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Within a given culture – whether industrialized or more tradition oriented – essentially the same fundamental medical theories, practices, and pharmacopoeia tend to be applied to human and non-human sickness and patients. In modern industrialized societies, however, healthcare services are sharply divided between human and veterinary medicine. There is likewise a sharp division between practitioners in these two health sectors: medical doctors and veterinarians. Yet in non-Western, traditional or indigenous medical systems, the same practitioners often treat both humans and animals. There is a growing body of literature that attests to the efficacy of traditional health practices and herbal medicines for the prevention and treatment of both human and livestock ailments.The authors argue for an intersectoral approach to human and veterinary health services in poor countries, especially those targeted to rural people with LIMITED access to modern health services. Extension of conventional medical and veterinary services is particularly difficult and costly in Third World countries where the necessary infrastructure (roads, clinics, labs, cold chains, etc.) is poorly developed and where much of the populace and their livestock reside in remote, rural areas, or where people may be nomadic or transhumant. Consideration should therefore be given to the joint delivery of human and livestock healthcare and related services, as well as to linking informal, ethnoveterinary practices and practitioners with more formalized systems of veterinary AND medical practice. Several advantages of such an approach are identified and explored.  相似文献   

马传染性贫血病马与弱毒疫苗免疫马的区别试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文应用淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术研制出具有抗马传染性贫血病驴白细胞弱毒抗原株系特异性的单克隆抗体(McAb)的酶结合试剂,以斑点试验(DB)与琼脂免疫双扩散试验(ID)相结合的方法,用于马传贫病马与马传贫驴白细胞弱毒疫苗免疫马血清抗体的鉴别。使用本方法对339匹实验马进行测试,共检出马传贫病马11匹,马传贫驴白细胞弱毒疫苗免疫马239匹,既未接种弱毒疫苗又未感染马传贫马89匹。另外,对106匹人工马传贫病马和21匹马传贫弱毒疫苗免疫马作了病理学验证,结果与免疫学检测相符。疫区在清除病马之后,病情停息。疫苗免疫马经贸易成交,更换畜主后,再次检疫未发现马传贫病例。结果表明,本方法对马传贫病马与马传贫驴白细胞弱毒疫苗免疫马的区别诊断有实用价值。  相似文献   

为了解microRNAs在马医学临床诊断、预测和治疗中的应用,本研究通过整理相关文献并进行分析,概括了 microRNAs在马中的研究进展.结果表明:1)在马的正常和病变组织中,microRNAs存在差异表达,可以通过靶向抑制关键调节因子,参与调控病症相关信号通路;2)在赛马运动过程中,microRNAs的表达与能量代...  相似文献   

Viruses classified by immunologic criteria as equine herpesvirus 1 cause respiratory disease and abortion in horses. Restriction endonuclease analyses of the DNA's of viruses from animals with respiratory disease and from aborted fetuses show that the patterns for respiratory viruses, while similar to each other, are entirely different from the patterns for fetal viruses. It is therefore proposed that the DNA restriction endonuclease patterns of fetal and respiratory viruses analyzed in this study be designated as prototypic of equine herpesvirus 1 and 4, respectively.  相似文献   

Friction caused at different articular surfaces in horses’ joints can produce various vibration signals. In this study, we collected and analyzed the articular vibration signals in the fetlock joints of a healthy horse, an aged horse, and a horse with laminitis using the equine vibration arthrometry system (EVAS). The data obtained from the EVAS enabled the researchers to easily understand the condition of the horses’ inner joints and to differentiate between the joints of healthy limbs and those of diseased limbs with musculoskeletal disorders. Furthermore, we also developed mathematical algorithms to analyze the data from the EVAS in this study. We identified two periodic waveform cycles for each horse’s step in the time domain. The negative waveform cycle first appeared at each aged horse’s step. The root-mean-square (RMS) values of both the positive and negative waveform cycles were significantly larger at the first periodic waveform in the aged horse. In contrast, the positive waveform cycle first appeared in each healthy horse’s step and the RMS values of the positive waveform cycle were significantly larger in the healthy horse. We also measured the energy of the articular vibration signals of the healthy and aged horses in the first and second periodic waveform cycle during each horse’s step. By analyzing and comparing articular vibration signals in these horses, we were able to determine which of the horses had a musculoskeletal disorder. EVAS is a simple, convenient and non-invasive method of identifying articular problems in equine joints.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and structure of 72 Appaloosa horses belonging to a closed breeding population from an ecological reserve in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was investigated using eight microsatellite markers from the International Society for Animal Genetics panel. Our data showed that this Appaloosa horse population had an elevated degree of genetic diversity (He= 0.746) and did not present a significant increase of homozygous individuals (FIS~0). However, the short tandem repeats, AHT5, ASB2, HTG10 and VHL20, were not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P-value<0.05). Genetic relationships between this population and other well known horse breeds showed that Appaloosa horses from Argentina could have had their origin in the horses of the Nez Perce’s people in Idaho while other Appaloosa horses may have had influences from Andalusian and Lusitano breeds. This closed breeding population conserves an important degree of Appaloosa genetic diversity and notwithstanding its particular breeding characteristics, represents a valuable genetic resource for conservation.  相似文献   

马IGF-Ⅰ基因3′端侧翼区PCR-SSCP多态性分析(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[Objective] To explore the polymorphism of the 3′ flank region of equine IGF-Ⅰ gene. [Method] The 3′ flank region sequences of IGF-Ⅰ gene were amplified from genomic DNA of 270 horses, which included 4 types of Mongolian horse, Sanhe horse and Thoroughbred, and then analyzed by PCR-SSCP. [Result] Three genotypes (AA, BB and AB) were detected by PCR-SSCP and the distribution of genotypes of all research objects except Xinihe horse and Baerhu horse were in line with the "Hardy-Weinberg Law". [Conclusion] There was a polymorphic locus in the 3′ flank region of IGF-Ⅰ gene, which might affect the equine growth and development mechanism. The study is of important theoretical and practical significance to improve the performance and to develop equine industry.  相似文献   

The relation and collaboration of human and animal medicine had its ups and downs throughout history. The interaction between these two disciplines has been especially fruitful in the broad areas of patho-physiology and of epidemiology. An exploration of the interaction between the two disciplines, using historical and contemporary examples in comparative medicine, zoonoses, zooprophylaxis, and human-animal bond, reveals that a better understanding of animal and human disease, as well as societal changes such as interest in non-conventional medicine, are leading to a broader concept of one medicine that includes animal and human medicine as well as social and other sciences.  相似文献   

胡宁 《古今农业》2013,(4):61-66
“将马”一词出现于《韩非子·解老》对老子之言的阐释中,韩非认为在战争频发造成战马匮乏的情况下,“将马”被送上战场,是老子所言“戎马生于郊”的意旨所在.通过对“将”字在甲骨文、金文中字形及其在文献中用例的分析,可知“将马”的“将”字当与“牸”同义,既可表示雌性,又有产育之义,“将马”即“牸马”.先秦时期马的饲养繁殖具有季节性,且注重对妊娠母马的保护,而战事多发的冬季正是母马孕期的后段,如果把待产的母马在此时当作战马使用,则会出现老子所言战马在郊外产驹的情况.因此,“将马”是指怀孕的母马.  相似文献   

以中医药文化涵育人、教化人有利于个人"五育"并举、全面发展,并在社会层面进一步营造健康文化氛围,助推社会主义文化强国建设。中医药文化育人策略应兼具专业性与通识性、科学性与人文性、灌输性与启发性。构建中医药文化育人策略的中心思想是以人化文、文而化之,即强化中医药文化育人属性,展开中医药文化育人实践。为实现中医药文化育人策略,应使中医药医术文化"进课堂"、中医药医理文化"进头脑"。  相似文献   

本文叙述了马、牛髋关节及股骨上段1/3 X线腹背位投照方法,以及为X线摄影而采取的保定方法。应用这种腹背位投照方位和保定措施能获得马,牛髋关节影像的全貌以及股骨上段1/3部分的影像。髋关节充气造影术增加关节影像的对比度,并显示出髋关节囊的解剖征象。应用充气造影对检查髋关节损伤可提供明确的依据。  相似文献   

本文介绍了应用低功率氦氖激光照射马、犬、牛、羊、猪的胫神经及正中神经等浅在粗壮的外周神经路的皮肤表面,一般经30分钟照射后,都可取得较好的全身性镇痛效果。其中马的效果最好,犬次之,牛羊稍差,猪则最差。氦氖激光照射引起全身性镇痛时,对马的心功能无不良影响,脑电图表现对称性慢波,且出现显著的区域性优势。并证明激光信息的向心传递主要是通过感觉神经纤维完成的。在激光镇痛机理的研究方面,本文着重介绍了氦氖激光照射引起全身性镇痛时马脑脊液中5—HT、乙酰胆碱及血钙、血钾的变化规律。介绍了激光镇痛对不同脑区乙酰胆碱含量的影响,马脑脊液中去甲肾上腺素(NE),多巴胺(DA)的动态变化趋势,并探讨了马脑尾状核胆碱能神经系统在氦氖激光镇痛中的作用及其可能的途径等。  相似文献   

采用流行病学方法,1991~2003年对甘肃省各地州市的各个牧场和分散饲养马的肿瘤的发病情况进行了调查,并采用病理解剖学和组织学方法对病例进行确诊,结果表明:在甘肃省马肿瘤中良性肿瘤的发病率明显高于恶性肿瘤,其中发病最多的为纤维瘤,占全部肿瘤的42.31%,且公马的纤维瘤发病率比母马高;调查还发现马肿瘤的发病率与年龄有关,多发于5~10岁;同时还发现马肿瘤的高发区与人肿瘤的高发区地域分布一致。  相似文献   

张显运 《农业考古》2012,(1):356-362
御马是用以皇帝骑乘和宫廷礼仪的马匹。宋代由于地域狭小和传统畜牧业基地的丧失,牧马业与前代和周边民族相比相形见绌。牧马业的衰落无疑对其宫廷御马的发展造成一定的影响。宋代御马的来源有哪些,它是如何管理的,与前代相比有哪些特点?目前学界尚无人对此问题进行探讨,(1)故笔者不揣谫陋,试对此略加讨论,以期对宋代马政与畜牧业的研究有所补益。不当之处,敬请方家指正。  相似文献   

论有机农业目标体系的整体性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从农业生产中人与人之间的关系、人与自然的关系,以及人与自身的关系角度,对农业效益的目标体系进行了全新的诠释,同时,建立起农业中不同利益主体目标的关联.有机农业通过政府粮食安全目标、生产者生计安全目标和消费者食品安全目标的有机整合,最大限度地实现农业经济效益、生态效益和社会效益相互间的均衡,是农业可持续发展的必然选择.  相似文献   

我国中药材的生产现状、发展方向和措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了目前我国中药材生产特点、存在的问题,指出中药材GAP(Good Agricultural Practice)生产是中医药生产实现现代化的基础和重要内容,中药材只有进行GAP生产,中医药生产现代化才有保障;同时指出了我国中药材生产的发展方向.最后,具体地提出了我国发展中药材生产的各项措施.  相似文献   

从细胞色素b基因序列探讨普氏野马与蒙古马的遗传多态性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
测定了14匹普氏野马(6匹A系和8匹B系)和18匹蒙古马的细胞色素b基因全序列1 140 bp.分析了普氏野马和蒙古马之间的遗传多态性.从GenBank获得10个韩国Cheju马和2个日本家马细胞色素b全序列,以驴的序列作根,用最大简约化法绘制出45个序列的系统发育树.研究认为:普氏野马与蒙古马遗传关系较近;蒙古马具有多个起源或经过多次驯化;蒙古马、日本家马和韩国Cheju马具有共同的祖先.  相似文献   


回顾了我军医学情报工作的发展过程及取得的成绩, 阐述了军事医学情报工作的地位与作用,分析了我军医学




许多学者认为麦作在南方的推广,出现在南北朝时期。究其原因,主要是北方人口大量南迁,人口的增长以及饮食的需求,增加了对麦类的需求,促进了麦作在南方的推广。不过,从最近长沙地区出土的走马楼吴简来看,早在三国时期,麦作已经在长沙地区得到推广,其原因是南北军事对峙期间,喂养战马的需要,促进了麦作在这一地区的推广。  相似文献   

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