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新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情对中国水产养殖产业、水产品流通和消费造成了严重的影响,特别是特色水产品养殖和销售尤为严重,而且影响还在进一步延伸。为了了解新冠肺炎疫情对美洲鲥整个产业链的影响,本调研组于2020年10月采用实地走访、电话网络采访和座谈等形式对美洲鲥主产区——长三角地区的技术服务人员、养殖户、商贩、外销主要经销大户等进行调研,收集和分析了疫情时期美洲鲥的繁育、养殖、流通、餐饮等领域的现实状况和存在问题,探究了疫情防控对美洲鲥产业影响的成因。针对当前美洲鲥产业中突出问题,提出了相关建议:引导消费市场、降低上市规格;创新营销模式、激活家庭烹饪;研发高抗品种、转变养殖模式;加强技术培训、引导绿色发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss how community relational economic practices in virtual spaces are effective in building resilience because they are borne of and sustained by familiar traditional Fijian values of collective work and social interdependence. The researchers adopted a pandemic-induced methodology, conducting online-based talanoa (fluid conversations between two or more people) with a number of people leading, or involved in, these initiatives. We also engaged with online community groups behind a number of initiatives. Examples are provided of online crowdfunding, livestreaming of concerts to solicit donations, and bartering facilitated by social media sites. To conclude, we stress the enduring nature of communal bonds and traditional systems which Pacific people readily adapt and translate into different forums and forms in the face of challenges such as the restrictions and financial hardships caused by COVID-19. The findings highlight that solesolevaki – a tradition of working together for a common cause – can also occur in the digital era: this demonstrates the deep connection of Fijian peoples and their sense of obligation to one another and to their culture, regardless of where they are in the world.  相似文献   

Later-life migrants, as older people living away from their home nations, occupy multiply-precarious positions in relation to national COVID-19 pandemic responses. Concern has particularly centred on this group's increased risk of social and linguistic exclusion. We explore the perspectives of later-life older Chinese and Koreans living in New Zealand during the nation's COVID-19 lockdown of 2020. This paper presents a sub-analysis of culturally-matched interviews conducted with 3 Korean and 5 Chinese later-life migrants. These participants are a sub-sample of a larger qualitative interview study comprising 44 interviews. A social capital approach has been used to aid conceptualisation of participants' experiences and a reflexive thematic approach guided analysis. Despite their underrepresentation in national response efforts, Chinese and Korean later-life migrants resourcefully participated in ethnically-specific pandemic initiatives. Three themes identified were: (1) taking it seriously (2) already digitally literate (3) challenges and difficulties. Older Asian migrants engaged in a range of creative strategies to stay connected during COVID-19 lockdowns which drew heavily on pre-existing social capital. Future pandemic responses should seek to improve connectedness between the national government COVID-19 response and older Korean and Chinese later-life migrants.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情期间各高校大力推动在线教学,以黑龙江八一农垦大学“生物学基础”课程为例,探讨在新冠肺炎疫情下基于中国大学慕课平台的校内SPOC+QQ屏幕分享的线上教学方式。  相似文献   

Due to the importance of common bean angular leaf spotin the state of Minas Gerais-Brazil and to the greatvariability of the pathogen, Phaeoisariopsisgriseola, monitoring races becomes an important toolfor breeding programs aiming at genetic resistance.The pathogenic variability of 30 isolates of the P. griseola, collected from various locations in thestate of Minas Gerais, was studied using the followingcommon bean differential series (Don Timóteo,Bolón Bayo, Montcalm, G 5686, Amendoin, G 11796,BAT 332, PAN 72, Cornell 49-242, México 54, Florde Mayo and G 2858). The first trifoliate leaf wasinoculated with a 2 × 104 conidia/mL. Plants weremaintained at 20–22 °C and 95% relativehumidity for 48 hours. Symptom evaluation wasperformed 15 days after inoculation. Thirteen raceswere identified demonstrating the wide geneticvariability of the pathogen in the state of MinasGerais. Race 63.63 was the most virulent, whereas race63.23 was the most frequent (10 of 30 isolates), beingwidely distributed among the regions studied. Thevirulence phenotype indicated that the races studiedbelonged to the Mesoamerican group, which wasconfirmed when the 30 isolates were compared to Andeanand Mesoamerican standards using RAPD markers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the geography of finance in the globalising knowledge‐based economy, characterised by the proliferation of information and communication technology. More specifically, the paper aims to examine the “locational structure” of financial services in such an economy and its implications for uneven regional development in Europe. In doing so, the paper engages with the concept of “space of flows” and several other theoretical approaches concerned with the geography of advanced producer services and finance. It argues that while such approaches provide a useful starting point, they need be developed further in order to inform an understanding of both the nature and the dynamics of the “locational structure” of financial services and its implications for regional economic development. This point is illustrated in the case of Ireland, focusing on “domestic” banking institutions and “international” financial services operating there. The paper concludes that while “space of flows” provides a useful metaphor for approaching the geography of financial services and other knowledge intensive business services, the conceptual and analytical emphasis should shift towards the “flows of value” that ultimately impinge upon the fortunes of cities and regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents a contemporary survey and synthesis of research on the regional dimensions of technology and competitiveness and explores ways in which technological change has influenced industrial restructuring in U.S. regions. Neoclassical models of regional growth are judged to be seriously wanting in their treatment of technological change. Industrial organization theories such as product/profit cycles, best-practice firms, and flexible specialization have proven to be more illuminating. However, the task remains to integrate technology as a core element in a geography of production and regional economic change that includes both global strategic decision-making of companies and the viability of plants in particular regional settings. Although the federal government as sponsor and procurer of technology has contributed significantly to regional industrial restructuring, the prospects for state and local governments to facilitate technological change appear to be very limited.  相似文献   

Yield is influenced by the length of the growing season, which is affected by weather conditions and management practices of a crop, including sowing dates and shifting of cultivars. It is necessary to understand the effects of agronomic management practices and weather variables on phenological stages and crop phases in order to develop strategies for adaptation of agricultural systems to changes in climatic conditions. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of warming trends on phenology of canola from 1980 to 2014 for central and southern Punjab, Pakistan. Sowing, emergence, anthesis and physiological maturity dates were delayed by an average of 6.02, 3.14, 3.31 and 1.89 days per decade, respectively. The duration of sowing to anthesis, sowing to physiological maturity and anthesis to physiological maturity phases decreased an average 2.71, 4.13 and 1.42 days per decade, respectively, for all 10 locations that were analysed in this study. The sowing, emergence, anthesis and physiological maturity dates were positively correlated with an increase in temperature by an average 2.71, 1.41, 1.49 and 0.85 days per °C, respectively. However, the phenological phases such as sowing to anthesis, anthesis to maturity and sowing to maturity were negatively correlated with an increase in temperature by an average of 1.22, 0.64 and 1.86 days per °C, respectively, for all 10 locations. Applying a process‐based CSM‐CROPGRO‐Canola model using a standard cultivar (field tested) for all locations and years indicated that the simulated phenological stages occurred earlier due to the warming trend compared to the observed phenological stages. One‐quarter of the negative effects of this thermal trend was compensated by growing new cultivars that had higher thermal time requirements. Therefore, new canola genotypes with a higher number of growing degree day requirement and high temperature tolerance should be a priority for evolving new cultivars.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wildlife management, surface mining, and regional planning historically have had conflicting missions. The cooperative public/private venture which created the Robinson Forest and Cyprus-Amax Wildlife Management Areas is presented as an example of how a regional perspective encourages a symbiotic relationship among these Functions. Wildlife management areas, as either an interim or final land use. are shown to incorporate development concepts which benefit the general public, the coal industry, and the environment. Examining the regional pattern or wildlife management areas and refuges confirms the appropriateness of the subject site for this use. It is suggested that the pattern of mined lands can be studied to identify other sites with potential to provide linkages between wildlife habitat areas and encourage reclamation of such sites to the “fish and wildlife” postmining land use. Such reclamation strategies should be pursued within a long-term planning framework. More research is needed to recreate specific habitat types on drastically disturbed land and planning is needed to assure that sensitive habitats or species arc located away from zones likely to undergo future development. Use of geographic information systems to integrate existing environmental information could make such studies more effective.  相似文献   

The Lr19 translocation was introgressed from Thinopyrum ponticum in 1966. It has not been used in wheat breeding in many countries despite it being an excellent source of leaf rust resistance as it carries an undesirable gene(s) coding for yellow endosperm pigmentation. A shortened form, Lr19-149, was since produced and lacks the yellow pigment genes. A yield trial with near isogenic lines of both the original and shortened translocations suggested that Lr19 may cause a small reduction in kernel size and anincrease in loaf volume, effects which are not associated with Lr19-149. In Lr19-149 heterozygotes the translocation generally showed reduced pollen transmission whereas its transmission through egg cells was mostly normal. An attempt to shorten Lr19-149 through allosyndetic recombination in the absence of Ph1b produced four recombinants which were characterized by means of RFLP and AFLP polymorphisms and physically mapped with a set of 27 deletion lines. In three recombinants (252, 299 and 462) Thinopyrum chromatin proximally to Lr19 was exchanged for wheat chromatin. In one recombinant (478) chromatin distally from Lr19 was replaced. Based on physical map distance estimates it appears that the Lr19 translocation in the shortest recombinant (299) may have been reduced to about one third or less of its original size. It may now be possible to obtain a further, albeit relatively small, decrease in the size of the translocation through homologous crossover between recombinants 299 and 478. Similar to Lr19-149, the new recombinants show self elimination in heterozygotes and they have apparently retained the Sd2 locus. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Input-output models are frequently used to estimate impacts, benefits or damages from some event. These analytic models and the questions they are designed to answer are usually based on political definitions of regions. However the true impacts propagate according to the actual spatial pattern of the regional economy. Because of the divergence between the political regions used for analysis and the economic regions on the ground, the economic impacts which spill over political boundaries can sometimes become analytically important. This paper applies these concepts to a case study of allocating irrigation water from the Pecos River in Texas and New Mexico. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that New Mexico used water belonging to Texas. Our analysis suggests that the spillover benefits to Texas from New Mexico's use of the water might equal or exceed the benefits which Texas would have gotten from using the water itself. Texas might be better off because New Mexico took its water.  相似文献   

Large dams are a dramatic intervention affecting ecosystems, livelihoods and resource use, notably in upland areas. Dams are significant, both in terms of their scale of impact and due to their role in appropriating part of the upland resource base for mainly lowland and urban beneficiaries. Whereas in the past the tensions associated with impact of dams in Southeast Asia have been played out within national borders, mainly in Thailand, the new impetus for dam construction reflects an internationalised agenda — namely integration of the mainland Southeast Asian regional resource economy. This paper examines the background to large dam construction in mainland Southeast Asia, current and projected developments, and their implications in a number of arenas. Case studies from Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam illustrate the main points. It is shown that political­economic restructuring associated with the changing geopolitics of the region is a major influence on the revived agenda for large dam construction, and that such restructuring modulates the direct and indirect impacts of dams at local, national and regional levels.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between ethnicity and regional economic transformation in Slovakia. It takes as its focus the position of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia in the uneven process of regional change. The paper places these issues within the context of struggles over ethnicity and ‘nation’ in post‐independence Slovakia. The paper argues that ethnicity has been a thoroughly contested issue since the collapse of ‘communism’ in Slovakia and a variety of struggles have been waged over enhancing the rights and position of the Hungarian minority population. The concentration of the Hungarian minority in the southern Slovak border regions with Hungary is examined within the context of the uneven economic impacts of the ‘transition to capitalism’. It is argued that, while the economic decline seen in many of these ‘Hungarian’ regions has impacted negatively on the local populations, the roots of these changes lie within the ways in which such regions were integrated into the state socialist regional division of labor. In particular, the role of peripheral industrialization in such regions prior to 1989, in attempting to reduce economic differences among various ethnic groups, resulted in the establishment of branch plant economies which have had difficulty in surviving since 1989. It is therefore the interweaving of the economics of regional decline and the politics of ethnicity that help us to understand the complex place of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia.  相似文献   

This paper applies a semi-logarithmic hedonic model to a sample of 1,115 households drawn from low-, moderate-, and upper-income regions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in order to measure household valuations of a variety of dwelling attributes. The results: 1) allow an assessment of the predictive power of the hedonic function; 2) enable a determination of whether the data provide sufficient information on housing conditions in Rio to make hedonic estimations worthwhile; and 3) provide an important spatial dimension which is useful in evaluating the relative importance of a variety of housing attributes to households located across income sub-regions in Rio. The study demonstrates the need to strategically design housing projects that are consistent with the preference structures of intended beneficiaries. This, in turn, should facilitate the design of more efficient and equitable cost recovery affordable housing programs in developing countries.  相似文献   

1 基本情况 山西省地处黄河中游东岸,黄土高原东部,太行山以西,介于34°34'~40°43'E,110°14'~114°33'N之间.属中纬度大陆性季风气候区,其气候特点是季风显著,雨热同期,光照充足,雨水较少,四季分明.年平均温度3.7~13.8 ℃.≥10℃活动积温2 000~4 600 ℃,无霜期110~220 d,年降雨量400~650 mm.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, a formal model for the relationship between innovation and growth in European Union regions is developed drawing upon the theoretical contribution of the systems of innovation approach. The model combines the analytical approach of the regional growth models with the insights of the systemic approach. The cross‐sectional analysis, covering all the Enlarged Europe (EU‐25) regions (for which data are available), shows that regional innovative activities (for which a specific measure is developed) play a significant role in determining differential regional growth patterns. Furthermore, the model sheds light on how geographical accessibility and human capital accumulation, by shaping the regional system of innovation, interact (in a statistically significant way) with local innovative activities, thus allowing them to be more (or less) effectively translated into economic growth. The paper shows that an increase in innovative effort is not necessarily likely to produce the same effect in all EU‐25 regions. Indeed, the empirical analysis suggests that in order to allow innovative efforts in peripheral regions to be as productive as in core areas, they need to be complemented by huge investments in human capital.  相似文献   

This article examines social deprivation at a regional scale using the case of Guangdong province, China. Counties, county‐level cities, and districts of prefecture cities are selected as the units of analysis. At the provincial level, a significant variation is found in terms of the social deprivation index, showing a pattern of increasing deprivation from the core of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) to the peripheral areas of Guangdong province. In the PRD, social development conditions are significantly different among these units, whereas the level of economic development is less differentiated. Social deprivation in urban areas is considerably lower than in rural areas. The differences between cities are significant, showing a bifurcation trend, whereas rural areas seem to be similar. Social disparities in Guangdong province are derived from unequal economic growth as well as social and regional policies.  相似文献   

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