence with neem products under the conditions in tropical GH environments for whitefly management.  相似文献   

Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is recorded as a new factitious host for the solitary egg-larval parasitoid, Chelonus oculator Panzer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). A short biology and rearing method of the parasitoid on the new host were studied at 30±1°C, 60–70% relative humidity, with a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D). Chelonus eclosed from 74.60% of parasitized hosts. No significant difference was found between development times of male and female parasitoids. Development of the parasitoid was completed in 28.14±0.47 days in male, and 28.87±0.58 days in female. However, a significant difference was found between adult sizes of male and female parasitoids. Adult dry mass was found 0.88±0.04 mg in male, and 1.99±0.11 mg in female. In addition, C. oculator was successfully reared from P. interpunctella in twenty generations with the explained method. Significant knowledge about biology of C. oculator is still lacking. However, the parasitoid can be candidate for future research as a biological control agent against some important lepidopteran pests, and P. interpunctella may be suitable factitious host for mass rearing of C. oculator.  相似文献   

Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda has been recovered for the first time from adults of the cerambycid beetle, Monochamus urussovi (Fischer), in Hokkaido, Japan. The nematode was also recovered from the inner bark of Picea jezoensis (Siebold et Zuccarini) Carrière and Abies sachalinensis (Fr Schmidt) Masters infested with M. urussovi larvae. PCR–RFLP analysis indicated that B. mucronatus in Hokkaido is the European type.  相似文献   

[目的]日本学者Kosaka与Ogura发现松褐天牛成虫除携带松材线虫外,雌成虫卵巢内还携带有另一种线虫,他们将其命名为卵巢线虫,并认为这种线虫是松褐天牛成虫的寄生性线虫。我国对该种线虫的研究迄今未见报道。为了证明这种线虫在我国是否存在和分布,开展了本项研究。[方法]分期分批捕获刚羽化的松褐天牛雌雄成虫,采用解剖松褐天牛成虫松树木质部及感病的松褐天牛幼虫等方法,调查卵巢线虫的存在与分布。[结果]通过调查研究,发现我国的松褐天牛成虫体内有该卵巢线虫存在,分布于松褐天牛成虫、幼虫体内和松树木质部3个部位;在松褐天牛成虫体内的卵巢线虫通过松褐天牛雌成虫产卵而接种、进入寄主树木木质部中。同时,木质部的卵巢线虫也有一部分进入松褐天牛幼虫体内寄生,另一部分仍在木质部生活,当松褐天牛幼虫再次发育为成虫时,在木质部中的卵巢线虫和已被寄生的松褐天牛幼虫体内的卵巢线虫再次进入松褐天牛成虫体内,完成循环。卵巢线虫在松褐天牛雌、雄虫体内均有分布,携带率为44.4%,其中松褐天牛雌成虫携带率为43.8%,松褐天牛雄成虫携带率为45.0%,两者间无显著差异;每头松褐天牛成虫平均携带卵巢线虫574条,其中雌成虫平均携带816条,雄成虫平均携带308条,具显著差异。初步研究表明,卵巢线虫在松褐天牛成虫体内只能完成产卵到1~4龄的幼虫阶段,不能完成一个完整的世代;在松褐天牛幼虫体内寄生和在木质部生活的卵巢线虫能完成一个完整世代,但具体过程尚不清楚;调查中未观察到卵巢线虫对松褐天牛成虫有寄生致病或致死的现象,但对松褐天牛幼虫有寄生致死的能力;卵巢线虫常与松材线虫同时存在,而且侵入松树及离开松树的方式与松材线虫相同。[结论]我国松褐天牛体内也发现有卵巢线虫存在;目前尚不能证明该线虫对松褐天牛成虫具有寄生致死性,但对松褐天牛幼虫具有一定的寄生致死性;卵巢线虫的生活史与松材线虫相似,是否与松材线虫一样对松树具有危害性以及其病理作用还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

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