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Regulatory reformers have shown increased interest in performance-based regulation that focuses on the objectives being pursued rather than the means or process by which they are achieved. This article examines a revealing case of behavioral response to regulatory reform: the response of regulated entities to a new, more performance-based form of environmental regulation of forest operation in British Columbia, Canada. We examine the implementation of the new system of forest regulation by analyzing the operational plans produced through the first round of the new framework's implementation. We expected to see innovation in the Forest Stewardship Plans proposed by forest companies. However, forest companies' concerns for costs, risk and liability, and values and perceptions of forest management limited the extent of innovation.  相似文献   

我国林业科技的发展趋势与对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了我国林业科技在林学主要学科、林业科学研究、林业科技推广与开发、国际林业科技合作与交流、林业科技管理等5个方面的发展趋势。针对我国林业科技发展趋势,论述了深化科技体制改革;增加科技投入;建设一支高水平的科技队伍,加速跨世纪人才的培养;创造有利于科技发展的政策环境;扩大国际合作与交流;加强林业科技管理等6大对策。  相似文献   

HUMMEL  F. 《Forestry》1991,64(2):141-155
Selected topical aspects of British forestry policy, administrationand practice are compared with what is done in mainland Europe.The main conclusions are:
  1. The forestry policy objectives inBritain are similar to thosevirtually everywhere else in Europeand no major changes areneeded.
  2. Foresters in mainland Europehad to convert a natural forestinto a managed forest whilein Britain the main task has beento re-establish forests onbare land. This fact explains someof the differences in ourrespective handling of forestry issues.
  3. The separation ofthe forestry authority and forestry enterprisefunctions intoseparate organizations has worked well in severalcountriesbut there is little evidence that it would be an advantageinBritain.
  4. There may be a good case for further concessionson inheritancetax in Britain.
  5. British foresters should strivefor greater silvicultural diversity;in particular they shoulddraw more than they have done on theexperience of France andGermany in combining environmentalforestry with the productionof high quality timber.

When devising policies for financing private silvicultural operations on public forest land, government agencies should consider carefully the benefits and costs of alternative arrangements and how they arc likely to affect tenure holders' behavior. Three general methods of achieving silvicultural objectives arc discussed — the creation of incentives for private voluntary expenditures, reimbursement by governments of expenditures on approved or required silvicultural operations, and required silvicultural operations at the tenure holder's expense.Private firms will only invest voluntarily in silviculture on public lands if they have adequate security of tenure and hold sufficient equity in the timber values resulting from their activities. If firms' silvicultural costs arc reimbursed, their behavior will depend on the extent of reimbursement and whether they have a financial interest in the outcomes of their reimbursed activities. Generally, reimbursement of expenditures must be supported by minimum performance standards and costly monitoring and enforcement procedures. If silvicultural operations are required at the tenure holder's expense, firms will only undertake silviculture to avoid penalties and have a strong incentive to achieve required standards at minimum cost. More stringent monitoring and enforcement procedures may be necessary than if costs arc reimbursed.The impact of policy alternatives is illustrated by means of a survey of silvicultural expenditures on two forest tenure types in British Columbia.  相似文献   

林业可持续发展的环境,目标与途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林业可持续发展的研究,从内容到方法都面临着新的挑战。作者通过对林业可持续发展的环境,目标的系统研究,提出林业呆持续发展受制于特定区域的生物自然,社会经济经济技术环境,林业可持续发展的目标是由区域发展对林业需求所决定,因此,区域复合生态系统的研究,应当作为林业可持续研究与实践的起点。  相似文献   

McCullough  Rex B. 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):111-118
Privately owned tree farms and plantations share many characteristics of natural forests, multiple purpose forests, and fiber plantations. Tree farms and plantations are managed primarily for the sustainable production of solid wood and fiber; however, they increasingly play an important role in protecting all forest values. This rapidly changing role poses a challenge to forest managers -- to increase productivity to meet spiraling worldwide demand while satisfying public expectations for preserving and enhancing a full range of forest resources.These heightened expectations are prompting tree farm and plantation managers to modify proven management regimes in order to protect water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, soil productivity, and aesthetics. Proactive measures, such as establishing goals for each stewardship objective, defining measurement criteria, and third-party endorsement or certification, are helping forest managers identify and address improvement opportunities. Each of these stewardship objectives, though, can imply trade-offs in terms of yield and utilization, thus reducing the economic attractiveness of the forestry investment.In this period of rapid change, one effective strategy is to engage the public in the front end of the forest planning process. By listening and responding to public concerns, establishing common values, and allowing the public to judge us by our actions, we can begin to create awareness and trust. Only then will we attain the stable regulatory platform that is imperative for making long-term forestry investments and implementing science-based mechanisms for meaningful ecosystem enhancement.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,传统林业教育已不能满足社会的需求,林业教育正面临新的挑战。对此,各国纷纷进行改革。世界林业教育的发展趋势主要表现在:指导思想的转变;专业设置综合化;林业教育范围逐步扩大;完善多层次林业教育体系;加强国际合作与交流;教学改革走向深入。  相似文献   

The decline of the natural tropical high forest has reached a critical stage in Ghana’s forestry history. Timber resources are over-exploited, degraded and further production prospects are questionable and of concern to forest management. The objective of this paper is to discuss some of the institutional measures and development instruments being taken in Ghana towards the feasibility of achieving sustainable management of the high forest for timber and other commodity products, as well as conserving other forest resources. This paper, therefore, provides institutional measures and structures, regulatory and economic instruments, currently being taken to ensure effective forest management and increase the productivity of the land and logging. The role of collaborative management approach of both natural reserved and unreserved high forests and to promote integrated farm forestry is explained. Effective management of the high forest resource demands close harmonizing of instruments and mechanisms, both internal and external to forestry, and which encourage stakeholders to participate actively in decision making that affects the resource quality and its production status. Currently, different instruments including regulatory, property rights, motivational, hypothecation, information supply and economic are being applied in Ghana to achieve sustainable forest resource management and timber production. These instruments are not mutually exclusive in their current application, but rather complementary. Thus, an effective mix of instruments is necessary to promote and make feasible, sustainable forestry in Ghana’s socioeconomic development objectives.  相似文献   

对中国林业可持续发展问题的基本认识   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
林业是环境再生产的主导产业。林业可持续发展,关键在于规范和调整林业部门的经营、管理行为。而森林的可持续经营强调通过对森林生态系统的有效经营管理。为社会经济发展提供多种物质产品和环境服务功能。中国林业发展面临着:巨大的人口压力、经济运行体制和变革、现行林业政策体系不健全,以及土地资源相对不足、水资源总量少、生态环境形势依然严峻的现实。林业发展目标取向的现实差异,要求政府建立起活当的协调机制,在保障森林经营者、部门,乃至全体公民合法权益的基础上,实现林业可持续发展社会、经济、生态环境目标的协调。关于林业可持续发展实践,一是要明显特定区域对林业的需求结构和自然基础;二是建立相应的社会、经济、生态环境目标和森林目标;三是构筑起配套的技术体系;四是完美政策保障体系。中国自然资源结构、地理特征和社会经济发展进程中,对于林产  相似文献   

NewForestryNewForestisaconceptdeveIopedbyagroupofforestecologists(Franklin1989)inOregonandW8shingtonaswaybywhichtomanageforestlandtoconservearangeofoId-growthvaIueswhiIeatthesametimeallowingfortheextractionofcommoditiessuchastimber(Kimmins1992).ThemajorconceptsinNewForestrycanbedividedintotWogroups;newapproachestostand-Ievelman-agementandnewpatternsoflandscape-leveIman-agernent.TheideasincIudelongerrotations,partiaIcutsratherthanclearcuttingwherethisisecologicaIIyappropriate,andavariet…  相似文献   

林业机构设置的优化调整是深化行政体制改革的重要举措。当下,中国林业发展面临的国内外形势以及中国林业发展的目标和定位对优化林业机构设置提出了新要求。文中系统梳理33个典型国家林业机构的设置情况以及不同国家林业机构的行政隶属关系与管理体制,分析其职能情况与管辖范围,回顾各国林业机构设置的历史沿革,并据此探讨其变动趋势,以期为我国林业机构优化调整提供参考。  相似文献   

新时期中国林业发展战略思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中华人民共和国成立以来,经过70多年的发展,中国林业走过了以木材生产为主和以生态建设为主的两大发展阶段,完成了规模数量的快速发展任务,如期实现了《中共中央国务院关于加快林业发展的决定》确定的第一步和第二步战略目标。2021年开始,在中国已经全面建成小康社会、顺利进入全面建设社会主义现代化强国第二个百年奋斗目标新时期,中国林业面临着重大战略机遇。应乘势而上,全面开启高质量发展新阶段,大力推进森林、草原、湿地、荒漠四大自然生态系统和生物多样性"五位一体"林业治理体系现代化,扎实推进科学化、信息化、机械化、制度化、国际化"五化协同"林业治理能力现代化,向2035年基本实现林业现代化和2050年全面实现林业现代化战略目标迈进。  相似文献   

林业管理体制是研究林业发展战略的中心议题,是深化改革的核心。本文对世界林业机构设置类型和管理体制模式进行了探讨。根据机构的性质和任务,把世界林业管理体制划分为两大模式:政企合一和政企分离。当今,实行政企分离,独立经济核算,走企业化的道路,是一个明显的发展趋势。  相似文献   


Despite a large literature that addresses the gendered structure of forestry occupations in Europe and the USA, relatively little attention has been paid to these issues in Canada. In this paper, it is argued that policy makers and academics have used outdated statistics about forestry employment to shape policies and programs of government and industry. Use of these data has been to the general disadvantage of women working in the forest industry and in forestry communities. This paper draws mainly on three studies, spanning the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. Each study relied on secondary sources such as Census data, government and industry documents, as well as primary sources such as interviews or questionnaires. On Vancouver Island, British Columbia, analysis of land reallocation policies and transition strategies for displaced workers in the 1990s did not consider women as forestry workers or consider how job losses and opportunities for retraining might vary between men and women. Consequently, gender-neutral transition strategies were more accessible for men than for women. A study of female forestry workers in Saskatchewan revealed there was very little knowledge about employment conditions for women in forestry. Women reported that they missed out on training and advancement opportunities because they lacked networks, childcare support or other benefits that might encourage them to improve their circumstances. Finally, a survey of forest sector advisory committees across the country revealed a very low rate of participation by women, even though those who did participate had some significantly different viewpoints about forestry than their male counterparts. In combination, these efforts suggest that improvements in the understanding of forestry employment would benefit forestry workers, both male and female, and ensure that all workers made lasting contributions to the industry.  相似文献   

入世对我国林业的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋颖 《林业调查规划》2006,31(1):147-149,153
加入WTO,面临众多机遇和挑战,竞争更加激烈,争夺市场、资源、劳动力等的斗争将更加激烈和残酷。针对我国林业的发展现状和存在问题,作为国民经济重要组成部分的林业要进一步加快林业产业结构调整,加快资源培育步伐,建立合理的市场体系,深化科技体制改革,从而适应新时期经济形势的要求。  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were to describe and compare the competitive strategies of softwood sawmills in five major softwood producing regions of the world, and to discuss the limitations of the well‐known Porter model. Data was collected via personal interviews from 102 companies in Finland; coastal and inland western USA; coastal and inland British Columbia, Canada. Results suggest that “pure”; focus and differentiation strategies are the competitive strategies most commonly followed by sawmills in Finland and inland British Columbia. In the coastal and inland western USA regions “pure”; differentiation and “pure”; cost leadership strategies are dominant in these two geographical regions, respectively. In coastal British Columbia a “pure”; cost leadership strategy and the combination of all strategy types were the two strategies most frequently followed. The competitive strategy followed was found to be related to company size. Large companies more often applied cost leadership strategies and differentiation and focus strategies were typical of small and medium‐sized companies. In general, sawmills in all five regions had difficulties identifying exclusively with one strategy type.  相似文献   

A silvopastoral agroforestry system involving sheep is an important silvicultural issue. We examined the factors that affect the continuation or discontinuation of sheep vegetation management (SVM) in British Columbia. A questionnaire was used to conduct interviews with a randomly selected sample of contractors and farmers who were involved in SVM in British Columbia (BC). Based on a stepwise discriminant analysis, we found that the profitability of SVM, and the practitioners' commitment (number of ewes owned by the farmer or contractor), experience (number of years the farmer or contractor has practiced SVM on public lands in BC) and trust or confidence (number of years the farmer or contractor has consistently worked for the landlord) contributed to the farmer's or contractor's continuation or discontinuation of SVM practice. The factors we defined seemed to be validated (corroborated) by a complex of determinants voiced by various experts concerning the relationship between SVM and the forestry economy in BC, the scale of sheep farming in BC, the relative absence of an agricultural infrastructure to support sheep farming in BC, and the continuity of SVM from year to year. Further investigation into these factors and others is required to advance our understanding of SVM in British Columbia. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

完善林业法律体系,依法监督是保障、深化体制改革是关键,依法保护、合理开发利用、可持续发展是林业新时期发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

略论分类经营条件下商品林业发展的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
国家生态公益林补助资金试点项目的启动,标志着林业分类经营改革的序幕已经拉开,随之而来的将是林业政策的重大调整与改革。在这种形势下,商品林业应如何搞活,相应的政策措施应如何调整和完善,是当前急需研究解决的一个重大问题。本文从江西林业发展的实际出发,客观、系统地分析了当前林业面临的机遇与挑战以及今后一个时期可能出现的各种问题,在此基础上,对江西商品林业发展的重点、经营机制的创新以及配套政策的调整与改革等问题,提出了一系列既有理论依据、又有现实针对性和可操作性的对策和措施。  相似文献   

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