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Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the need for supplemental phosphorus in the diet of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus as well as to compare dicalcium phosphate and defluorinated phosphate as sources of supplemental phosphorus. Fingerling channel catfish were stocked into 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 1,000 fish/pond (24,700ha). The fish were fed a feed typical of commercial catfish feeds containing 28% protein and 2.8 kcal digestible energy/g once daily to satiation during the growing season (April to October). Fish in experiment 2 were overwintered and fed at a rate of 1% body weight twice weekly when the water temperature exceeded 13 C. The basal diet used in experiments 1 and 2, which contained no supplemental phosphorus, had estimated available phosphorus concentrations of 0.26 and 0.20%, respectively. Dicalcium phosphate was added to provide available phosphorus concentrations of 0.34 and 0.41% for experiment 1, and 0.27 and 0.35% for experiment 2. Diets used in experiment 3 to compare dicalcium and defluorinated phosphates contained 0.40% available phosphorus. Data from experiments 1 and 2 indicated that a concentration of dietary phosphorus of about 0.27% was adequate for maximum weight gain and efficient conversion of feed by channel catfish. However, a concentration of about 0.35% available phosphorus was required for maximum bone mineralization in experiment 2. There were no differences in growth or bone mineralization between fish fed dicalcium or defluorinated phosphate. We conclude that the small increase in bone phosphorus (about 4%) is biologically insignificant, and suggest that 0.3% available phosphorus be adequate for channel catfish raised in earthen ponds. Also, either dicalcium or defluorinated phosphate can be used as a source of supplemental phosphorus in channel catfish diets. However, defluorinated phosphate may be desirable because of its low solubility in water.  相似文献   

Copper sulfate (CuSO45H2O) is used to reduce the abundance of blue-green algae and combat off-flavor in channel catfish culture. Copper sulfate usually is applied at a concentration of one-one hundredth of the total alkalinity. A study was performed at the Auburn University Fisheries Research Unit to determine the duration of elevated copper (Cu) concentration following copper sulfate applications. Two alkalinity treatments, 20-40 mg/L and 110-130 mg/L (as CaCO3), were examined. Copper sulfate was applied biweekly for 14 wk at 03 mg/L for the low alkalinity treatment and 1.2 mg/L for the high alkalinity treatment. Total copper concentrations in pond waters declined to the background level by 48-h post treatment. In addition, total copper concentrations were determined in waters of 38 catfish production ponds located in west central Alabama. The mean and standard deviation were 0.0092 ± 0.0087 mg Cu/L. Copper quickly precipitates from the water or is absorbed by sediments following copper sulfate treatment. Although concentrations of copper in pond waters increase immediately following copper sulfate treatment, they rapidly decrease and seldom exceed the United States Environmental Protection Agency's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants of 0.013-mg Cu/L. Findings of this study suggest that copper sulfate treatment will not contaminate effluent from catfish ponds because of the short time that applied copper remains in the water column. Furthermore, the most frequent applications of copper sulfate occur in late summer months when rainfall is minimal and pond overflow is rare.  相似文献   

Abstract— Laboratory studies with pond water samples revealed that 5 mg/L active chlorine was needed to provide enough chlorine residual to reduce biological activity. Treatment of channel catfish ponds with repeated, 0.1-mg/L doses of active chlorine from calcium hypochlorite at 6- to 8-d intervals, as sometimes done by catfish farmers, had little influence on water quality. Dissolved oxygen, total ammonia-nitrogen, and chlorophyll a concentrations and pH were similar between treated and control ponds. Concentrations of chemical oxygen demand and particulate organic matter were seldom different between treated and control ponds. Channel catfish survival and net production were not improved by chlorine treatment. Thus, chlorination of production ponds during the grow-out period is not a useful technique. Treatment of sediment samples from ponds with up to 1,200-mg active chlorinelkg soil did not reduce bacterial abundance, so chlorination of bottoms of empty ponds may not he an effective disinfection procedure. Chlorination of pond waters with 30-mg/L active chlorine caused complete kill of bacteria 24 h after treatment, although heterotrophic bacteria quickly re-populated the water. Thus, chlorination can be an effective way to disinfect ponds before stocking.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the use of low protein diets for channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus raised in earthen ponds at high density. Fingerling channel catfish were stocked into 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate 24,700 fish/ha and fed experimental diets daily to satiation from April to October 1995. The five diets contained either 32, 28, 24, 20, or 16% crude protein with digestible energy to protein (DE:P) ratios ranging from 8.9 to 16.2 kcal/ g protein. Weight gain was not different among channel catfish fed diets containing 32, 28, or 24% crude protein. Fish fed diets containing 20% or 16% crude protein gained less weight than fish fed the diets containing 28% or 24% crude protein, but not statistically less than the fish fed the 32% crude protein diet. Feed consumption data followed similar trends as weight gain data. Feed conversion ratio increased linearly as dietary protein decreased, but was not significantly different (multiple range test) for fish fed diets containing either 32% or 28% crude protein. There were no differences in survival and hematocrit of fish fed the different diets. No differences (multiple range test) were observed in dressout percentages for fish fed the various diets, but dressout percentage tended to decrease linearly as dietary protein decreased. Visceral fat and fillet fat increased and fillet protein and moisture decreased linearly as dietary protein decreased. Results from this study indicated that dietary protein concentrations as low as 24% are adequate for maximum weight gain of pond-raised channel catfish fed daily to satiation. Fish fed dietary protein levels below 24% grew relatively well, particularly considering that dietary protein was reduced 40–50% below that typically used in commercial channel catfish feeds. However, dietary protein levels below 24% may increase fattiness to an unacceptable level presumably because of the high digestible energy to protein ratio.  相似文献   

A 2 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted using satiate and restricted feeding with 32% crude protein diets containing low, medium, and high quality protein. Protein quality in the experimental diets was varied primarily by substituting peanut meal and cottonseed meal for soybean meal. Percentages of lysine, the first-limiting amino acid, were 1.14, 1.33, and 1.61 in the low, medium, and high quality protein diets respectively. Digestible energy concentration of the diets was 2.9 kcal/g. Channel catfish were grown from an average weight of 47 g to marketable size over a 15 wk period at a stocking density of 13,750 fish/ha in 400 m2 earthen ponds. Each treatment was replicated in three ponds. Fish in the satiation group were fed as much as they would consume each day for the 15 wk experimental period. Fish in the restricted group were fed as much as they would consume until the daily feed allowance reached 65 kg/ha, which was reached at approximately week 5 of the experiment, and thereafter, there was no further increase in feed allowance. There was no significant interaction between feeding regimen and dietary protein quality for weight gain or feed conversion. Weight gain and feed efficiency under both satiation and restricted feeding increased linearly as protein quality increased. Protein quality had no influence on protein efficiency ratio (PER) under satiate feeding but had a positive effect on PER under restricted feeding. Protein quality had a positive linear effect on dressing percentage under restricted feeding, but in those fish fed to satiation, dressing percentage only increased between the low and high quality protein treatments. Protein quality had a negative linear effect on muscle fat but had no effect on visceral fat under satiate or restricted feeding. These results indicate that channel catfish are sensitive to protein quality differences in practical feeds at both satiate and restricted feeding rates, and that reduction in protein quality reduces dressing yield and increases muscle fat in food size fish.  相似文献   

Abstract.– Juvenile channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (initial weight: 6.8 g/fish) were fed four practical diets containing 0, 250, 500, and 750 units of microbial phytase/kg and a diet containing 1% feed grade dicalcium phosphate (but no microbial phytase) under laboratory conditions for 12 wk. Fish fed the diets containing 250 units of microbial phytase/kg and above consumed more feed, gained more weight, and had a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) in comparison to fish fed the basal diet containing no microbial phytase. Fish fed the diet containing dicalcium phosphate had intermediate weight gain and feed conversion ratio as compared to fish fed the basal diet and diets containing microbial phytase. Bone ash and phosphorus concentrations were lower for fish fed the basal diet than for fish fed other diets. No differences in weight gain, feed consumption, FCR, bone ash and bone phosphorus were observed among fish fed the diets containing various levels of microbial phytase. Fish fed the diet containing dicalcium phosphate had a lower bone phosphorus concentration than fish fed diets containing microbial phytase. Fecal phosphorus concentrations were lower for fish fed the diets containing microbial phytase than for fish fed the basal diet and the diet containing dicalcium phosphate. Results from the present study indicated that addition of 250 units of microbial phytase/kg to practical diets can effectively improve bioavailability of phytate phosphorus to channel catfish and may possibly eliminate the use of an inorganic phosphorus supplement in channel catfish diets. However, these data must be verified in trials conducted in ponds, prior to recommending removal of supplemental phosphorus from channel catfish diets.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 2 × 5 factorial experiment was conducted using practical-type extruded feeds containing 20, 24, 28, 32, or 36% crude protein with or without animal protein. The animal protein supplement consisted of 4% menhaden fish meal and 4% meat, bone and blood meal. Channel catfish fingerlings (average size: 26.3 g/fish) were stocked into 50 0.04-ha ponds at a rate of 24,700 fishha. Five ponds were used for each dietary treatment. Fish were fed once daily to satiation for 202 d. There were no differences in feed conversion ratio (FCR), percentage fillet moisture, and survival among treatments. In fish fed diets containing no animal protein, feed consumption, weight gain, and percentage dressout were lower for fish fed the 20% protein diet than those fed diets containing 28% and 32% protein. Fish fed 28, 32, or 36% protein diets without animal protein did not differ in respect to percentage dressout and percentage visceral fat; fish fed the 36% protein diet had higher percentage fillet protein and a lower percentage fillet fat than fish fed other diets with the exception of fish fed the 28% protein diet. In fish fed diets containing animal protein, feed consumption, weight gain, percentage fillet protein and ash, and percentage dressout were lower and visceral fat was higher for fish fed the 20% protein diet than those fed other diets. Fish fed diets containing 24% protein and above with animal protein were not different in respect to weight gain and feed consumption, but fish fed the 24% protein diet had a higher percentage fillet fat than fish fed a 32% or 36% protein diet. Fish fed the 32% protein diet had a lower visceral fat. Considering animal protein vs non-animal protein with the data pooled across all diets without regard to dietary protein level, weight gain and FCR of fish fed diets containing animal protein were higher than those fed diets containing no animal protein. However, weight gain of fish fed diets containing 20, 28, or 32% protein with or without animal protein did not differ. Dressout percentage and fillet protein were higher and fillet fat was lower for fish fed diets containing no animal protein than those fed diets containing animal protein. Data from this study indicated that animal protein may not be a necessary dietary ingredient for fish fed 28% or 32% protein diets typically used for grow out of pond-raised channel catfish under satiation feeding conditions. Whether animal protein should be included in catfish diets containing less than 28% protein is unclear, since fish fed the 24% protein diet benefited from animal protein but those fed the 20% protein diet did not benefit from animal protein. Additional studies to provide more information on low-protein, all-plant diets are currently being conducted.  相似文献   

Water from 48 channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus ponds at Auburn and Greensboro, Alabama, USA, usually contained less than 1,000 total coliform and 200 fecal coliform bacteria per 100 mL. There were no sources of human fecal matter to ponds. Also, the fecal coliform: fecal streptococci ratio was less than 1.0 and typical of fecal contamination by warm-blooded animals other than humans. The abundance of coliforms was greater in spring and summer than in fall and winter in catfish ponds and sportfish ponds at Auburn, Alabama. In spite of high organic matter inputs in feed, catfish ponds had no greater abundance of coliforms than sportfish ponds.  相似文献   


A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate low-quality diets for growout of pond-raised channel catfish. Five practical diets containing various levels of protein (10-28%) of varying quality (with or without animal protein and/or soybean meal), and with or without certain nutrient supplements (vitamin, minerals, lysine, or fat) were fed to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusstocked in 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 17,290 fish/ha. The diets were as follows: (1) 28% protein, nutritionally complete control; (2) 28% protein without supplemental vitamins, minerals, or fat; (3) 18% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein; (4) 10% protein without animal protein, soybean meal, or supplemental vitamins and minerals; and (5) 10% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein or soybean meal. Each diet was fed once daily to apparent satiation to fish in five replicate ponds for a single growing season. Fish fed diets containing 18% or 28% protein without supplements had similar diet consumption rates and weight gain as those fed the 28% control diet, but the fish fed the control diet converted diet more efficiently. Fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements consumed less diet, converted diet less efficiently, and gained less weight than fish fed diets containing higher levels of protein. The addition of supplements to the 10% protein diet increased weight gain and processing yield as compared to fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements. Body fattiness increased, fillet protein decreased, and carcass, fillet and nugget yields decreased as dietary protein decreased. The data show that pond-raised channel catfish can be grown effectively on a diet containing 18% protein that is of relatively low quality, but fattiness is increased and processing yield is decreased. However, because of the negative aspects of this diet, we would not recommend it for general use in commercial catfish culture. It could be used where fattiness and processing yield are not of consequence, such as recreational ponds. For that matter, the 10% diet without supplements could be used as well in these situations if maximum growth is not desired.  相似文献   

We compared production variables between channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, nursery ponds fed according to industry standards, that is feeding immediately at stocking, to an alternative practice of delaying feeding for 6 wk after stocking in an effort to utilize natural pond productivity and reduce feed use. Twelve 0.04 ha ponds were fertilized and stocked with swim‐up fry (4–5 d posthatch) at a rate of 10,000/pond (250,000/ha). Ponds were then randomly assigned to either the standard feeding protocol (feeding daily starting immediately at stocking) or an alternative feeding protocol (no feeding until 6 wk post‐stocking). After 18 wk of production, there were no differences in water quality or zooplankton abundance between the two treatments. Fish length was not affected by treatment throughout the study, and survival and total weight harvested were similar. Total kg of feed fed was significantly reduced in the delayed feed treatment, averaging 26 kg/pond less feed fed. If proper fertilization practices are implemented, large numbers of desirable zooplankton for catfish fry culture are attained, and these zooplankton are able to sustain catfish fry stocked up to 250,000/ha. Therefore, no commercial diets are required during the first 6 wk of culture, saving over $95.55/ha in initial feed costs.  相似文献   

Effects of a Bacterial Inoculum in Channel Catfish Ponds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A commercial bacterial Inoculum cultured on site called Biostart was applied to three channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus ponds at Auburn, Alabama, USA, three times per week from May until October 1996. There were few significant differences (P × 0.1) in concentrations of water quality variables between ponds treated with bacteria and control ponds. In addition, bottom soil carbon and nitrogen did not differ between treated and control ponds. However, survival and net production of fish was significantly (P × 0.1) greater in ponds that received the bacterial inoculum than in controls. The mechanism by which the bacterial treatment influenced fish survival cannot be explained from data collected in this study. Further studies of probiotics are needed to define the potential benefits of these treatments to aquacultural production and to determine their mechanisms of action in pond ecosystems.  相似文献   

Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) measured in 45 commercial channel catfish ponds in northwest Mississippi using in situ respirometry ( N = 167) ranged from 63 to 1,038 mg/m2 per h. Mean SOD in this study (359 mg/m2 per h) was greater than that reported previously for catfish ponds but was similar to SOD in semi-intensive marine shrimp ponds. Nine variables were selected and measured to assess their relative importance in accounting for variation in SOD. Six variables were included in multiple regression models that explained slightly more than half of the variation in SOD. These variables were: dissolved oxygen concentration at the beginning of respirometry incubation:, particulate organic matter concentration in water above the sediment surface: organic carbon concentration at the immediate sediment-water interface (flocculent or F-layer) combined with the upper 2 cm of sediment (S-layer); organic carbon concentration in the mature (M) underlying sediment layer: water temperature: and total depth of accumulated sediment. Sediment oxygen demand was most sensitive to changes in dissolved oxygen concentration in the overlying water, particulate organic matter concentration in the water, and the concentration of organic carbon in the combined flocculent and upper sediment (F+S) layer. Models for SOD in this research predict that the mass of sediment below the upper 2-cm surface layer on average contributes only ∼20% of total SOD. Stratification and normal daily fluctuation of dissolved oxygen concentration in eutrophic culture ponds likely limit expression of sediment oxygen demand. Maintaining aerobic conditions at the sediment-water interface will minimize accumulation of organic matter in pond sediment.  相似文献   

A 10-wk feeding trial was conducted in the laboratory during which channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (average initial weight: 6.5 g/fish) were fed five practical diets containing either 0, 500, 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 units of microbial phytase/kg diet. Fish fed diets containing 500 or more units of microbial phytase/kg consumed more feed and gained more weight than fish fed the basal diet without supplemental phytase. Feed conversion ratios (FCR) did not differ among treatments except the FCR for fish fed 1,000 units of microbial phytase/kg diet was lower than that of fish fed no supplemental phytase. Fish survival was not different among treatments. Contrast analysis showed that weight gain, feed consumption, bone ash, and bone phosphorus were higher and feed conversion ratio was lower for fish fed diets supplemented with phytase as compared to fish fed no supplemental phytase. The concentration of fecal phosphorus decreased linearly as phytase supplementation increased. Results from this study demonstrate that microbial phytase is effective in improving bioavailability of phytate phosphorus to channel catfish, which may eventually lead to a reduction in the amount of supplemental phosphorus added to commercial channel catfish feeds.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted on growth and protein requirements of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus. Four diets containing 24, 28, 32, or 36% protein were fed to both channel (initial weight 6.9 g/fish) and blue (6.6 g/fish) catfish for two growing seasons. There were significant interactions between dietary protein and fish species for weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR). No significant differences were observed in weight gain of channel catfish fed various protein diets, whereas higher protein diets (32 and 36%) resulted in better weight gain in blue catfish than lower protein diets (24 and 28%). No consistent differences were observed in the FCR of channel catfish fed various levels of dietary protein, whereas significantly higher FCRs were noted in blue catfish fed the 24 and 28% protein diets compared with fish fed 32 and 36% protein diets. Regardless of dietary protein levels, blue catfish had higher carcass, nugget, and total meat yield, and higher fillet moisture and protein, but lower fillet yield and fillet fat. Regardless of fish species, fish fed the 36% protein diet had higher carcass, fillet, and total meat yield than fish fed the 28 and 32% protein diets, which in turn had higher yields than fish fed the 24% protein diet. It appears that blue catfish can be successfully cultured by feeding a 32% protein diet.  相似文献   

Many fish culturists are interested in applying copper sulfate pentahydrate (CSP) to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, nursery ponds as a prophylactic treatment for trematode infection and proliferative gill disease by killing snails and Dero sp., respectively, before stocking fry. However, copper is an algaecide and may adversely affect phytoplankton and zooplankton populations. We evaluated the effects of prophylactic use of copper sulfate in catfish nursery ponds on water quality and phytoplankton and zooplankton populations. In 2006, treatments of 0 mg/L CSP, 3 mg/L CSP (0.77 mg/L Cu), and 6 mg/L CSP (1.54 mg/L Cu) were randomly assigned to 0.04‐ha ponds. In 2007, only treatments of 0 and 3 mg/L CSP were randomly assigned to the 16 ponds. Ponds treated with CSP had significantly higher pH and significantly lower total ammonia concentrations. Treatment of both CSP rates increased total algal concentrations but reduced desirable zooplankton groups for catfish culture. CSP has been shown to be effective in reducing snail populations at the rate used in this study. CSP treatment also appears to be beneficial to the algal bloom, shifting the algal population to green algae and increasing total algal biomass within 1 wk after CSP treatment. Although zooplankton populations were adversely affected, populations of important zooplankton to catfish fry began rebounding 6–12 d after CSP treatment. Therefore, if CSP is used to treat catfish fry ponds of similar water composition used in this study, fry should not be stocked for about 2 wk after CSP application to allow time for the desirable zooplankton densities to begin increasing.  相似文献   

Chemical Budgets for Polyethylene-lined, Brackishwater Ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Budgets for water, nitrogen, phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were estimated from May to October 1986 in three 0.09 ha ponds stocked with striped bass Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). Ponds were lined with highdensity polyethylene sheeting to prevent seepage. Pond bottoms, except for side slopes, were covered with soil. Total rainfall roughly equalled evaporation. Liner runoff augmented rainfall inflow by 43%. The largest source of nitrogen input was feed -88% of the measured input. Overflow was the greatest measured loss of nitrogen. Denitrification and ammonia volatilization apparently removed large amounts of nitrogen. Feed applications and runoff were the major phosphorus inputs. Fish harvest and uptake by mud represented the major losses of phosphorus. The production of each kilogram of fish required 2.09kg of feed and released to the water, as metabolic waste, 118.55g nitrogen, 1.2g phosphorus, and 1.67kg COD. Metabolic wastes from fish resulted in the production of an additional 3.71kg of COD in phytoplankton and benthic algae. Thus, 1kg of live striped bass resulted in a total of 5.38kg of COD. Benthic respiration exceeded respiration of microorganisms in the water column. Total respiration exceeded oxygen produced by photosynthesis, but diffusion of oxygen from the atmosphere into the ponds was sufficient to maintain adequate DO concentrations for fish survival.  相似文献   

Abstract Canola meal was used in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus diets at levels of 0, 15.4, 30.8, 46.2 and 61.6%, by progressively replacing (on an equal nitrogen basis) 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100% of solvent-extracted soybean meal in the control diet. The feeds were formulated to contain approximately 29% crude protein and 2,650 kcal of digestible energy/kg on an air-dry basis. Each diet was fed to juvenile channel catfish to satiation twice daily for 10 wk. Fish fed the diets containing the two lowest levels of canola meal (15.4 and 30.8%) had similar weight gains, feed intakes, feed utilization efficiencies, and percent survivals relative to the group fed the control diet. Weight gains and feed intakes declined significantly as the dietary levels of canola meal were increased to 46.2% or higher, probably because of reductions in diet palatability and some impairment of feed utilization due to the presence of increased levels of antinutritional factors, particularly glucosinolates. Whole body percentages for moisture and crude protein were unaffected by the dietary treatments. Body ash contents, however, were lowest for fish fed the control diets but were essentially the same for fish fed the other diets. Fish fed the diet containing 30.8% canola meal had lowest body fat content but this effect may not have been diet related. Values for red blood cell concentration, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were not affected by dietary canola meal level, but hematocrit was higher (although not always significant) for fish fed the control diet. The results of this study suggest that canola meal can comprise about 31% of the diet of channel catfish by replacing half of the amount of soybean meal used in the control diet without adversely affecting growth or any other aspect of performance.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to quantify changes in the proximate components of fish feces and feeds when immersed in water for varying time periods. Catfish feces, a floating catfish diet, and a sinking trout diet were immersed for 5, 10, 20, 40, or 80 minutes. Dry matter losses were noted for all samples after immersion in water. There was a disproportionate loss of crude protein, ash, and nitrogen free extract (NFE) from the catfish fecal samples, ash and ether extract from the floating catfish feed, and NFE from the sinking trout feed. The losses noted would change crude protein, ether extract, NFE, and energy digestion coefficients by less than 7%, but ash and crude fiber digestion coefficients could change by as much as 23 and 35%, respectively. The ash concentration of unimmersed catfish feces indicated that this component may be a reliable indicator of nutrient digestibility in catfish.  相似文献   

Abstract A 3 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted using three strains of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, USDA102, USDA103, and Mississippi normal (MN), and three concentrations of dietary protein. Three practical diets were formulated to contain 25, 35, or 45% crude protein with digestible energy/protein ratio of 10.0, 8.1, or 6.8 Kcal/g, respectively. Juvenile channel catfish (mean initial weight: 15.1 g/fish) were fed the experimental diets twice daily to approximate satiation for 8 wk. Regardless of dietary protein concentration, the USDA 103 strain consumed more feed, gained more weight, and converted feed more efficiently than other two strains. The MN strain consumed less feed and gained less weight than the other strains. Regardless of the strain of channel catfish, differences in weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio were observed among fish fed diets containing various levels of protein with the 35% protein diet being the best. Neither dietary protein concentration nor strain had significant effect on fillet protein level. Data pooled by fish strain showed that fish of MN strain had lower fillet fat and higher moisture than fish of other two strains. Data pooled by dietary protein showed that fish fed the 45% protein diet had a lower level of fillet fat than fish fed the 35% protein diet, but this did not appear to be a strain effect, rather it was a result of decreased feed consumption. Results from this study clearly demonstrate that per formance of the USDA103 strain of channel catfish was superior to other strains tested. The growth characteristics of the USDA103 strain of channel catfish make the strain a promising candidate for commercialization. However, data are needed on performance of the strain from fingerling to marketable size under conditions similar to those used for the commercial culture of channel catfish prior to their release to the catfish industry.  相似文献   

Selected water quality variables were measured at monthly intervals for 1 yr in 10 commercial channel catfish ponds in northwest Mississippi. Temporal changes in most variables appeared to be related to seasonal periodicity of phytoplankton abundance. Phytoplankton standing crops and total organic matter were highest in summer months when primary production was favored by warm water temperatures, high solar irradiance, and large inputs of nutrients resulting from high summer fish feed allowances. As day length, water temperature, and feed inputs decreased in autumn and winter, phytoplankton abundance and organic matter concentrations decreased. Seasonal changes in total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations were similar to phytoplankton abundance because much of the total nitrogen and phosphorus was contained within phytoplankton cells. Contrasting to the seasonal trend for total nitrogen, concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were lowest in the summer and highest in the cooler months. Rapid assimilation by phytoplankton served to maintain relatively low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen during the summer despite highest nitrogen loading rates during that period. Low water temperatures and generally less favorable conditions for phytoplankton growth decreased rates of nitrogen assimilation in the winter and ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate accumulated. Soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were low throughout the year because physico-chemical processes, such as precipitation and adsorption to bottom muds acted to continually remove inorganic phosphorus from the water column.  相似文献   

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