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结合宁夏马铃薯战略性产业基地,定位研究马铃薯专用肥与生产中常规应用的普过磷酸钙肥料的增产增收效益和水分生产效率,探索最佳专用肥养分配比和合理施肥量。通过分组定位对专用肥其增产效果研究,结果表明,两种肥料在等量施肥标准条件下,专用肥料处理区田间长势和生长综合评判结果,植株长势健壮,叶色深绿,平均单株产量和薯块商品率高。专用肥较普磷酸钙增产32.54%~46.28%,水分生产效率(WUE)提高34%。瘠薄地力施用专用肥增收率较普磷酸钙肥提高14.9%~34.6%,中等地力农田施用专用肥增收率提高33.5%~53.1%。  相似文献   

Enhancing dry matter production with higher partitioning to fruit bunches is important for sustainable intensification of oil palm. A series of best management practices including site-specific nutrient management, canopy management, and harvesting has been developed for oil palm plantations. However, the effects of these practices on dry matter production and partitioning, and how the effects vary with climatic and soil conditions of plantation sites, remain largely unknown. We established a four-year field trial including 30 paired commercial blocks across Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia. The paired treatments included site-specific best management practices, and standard estate practices as the control. The annual production of aboveground dry matter was 30.0 ± 0.5 t ha−1 yr−1 (mean ± se) under best management practices, higher than 28.8 ± 0.5 t ha−1 yr−1 under standard estate practices. The bunch index, an indicator of the fruit production efficiency, increased by 12% under best management practices compared to standard estate practices. Partitioning of dry matter to the fronds decreased by 8% under best management practices, compared to standard estate practices. The positive effect of best management practices on the annual production of total aboveground dry matter was stronger in the plantation site with higher annual rainfall. These results are useful for optimizing management practices to improve sustainable intensification of oil palm.  相似文献   

日本北海道马铃薯产业各环节分工明确、各司其职,生产机械化程度高,在马铃薯种质改良、适应性鉴定、种薯脱毒、商品薯生产、原料销售、安全贮藏、加工利用、环境保护、机械制造、农协组织作用等方面管理先进、经验丰富。中国是世界马铃薯生产大国,甘肃是中国马铃薯生产大省,借鉴日本马铃薯先进生产技术具有重要意义。从设立种质资源保存机构、规范脱毒种薯繁育体系、扶持新型经营主体、贯彻植保新理念、建立多年轮作体系、加强加工环保设施建设、加快农业装备制造业研发等方面提出了可借鉴思路。  相似文献   

随着市场经济迅速发展及农业产业结构的不断调整 ,山东省平邑县的马铃薯种植面积不断增加 ,马铃薯已成为全县的主要经济作物之一。为了了解其生产的具体情况 ,我们进行了一次调查研究 ,以期进一步搞好平邑县马铃薯的生产工作。1 调查的基本内容面积与分布  2 0 0 1年全县种植马铃薯72 0 0 hm2 ,比 2 0 0 0年增加 1 867hm2 。主要集中在平邑、保太、仲村、温水等离县城较近的乡镇。品种与来源 品种主要是克新 1号、鲁引 1号 ,面积约有 470 0 hm2 ,其次为东农 30 3、花 2 5。全县共需马铃薯种 1 0 0 0多万公斤 ,来源主要是黑龙江、内蒙古自…  相似文献   

One of major objectives of crop breeding is conferring resistance to diseases and pests. However, large-scale phenotypic evaluation for many diseases and pests is difficult because strict controls are required to prevent their spread. Detection of disease resistance genes by using DNA markers may be an alternative approach to select potentially resistant accessions. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeders in Japan extensively use resistance gene H1, which confers nearly absolute resistance to potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) pathotype Ro1, the only pathotype found in Japan. However, considering the possibility of accidental introduction of the other pathotypes, breeding of resistant varieties is an important strategy to prevent infestation by non-invading pathotypes in Japan. In this study, to evaluate the prevalence of resistance genes in Japanese genetic resources, we developed a multiplex PCR method that simultaneously detects 3 resistance genes, H1, Gpa2 and Gro1-4. We revealed that many Japanese varieties possess not only H1 but Gpa2, which are potentially resistant to other pathotypes of potato cyst nematode. On the other hand, no genotype was found to have the Gro1-4, indicating importance of introduction of varieties having Gro1-4. Our results demonstrate the applicability of DNA-marker assisted evaluation of resistant potato genotypes without phenotypic evaluation.  相似文献   

A wide range of scenario studies aiming at rural development require regional patterns of crop yield. This study aims to evaluate three different modeling approaches for their suitability to assess regional potato yield patterns. The three model approaches include (1) an empirical model; (2) a process-based crop growth simulation model; and (3) a metamodel derived from the crop growth simulation model. Scenario studies have specific requirements for these modeling approaches including (1) their ease to use, (2) a realistic sensitivity, (3) the relevance in terms of generating the desired system property, and (4) their credibility in producing recognizable plausible outputs for stakeholders. The modeling approaches were applied to assess patterns of potato yields in a major production area in northern Ecuador. All three modeling approaches require significant expert knowledge for their development and calibration. However, after this initial phase, the empirical model and the metamodel are very easy to use and transparent. However, their application domain is limited to the case study area. The application of the crop growth simulation model remains complex and the model functions as a black box. The results show that regional patterns of potato yield are determined by a limited number of variables. The sensitivity of all three modeling approaches to climatic factors and water holding capacity suggest that the potato production in the area is constrained by water availability and temperature. All models generate similar yield patterns. However, the empirical model derives quality adjusted potato yields that correlate highly to the observed yields, whereas the crop growth simulation model and the derived metamodel produce potential, water and nutrient limited yields. Scenario studies may require yield patterns at different levels of resolution. All results could be aggregated to different resolutions but in general the patterns remained very similar. All three modeling approaches were capable to reproduce the observed regional pattern of potato yield and are therefore considered to be credible. In analyzing the effect of spatial aggregation on the performance of the modeling approaches, the results show that aggregation improves the overall correspondence between model output and interpolated, observed yields. It can be concluded that the various modeling approaches have their unique value. They are therefore complementary to each other for the interpretation of the observed patterns. The patterns themselves do not vary much and as such the most convenient modeling approach can be selected (based on available expertise and data).  相似文献   

不同马铃薯品种的氮利用效率及其分类研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以7个马铃薯品种为供试材料,设置大田条件下施氮和不施氮2种处理,在对块茎产量和植株氮素吸收、利用评价的基础上,将不同氮效率品种马铃薯分类并解析了其差异机制。基于2016年施氮和不施氮条件下各品种马铃薯的平均产量,把不同氮效率品种马铃薯分为双高效型、低氮高效型、高氮高效型和双低效型。2017年选择双高效型、低氮高效型、双低效型的代表性品种,对各类型氮效率差异进一步解析表明,双高效型氮素利用效率显著高于另两个类型,氮素吸收效率则是双高效型、低氮高效型显著高于双低效型。不施氮条件下,双高效型马铃薯的干物质累积量在整个生育时期均显著高于另2个品种;双高效型、低氮高效型氮素累积速率在出苗后0~50d显著高于双低效型马铃薯。施氮条件下,双高效型马铃薯的干物质累积量显著高于另2个品种,与双低效型马铃薯相比,双高效型和低氮高效型产量的提高主要归因于它们前期较高的干物质累积;双高效型氮素累积速率显著高于双低效型、低氮高效型。双高效型马铃薯在各生育期的物质生产和氮素吸收能力强,从而有利于氮效率提升和产量的形成。该研究结果可为马铃薯氮高效品种筛选和利用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

王钊 《中国种业》2018,(10):84-85
在介绍秦紫薯2号、秦紫薯3号专用甘薯新品种特点的基础上,从选购健康壮苗、深耕整地起垄、科学配方施肥、适时早栽覆膜、田间精细管理、病虫草害防治、安全收获贮藏等7个方面提出了新品种高产高效农艺栽培措施,为秦紫薯2号、秦紫薯3号甘薯新品种在陕西关中地区规模化栽培提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

泉州中甲高黄圆葱是日本时田公司选育的长日照圆葱常规品种 ,非常适宜我国中部地区的山东、山西、陕西、河南、河北、江苏等省份种植。该品种质脆 ,味甜 ,辣味淡 ,香味浓 ,鳞片厚 ,鳞片抱合紧 ,外皮呈铜黄色 ,外观呈球形 ,横径 8cm,纵径 7.5 cm。该品种又极耐贮运 ,非常适合加工出口。亩产 5 0 0 0~ 6 0 0 0 kg,平均单球重 30 0~ 35 0 g。山东每年从日本进口大量的圆葱种子 ,其中又以泉州中甲高黄量最大 ,仅 2 0 0 0年就进口9万桶 ,2 0 0 1年又进口 8.5万桶 ,每桶装 10 0 g,销价115~ 16 0元。我国农民对育种知识了解甚少 ,再加上对外国进…  相似文献   

The possible impact of climate change on frequency and severity of weather extremes is hotly debated among climate scientists. Weather extremes can have a significant impact on agricultural production, but their effect is often unclear; this due to interaction with other factors that affect yield and due to lack of precise definitions of relevant weather extremes. We show that an empirical analysis of historical yields can help to identifying such rare, high impact climate events. A reconstructed time series of ware potato production in Flevoland (The Netherlands) over the last 60 years (1951-2010) enabled us to identify the two main yield affecting weather extremes. In around 10% of the years yield anomalies were larger than −20%. We found that these anomalies could be explained from two weather extremes (and no other), namely a wet start of the growing season and wet end of the growing season. We derived quantitative, meteorological definitions of these extremes. Climate change scenarios for 2050 show either no change or increased frequency of the two extremes. We demonstrate there is large uncertainty about past and future frequencies of the extremes, caused by a lack of sufficiently long historical weather records and uncertainties in climate change projections on precipitation. The approach to identify weather extremes presented here is generally applicable and shows the importance of long term crop and weather observations for investigating key climatic risks to production.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the feasibility of convert the constant flow hydraulic system to variable system in order to realize the regulating of the water flow rate in central air conditioning.The detailed design scheme,which uses transducer and industrial cornputer to implement the hydraulic system energy efficiency controlling for this projiect,is illustrated.The hardware system which uses transducer and computer is connected by RS-485.Software partially uses Visual(C++6.0) to compile the entire procedure.Result of the project proves the energy-saving effect of this control system.  相似文献   

Fifty-six bread wheat cultivars and advanced lines from major Chinese wheat growing regions and 10 Australian cultivars were grown in Anyang located in Yellow and Huai Valleys and Chengdu located in Yangtze region. The genotypes were examined for their suitability to produce northern style Chinese steamed bread (CSB) and used to investigate the association between wheat quality traits and performance of northern style CSB under manual and mechanized processing conditions. Anyang-sown wheat samples showed better grain quality characteristics and CSB quality than the Chengdu-sown materials. These differences were largely due to adverse climatic conditions prevailing in Chengdu that resulted in the deterioration of flour whiteness, Farinograph stability, and starch quality. Therefore, Chengdu was generally unfavorable for producing good quality wheat. However, significant variability among cultivars was observed in Chengdu, and Batavia, Dollar bird, and Tasman from Australia and Jing 411, Xiaoyan6, and Shaan 229 from China showed very good CSB quality under manual conditions, and Hartog, Batavia, Tasman, and Vulcan from Australia, and Jing 411 and Dongfeng 1from China were identified to confer good CSB quality under mechanized conditions. The wide range of CSB quality variations indicates that genetic improvement of CSB quality is possible in both environments. Protein content, gluten strength, and extensibility were positively associated with loaf volume and steamed bread elasticity. The relationship between gluten strength, extensibility, and appearance and stickiness were highly dependent on processing methods, i.e., negatively using a manual method and positively or slightly negatively using a mechanized process. Therefore, wheat quality requirement for CSB depends on CSB processing conditions. Medium protein content and medium-to-strong gluten strength with good extensibility is desirable for mechanized methods, but weak-to-medium gluten type for manual methods. High flour whiteness and RVA peak viscosity was found desirable for CSB quality regardless of the processing method used. Flour whiteness, falling number, and peak viscosity appeared to be more crucial in determining CSB quality in Chengdu, although protein content and Farinograph stability also contributed to appearance, elasticity, and stickiness. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Increased phosphorus (P) use efficiency (PUE) of potato production systems through P uptake and P utilization efficiency (PUPE and PUTE, respectively) is one of the main challenges for potato breeding and crop management programs. The aim of this study was to assess PUE, PUPE, PUTE and related traits in different potato genotypes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in response to P availability. Three field experiments were carried out in southern Chile in Andisol soils. In each experiment treatments were the factorial combination of (i) 22 genotypes of potatoes and (ii) two P fertilization rates (0 and 130 kg P ha−1, −P and +P, respectively). On average, biomass, P concentrations and P uptakes were reduced (P < 0.05) 32, 13 and 41% by −P, respectively. Conversely, −P increased PUTE (1.2-fold), PUPE (7-fold) and consequently PUE (8.3-fold). All traits were consistently affected (P < 0.01) by genotype (G), and the coefficient of variation (up to 47%) for each trait reflects the genotypic variability under both +P and −P. In all experiments, PUE and its main components were affected (P < 0.01) by P × G interaction. PUE was highly correlated with tuber yield, total biomass, P uptake and PUPE (P < 0.01; r = 0.74  0.99) but not to PUTE. In addition, PUPE was well correlated to yield and highly correlated with total P uptake (P < 0.01; r = 0.94–0.99). By contrast, PUTE was strongly negatively correlated (P < 0.01; r = −0.85  0.89) with P concentration in tubers. Genotypes from native (1 and 4), national cultivar (Puren-INIA, Yagana-INIA and Patagonia-INIA) and advanced line (R 89063 and RD 36–35) groups were among the best regarding PUE under −P. The PUPE was found to be more important than PUTE in determining PUE across a broad range of genotypes. Moreover, there is important genotypic variability in these traits with the potential to be used to improve PUE in potato crops through breeding and crop management programs.  相似文献   

To analyze the influence of the platform screen doors (PSD) on energy consumption of subway environmental control systems in northern cities and to make good use of piston wind, EnergyPlus, an energy analysis and thermal load simulation program, is used to evaluate such systems in northern cities. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation is made to model the velocity and temperature field of a subway station and to predict the effect on PSD reconstruction using Airpak. Compared to a system with automatic platform gates, a PSD system has 2% lower energy consumption. Thus, PSDs are inefficient for saving energy in northern cities. Because electricity consumption by ventilation equipment increases notably when PSDs are used, particularly by under platform exhaust fans, little difference exists in the overall energy consumption with or without PSD. More thoroughly using piston wind in transition seasons and the winter is the key to solving the high energy consumption problem. The energy analysis and CFD simulation results show that the adjustable vents in PSD can use the piston process to introduce outside air, thereby reducing ventilation energy consumption notably. Because the vents can be closed, PSDs also can save energy in the summer. Using these recommendations can reduced annual energy consumption 30%.  相似文献   

The expansion of biogas feedstock cultivation may affect a number of ecosystem processes and ecosystem services, and temporal and spatial dimensions of its environmental impact are subject to a critical debate. However, there are hardly any comprehensive studies available on the impact of biogas feedstock production on the different components of nitrogen (N) balance. The objectives of the current study were (i) to investigate the short-term effects of crop substrate cultivation on the N flows in terms of a N balance and its components (N fertilization, N deposition, N leaching, NH3 emission, N2O emission, N recovery in harvested product) for different cropping systems, N fertilizer types and a wide range of N rate, and (ii) to quantify the N footprint of feedstock production in terms of potential N loss per unit of methane produced. In 2007/08 and 2008/09, two field experiments were conducted at two sites in Northern Germany differing in soil quality, where continuous maize (R1), maize–whole crop wheat followed by Italian ryegrass as a double crop (R2), and maize–grain wheat followed by mustard as a catch crop (R3) were grown on Site 1 (sandy loam), and R1 and a perennial ryegrass ley (R4) at Site 2 (sandy soil rich in organic matter). Crops were supplied with varying amounts of N (0–360 kg N ha−1, ryegrass: 0–480 kg N ha−1) supplied as biogas digestate, cattle slurry, pig slurry or calcium-ammonium nitrate (CAN).Mineral-N fertilization of maize-based rotations resulted in negative N balances at N input for maximum yield (Nopt), with R2 having slightly less negative balances than R1 and R3. In contrast, N balances were close to zero for cattle slurry or digestate treatments. Thus, trade-offs between substrate feedstock production and changes of soil organic matter stocks have to be taken into consideration when evaluating biogas production systems. Nitrogen losses were generally dominated by N leaching, whereas for the organically fertilized perennial ryegrass ley the ammonia emission accounted for the largest proportion. Nitrogen balance of the ryegrass ley at Nopt was close to zero (CAN) or highly positive (cattle slurry, digestate). Nitrogen footprint (NFP) was applied as an eco-efficiency measure of N-loss potential (difference of N input and N recovery) related to the unit methane produced. NFP ranged between −11 and +6 kg N per 1000 m3 methane at Nopt for maize-based rotations, without a significant impact of cropping system or N fertilizer type. However, for perennial ryegrass ley, NFP increased up to 65 kg N per 1000 m3. The loose relation between NFP and observed N losses suggests only limited suitability for NFP.  相似文献   

Field data and simulation were used to investigate replication within trials and the allocation of replicates across trial sites using partial replication as an approach to improve the efficiency of early-stage selection in a potato breeding programme. Analysis of potato trial data using linear mixed models, based on four-plant (clonal) plots planted as augmented partially-replicated (p-rep) designs, obtained genetic and environmental components of variation for a number of yield and tuber components. Heritabilities, trial-to-trial genetic correlations and performance repeatability of clonal selections in p-rep trials and in subsequent fully replicated trial stages were high, and selection was effective for the economically important traits of marketable tuber yield and tuber cooking quality. Simulations using a parameter-based approach, pertaining to the variance components estimated from the p-rep field trials, and the parametric bootstrapping of historic empirical data showed improved rates of genetic gain with p-rep testing over one and two locations compared with testing in fully replicated trials. This potato breeding study suggests that the evaluation and selection of a clonal field crop in fully replicated trials may not be optimal in the early stages of a breeding cycle and that p-rep designs offer a more efficient and practical alternative.  相似文献   

李元  王婧 《种业导刊》2021,(1):31-33
晋北旱地马铃薯种植面积较大,分布范围较广,马铃薯生产中存在的主要问题是气候干旱、土壤瘠薄、品种混杂退化比较严重、栽培管理措施落后.这些问题不仅影响马铃薯的产量和品质,而且影响今后马铃薯种植规模和发展前景.针对主要问题,从轮作倒茬、施足基肥、精细整地、合理密植、适时播种、科学追肥、防治病虫害等方面阐述了有效的栽培管理措施...  相似文献   

Rice fragrance is an important characteristic for Southeast Asian consumers, and fragrant landraces from Japan were first recorded in the 17th century. Principal component analysis clearly showed that Japanese fragrant landraces were genetically different from non-Japanese fragrant landraces. Japanese fragrant landraces were composed of six clades, none of which carried the most common fragrance mutation, an 8-bp deletion in exon 7 of Badh2. Fragrant landraces comprised two major groups carrying different Badh2 mutations. One group carried a known SNP at exon13 and the other a SNP at the exon1-intron1 junction as splicing donor site. The latter was considered to be a potential splicing mutant group as a novel allele at Badh2. Heterozygosity (He) scores in the two fragrant groups were not significantly different from non-fragrant landraces and modern cultivars. However, lower He scores were found around the Badh2 locus in the two groups. The potential splicing mutant group showed a more extended haplotype than the E13 SNP group. A likely causal factor responsible for loss of function is a novel splicing mutation allele that may have been generated quite recently. The fragrance allele has dispersed as a result of out-crossing under local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Transformation of potato is a genotype dependent process as was shown by experiments conducted with 16 varieties. Not all genotypes could be transformed with a single procedure hence two different procedures were attempted for all 16 varieties in a pilot experiment. Large differences in regeneration capacity of putative transformants were observed with the two protocols. Regeneration capacity and transformation efficiency were not correlated. All varieties were transformed with the same construct, composed of a kanamycin resistance gene and an antisense gene coding for granule-bound starch synthase. This led to different percentages of plants with the desired maximum effect (i.e. amylose-free starch) ranging from less than 1 percent to 23.3 percent. It was shown that variety-dependent phenotypic variation occurred ranging from 1 to 21%. Field experiments, conducted over a number of years, using plants with different degrees of antisense effect (from no detectable effect to maximum effect) showed that most transformants would have a decreased yield and starch content as determined by specific gravity measurements. However, these negative effects can be overcome by selecting the proper transgenic plants. Molecular characterisation of transformants using PCR, showed that 90% of the analysed transgenic plants, belonging to all effect classes, contained vector DNA sequences since they contained either the NPTIII gene or the trfA gene. The other 10% of the transgenic plants had no insertion of vector DNA. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

春马铃薯间套两茬燕麦生产研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究农业中,粮食生产与牧草发展争地矛盾的实际问题,本论文利用马铃薯和燕麦为实验材料设置了三个处理:马铃薯净作、燕麦净作和马铃薯燕麦间作。结果表明:马铃薯和燕麦间作有利于马铃薯出苗和前期营养生长;马铃薯间套两茬燕麦的经济产量达43450.4kghm-2,比净作马铃薯增加经济产量28.07%;但间作显著降低了马铃薯块茎产量和商品薯率,间作马铃薯块茎产量仅是净作的32.38%。本研究结果初步表明:马铃薯间套两茬燕麦,一茬收获籽实,一茬收割牧草,这种缓解粮食与牧草生产争地矛盾的粮草间作模式是可行的。  相似文献   

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